JavaScript to set field in Lotus Notes Web Form - javascript

I am trying to have a Wscript agent run when the web form starts in order to set a field with the machine name. I have tried adding this as pass through HTML at the bottom of the form as well as adding it to the onLoad event or the JS Header to no avail. I am a beginner at web enabling a form and adding JavaScript to it in Lotus. Any help would be fantastic. Below is the code:
Field Name: MachineName
var ax = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
f.MachineName.value = ax.ComputerName;

I guess this is not the complete code. At least one line is missing that defines "f"
The curly brackets have no sense in your code...
In the onload- event of the form, this code should work:
var f=document.forms[0];
var ax = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Network" );
f.MachineName.value = ax.ComputerName;
Of course this will only work in InternetExplorer as shown here


Processing lines and filling fields

I read and search and study, but can't seem to write any JS out of my own head - this should be really simple but it will not work. I keep getting an error about an undefined variable "madlib7.html:411 Uncaught ReferenceError: populatefields is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick"
I start with some urls that I paste into a textarea, then I click a button and first it splits the text into individual lines and stores them in variables. Next, I want to split each line by spaces and populate fields in an HTML form with select words from the resulting array via the use of innerhtml.
I know there is some way of looping through the processes, but I have not figured out how to do that yet so for now I am writing it all out the long way. I have not been able to figure out how to address the error message 'ReferenceError' from above.
Thanks for any and all help
populatefields(day1, location1, streamid1) {
var streamInfoLine1 = resultArr[0];
var streamInfoLine2 = resultArr[1];
var streamInfoLine3 = resultArr[2];
var streamInfoLine1 = resultArr[3];
var streamInfoLine2 = resultArr[4];
var streamInfoLine3 = resultArr[5];
var streamInfoLine1 = resultArr[6];
var streamInfoLine2 = resultArr[7];
var streamInfoLine3 = resultArr[8];
streamInfoLine1.split(' ');
var day1 = resultArr[0];
var location1 = resultArr[3];
var streamID1 = resultArr[4];
document.getElementById("location1").innerHTML= location1;
document.getElementById("time1").innerHTML= day1;
document.getElementById("streamid1").innerHTML= streamID1;
could you use stackoverflow built in code sandbox to include all your code in html, javascript code? it seems like the issue is on your html file madlib7.html, where your onclick listener isn't defined on the button. nor did I see anything from your code that indicates any event listener has been setup to perform that button task. so it's hard to help debug what exactly it is.

How to Sanitize JS Input

Hi I have a Java Script Code for handle Modals and some input data. Code is working fine but Now I have run into a problem after code scanning. Scanning tool is giving me the Client Potential XSS error and asking me to Sanitize my input.
Error Description:
Method $ at line 484 of public/js/Activity/dailyActivity.js gets user input for the attr element. This element’s
value then flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated and is eventually displayed to
the user in method $ at line 484 of public/js/Activity/dailyActivity.js. This may enable a Cross-Site-Scripting
JS Code:
var job_id;
// Delete action
$(document).on("click", ".deleteButton", function() {
var jobcycid = $(this).attr("data-jobcycid");
job_id = $(this).attr("id");
I'm not very good at JS and still at the beginner level. Can anyone tell me how to sanitize this input?
Scan report highlights the following lines:
485. var jobcycid = $(this).attr("data-jobcycid");
488. $("#jcId").html(jobcycid);
I've found a solution to this.
I have created following function to sanitize any variable generated from HTML value:
// Sanitize and encode all HTML in a user-submitted string
var sanitizeHTML = function(str) {
var temp = document.createElement("div");
temp.textContent = str;
return temp.innerHTML;
Then you can use that to sanitize the variable:
var jobcycid = sanitizeHTML($(this).attr("data-jobcycid"));

