adding specific class to element on click jquery - javascript

I'm having trouble with a simple nav bar that uses jQuery to add and remove a specific class when a certain page is active. I want a class to append to my aLink class depending on which ID is click. If I click on #aboutLink I want .linkActive to be added, but if I click on #sasLink I want .link2Active to be added. The tutorials I've looked at all have a single class being added, but since both my classes are different I need a specific one to be added depending on which ID is click.
<div id="mainNav">
<ul id="nav">
<a id="mainLogo" href="/"><li></li></a>
<a id="aboutLink" class="aLink" href="/"><li></li></a>
<a id="sasLink" class="aLink" href="/savings-and-support"><li></li></a>
<a id="external" href="/"><li></li></a>
I know my jQuery doesn't make sense, but it's all I could come up with. Logically I get it, but I'm lost on the syntax.
$(function () {
$(".aLink").click(function () {
if ($(this) == $("#aboutLink")
else $(this).addClass('active2Link');
Thanks for any input or direction.

var idToClass = {
'aboutLink' : 'linkActive',
'sasLink' : 'link2Active'
$('#nav a').click(function(){
JS Fiddle demo.
You could, instead, use toggleClass() to allow for those classes to be removed by a second click:
var idToClass = {
'aboutLink' : 'linkActive',
'sasLink' : 'link2Active'
$('#nav a').click(function(e){
JS Fiddle demo.
Edited in response to question, from the OP, in comments, below:
How would I remove the class so that both links don't appear to be active at the same time?
There's a few ways, but because you're adding different class-names to denote the 'active' state, they're a little inefficient. The first approach is to use a brute-force method, effectively looking for all a elements that have a class attribute and setting that attribute to the empty string, and then adding the linkActive/link2Active class-name to the clicked-on a element:
$('#nav a').click(function(e){
var self = $(this);
self.closest('ul').find('a[class]').attr('class', '');
JS Fiddle demo.
The alternative is to remove the specific classes from the elements who have their id listed in the idToClass object. This is, however, somewhat expensive in that it needs to iterate over the object, retrieving the id, finding the element with that id and then removing a class-name:
$('#nav a').click(function(e){
for (var id in idToClass) {
if (idToClass.hasOwnProperty(id)){
$('#' + id).removeClass(idToClass[id]);
JS Fiddle demo.
If, of course, you use a common class-name then it all becomes much easier:
$('#nav a').click(function (e) {
var self = $(this);
JS Fiddle demo.

Since you already have ID tags to easily reference... I think you want something more like this?
$(function () {
$("#aboutLink").click(function () {
$("#sasLink").click(function () {

Try using this instead:
$(function () {
$(".aLink").click(function () {
var currentId =;
if ( currentId == "aboutLink"){
else if( currentId == "sasLink") {


How can I combine .toggleClass() with .appendTo()?

I append a new class to a HTML container. How can I toggle this on/off by clicking on the menu button?
And is it even "best practice" to write more complex HTML code in JavaScript or would you prefer another method for this? Because I plan to do this for some more containers. Thank you!
$(document).ready(function() {
$( "a.header-login" ).click(function() {
$("<div class='sub-menu'>" +
"<h2>Hi x!</h2>"+
"<a class='item' href='#'>Logout</a>"+
.appendTo("header .header-r");
I want to accomplish that another click on "a.header-login" deletes the container ".sub-menu". Now, it is always generated when you click "a.header-login"
In this case you need to add a condition to check whether or not the element already exists. If it doesn't create it, if it does remove it.
jQuery(function() {
$('a.header-login').click(function() {
var $target = $('header .header-r .sub-menu');
if ($target.length === 0) {
$('<div class="sub-menu"><h2>Hi x!</h2><a class="item" href="#">Logout</a></div>').appendTo('header .header-r');
} else {
That being said, you can make this much simpler logic if you always include the .sub-menu in the HTML of your page but hide it with CSS by default. In that case your jQuery would become a simple call to toggle():
jQuery(function() {
$('a.header-login').click(function() {
$('header .header-r .sub-menu').toggle();

Element calling old action after class change [duplicate]

