setTimeout and this - simplest solution? - javascript

As we know , setTimeout is not working correctly with this becuase it runs in a global scope ( and this will be window)
But I've made a simple test :
Just wrap it with function :
var o={}
o.m=function (){alert(this.a);}
function (){
o.m() ;
And it does alert 1.
Am I missing something here ? why none of the answer suggests this solution ? does it behave different ?
p.s. : for those who intereseted here is a demo where it fails :
var o={}
o.m=function (){alert(this.a);}
setTimeout( o.m ,100); //undefined

The proper way to do this is to bind() the scope of the anonymous function.
var o = {};
o.a = 1;
setTimeout(function (){
}.bind(o), 1000);
While your answer produces the same results, it's not accessing the scope of o from within the anonymous function. It's merely calling a function of the global object o.
Your reference to this.a is from within the scope of o.

You're missing closures. Your callback function will have access to o, even if it's not been declared globally, as long as the callback was defined in a scope that did have access to o.
JS can't GC o, because the callback function still references it, hence your snippet works
var scope = {};//an empty object
console.log(typeof scope);
Here, you'll see undefined being logged, and (about) a second later, you'll see {} followed by object appear.
var foo = {bar: 'foobar',
callback: function()
setTimeout(foo.callback, 1000);
Will first log the object, referenced by foo, but then a second later, the same function object will log the global object because (as you say correctly), the function reference is invoked in the global context. The only way to avoid this is to use bind, or create another closure (but that would take us too far ATM).
I have gone into more detail on JS's ad-hoc context binding and reference resolving here, here, here, here and so on, and so forth

"this" is defined differently in different scopes, whereas you only defined "o" globally.


Nested .bind not working as expected

Unfortunately .bind has been giving me grief when creating more complex closures.
I am quite interested in why .bind seems to work differently once you nest functions.
For example :
function t(){
t = t.bind({}); //correctly assigns *this* to t
function nested_t(){
nested_t = nested_t.bind({}); // fails to assign *this* to nested_t
return nested_t;
return nested_t();
// alerts the whole function t instead of nested_t
// alerts the global object (window)
In both cases I was expecting a behavior like this:
function t(){
var nested_t = function nested_t(){
return this;
If someone could explain the behavior of .bind in the first (and/or) second case it would be much appreciated!
So, i'm not entirely reproducing your issue here (both cases return the global object), but i'll try and explain the code as i see it.
function t(){
t = t.bind({}); //correctly assigns *this* to t
function nested_t(){
nested_t = nested_t.bind({}); // fails to assign *this* to nested_t
return this;
return nested_t();
Let's take it step by step.
First, the function t() is defined. Then, upon call, it gets overwritten with a clean context. However, i don't see any usage of this context.
Now, a nested function (nested_t) is defined. Upon call, it is overwritten with a clean context. It then returns the context it had when it was called.
Back to t(). You then return the result of nested_t(), not nested_t itself. In the original function call, nested_t is still being called with global context.
Therefore, when you run t(), it returns the global object.
How your code works
It's very unclear, what your code is trying to do. You can find the documentation for .bind() here. It looks like you might be somehow misunderstanding what this is and how to use it. Anyway, what happens when you run your code is this:
A t function is created in global scope.
[case one] The t function is called.
Global scope t is replaced with a new value (original t bound to a specific context - anonymous empty object), which doesn't affect the current call in any way. Also, while the global t is overwritten, the local t is behaving as read-only. You can check it out by trying the following code: (function foo () { return (function bar () { bar = = 'baz'; return bar; })(); })() and comparing return value with
The same thing happens with nested_t in the nested context (instead of global context).
Result of nested_t call is returned. nested_t returns the context it was called with, which was window, as no context was specified. Specifically, it was not called with an empty object context, because the .bind() inside didn't affect the call itself.
[case two] The exact same thing happens once again. Now you're just calling t with itself as context. Since t doesn't use its context (this) anywhere in its code, nothing really changes.
What your misconceptions might be
Basically, you're mixing up two things - function instance and function call context. A function is a "first-class citizen" in JavaScript - it's an object and you can assign values to its properties.
function foo () { = 'value';
foo(); // is assigned a value
This has nothing to do with function call context. When you call a function a context is assigned to that call, which can be accessed using this (inside function body)
function foo () { = 'value';
var object = {};; // is assigned a value
When you use .bind(), you just create a new function with the same code, that is locked to a specific context.
function foo () { = 'value';
var fixedContext = {},
object = {};
bar = foo.bind(fixedContext);; // is set instead of
But in this case, there are also function instances foo and bar, which can also be assigned properties, and which have nothing to do with contexts of calls of those functions.
Let's look at how bind works. First, one level of nesting:
var foo = function() { return this.x; };
alert(foo()); // undefined
alert(foo.bind({x: 42})()); // 42
Now we can add the next level of nesting:
var bar = function() { return foo.bind(this)(); };
alert(bar()); // undefined
alert(bar.bind({x: 42})());
We pass our this context to foo with - guess what? - bind. There is nothing different about the way bind works between scopes. The only difference is that we've already bound this within bar, and so the body of bar is free to re-bind this within foo.
As a couple of commenters have noted, functions that overwrite themselves are a huge code smell. There is no reason to do this; you can bind context to your functions when you call them.
I highly, highly recommend reading the documentation on bind, and trying to understand it to the point where you can write a basic version of Function.prototype.bind from scratch.

