You are running a Trial version of SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Question regarding to nopCommerce website.
I have created a ECommerce website using nopCommerce.
nopCommerce is a open source ECommerce web application.
SevenSpikes providing a plug-ins for nopCommerce web site.
I'm using two free version plug-ins from SevenSpikes. But the plugin throwing an error on every third to fourth of reload of website. The error as
'You are running a Trial version of SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu'
'You are running a Trial version of SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.InstantSearch'
I had checked the network and console using Developer tools in browser, but every thing is fine. I think plug-in [authors of plugin] is intentionally showing an error on every third to fourth reload of the page.
I'm doing it in localhost, but here is the sample url has same issue. [Re-Load 3 to 4 times]
Any one has any thoughts to solve this error is very useful.

From nop forum:
Please note that the trial version of the Menu is for evaluation
purposes only. We understand that the trial message could be
frustrating during development and we will consider showing it less
often. As you have already started to modify the styles of the Menu
then it seems like you are going to use the plugin, so it would be
best for you to get the full version now rather than later and get rid
of the trial message.
So if you want to remove trial warnings, buy the full licence.


what are the typical reasons a plugin for woocommerce will not work with a wordpress theme? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i bought a plugin for woocommerce. it doesn't work of course, and the developer simply says "your wordpress theme is the problem, pay me to fix it". i've tested the obvious: do i have wp_head(); and wp_footer(); working; do i have any jquery issues (nope), am i using the correct version of jquery (yup), are all files being served from woocommerce into footer or head (yup), do i see obvious jquery or javascript issues when i view in firebug (nope).
so i am somewhat new to woocommerce. new to the point of using a ton of different plugins for functionality that should really be baked in (cough cough). so i am just reaching out to those who have years experience with woocomm and wordpress to see if i can craft a list or ideas that you've known to cause custom wp themes.
i appreciate your time and energy reviewing and offering your help with this.
Nothing should be baked into either WordPress or WooCommerce, really. Tens of thousands of programming hours went into those two pieces of software which you are benefiting from, free of charge.
You can read their licence here.
However, you should ask for your money back from the plugin developers as they should have clearly stated the conditions for their plugin to work, since it is a premium plugin.
Most certainly, you should not consider paying them for installing the plugin and you should demand firmly that it was their responsibility to inform you about any limitations their software might have had from performing the tasks they claim it performs.
As a side-note, most WooCommerce plugins require your theme to be WooCommerce compatible.
Edit: A full list of steps you need to take in order to add WooCommerce compatibility to any theme can be found here.
And here are the WC docs on theme compatibility with the plugin.

chrome, firefox and safari page looks different [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made a site using a template someone else purchased and I made modifications to it quickly and uploaded it splurg .co
I am working on the live app and have been away from webDev for a while and would love to know why on my system in three different browsers the page seems to react differently. And what I can do to figure out how to fix each page / or my setup ?
the page in question and on my chrome does not show a backgoround image and in firefox it renders.
I am curious on how I can figure this out myself, I've look at dev tools and it appears to get the image just never loads it.
Since I checked the site at work using chrome ( and it worked there ) I added an screenshot, since it seems to just fail on my own personal system and no where else ?
This is a very common issue with different browsers. A google search on cross browser compatibility will give you a lot of reading material as well as resources to help solve the issue. Different browsers use different parsers and rendering engines. As such, different browsers yield different results of the same website. That is why IE is one of the most hated browsers by web developers. It usually has to do with CSS. For example, some CSS properties are not honored in certain browsers and sometimes you have to prefix the property with browser specific prefix to make it work like -moz-box-sizing Notice the -moz- prefix.
Also, if your template is using CSS3 that is a whole another bag of worms. Hope it was helpful and happy coding.

Having issue in JavaScript and PHP Code [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a issue in my website ( My website was working fine few days ago then suddenly javascript is not working on my website. And php code is displayed in textboxes.
I developed my website in wordpress.
For php code i am using plugin "Allow PHP in Posts and Pages"
I am giving you couple of suggestions, have a look into them-
If any page template, then check the PHP code. Mainly, start and end.
If your page in page (dashboard>pages). I mean value printed using
any plugin, then you deleted that plugin which was printing the value
in your input field.
If your page created using any form plugin. Then check the form plugin. Is it deactivated or not?
Open console in Chrome and you will see: Uncaught TypeError:
jQuery(...).on is not a function - is the reason, why javascript is
not working (I am adding #deniskoronets comment here)
Also use $.noConflict() or jQuery.noConflict() in your scripts
BTW, If you want best answer then you need to post more clue/information.

Mysql database made scolling get stuck [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building a website and started with this scrolling system, then I added a mysql database but when I get to the pages where he has to scroll it jams. I inspected the element an I can see there are errors but I don't know how to fix them, im very desperate and hopefully someone knows how to fix this problem. The page where the scrolling jammed is: at least that is one of the pages but it is all the same problem on the other pages.
Hopefully this should guide you a bit. I did two things but you'll have to figure the rest it.
1. Checked out the errors that are created:
2. Then I did a quick google search since I don't use jQuery that often.
I'm thinking the browser stopped executing your javascript because of errors in your code. I don't MySQL has anything to do with it.
I did not go through your code.

Javascript inconsistent behavior when website is deployed [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have an ASP.NET MVC website and the problem we have is this:
When the website is deployed, we see some strange Javascript related bugs, that never occur when running the website locally (on any of our computers).
For example:
An accordion menu opens and closes itself immediately when clicked, instead of just remaining open normally.
Some links that have their click event handled by Javascript suddenly ignore the event handlers, and just do nothing when clicked.
We have checked the files on our integration machine, and checked the build process many times, and we deploy the correct version of the files each time.
Where else could we check to fix this issue?
Any and all suggestions are welcome !
Thanks everyone !
We use Cassette for bundling our scripts, and as it turns out, I didn't notice that when we deploy, the cassette obtains one the the javascript files using a url.
That url pointed to a script we no longer use, and that was the cause for all of the weird bugs.
Thanks again.

