HTML automatic site login filling. value with no parameters - javascript

The website im trying to login to has the following username field
<input type="text" id="inputEmailHandle" name="inputEmailHandle" value>
Im using Zombie Headless browser and nodejs, Zombie cannot find the input field named "inputEmailHandle" so i cannot automatically log in, i think its because of the value>
is there anyway i can get around it? or does anyone know a good way to do this with javascript and nodeJS?
ps the website im trying to log into is craigslist
Here's the code
var Browser = require("zombie");
var assert = require("assert");
browser = new Browser()
browser.visit("", function () {
fill("inputEmailHandle", "").
fill("inputPassword", "password").
pressButton("button", function() {
console.log("LOGGED INNNNN!!!");

The website is running iso-8859-1 encoding, which is apparently not supported by zombie... that is why its not finding anything


Mail Rules with javascript instead of applescript

In a Mac mail rule, I am trying to run a javascript instead of an applescript. This has been asked in Mail Rules using JavaScript for Automation instead of AppleScript but the answer is not working for me!
I have tried to simplify the code as much as I can. So, the following applescript works fine:
on perform mail action with messages theMessages
say "running!"
end perform mail action with messages
but the equivalent javascript is not working.
function performMailActionWithMessages(messages) {
app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
app.say ("running")
Here are my rule parameters
I do it without getting app. Try something like…
// ObjC.import('Cocoa')
var program="/usr/bin/say"
function performMailActionWithMessages(messages) {
function say(what){
var command = program + " '"+what+"'"
I’m not sure you need cocoa. You probably need stdlib.

Is it possible to send a key code to an application that is not in front?

I'm writing a simple Automator script in Javascript.
I want to send a key-code(or key-storke) to an OS X application that is not in front.
Basically, I want to run this code and do my things while the script opens a certain application, write text, and hit enter - all of this without bothering my other work.
I want something like this:
Application("System Events").processes['someApp'].windows[0].textFields[0].keyCode(76);
In Script Dictionary, there is keyCode method under Processes Suite.
The above code, however, throws an error that follows:
execution error: Error on line 16: Error: Named parameters must be passed as an object. (-2700)
I understand that the following code works fine, but it require the application to be running in front:
// KeyCode 76 => "Enter"
Application("System Events").keyCode(76);
UPDATE: I'm trying to search something on iTunes(Apple Music). Is this possible without bringing iTunes app upfront?
It's possible to write text in application that is not in front with the help of the GUI Scripting (accessibility), but :
You need to know what UI elements are in the window of your specific
application, and to know the attributes and properties of the
specific element.
You need to add your script in the System Preferences --> Security
& Privacy --> Accessibility.
Here's a sample script (tested on macOS Sierra) to write some text at the position of the cursor in the front document of the "TextEdit" application.
Application("System Events").processes['TextEdit'].windows[0].scrollAreas[0].textAreas[0].attributes["AXSelectedText"].value = "some text" + "\r" // r is the return KEY
To send some key code to a background application, you can use the CGEventPostToPid() method of the Carbon framework.
Here's the script to search some text in iTunes (Works on my computer, macOS Sierra and iTunes Version 10.6.2).
iPid = Application("System Events").processes['iTunes'].unixId()
searchField = Application("System Events").processes['iTunes'].windows[0].textFields[0]
delay(0.1) // increase it, if no search
searchField.focused = true
delay(0.3) // increase it, if no search
searchField.value = "world" // the searching text
delay(0.1) // increase it, if no search
// ** carbon methods to send the enter key to a background application ***
enterDown = $.CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent($(), 76, true);
enterUp = $.CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent($(), 76, false);
$.CGEventPostToPid(iPid, enterDown);
$.CGEventPostToPid(iPid, enterUp);

