Override event properties - javascript

How can I override event properties? The reason I'm doing this is because I want to override properties like pageX on mouse event and that property is read-only.
I first tried this
context.addEventListener(type, function (e) {
var Event;
Event = function () {
this.pageX = pageX;
this.pageY = pageY;
this.preventDefault = function () {
this.stopPropagation = function () {
this.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
Event.prototype = e;
callback.call(context, new Event());
}, false);
Unfortunately, it's too good to be true. It's not working on some browsers (Chrome at least). Property pageX cannot be set because read-only state is somehow inherited from event object.
Then I tried
context.addEventListener(type, function (e) {
var evt = {},
for (i in e) {
if (e.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
evt[i] = e[i];
evt.pageX = pageX;
evt.pageY = pageY;
evt.preventDefault = function () {
evt.stopPropagation = function () {
evt.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
callback.call(context, evt);
}, false);
This one works, but is about 100 times slower than first method. I really would not want to go this way or I will feel bad every time I use it.
I considered about giving up. I could just add property like pointX to original event and add value of pageX there. Then again, if some browser decides to add property pointX and make it read-only, all my code will be broken.
Any advice would be most welcome.
Update: Now it works thanks to Esailija! I add solution here below.
document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
var Event = function () {};
Event.prototype = e;
Event = new Event();
Object.defineProperty(Event, 'pageX', {
value: 999
}, false);

Property pageX cannot be set because read-only state is somehow inherited from event object.
You can overrule that assignment behavior by using Object.defineProperty.
And instead of the custom, only once used constructor you should go for Object.create. It even has a second argument that works like defineProperties, so you can shorten your code to
context.addEventListener(type, function (e) {
callback.call(context, Object.create(e, {
pageX: {value: pageX /* configurable, enumerable, writable? */},
pageY: {value: pageY /* configurable, enumerable, writable? */}
// I'd guess you don't even need the explicit "super" calls
// for preventDefault, stopPropagation and stopImmediatePropagation
}, false);

I don't see the benefit in creating a new class/function from scratch with every event that will get fired. You could simply write a wrapper class.
.addEventListener('click', click);
function click(e) {
var wrapper = new EventWrapper(e);
function EventWrapper(event) {
this.pointX = event.pageX;
this.pointY = event.pageY;
this.originalEvent = event;


Not Stopping Propagation with Web Audio API [duplicate]

I want to have a onkeydown event fire a function only once. for that function to fire again, the user has to release the key and press/hold again.
I know its fairly simple but I'm new at JS. Also I prefer to avoid using jQuery or other libs.
One more thing, this should work for both ie and firefox.
I'm surprised it's not mentioned, there's also event.repeat:
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.repeat) return;
This will only fire once per each keypress, since event.repeat turns true after holding the key down.
You could set a flag:
var fired = false;
element.onkeydown = function() {
if(!fired) {
fired = true;
// do something
element.onkeyup = function() {
fired = false;
Or unbind and rebind the event handler (might be better):
function keyHandler() {
this.onkeydown = null;
// do something
element.onkeydown = keyHandler;
element.onkeyup = function() {
this.onkeydown = keyHandler;
More information about "traditional" event handling.
You might also want to use addEventListener and attachEvent to bind the event handlers. For more information about that, have a look at quirksmode.org - Advanced event registration models.
There's a "once" parameter you can use
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
}, {once: true});
It'll remove it as soon as it's been called.
Alternatively you can use removeEventListener if it's a named function
Here is a method that uses addEventListener and removeEventListener
var textBox = document.getElementById("textBox");
function oneKeyDown(){
$("body").append("<h1>KeyDown<h1>"); //just to show the keypress
textBox.removeEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
function bindKeyDown(){
textBox.addEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
textBox.addEventListener('keyup', bindKeyDown, false)
Code example on jsfiddle.
One note, for IE you will need to use attachEvent, detachEvent.
Here you go:
test.onkeydown = function() {
if ( this.className === 'hold' ) { return false; }
this.className = 'hold';
// call your function here
test.onkeyup = function() {
this.className = '';
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/simevidas/xAReL/2/
JQuery's one will help you.
What it does is, bind the eventHandler to event, and when event occurs, it runs the eventHandler and unbinds it, so that its not fired at next event.
as stated in the other answers, there is no 'onkeyfirstdown' or similar event to listen for.
the best solution is to keep track of which keys are already down in a js-object:
var keysdown = {};
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) {
if(!(evt.key in keysdown)) {
keysdown[evt.key] = true;
// key first pressed
element.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
delete keysdown[evt.key];
this way, you will not be skipping 'keyfirstpressed' events if more than one key is held down.
(many of the other solutions posted here will only fire when no other keys are down).
Here is my solution that will only run the function you pass it when a key is FIRST pressed on the target (eg window or some input field). If the user wants to trigger a key again, they'll have to release it and press it again.
Vanilla JS
const onKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
let pressed = {};
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = (event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
pressed = { ...pressed, [event.which]: true };
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = (event) => {
const { [event.which]: id, ...rest } = pressed;
// remove key from store
pressed = rest;
// add listeners
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// return a function that can be called to remove listeners
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
And then to use it:
const removeListener = onKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))
removeListener(); // when you want to remove listeners later
React and React Hooks
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
export const useKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState({});
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = useCallback(
(event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
setPressed({ ...pressed, [event.which]: true });
[func, pressed]
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = useCallback((event) => {
// remove key from store
const { [event.which]: id, ...rest } = pressed;
}, [pressed]);
useEffect(() => {
// add listeners when component mounts/changes
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// cleanup/remove listeners when component unmounts/changes
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
}, [target, onKeyDown, onKeyUp]);
And then to use it:
import { useKeyPress } from 'wherever';
useKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))

