jQueryUI - Drag and Drop issue - dragged element goes behind other DOM elements - javascript

I am trying to implement drag and drop between 2 Div's
Please refer my fiddle below :
This layout is a replica of my application. In the fiddle you can see that if you drag an element within the first div (on left side) it keeps moving within that div forever - though if you just motion to mouse to drag and drop it onto the right side div, it does actually work.
Here the problem is the indefinite scrolling / dragging of element within left side div. I dont know what the problem is here -
In my application I have another problem, in that when I drag an item out of the left side div, it vanishes though I can drop the cursor on right side div and the drop appears to have worked correctly.
Need help to know why the dragged element is disappearing.
I have looked up all the questions and resources related to this, sortables etc on stackoverflow and the net - but no use.
I have also tried to use the "stack" option but no use
$.each($("ul#secondaryKPIList ul > li"), function (index, tListItem) {
revert : 'invalid',
stack: '.SecondaryKPIDraggable'

To solve the visual issue, you could just remove the overflow changes
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
on the .KpisListItems setting it as the following fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/GEWLs/2
These rules are messing with the way jQuery sortable handles and calculates the positioning, hence the strange behavior.

I know I'm kinda late, but heres is another solution that I find easier, just add the following css:
.ui-draggable {
9999 is probably overkill though.

My guess is it's because you are using 'list' markup. If you tried using 'divs' instead for your draggable items I'd wager it would work as it should.


Make horizontal nav menu slide to show more options on click of arrow

I have a horizontal sub menu with 8 options (can't add more or it drops to a second line), but now it needs more and i want a particular effect. I want the last option to be an arrow and the whole menu slide horizontally to the left when the arrow is clicked to show more options and a left arrow to slide back.
I have researched for a few days and have found a few examples similar, but just haven't worked in my case. Also, alot of answers to this similar thing involved plug-ins or carousel's and I don't think those are going to work for my particular site.
Right now I have it working kind of how I want but it's not the right effect. I'm using .hide() and .show() in my jQuery function and basically used the class: "firstSide" for the first part of the menu you can see after it drops down from the main menu, and class="slideSide" for the 2nd part. I've also tried .slideToggle() and playing with the widths but haven't got it to work right.
This is my codepen that I've started as an example: CodePen
This codepen isn't pretty but it works for this example, this is my function in it:
$('#arrowRight').on('click', function () {
$('.firstSide').hide(function () {
$('#arrowLeft').on('click', function () {
$('.slideSide').hide(function () {
Also I have the class slideSide set so that it doesn't display along with the first part of the menu or else its all on a 2nd line which i don't want as the width of the 8 menu options is about the full width of the whole site.
.slideSide {
display: none;
The desired effect I want can be seen on: http://store.apple.com/us/iphone
I've tried to see how this works but have not figured it out, below is a screen shot of the menu I'm talking about on that page.
Any help or advise would be appreciated as I'm kind of stuck.
Check out this fiddle.
Is this what you are looking for?
you nest a ul within a div and make use of overflow:hidden on the div.
Using jquery you can then implement the sliding via margin-leftor positioning like
position:relative; left:-100%
and you hide the arrows as they are clicked and so the other one.
you can play around with the values to match your needs.

jQuery Sortable List Handles on Hover

I'm creating a list with handles for sorting. I don't like the aesthetics of having 20 handles visible, so I'm trying to make the handles appear only when the mouse hovers over a list item.
This was my first attempt:
jsFiddle #1
As you can see, hovering over items in the list creates a rather jarring movement and misalignment of list items. To fix this, I've created a blank 16px image that I use to replace the handle when it's not visible. It creates a much nicer user experience than hovering, as you can see here:
jsFiddle #2
$(this).prepend("<img src=http://i.imgur.com/tzGrVLc.png class=\"blank-sprite\" / width=16 height=16 border=0>");
The problem is that during sorting the 16px image often disappears, leaving things out of alignment. (I'd post an image but I don't have the reputation.) It doesn't always happen, but seems to happen more frequently when I'm sorting very quickly.
I'd love to know why this happens and how to fix it. Thanks!
You should set position css property of icon element to absolute. This is to give you the idea:
var $icon = $("<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical\" style=\"display:inline-block\" id=\"handle\" /></span>").css({

Mootools slide not working in dropdown

I have an html5 page with a dropdown menu using mootools. It's working if I use the hide() and show() functions. But, I want the menu's to slide in and out, like this:
var m = e.getElement(".dropdown-menu, .sidebar-dropdown-menu");
if (e.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
Instead of hide and show I want slideIn and slideOut:
var m = new Fx.Slide(e.getElement(".dropdown-menu, .sidebar-dropdown-menu"));
if (e.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/wzzeZ/
Not working: http://jsfiddle.net/37V53/1/
It's not throwing errors; where do I look to fix it?
There are a few things going on here.
First of all, you're not seeing any errors because there are none. If you litter the code with console.log() calls, they all run.
It's a style issue that's preventing the menus from displaying.
The FX.Slide Class in Mootools doesn't seem to explicitly set the 'display' property of the element you're sliding to block. You still need to call .show() for it to work.
Next, if you check out the docs for FX.Slide, you'll notice that it creates a wrapper element to do the slide effect (the container is needed for the height animation, overflow: hidden, etc.)
Unfortunately that seems to be messing with the positioning of the menu, which is positioned relatively to its containing element - but the containing element has height and overflow: hidden styles which then hide the menu (not to mention, even if you could see it, it's in the right place).
To see what I'm talking about check out this updated Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/37V53/2/
If you run that in Firefox with Firebug, and you hover your cursor over the element that's logged to the console, you'll see Firebug's blue hilight appearing where your element actually is being displayed - in the middle of the window, and hidden from view.
This is a combination of assumptions made in the MooTools Classes you're using working against each other; You'll probably be better off writing your own (simple) slide-out script using FX.Tween rather than FX.Slide.
I created a sample of how to do this based on the original Fiddle (that works) - http://jsfiddle.net/LkLgk/
Trick is to show the element to the browser but not the user (by setting visibility: hidden before display: block, grab the height, set height to 1px, visibility back to visible, then tween the height to the previously detected value.
Hope that points you in the right direction; remember, when in doubt, console.log everything!