Javascript Scope/Closure: Why can I access internal vars here?

I am currently working on a relatively simple project and discovered something:
var test = (function() {
var internal = 5;
return {
init: function() {
$(document).on('click', function() {
I thought closure and javascript scope (as I understood it) meant that a function can only access its own variables, and those 1 level above it. So Why does this work? When I click on the document I get an alert of "5", I expected to get undefined.
Here is a JSFiddle showing what I'm doing:
I thought closure and javascript scope (as I understood it) meant that a function can only access its own variables, and those 1 level above it.
Nope, it's all levels above it. In fact, that's how global variables work in JavaScript; they're just an example of closures in action.
So Why does this work?
When the JavaScript engine needs to resolve a symbol, it looks first (loosely) in the execution context that the symbol appears in (in this case, the one created by the call to the anonymous function you're passing into on). If it doesn't find a matching variable there, it looks at the execution context that surrounds that one (in this case, the one created by calling init). If it doesn't find it there, it looks at the next one out (the one created by calling your outermost anonymous function). And if not there, the next level out, until it reaches the global execution context.
More about closures (on my blog): Closures are not complicated
Note that I kept saying "...created by the call to..." above. This is a critical point: There can be (almost always are) multiple execution contexts created for a given scope as a program runs. Consider:
function foo(name) {
return function() {
(This is only two levels again, but it applies to as many levels as you like.)
foo, when called, creates and returns a function that, when called, shows us the name that was passed into foo when that function was created:
var f1 = foo("one");
var f2 = foo("two");
f1(); // "one"
f2(); // "two"
Calling foo creates an execution context. The function foo creates has an enduring reference to the part of that context that contains variables for that call (the spec calls it the "variable binding object"). That binding object still exists after foo returns, which is why when we call the function foo creates, it still has access to the relevant name variable.
It's important to remember that it isn't that closures get a copy of the value of the variable. They get an enduring reference to that variable. Which is why this works:
function foo(a) {
return function() {
var f = foo(0);
f(); // 1
f(); // 2
f(); // 3
Javascript is statically scoped. when you are writing a function, you will have access to all the variables available to you inside the function as they are available from where you are accessing it.
var a = 10;
function foo() {
// now i have access in a
var b = 20;
// i have access to both a and b
function bar() {
// still have access to both a and b
var c = 30;
// any more nested function will have access to a,b and c

Difference in function scope and context

Does function in javascript have global and local scope?see the code below
function doSomething()
function foo()
Here function foo() does not get executed. But the "this" keyword within the function points to global window object,if function doSomething() is executed.That means the function foo() is executing on the global scope .since it is executing in global scope why cant we execute the nested function directly without first executing the doSomething().
You're confusing scope and context. The first is fixed for the given function (unless it's returned by some function, effectively being injected into the outer scope), the second (which, among other things, defines what this refers to inside this function) is given to the function when it's invoked - and in fact can be changed with call and apply.
Consider this:
var someObj = function() {
var internalObj = {
nam: 'internal',
doSomething: function() {
console.log('Called from ' +;
internalObj.doSomething('Internal'); // 1
var someFunc = internalObj.doSomething;
someFunc(); // 2
return {
nam: 'external',
doSomething: internalObj.doSomething
var x = new someObj();
x.doSomething(); // 3
setTimeout(x.doSomething, 1000); // 4
setTimeout(x.doSomething.bind({nam:'a new one'}), 2000); // 5
In this example we define method 'doSomething' as property of internalObj variable, which is local to this constructor function - if you try to access it outside the someObj, you'll get ReferenceError.
When method is called in the constructor function itself (1), you'll get 'Called from internal' logged - as the method's context object (this) refers to internalObj now.
When we assign this method (its reference) to another local variable and call it from there (2), 'undefined' gets logged instead. Scope obviously didn't change here, but context variable did: it refers to the global object now.
Then we return this method as a result of constructor - and things start getting far more interesting: our function is now available in the outer scope! Note, though, the difference between results of its invokations in (3) and (4): the former gives us external (as the context object here is the one that was created by the constructor), the latter, again, return us undefined even though the syntax is the same. ) It happens because functions sent into timeout and event handlers "lose" their context, in short... unless we fix it with Function.prototype.bind method, like in (5).
JavaScript has function level scope.
Any function declaration will be scoped to its nearest containing function automatically.
Function expressions just return a value (that is a function) so you can scope them in any way you choose.
That means the function foo() is executing on the global scope
You are confusing scope and context.
Scope is determined by where a variable is declared (with var or a special rule like "function declarations are scoped"). It effects where a variable is visible.
Context is determined by how a function is called. It effects what the value of this is.
The two are not connected.