Hammer.js can't remove event listener

I create a hammer instance like so:
var el = document.getElementById("el");
var hammertime = Hammer(el);
I can then add a listener:
hammertime.on("touch", function(e) {
However I can't remove this listener because the following does nothing:
What am I doing wrong? How do I get rid of a hammer listener? The hammer.js docs are pretty poor at the moment so it explains nothing beyond the fact that .on() and .off() methods exist. I can't use the jQuery version as this is a performance critical application.
JSFiddle to showcase this: http://jsfiddle.net/LSrgh/1/
Ok, I figured it out. The source it's simple enough, it's doing:
on: function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.split(" "), i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
this.element.addEventListener(n[i], e, !1);
return this
},off: function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.split(" "), i = 0; n.length > i; i++)
this.element.removeEventListener(n[i], e, !1);
return this
The thing to note here (apart from a bad documentation) it's that e it's the callback function in the on event, so you're doing:
this.element.addEventListener("touch", function() {
//your function
}, !1);
But, in the remove, you don't pass a callback so you do:
this.element.removeEventListener("touch", undefined, !1);
So, the browser doesn't know witch function are you trying to unbind, you can fix this not using anonymous functions, like I did in:
For more info: Javascript removeEventListener not working
In order to unbind the events with OFF, you must:
1) Pass as argument to OFF the same callback function set when called ON
2) Use the same Hammer instance used to set the ON events
var mc = new Hammer.Manager(element);
mc.add(new Hammer.Pan({ threshold: 0, pointers: 0 }));
mc.add(new Hammer.Tap());
var functionEvent = function(ev) {
// .. do something here
return false;
var eventString = 'panstart tap';
mc.on(eventString, functionEvent);
mc.off(eventString, functionEvent);
HammerJS 2.0 does now support unbinding all handlers for an event:
function(events, handler) {
var handlers = this.handlers;
each(splitStr(events), function(event) {
if (!handler) {
delete handlers[event];
} else {
handlers[event].splice(inArray(handlers[event], handler), 1);
return this;
Here's a CodePen example of what Nico posted. I created a simple wrapper for "tap" events (though it could easily be adapted to anything else), to keep track of each Hammer Manager. I also created a kill function to painlessly stop the listening :P
var TapListener = function(callbk, el, name) {
// Ensure that "new" keyword is Used
if( !(this instanceof TapListener) ) {
return new TapListener(callbk, el, name);
this.callback = callbk;
this.elem = el;
this.name = name;
this.manager = new Hammer( el );
this.manager.on("tap", function(ev) {
callbk(ev, name);
}; // TapListener
TapListener.prototype.kill = function () {
this.manager.off( "tap", this.callback );
So you'd basically do something like this:
var myEl = document.getElementById("foo"),
myListener = new TapListener(function() { do stuff }, myEl, "fooName");
// And to Kill

Why does removeeventlistener not work in this object context?