Ajax send POST to two URLs

On my website I want to send POST data to two different URLs and slightly modify the data for each URL. One is infusion soft and the other is an API on another one of my websites.
NOTE #1: I will be replacing the URL to my personal API with example text.
NOTE #2: Is it imperative that I set the Content Types, or is there other headers/information I'm missing before I send the Form Data? If so, why the heck would this all run perfectly from desktop? This code used to all be in jQuery but was not working as well, so I tried to rewrite the entire thing in Vanilla JS just to get the idea of a dependency problem out of the way.
NOTE #3: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
^ This pertains to both Infusion Soft and my personal API. I'm assuming if it's not even set on Infusion Soft that it's not a problem, especially given the fact that everything works perfectly on desktop.
NOTE #4: Every and ALL selectors match an element. There are no typos and again, this works to 100% on desktop running
Windows 10 Home
Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
NOTE #5: The action on the form goes to Infusion Soft. I stop the default from happening so I can work with the data, then send it to our database. After that is done I work with the data again, then let the action attribute run for Infusion Soft - all you can see in the code.
My code is as follows:
var form = document.getElementById('RequestADemo');
document.getElementById('submitButton').addEventListener('click', processData);
function processData(e){
var phone = document.getElementById('inf_field_Phone1').value;
var formData = new FormData(form);
formData.append('action', 'insertLead');
formData.append('inf_field_Phone', phone);
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', true);
var fullName = document.getElementById('inf_field_FirstName').value;
var fullNameSplitted = fullName.split(' ');
var firstName = fullNameSplitted[0];
if (fullNameSplitted.length > 1) {
var lastName = fullNameSplitted[1];
var formData2 = new FormData(form);
formData2.append('inf_field_FirstName', firstName);
formData2.append('inf_field_LastName', lastName);
var oReq2 = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', form.getAttribute('action'), true);
alert('Thanks! We will contact you shortly. Check your email for a confirmation.');
This code works perfect on desktop and submits to both my personal API and Infusion Soft.
In our API we take care of the first name and last name splitting and insert them into separate fields in the database.
However, for Infusion Soft we need to do this before we send the data since we can not control their API.
This is all working as planned on desktop.
On my iPhone7 in Safari, this code inserts into my personal database as planned, but does not even make it to Infusion Soft.
I tested some things with console.log(); and found that
var FormData2 = new FormData(form);
is the line where things break on mobile.
Everything before this line is running perfect on mobile.
Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it!
**UPDATE: **
Here are my new variables and code for the second Request sending to Infusion Soft:
var email = document.getElementById('inf_field_Email').value;
var company = document.getElementById('inf_field_Company').value;
var phone = document.getElementById('inf_field_Phone1').value;
var fullName = document.getElementById('inf_field_FirstName').value;
var fullNameSplitted = fullName.split(' ');
var firstName = fullNameSplitted[0];
if (fullNameSplitted.length > 1) {
var lastName = fullNameSplitted[1];
var formData2 = new FormData();
formData2.append('inf_field_FirstName', firstName);
formData2.append('inf_field_LastName', lastName);
formData2.append('inf_field_Email', email);
formData2.append('inf_field_Company', company);
formData2.append('inf_field_Phone1', phone);
var oReq2 = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', form.getAttribute('action'), true);
However, this is not working on desktop or mobile! :(
The final alert confirmation however is coming through.
As #Barmar mentioned in the comments, I had to create empty FormData and append all of the values manually. I did this and at first it was not working. What I figured out is that I was appending all the values I wanted to send to Infusion Soft, but the solution was to send ALL hidden fields Infusion Soft gives you in the unstyled HTML forms and their values as well.
I just had to make these appends which were 3 other hidden fields in the form:
formData2.append('inf_form_xid', xid);
formData2.append('inf_form_name', isFormName);
formData2.append('infusionsoft_version', isVersion);
Note that I had already set the variables to their values prior to this code block. Infusion Soft must not accept data unless it receives these values, which makes complete sense.

Problem formating Html string in Javascript to send mail

I am trying to send an email (using Outlook mail) from a jsp page.
Requirement is, when the user clicks on send email button the data stored in a string
(with HTML tags) should be passed to the mailbody.
But the problem is, the text displayed in mail body is not formatted as HTML text.
Could you please suggest how to format it as HTML text in Outlook Doc.
I have used the below code in a function-
function OpenOutlookDoc(whatform,msgBody)
outlookApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");
nameSpace = outlookApp.getNameSpace("MAPI");
mailFolder = nameSpace.getDefaultFolder(6);
mailItem = mailFolder.Items.add(whatform);
mailItem.To = "";
mailItem.Subject = "TEST MAIL";
mailItem.Messageclass = whatform;
mailItem.Body = msgBody; //the text here is concatenated with HTML tags
Thanks for you upcoming help..
After some google'ing:
The MSDN should help:
The article includes an example to send html emails using vb-script. Converting that to javascript should not be hard - but since activex only works from within Internet Explorer you might as well use vbscript.
Try adding message.IsBodyHtml = true; to your code.
otherwise u can refer this example.

How to programmatically determine name of CKEditor instance

I've added a CKEditor instance programmatically to my page in the code-behind of my ASP.NET page:
itemEditor = New CkEditor
... which works fine. I can get the HTML on the postback and do stuff with it.
However, I also want to do some client-side stuff with it, specifically take a selected item out of another control, and insert it into the text by handling the onchange event.
So, how can I get the name of the editor instance in the JavaScript, so that I can do stuff like:
function GetCkText()
var htmlFromEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['editorName'].getData();
// do stuff with htmlFromEditor
Assuming you only have one editor instance:
for ( var i in CKEDITOR.instances ){
var currentInstance = i;
var oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[currentInstance];
Here is what the JavaScript API says about instances.
Here is another way of defining the CKEditor. Here 'fck' is the input fields id:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'fck', {
customConfig : prefix + 'js/ckeditor/config.js',
height: 600,
width: 950
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.fck;
Notice how I am then able to reference the instance using .fck.
If you only have a single instance and you do not know the name of it.
The following code:
var allInstances=CKEDITOR.instances;
for ( var i in allInstances ){
works fine for me.
Well I've found a way... but I don't like it much...
I've added a Hidden Field control to the page, after adding the editor, and put the editor's ClientId in its value:
Dim hdn As New HiddenField
With hdn
.ID = "HiddenField"
.Value = itemEditor.ClientID
End With
.. and then in the JavaScript, I can get the hidden field, and hence the editor name as follows:
function GetCkText()
var hdn = document.getElementById("HiddenField");
var editorName = hdn.getAttribute("value");
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[editorName];
return false;
But it's a bit inelegant, to say the least. Anyone got a better way?
If you are using CKEDITOR.appendTo(...), keep in mind that the ckeditor does create an instance name internally. So you can query for that name immediately after creating it, then store it somewhere, and use it later.
var lvo_editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( "my_div" , null , lvs_html ) ;
my_global_var = ;
by the way: The CKEDITOR.replace(...) method allows you to define an instance name (see answer above)
If you need the instance from a plugin, at least in version 4+ you can do this.
Here I am wanting to know the name of the textarea I applied ckeditor on.