Javascript: why "this" inside the private function refers to the global scope?

Consider the following code:
function A() {}
A.prototype.go = function() {
console.log(this); //A { go=function()}
var f = function() {
console.log(this); //Window
var a = new A();
Why does 'this' inside function 'f' refers to the global scope? Why it is not the scope of function 'A' ?
JavaScript has a different concept of what the special name this refers to
than most other programming languages do. There are exactly five different
ways in which the value of this can be bound in the language.
The Global Scope
When using this in global scope, it will simply refer to the global object.
Calling a Function
Here, this will again refer to the global object.
ES5 Note: In strict mode, the global case no longer exists.
this will instead have the value of undefined in that case.
Calling a Method;
In this example, this will refer to test.
Calling a Constructor
new foo();
A function call that is preceded by the new keyword acts as
a constructor. Inside the function, this will refer
to a newly created Object.
Explicit Setting of this
function foo(a, b, c) {}
var bar = {};
foo.apply(bar, [1, 2, 3]); // array will expand to the below, 1, 2, 3); // results in a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
When using the call or apply methods of Function.prototype, the value of
this inside the called function gets explicitly set to the first argument
of the corresponding function call.
As a result, in the above example the method case does not apply, and this
inside of foo will be set to bar.
Note: this cannot be used to refer to the object inside of an Object
literal. So var obj = {me: this} will not result in me referring to
obj, since this only gets bound by one of the five listed cases.
Common Pitfalls
While most of these cases make sense, the first one is to be considered another
mis-design of the language because it never has any practical use.
Foo.method = function() {
function test() {
// this is set to the global object
A common misconception is that this inside of test refers to Foo; while in
fact, it does not.
In order to gain access to Foo from within test, it is necessary to create a
local variable inside of method which refers to Foo.
Foo.method = function() {
var that = this;
function test() {
// Use that instead of this here
that is just a normal variable name, but it is commonly used for the reference to an
outer this. In combination with closures, it can also
be used to pass this values around.
Assigning Methods
Another thing that does not work in JavaScript is function aliasing, which is
assigning a method to a variable.
var test = someObject.methodTest;
Due to the first case, test now acts like a plain function call; therefore,
this inside it will no longer refer to someObject.
While the late binding of this might seem like a bad idea at first, in
fact, it is what makes prototypal inheritance work.
function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype.method = function() {};
function Bar() {}
Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype;
new Bar().method();
When method gets called on a instance of Bar, this will now refer to that
very instance.
Disclaimer: Shamelessy stolen from my own resources at
The reason why is you are invoking f as a function and not a method. When invoked as a function this is set to window during the execution of the target
// Method invocation. Invoking a member (go) of an object (a). Hence
// inside "go" this === a
// Function invocation. Invoking a function directly and not as a member
// of an object. Hence inside "f" this === window
// Function invocation.
var example = a.go;
The scope of all functions is window.
To circumvent that, you can do this:
function A() {}
A.prototype.go = function() {
var self = this;
console.log(self); //A { go=function()}
var f = function() {
console.log(self); //A { go=function()}
Because function f() is not called without any object reference. Try,

Please explan this javascript function definition and their best use (Module Pattern)

What type of function is the following and which is their best use?
var f = function (){
var a = 0;
return {
f1 : function(){
f2 : function(param){
I tried to convert it to:
var f = {
a : 0,
f1: function (){
f2: function (param){
But seems does not works the same way.
It's just a plain old function that is invoked immediately, and returns an object which is then referenced by f.
The functions referenced by object returned retain their ability to reference the a variable.
No code outside that immediately invoked function can reference a so it enjoys some protection since you control exactly what happens to a via the functions you exported.
This pattern is sometimes called a module pattern.
Regarding your updated question, it doesn't work the same because a is now a publicly available property of the object.
For the functions to reference it, they'll either do:
or if the function will be called from the f object, they can do:
Like this:
var f = {
a : 0,
f1: function (){
alert( this.a );
f2: function (param){
this.a = param;
f.f2( 123 );
f.f1(); // alerts 123
But the key thing is that a is publicly available. Any code that has access to f can access f.a and therefore make changes to it without using your f1 and f2 functions.
That's the beauty of the first code. You get to control exactly what happens to a.
Basically that creates a "class" - JS doesn't have classes so a class is basically a function such as your function f.
The interesting thing about the code you posted is that it creates a private variable a and two public functions f1 and f2. They are public because the constructor - the outer function - returns them.
This is a common pattern for organising and encapsulating JS code.
You can read more about it here
It's a simple function to create and return an object. It's immediately executed, and its result is saved to your variable f
It first declares a local (or private) variable a, visible only withing the scope of the function. Then it constructs an object which has members f1 and f2, both of which are functions. Since this return object is declared within the same scope that a is declared, both f1 and f2 will have access to a.
Your conversion simply creates a single object. Where before you had a function that would create endless objects, you now have a single object, and no more. I'm not sure exactly why it doesn't work, but one major difference is that a is now visible to the world, where before it was private to the return object.

