I need to Render GEO cities on chart using highchart javascript library. Is it possible with highgchart. By using google chating library it is possible but I need to implement chart using highchart.
I found it is possible using google charts:
but need to do same using highchart. Any idea?
I am making a component in Vue.js and I aim to make a reactive component as shown in the image. I don't know how D3.js works, if it is possible to achieve using D3.js then I will learn.
My requirement is:
When I click on any of the pie in the pie chart, the corresponding data related to that should be shown in different SVG. Is it possible to implement using D3.js
If this is possible with any other open-source library, please feel free to mention it.
From what i saw, these are the supported embedded charts : https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/charts/chart-type
Inserting one of these chart type is easy but my goal is to insert a geo chart in spreadsheet. It is possible manually, but i don't know how to do this programaticly. I red that Geo charts are supported in Google Charts : https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart
Maybe i should use google visualization api?
I was able to get drill down functionality using google charts api working. So basically in my view class, I have javascript which loads the google charts library and draws a pie chart.
On that pie chart selection handler, i do an Ajax call which generates a datatable and draw another chart for me.
I could not figure out how to implement a drill up using google charts. Basically I want to get the drill up functionality as same as HighCharts provide, I cannot use highcharts as it is licensed.
Can someone post some examples or ideas on how to get drill up working using google charts ?Basically i want a button to the top right corner of my level 2 pie chart and when i click that button it should take me to level 1 pie chart.
Thanks so much for your help!
I could able to display the chart using google api, but unable to print using javascript. The chart I am printing is using the tags with id="chart_div". Please help.
Does any one know if it is possible to use the Default Google Scatter Chart in the Google Visualizations Gallery to draw a scatter chart that has both a series with points only, a series with a line of best fit and on top of this a set of lines across the chart indicating limits. i.e. at +/- 20% etc.
The chart we need is actually a Control Chart with multiple series and individual formatting of each series displayed on the chart. i.e some series with only points other series with a line of best fit.
Does any one know of a Control Chart that has already been done using the Google Visualization API?
After working with the google visualization api for a while and searching the web I would have to say that the answer here is no.
You would have to build your own custom chart and from working with the api for a while I would rather do this with another charting library like jqPlot.
You can make separate line sets in the google scatterchart. The examples are on the scatterchart page.