I am working on a game and I would like to abstract my UI, and bind unbind events based on various game states. But I can't figure out why this event is not being removed. It seems the scope is correct in the handler.
relevant (stripped down) js:
var controls = {
game : {
el : null,
cb : null,
bind : function(el, cb) {
this.el = el;
this.cb = cb;
this.el.addEventListener('click', this.handler.bind(this), true);
unbind : function() {
this.el.removeEventListener('click', this.handler, true);
handler : function() {
var manager = {
init : function() {
var c = document.getElementById('c');
controls.game.bind(c, this.action.bind(this));
action : function() {
console.log('c clicked');
And yet if I remove the event this way it works:
bind : function(el, cb) {
this.el = el;
this.cb = cb;
var self = this;
this.el.addEventListener('click', function() {
self.el.removeEventListener('click', arguments.callee, true);
}, true);
.bind returns a new function. this.handler.bind(this) !== this.handler! You would have to store a reference to the new function somehow.
For example, storing a reference in a variable and using a closure:
var handler = this.handler.bind(this);
this.el.addEventListener('click', handler, true);
this.unbind = function() {
this.el.removeEventListener('click', handler, true);
As alternative to arguments.callee, you could also give the function a name:
this.el.addEventListener('click', function handler() {
self.el.removeEventListener('click', handler, true);
}, true);
Instead of playing with binding which also requires more memory I'd recommend using the following:
var song = {
handleEvent: function (event) {
switch (event.type) {
case: "click":
name: "Yesterday"
songNode.addEventListener("click", song);
songNode.click(); // prints "Yesterday" into console
You can use an object obj that has handleEvent property as a handler on any DOM object to catch its events and have event handler's context set to that object obj without the use of Function.prototype.bind.
That way you can also remove handlers, so
songNode.removeEventListener("click", song);

JavaScript custom Event Listener

I was wondering if anyone can help me understand how exactly to create different Custom event listeners.
I don't have a specific case of an event but I want to learn just in general how it is done, so I can apply it where it is needed.
What I was looking to do, just incase some folks might need to know, was:
var position = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if((position + 1) % 4 == 0)
// do some functions
var evt = document.createEvent("Event");
// custom param
evt.foo = "bar";
Here is the way to do it more locally, pinpointing listeners and publishers:
Implementing custom events is not hard. You can implement it in many ways. Lately I'm doing it like this:
* Observable
var Observable;
(Observable = function() {
}).prototype = {
listen: function(type, method, scope, context) {
var listeners, handlers;
if (!(listeners = this.listeners)) {
listeners = this.listeners = {};
if (!(handlers = listeners[type])){
handlers = listeners[type] = [];
scope = (scope ? scope : window);
method: method,
scope: scope,
context: (context ? context : scope)
fireEvent: function(type, data, context) {
var listeners, handlers, i, n, handler, scope;
if (!(listeners = this.listeners)) {
if (!(handlers = listeners[type])){
for (i = 0, n = handlers.length; i < n; i++){
handler = handlers[i];
if (typeof(context)!=="undefined" && context !== handler.context) continue;
if (handler.method.call(
handler.scope, this, type, data
)===false) {
return false;
return true;
The Observable object can be reused and applied by whatever constructor needs it simply by mixng the prototype of Observable with the protoype of that constructor.
To start listening, you have to register yourself to the observable object, like so:
var obs = new Observable();
obs.listen("myEvent", function(observable, eventType, data){
//handle myEvent
Or if your listener is a method of an object, like so:
obs.listen("myEvent", listener.handler, listener);
Where listener is an instance of an object, which implements the method "handler".
The Observable object can now call its fireEvent method whenever something happens that it wants to communicate to its listeners:
this.fireEvent("myEvent", data);
Where data is some data that the listeners my find interesting. Whatever you put in there is up to you - you know best what your custom event is made up of.
The fireEvent method simply goes through all the listeners that were registered for "myEvent", and calls the registered function. If the function returns false, then that is taken to mean that the event is canceled, and the observable will not call the other listeners. As a result the entire fireEvent method will return fasle too so the observable knows that whatever action it was notifying its listeners of should now be rolled back.
Perhaps this solution doesn't suit everybody, but I;ve had much benefit from this relatively simple piece of code.
From here:
// create the event
const event = new Event('build');
// elem is any element
// later on.. binding to that event
// we'll bind to the document for the event delegation style.
document.addEventListener('build', function(e){
// e.target matches the elem from above
}, false);
Here is a really simple (TypeScript/Babelish) implementation:
const simpleEvent = <T extends Function>(context = null) => {
let cbs: T[] = [];
return {
addListener: (cb: T) => { cbs.push(cb); },
removeListener: (cb: T) => { let i = cbs.indexOf(cb); cbs.splice(i, Math.max(i, 0)); },
trigger: (<T> (((...args) => cbs.forEach(cb => cb.apply(context, args))) as any))
You use it like this:
let onMyEvent = simpleEvent();
let listener = (test) => { console.log("triggered", test); };
Or in classes like this
class Example {
public onMyEvent = simpleEvent(this);
If you want plain JavaScript you can transpile it using TypeScript playground.

