Master thesis topic connected with WebRTC [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am student and I'd like to write my master thesis about WebRTC. I wish that it would be connected with media (e.g. video codecs). Unfortunately the only supported video codec in WebRTC is V8. During last couple of days I was searching documentation and internet and I could not find anything which would be suitable for master thesis. Maybe you guys, have some interesting ideas?

Have a look at the WebRTC google group topics filtered with video codec.
Because I wrote my bachelor thesis about WebRTC & SIP I know that WebRTC supported video codec isn't only VP8. It pepends on the codec availibility at the clients (for example two browsers).
The process of Session Description Protocol (SDP) exchange takes care of the finally used media codecs.
Currently there isn't a lot of documentation or litature of WebRTC. I got the most information out of different RFCs at the IETF.


Is socketio good to use in production website [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I want to do some real-time operations in my backend. In the past, I used the pusher for real-time operations. But its cost is huge. So, I am thinking about using the socket IO itself. Before using it, I thought about asking for it in the stackoverflow community. So, what do you guys suggest? Is it suitable for use on a production server? is already used in production by many big companies for products including Trello, Microsoft Office, Yammer, and Zendesk.
As #Tintin said, it's also very popular on GitHub and NPM. on Github has:
56.2k stars
1.6k watching
10k forks
On npm, it shows more than 4.5 million weekly downloads.
So yeah, I would say a pretty solid choice for production, provided, as with any software, you use it wisely.

HTML5 JavaScript API / getUserMedia - best way to store a video + audio snapshots when user speaks [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am interested what is the best solution, and how to store short video+audio snapshots, only for moments when user speaks.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
If you are looking for a cross browser solution!
Unfortunately there is none...
You have to use flash + js fallback for modern browsers
I have searched for a solution for this my self few weeks ago and eventually used the HDFVR cam which has a flash recorder with js fallback for mobile
There are few ways record video + audio in html5 that are not that simple as it sounds
As Arjit said webRTC is the best and solution for now but not capable with all browsers
It supports FF Video + Audio recording
Chrome Video and Audio as divided tracks and then you need to decode them together
About opera and IE no better solutions
So as i said i have used HDFVR for this with a RED5 server
The best solution i've found so far

Windows 8 application online data [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create an application for Windows 8 using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. It is a game and after playing, you have the opportunity to send your score. You also can view all the scores sent by other players.
Where should I store all the scores so they can be accessed from any device? How could I implement this using WinJS?
If you're using HTML/JavaScript directly, then I recommend you use Azure Mobile Services or Azure Mobile Services is gaining a lot of traction and fits in very nicely with Windows apps for sure. It's a little bit lower level than, so it will give you more power. sort of packages and simplifies a lot of things for you and is a good fit for social games like it sounds like you're talking about.
You can checkout my codeshow project at if you want to get some general "how to" on HTML/JS apps and you can feel free to contact me if I can help you get started.
Have fun!

What are some popular web media players out there? Also, are they able to support .mpeg or .avi files? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a media player to implement into my website. What are some of the popular options out there today? I need the media player to play video specifically .mpeg, .mpeg4 or .avi.
Is that possible or will I have to convert .avi/.mpeg to .wma (I found Yahoo web media player and it seems alright besides the fact that I have to convert all my video files).
here is a link that tells you all about video formats for websites and browser compatibility

Who's using the Justin TV API? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We're looking at providing some live peer to peer video in sections of our site and have been playing with the API from Justin.TV for a couple of weeks now. There are some alternatives like Ustream and Livestream, but JTV looks like the only free platform with an open API.
Development has been smooth for basic stuff like broadcasting and consuming video feeds and the price is right so I can't complain, but support is limited and there are not many developer resources when you get into the rest of the API.
There is lightweight API documentation here, with a few examples:
There is a Google Group here, although activity is very limited:
Is anyone else in the SO community using JTV?
The end of the story is that closed off a major portion of their API today making it unsuitable for my purposes.
Many of the entries in the gallery have been offline for weeks
There is little to no activity on the Google group (above)
There do not seem to be many (any) other developers on SO using it... a pretty telling sign.
I would advise anyone considering using JTV as an application platform to evaluate other options.