CSS Overflow Property / Div mouseover problem - IE & Chrome

I have a div inside a main div having following properties:
#inner {
overflow:auto; //Note this
margin:35px 0 0 0;
on main div I am calling two functions on two events (onmouseover & onmouseout). On mouseover inner div displays with scrollbars. It seems whenever the mouse is moved off the scrollbar into the DIV after it being scrolled down, the DIV returns to the top.
You can find the code here: [a link] http://www.designworks.com.pk/example/
Please test in IE & chrome when we scroll down the DIV returns to the top. Please help me to solve this issue.
I don't have time to fully investigate it at the moment, but I believe it is caused by one of the strange behaviors of mouseover/mouseout that occur with child elements.
If jquery is an option, using hover deals with a lot of these issues and seems to fix your problem:
EDIT: Note this is working off of the fiddle posted in the comments and may not be exactly the same as your current code.

jQuery Slide Toggle Not Working - Resolved

On the first click, it works as expected:
the class is changed
and the html content is changed from 'Show...' to 'Close...'
the content area is expanded with the slideDown effect,
Good so far.
On the second click, ...
the class changes
the html content is changed from 'Close...' to 'Show...'
The content area does NOT go away as expected.
On the third click, ...
the class is changed
the html content is changed
the already-shown content is re-shown with the slidedown effect.
So everything is working except for the 2nd click when the content is supposed to be hidden again.
Here's the jQuery:
$('.open_user_urls').live('click', function() {
$(this).html('Close Search History');
return false;
$('.close_user_urls').live('click', function() {
$(this).html('Show Search History');
return false;
Here's the HTML it's acting on:
<h3 class='open_user_urls'>Show Search History</h3>
<div id='user_urls'>
// an OL tag with content
And the only applicable CSS:
#user_urls { display: none; }
EDIT - I replaced my jquery code with functionally equivalent code supplied in an answer below, but the problem persists. So the cause must be elsewhere. I do recall this code working originally, but then it stopped. I'm stumped. Time to strip everything else out piece by piece...
EDIT 2 - Since the bug must be elsewhere, I'm accepting a code improvement for my jquery as the answer. Thanks.
Edit 3 - Found the source of the problem.
Inside the #user_urls div I have an series of OLs with the following css:
.url_list {float: left; width: 285px; list-style-position: outside; margin-left: 25px;}
Each OL contains a list of 20 urls and is meant to display in as many multiple columns as required to display all the URLs.
Removing the float: left; on these OL tags causes the problem to go away.
So having a float on the content contained in the DIV thats showing and hiding is causing it not not hide at all. Why would this happen?
EDIT 4: Adding a inside the #user_urls DIV allows the hiding action to work properly.
Perhaps something like this would be simpler?
function () {
$(this).text("Close Search History").siblings(".user_urls").slideDown("slow");
function () {
$(this).text("Show Search History").siblings(".user_urls").slideUp("slow");
The toggle function is designed for precisely the scenario you're encountering.
To reiterate the problem and resolution to this question...
Inside the #user_urls DIV were a series of OL tags, each floated left. It was the float that was causing the problem.
Adding a <br style='clear: left;' /> inside the #user_urls DIV fixed the problem.
From what I've found, jQuery needs to have the height style set in order to slide it correctly. A work around I've used is to set the height before you slide it closed.
$('#user_urls').css('height', $('#user_urls').height() + 'px');
After you set it once, it should work correctly from then on. Check out this tutorial for a more detailed explanation.
Since this question was opened, jQuery have put in a fix for this themselves.
Updating to the latest version of jQuery solved the problem for us with no CSS changes. (jQuery 1.4.4 as of Dec 9th 2010)
Found via discussion on Google Groups in turn found from d12's answer. According to duscussion, in some jQuery 1.3x versions this bug affected several actions, slideUp, fadeOut, and toggle, if the element being hidden/slid up is a a non-floated parent containing floated children.
I think Conor's answer might put you on the right track. I might also suggest slideToggle and toggleClass:
I could be as easy as:
$("h3.open_user_urls").click(function () {
I can't duplicate your bug. I used your exact code and I cannot replicate your issue.
This must be a script error from a different place in your JS code.
Thanks for this question. It really got me on my way figuring out the problem toggling an element with floated children.
Another resource that really helped and explains the behavior a bit can be found
on this Google group discussion.
Putting a non breaking space in your div is another solution similar to what The Reddest suggested that worked for me on a similar issue.

