How to set/active bootstrap tooltip using javascript? - javascript

I'm so frustrated that I cannot solve this simple question.
How to programmingly set/active bootstrap tooltip?
For example, we are at page:
and let's open the chrome console and make tooltip work on the fly on the 'home' link in the left up corner.
var home = $($('.navbar li a')[0]);// select that home link
home.tooltip({title:'wthhhh'}); // set the default title
Step 3 doesn't bring up the tooltip.
Any help?
EDIT: I understand bootstrap has got a major update, but I believe it's irrelevant. Tooltip doesn't seem change.

By default bootstrap's tooltip is placed on top of the element, and since you're selecting the top nav bar, it's appearing off the screen - you can't really see it, but it's there.
If you change the tooltip placement from top (default) to bottom you will be able to see it correctly:
var home = $($('.navbar li a')[0]);
home.tooltip({title: 'wthhhh', placement: 'bottom'})


How to move element on slide change using jQuery cycle2?

I have a slideshow that’s using jQuery cycle2. I’ve included a jsfiddle with a mockup of how it needs to function in my project:
It has navigational links on the side and it has a red small box on the edge that’s supposed to move to align with the nav link. For example if I click “slide 2” than the red box will slide down and stay there like it does for slide 1. If I click either slide 1 or slide 3 than it will move to be in the middle of the border line for that link. You should also be able to click on the red box to make it go to the next slide. I have that part working but not moving it when I click the links. Any help on this would be much appreciated!
The script so far(checking the JSfiddle will make more sense):
var icon = $('.icon');
var slideshow = $('.cycle-slideshow');
icon.on('click', function(e){
slideshow.cycle('next', function(){
You need to add click listeners to each list link, to run a function that .getBoundingClientRect() of 'this', referring to the link clicked, then use the 'top' value from getBCR to change the top position of your icon element. You'll likely have to combine it with window.scrollY for your project.
See here & good luck

Make horizontal nav menu slide to show more options on click of arrow

I have a horizontal sub menu with 8 options (can't add more or it drops to a second line), but now it needs more and i want a particular effect. I want the last option to be an arrow and the whole menu slide horizontally to the left when the arrow is clicked to show more options and a left arrow to slide back.
I have researched for a few days and have found a few examples similar, but just haven't worked in my case. Also, alot of answers to this similar thing involved plug-ins or carousel's and I don't think those are going to work for my particular site.
Right now I have it working kind of how I want but it's not the right effect. I'm using .hide() and .show() in my jQuery function and basically used the class: "firstSide" for the first part of the menu you can see after it drops down from the main menu, and class="slideSide" for the 2nd part. I've also tried .slideToggle() and playing with the widths but haven't got it to work right.
This is my codepen that I've started as an example: CodePen
This codepen isn't pretty but it works for this example, this is my function in it:
$('#arrowRight').on('click', function () {
$('.firstSide').hide(function () {
$('#arrowLeft').on('click', function () {
$('.slideSide').hide(function () {
Also I have the class slideSide set so that it doesn't display along with the first part of the menu or else its all on a 2nd line which i don't want as the width of the 8 menu options is about the full width of the whole site.
.slideSide {
display: none;
The desired effect I want can be seen on:
I've tried to see how this works but have not figured it out, below is a screen shot of the menu I'm talking about on that page.
Any help or advise would be appreciated as I'm kind of stuck.
Check out this fiddle.
Is this what you are looking for?
you nest a ul within a div and make use of overflow:hidden on the div.
Using jquery you can then implement the sliding via margin-leftor positioning like
position:relative; left:-100%
and you hide the arrows as they are clicked and so the other one.
you can play around with the values to match your needs.

How to hide balloon tooltip on touch screen smartphones?

I'm newbie to JavaScript. I used the search to find solution for my problem, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.
I am using this jquery.balloon.js, which transforms the default browser rendering of the tooltip to customized one (with adding some CSS to it – background, border, etc.).
This is the JavaScript code:
position: "bottom",
tipSize: "0"
Everything works just fine: when I hover the mouse on a link with included title attribute, the tooltip shows up customized. When I hover out the mouse the tooltip hides.
The problem comes when browsing on touch screen devices.
There is no mouse for hovering, so I tap once on the link and the balloon tooltip shows up (the link does not activate, the link is activated only when I tap twice), but then the tooltip does not hide. I tap somewhere on the body, but the tooltip remains on the screen.
I know how to hide elements in JavaScript by clicking/tapping outside them (in the html or body) with $('html').click(function() { //code });, but here the problem is that the tooltip is not an element, but attribute...
How to hide only the tooltip with tapping somewhere in the body?
You can test this behavior on the jquery.balloon.js site here with any touch screen device to see that once activated by tapping the tooltip can't hide.
Thanks for the only answer, but I figured it out.
I have created a class with the following code:
$.balloon.defaults.classname = ".balloon";
$.balloon.defaults.css = null;
This way I created .balloon class which allowed me to customize the tooltip by myself. I used this code to hide the tooltip by hiding the .balloon (which hides the newly customized jQuery tooltip):
$(document).ready( function(){
$('body').click( function(event){
You can call the hideBalloon function.

How to fix main navigation on top when scrolling down

First, Merry Christmas to all
I want to fix my top navigation menu bar on top when scrolling down like :
this happen by position: fixed; css property but when i put it in css menu will be fixed at top. this will require some javascript code but I don't know what exactly the code is. also when someone scroll down i also want to display small logo beside the menu like
Thanks in advance.
This is what the code would look like: jsFiddle In this example I created two navigation bars but you can also have one and then add an item
This is jQuery code, so make sure to load the jQuery libery:
<script src=""></script>
Initial position of topbar is static. But when user scroll (you have to catch onscroll event) like this on jquery :
with a scroll position bigger than header height, the Javascript modifiy the topbar position to fixed with this for example :
The same thing for the logo on left.

When window is resized in Chrome JkMegaMenu drop downs moving left

I'm using the JKmegamenu plugin to implement a megamenu on a website I'm working on. It works and looks nice, however when the web browser(Chrome) window is resized the drop down divs move left.
I got the JavaScript code from this link. You can check in Chrome:
Please try to help me to fix this issue. Thanks
this line in menu script automatically aligns your menu wrt window's width: line No 29
var menuleft=($(window).width()-(megamenu.offsetx-$(document).scrollLeft())>megamenu.actualwidth)? megamenu.offsetx : megamenu.offsetx-megamenu.actualwidth+megamenu.anchorwidth
if you want it to stick to the left of that anchor then replace above line with:
var menuleft=megamenu.$anchorobj.offset().left;
For me, the positioning from the top was also off, though not as noticable, so I replaced:
var menutop=megamenu.offsety+megamenu.anchorheight //get y coord of menu
var totop=megamenu.$anchorobj.offset().top;
var menutop=totop+megamenu.anchorheight