Javascript onkeydown event fire only once?

I want to have a onkeydown event fire a function only once. for that function to fire again, the user has to release the key and press/hold again.
I know its fairly simple but I'm new at JS. Also I prefer to avoid using jQuery or other libs.
One more thing, this should work for both ie and firefox.
I'm surprised it's not mentioned, there's also event.repeat:
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.repeat) return;
This will only fire once per each keypress, since event.repeat turns true after holding the key down.
You could set a flag:
var fired = false;
element.onkeydown = function() {
if(!fired) {
fired = true;
// do something
element.onkeyup = function() {
fired = false;
Or unbind and rebind the event handler (might be better):
function keyHandler() {
this.onkeydown = null;
// do something
element.onkeydown = keyHandler;
element.onkeyup = function() {
this.onkeydown = keyHandler;
More information about "traditional" event handling.
You might also want to use addEventListener and attachEvent to bind the event handlers. For more information about that, have a look at quirksmode.org - Advanced event registration models.
There's a "once" parameter you can use
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
}, {once: true});
It'll remove it as soon as it's been called.
Alternatively you can use removeEventListener if it's a named function
Here is a method that uses addEventListener and removeEventListener
var textBox = document.getElementById("textBox");
function oneKeyDown(){
$("body").append("<h1>KeyDown<h1>"); //just to show the keypress
textBox.removeEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
function bindKeyDown(){
textBox.addEventListener('keydown', oneKeyDown, false);
textBox.addEventListener('keyup', bindKeyDown, false)
Code example on jsfiddle.
One note, for IE you will need to use attachEvent, detachEvent.
Here you go:
test.onkeydown = function() {
if ( this.className === 'hold' ) { return false; }
this.className = 'hold';
// call your function here
test.onkeyup = function() {
this.className = '';
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/simevidas/xAReL/2/
JQuery's one will help you.
What it does is, bind the eventHandler to event, and when event occurs, it runs the eventHandler and unbinds it, so that its not fired at next event.
as stated in the other answers, there is no 'onkeyfirstdown' or similar event to listen for.
the best solution is to keep track of which keys are already down in a js-object:
var keysdown = {};
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) {
if(!(evt.key in keysdown)) {
keysdown[evt.key] = true;
// key first pressed
element.addEventListener('keyup', function(evt) {
delete keysdown[evt.key];
this way, you will not be skipping 'keyfirstpressed' events if more than one key is held down.
(many of the other solutions posted here will only fire when no other keys are down).
Here is my solution that will only run the function you pass it when a key is FIRST pressed on the target (eg window or some input field). If the user wants to trigger a key again, they'll have to release it and press it again.
Vanilla JS
const onKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
let pressed = {};
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = (event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
pressed = { ...pressed, [event.which]: true };
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = (event) => {
const { [event.which]: id, ...rest } = pressed;
// remove key from store
pressed = rest;
// add listeners
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// return a function that can be called to remove listeners
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
And then to use it:
const removeListener = onKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))
removeListener(); // when you want to remove listeners later
React and React Hooks
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
export const useKeyPress = (func, target = window) => {
// persistent "store" to track what keys are being pressed
const [pressed, setPressed] = useState({});
// whenever a keydown event is fired ontarget element
const onKeyDown = useCallback(
(event) => {
// if key isn't already pressed, run func
if (!pressed[event.which])
// add key to store
setPressed({ ...pressed, [event.which]: true });
[func, pressed]
// whenever a keyup event is fired on the window element
const onKeyUp = useCallback((event) => {
// remove key from store
const { [event.which]: id, ...rest } = pressed;
}, [pressed]);
useEffect(() => {
// add listeners when component mounts/changes
target.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
// cleanup/remove listeners when component unmounts/changes
return () => {
target.removeEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp);
}, [target, onKeyDown, onKeyUp]);
And then to use it:
import { useKeyPress } from 'wherever';
useKeyPress((event) => console.log(event.which + ' key pressed'))