In my JSP page I added some links:
<a class="applicationdata" href="#" id="1">Organization Data</a>
<a class="applicationdata" href="#" id="2">Business Units</a>
<a class="applicationdata" href="#" id="6">Applications</a>
<a class="applicationdata" href="#" id="15">Data Entity</a>
It has a jQuery function registered for the click event:
$("a.applicationdata").click(function() {
var appid = $(this).attr("id");
$('#gentab a').addClass("tabclick");
$('#gentab a').attr('href', '#datacollector');
It will add a class, tabclick to <a> which is inside <li> with id="gentab". It is working fine. Here is my code for the <li>:
<li id="applndata"><a class="tabclick" href="#appdata" target="main">Application Data</a></li>
<li id="gentab">General</li>
Now I have a jQuery click handler for these links
$("a.tabclick").click(function() {
var liId = $(this).parent("li").attr("id");
For the first link it is working fine. It is alerting the <li> id. But for the second <li>, where the class="tabclick" is been added by first jQuery is not working.
I tried $("a.tabclick").live("click", function(), but then the first link click event was also not working.
Since the class is added dynamically, you need to use event delegation to register the event handler
$(document).on('click', "a.tabclick", function() {
var liId = $(this).parent("li").attr("id");
You should use the following:
$('#gentab').on('click', 'a.tabclick', function(event) {
var liId = $(this).closest("li").attr("id");
This will attach your event to any anchors within the #gentab element,
reducing the scope of having to check the whole document element tree and increasing efficiency.
.live() is deprecated.When you want to use for delegated elements then use .on() wiht the following syntax
$(document).on('click', "a.tabclick", function() {
This syntax will work for delegated events
Based on #Arun P Johny this is how you do it for an input:
<input type="button" class="btEdit" id="myButton1">
This is how I got it in jQuery:
$(document).on('click', "input.btEdit", function () {
var id =;
This will log on the console: myButton1.
As #Arun said you need to add the event dinamically, but in my case you don't need to call the parent first.
Though it would be better to say:
$(document).on('click', "input.btEdit", function () {
var id = $(this).id;
Since this is JQuery's syntax, even though both will work.
on document ready event there is no a tag with class tabclick. so you have to bind click event dynamically when you are adding tabclick class. please this code:
$("a.applicationdata").click(function() {
var appid = $(this).attr("id");
$('#gentab a').addClass("tabclick")
.click(function() {
var liId = $(this).parent("li").attr("id");
$('#gentab a').attr('href', '#datacollector');
Here is the another solution as well, the bind method.
$(document).bind('click', ".intro", function() {
var liId = $(this).parent("li").attr("id");
Cheers :)
I Know this is an old topic...but none of the above helped me.
And after searching a lot and trying everything...I came up with this.
First remove the click code out of the $(document).ready part and put it in a separate section.
then put your click code in an $(function(){......}); code.
Like this:
//your click code
$("a.tabclick").on('click',function() {
//do something

Hide element which is not a certain class

I want to hide an element which is not a certain class via jQuerys not() :
Content 1
Content 2
<div class="post-item c_1"></div>
<div class="post-item c_2"></div>
var thisContent;
jQuery('.content-btn').click(function() {
thisContent =;
am I using .not() method wrong in this context, because it seems not to work!
Your selector needs to be
And you need to close the ) at the end of your jQuery, like this:
var thisContent;
jQuery('.content-btn').click(function() {
thisContent =;
See for a working example.
Try using
as #AND Finally noticed modify your selector .. and while you use click on Anchor you need to use e.preventDefault; try this
jQuery('.content-btn').click(function(e) {
thisContent =;

Disable CSS link for 1 second after it has been clicked

I'm trying to have a CSS link disabled for 1 second after it has been clicked.
I have tried this without success;
In the header:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#link").click(function() {
$("#link").attr("disabled", "disabled");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
the link text
.link:diabled {
some values here.. }
You have a class="link", but with $("#link") you are addressing the id called link.
So write $(".link") everywhere instead of $("#link").
By the way: with .link:disabled you won't address the link as this only works on inputs and buttons. If you need to address it, use .link[disabled="disabled"] { ... } or even better add a class to it called disabled_link and then do in CSS .disabled_link { ... }.
There are quite a few problems here:
You are using # (the ID selector), but your html is using classes.
<a> does not have a disabled attribute
If it did, you would probably want to use .prop instead of .attr
If you change code to use classes, $(".link").prop("disabled", true) would affect all anchors, so you should probably use this.
Because disabled does not exist for <a>, the :disabled selector does not seem to work for CSS.
A working solution would be something like this:
$(".link").click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
$(document).on('click', '.disabled', function (e) {
'link' is a class and you are using it as ID. Do $('.link') instead of $('#link').
I think this approach works better. The other allows you to click the link multiple times and mess up the setTimeout this unbinds the event and then re-attaches the event after the setTimeout ex: double click the link
function linkBind(){
var $this = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
$this.bind('click', linkBind);
}, 2000);
$(document).on('click', '.disabled', function (e) {

Remove internal selected div created dynamically

I've been looking around but i couldn't find a solution yet.
My code is something like this:
$('#addDiv').click( function() {
var divNum = divNum + 1;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'mydiv';
newdiv.className = 'imgDiv';
$('#cont-div').on('click', function(e) {
//REMOVE clicked div
I have a div named "cont-div" which contains the dynamically created divs.
Probably the solution is very simple, but I can't find a way to identify the clicked div inside 'cont-div' so I can remove it.
You can use event delegation since the divs are created dynamically:
$('#cont-div').on('click', 'div', function(e) {
//REMOVE clicked div
$('#cont-div div').on('click', function(e) {
var clickedDiv =;
if(clickedDiv != e.currentTarget)
//Remove the clicked div if it is not the parent.
Hmmm, your code implies you may have multiple elements with the same ID. Don't do that, that'll make things harder. Just use the class you have set:
$('.imgDiv').on('click', function() {
You can use jquery remove() to remove the element. Also you will need a delegate for simply handling events on dynamicly inserted elements.
Working Demo
<input id="addDiv" type="button" value="click!" />
EDIT: Shortened down code snippet, now only showing relevant parts.