Enable users of a WebRtc app to download webrtc logs via javascript

I've seen the following:
However I'm looking for a way to let users click a button from within the web app to either download or - preferably - POST WebRtc logs to an endpoint baked into the app. The idea is that I can enable non-technical users to share technical logs with me through the click of a UI button.
How can this be achieved?
Note: This should not be dependent on Chrome; Chromium will also be used as the app will be wrapped up in Electron.
You need to write a javascript equivalent that captures all RTCPeerConnection API calls. rtcstats.js does that but sends all data to a server. If you replace that behaviour with storing it in memory you should be good.
This is what I ended up using (replace knockout with underscore or whatever):
connectionReport.signalingState = connection.signalingState;
connectionReport.stats = [];
connection.getStats(function (stats) {
const reportCollection = stats.result();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(reportCollection, function (innerReport) {
const statReport = {}; =;
statReport.type = innerReport.type;
const keys = innerReport.names();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(keys, function (reportKey) {
statReport[reportKey] = innerReport.stat(reportKey);
It appears that this getStats mechanism is soon-to-be-deprecated.
Reading through js source of chrome://webrtc-internals, I noticed that the web page is using a method called chrome.send() to send messages like chrome.send('enableEventLogRecordings');, to execute logging commands.
According to here:
chrome.send() is a private function only available to internal chrome
so the function is sandboxed which makes accessing to it not possible

How to create ActiveX object in

How can i create ActiveX Object in java script using i need requirements to create that ActiveX object if i use any DLL to create that object and how can i create can anyone provide description of to create ActiveX object
My Tried code is:
<script lang="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function getSize()
var oas = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var d = document.getElementById('b').value;
var e = oas.getFile(d);
var f = e.size;
function checkFileType()
var path = document.getElementById('file1').value;
var Index = path.lastIndexOf(".");
var length = path.length;
var filetype = path.substring(Index,length)
if ((filetype == ".doc") ||(filetype == ".pdf") ||(filetype == ".jpg") ||(filetype == ".gif") ||(filetype == ".xls")||(filetype==".odt"))
var x = getSize(); if (x > 5242880)
alert('only upto 5 MB file is allowed');
return false;
alert('Only .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .xls is allowed');return false;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<input type="file" name="b" id="file1" onchange="return checkFileType();" />
In the above code i am getting this line in code
" var oas = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");" getting Exception is "0x800a01ad - JavaScript runtime error: Automation server can't create object".
Can anyone tell me to how can i create ActiveX object properly and what i need setting and which DLL's i use and all can anyone help me out.
Thank You
This validation is not a supported method in all the browsers.
Anyway, for IE9 or below (where .files is not supported) you can use this. To use this method, you will need to enable activex object in IE.
Go to Internet Options->Security Tab. Select trusted website, and click Sites button. It will give you an option to add the url. Add the url of your site, and save. Then click on the button saying "custom levels". It will open a list of options. Find the one saying "Initialize and script activex controls not marked as safe" and enable it.
Save and close the dialog boxes, and refresh your webpage.
Few notes:
This is extremely unsecure method, so I would suggest improving compatibility and saying no to anything below IE9.
Secondly, this is something you have to enable on every single user's machine. Otherwise, that line will always throw an exception.
So, if you have to stick to IE8 or lower, and have control over your userbase, then only use this. Otherwise, just use flash upload method for IE browsers. Your users might hate installing flash, but there is nothing you can do.
P.S. I was doing this same thing about an hour ago. Lucky for you, I did all the research. :)
Edit: On a secondary note, can someone help me figure out how to get rid of XML dataislands without major rewrite? That is the only thing stopping me from saying goodbye to IE6.

Meteor: Authenticating Chrome Extension via DDP

I've built a Chrome Extension that takes a selection of text and when I right click and choose the context menu item, it sends that text to my Meteor app. This works fine, however, I can't figure out the process of using Oauth to authenticate users.
I'm using this package:
Here is the JS within background.js (for Chrome Extension):
var ddp = new MeteorDdp("ws://localhost:3000/websocket");
ddp.connect().then(function() {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {'transferSnippet', ['snippetContent', 'tag', snippetString]);
Here is the relevant portion of my other JS file within my Chrome Extension:
function genericOnClick(info) {
snippetString = [];
var snippetTag = prompt('tag this thing')
And here is the relevant portion of my Meteor app:
'transferSnippet': function(field1, field2, value1, value2) {
var quickObject = {};
quickObject.field1 = value1[0];
quickObject.field2 = value1[1];
snippetContent: value1[0],
tag: value1[1]
Basically I'm stuck and don't know how to go about making a DDP call that will talk to my Meteor app in order to authenticate a user
This question is a bit old, but if anyone is still looking for a solution. I had a similar problem that I was able to solve using the following plugin: Here is an example of how to do it for twitter oauth:

