Object with nested array of objects and respective functions - javascript

I am trying to create an object with an array of objects.
Eg: I would like to create a Page object with multiple headers.
I need an addHeader() and getHeaders() method. A header itself is an object with few properties (eg name and id). I've been trying to nest it inside the page object as its part and add it to an array of Headers (which I assumed would be a part of Page, but that may not be the ideal solution).
I run into trouble when I tried to execute the inner functions.
I read this question and few similar on the topic, unfortunately I can't come up with a solution:
No ways to have class-based objects in javascript?
My most up to date attempt:
var Page = ( function () {
function Page() {
var headers = [];
var header = {
addHeader : function(name,id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
this.getHeaders = function() {
for(var i=0; i< Page.headers.length; i++) {
return Page;
}) ();
When I'm trying to run getHeaders:
var p = new Page(); p.getHeaders();
I get:
p.getHeaders is not a function
My javascript skills are rather basic, I would appreciate any help or comments.
Thank you for your answers.
Could someone explain to me how can I access the inner addHeader function?
Is this the correct way of nesting functions in javascript objects?

The way you have it, getHeaders is private to the scope it's in. To make it public, change it to:
this.getHeaders = function() {
// implementation
For your addHeader comment - if that's supposed to be a public function, then just do the same thing as getHeaders - a public function. You can skip the whole var header = {...}; thing - based on what you're saying, you don't need that at all. Your function can look something like:
var Page = (function () {
function Page() {
var headers = [];
this.getHeaders = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
this.addHeader = function (name, id) {
headers.push({ name: name, id: id });
return Page;
The prototype stuff won't work since you're accessing a private member. You need to keep those functions inside, where they still have access to headers, or else make headers public. I have removed the prototype part of the answer.

You want something like so:
//create a page object 'class'
function Page(){
this.headers = [];
//add functions to the page object
Page.prototype.addHeader = function(header){ this.headers.push(header); }
Page.prototype.getHeaders = function(){ return this.headers; }
function Header(opt){
this.name = opt.name || ""; //default to empty string
this.id = opt.id || null; //default to null id
//use it like so
Header header1 = new Header("title1","title1ID");
Page firstPage = new Page();
firstPage.addHeader( header1 );


Unexpected behavior using getters and setters

Look this code:
function dbg (object) {
var _string = "";
for (var a in object) {
_string += a + ":\n";
for (var b in object[a])
if (/^get_/.test (b))
_string += "\t" + b + " - " + object[a][b] () + "\n";
return _string;
function Order () {
var products = [];
this.get_products = function () {return products;}
this.set_products = function (_products) {products = _products;}
function Product () {
var id = null;
var name = null;
this.get_id = function () {return id;}
this.get_name = function () {return name;}
this.set_id = function (_id) {id = _id;}
this.set_name = function (_name) {name = _name}
var order = new Order ();
var product = new Product ();
product.set_id (1);
product.set_name ("Banana");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
alert (dbg (order.get_products ())); // Ok
product.set_id (2);
product.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
alert (dbg (order.get_products ())); // Duplicated values! What?
The first time you push the object "Product" into the object "Order", everything looks fine.
When you set new values to the object "Product", the object itself overwrites the previous values of the object "Order". The final result is a array of duplicated values. Is it normal ? Is there a workaround? Just tried everything I knew without success. Thanks.
Crazy Train has already answered it in the comments. The question is listed having 0 answers so I'll add it as an answer.
When adding a variable containing an object to an array you add a reference to the variable, when you re assign the variable the reference is broken.
Adding a variable containing an object to an array then re assigning the variable doesn't change the object in the array:
var arr=[];
var object={name:"John"};
console.log(arr);//=[Object {name="john"}]
Adding a variable containing an object to an array then changing the internal values of the object that the variable contains does change the object in the array:
var arr=[];
var object={name:"John"};
console.log(arr);//=[Object {name="Jane"}]
So to correct your code you could do the following:
Create a new variable for the product to be added:
var product2=new Product();
product2.set_id (2);
product2.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product2));
Or break the reference between your product variable and the products array in order:
product=null;//product has no ref to order.products
product=new Product();
product.set_id (2);
product.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
I would not define members of an object in a constructor function with var as JavaScript doesn't support private members. You can simulate them by creating closures but that has it's own problem when you have instance specific privates (as is your case). You can't use prototype if the functions need to access private instance variables, you can't clone it unless you have public accesssors, inheritance and overriding functions will be a pain.
Here is some more info on using constructor functions.
If you have Chrome or Firefox (with Firebug) then you can press F12 to open the console. You an detach the console window (have it's own window) then copy code in the before mentioned answers and paste them in the commandline of the console. There you can run and re run the code, change and see the output to better understand JS behavior.
You are just overriding the variables in object. I'd do it like this, much simpler:
var products = {
set : function(name,id) {
get : function(id) {
var r;
if(typeof id === 'number'){
products.list.forEach(function(e,i){ if(e.id==id) r= products.list[i];});
} else {
products.list.forEach(function(e,i){ if(e.name==id) r = products.list[i];});
return r;
list : []
var order={
set : function(p) {
get : function(id) {
return order.list[id];
delete : function(id) {
return delete order.list[id];
list : {}
then you can do this
var x = products.get(1);
var y = products.get('orange');
working demo:

Encapsulating Class Definitions in JavaScript for Cleaner Namespace

I'm creating a quiz interaction, and after a few days of research I'm trying to determine the best way to declare my objects. There's a master anonymous function (which could be called Quiz, but there is no requirement for public methods) that contains a class definition for Scenarios that contain a class definition for Questions:
Quiz > Scenario > Questions > Answers (eventually)
I prefer the Immediately-Invoked ('iffy') model to enforce private/public, but I also require multiple instances, so I believe I should be using prototypes? I've placed the class definitions as private as they are only used by this interaction. Is this the best model?
JsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/QtCm8/
(function(quizData) {
var scenarios = [];
for(var s=0;s<quizData.scenarios.length;s++) scenarios.push(new Scenario(quizData.scenarios[s]));
function Scenario(scenarioData) {
console.log("New Scenario: " + scenarioData.title);
var questions = [];
for(var q=0;q<scenarioData.questions.length;q++) questions.push(new Question(scenarioData.questions[q]));
function Question(questionData) {
console.log("New Question: " + questionData.text);
// Repeat pattern for future answers object
scenarios: [
title: 'Scenario1'
,questions: [
text: 'What is 1+1?'
text: 'What is 2+2?'
Consider packing your classes into objects. The following is a design pattern that I came up with. Since you have so many classes that rely on each other I thought it better to line them up into one object. Here is the code:
var quiz = {};
quiz.init = (function(data) {
this.scenarios = this.questions = this.answers = [];
this.data = {
Question: data.Question.bind(this),
Answer: data.Answer.bind(this),
Scenario: data.Scenario.bind(this)
this.set_data = function(qas) {
// fill the arrays here
// Question, Scenario and Answer are now this.data.Question/Answer...
// you can use a variable to shorten the names here
var Quiz = function(data) {
return new quiz.init(data);
var data = { // classes are defined here
Question: function() {},
Answer: function() {},
Scenario: function() {}
var q = Quiz( data );
q.data.set_data(/* Big object literal goes here */);
Personally, I like to use class definitions that return the properties that they wish to make public. Below is an example for your case. You could play around with the structure and find something that you like best, but it should give you some examples:
// Namespace
var q = {};
q.Quiz = function Quiz (data) {
// Private code & variables
var scenarios = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.scenarios.length; i++) {
scenarios.push(new q.Scenario(data.scenarios[i]));
// Return public methods & values
return {
scenarios: scenarios
q.Scenario = function Scenario (sData) {
// Private inner class
var Question = function (qData) {
console.log("New Question: " + qData.text);
return {
text: qData.text
console.log("New Scenario: " + sData.title);
var questions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sData.questions.length; i++) {
questions.push(new Question(sData.questions[i]));
return {
questions: questions
var data = {
scenarios: [
title: 'Scenario1'
,questions: [
text: 'What is 1+1?'
text: 'What is 2+2?'
console.log(new q.Quiz(data));
Working example here: http://jsfiddle.net/5M8bp/
Alternatively, you get rid of the return statement and define public properties and methods using the 'this' keyword. For example:
q.Quiz = function Quiz (data) {
this.scenarios = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.scenarios.length; i++) {
this.scenarios.push(new q.Scenario(data.scenarios[i]));
q.Scenario = function Scenario (sData) {
// Private inner class
var Question = function (qData) {
console.log("New Question: " + qData.text);
this.text = qData.text;
console.log("New Scenario: " + sData.title);
this.questions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sData.questions.length; i++) {
this.questions.push(new Question(sData.questions[i]));
First, there are no classes in Javascript, just objects. It is a prototype-based language (not class-based), and its functions are first-class objects. By the way, a prototype is an object, and every function you create gets it pointing to a new blank object. There is just a concept of "class" simulated using functions.
This immediate pattern (aka anonymous function) is very useful to provide a cleaner namespace, as you said. It also useful when there is a work that needs to be done only once, e.g. initialization code, so there is no reason to have a reusable named function.
However, if you need reusable members (e.g. a method), yes, it should go to the prototype. Adding common properties and methods to the prototype property, allows these common parts to be shared among all the instances created using the same constructor.
Maybe you are looking for the Module Pattern, which is a combination of patters like
immediate functions,
private members etc.

Class inheritance and private variables in JS

Say I have this code:
function ParentClass()
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what)
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass()
SecondSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
SecondSubClass.prototype.constructor = SecondSubClass;
function SecondSubClass()
When I run new FirstSubClass() I see a single value array in the console. And when I run new SecondSubClass(), again, I see a single value array.
However, why is it when I run them again (i.e. new FirstSubClass(); new SecondSubClass();) I then see the arrays added to rather than new ones being created?
The rationale here is that I'm creating new instances of a class, therefore why are they sharing the same private property?
How can I avoid this so when I do, for e.g., new FirstSubClass() I then see a single value array no matter how many times I create a new instance of the class?
Keep in mind that you've only called new ParentClass() once for each subclass. That means that the private array variable is part of the prototype object for those subclasses. There's only one prototype object, so there's only one array (per subclass).
Each call to new FirstSubClass() generates a new instance that shares the same prototype object. The call to addToArray() therefore adds an element to that same array that was created when the prototype object was created.
edit — if you want per-instance arrays, you'd have to do something like this:
function ParentClass() {
this.addToArray = function(value) { this.instanceArray.push(value); };
function FirstSubClass() {
this.instanceArray = [];
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
First, sub-classing in JS is typically a bad idea, because people think that they're getting extension, where every instance has its own copy of properties and methods...
...really, they're getting public static access to the parent's stuff.
Even better, that public static stuff has no access to the encapsulated variables, so there's really no manipulation of private data, unless you're using private functions (with a public interface) to pass data to and collect return values from, the public static stuff.
var Parent = function () {
this.static_prop = 0;
this.static_method = function (num) { this.static_prop += 1; return num + this.static_prop; };
var Child = function (num) {
this.public_func = function () { num = this.static_method(num); };
Child.prototype = new Parent();
var child = new Child(13);
Just calling this.static_method wouldn't help, because it would have 0 access to num, which means that you're wrapping things which you inherited to grant them access to use private data as inputs, which means that you're doing most of the writing you'd be doing anyway, regardless of inheritance, because your expectations of .prototype were backwards.
Might I suggest Dependency Injection, instead?
Component-based programs?
var Iterator = function () {
var count = 0,
min = 0,
max = 0,
reset = function () { count = min; },
next = function () { count = count >= max ? min : count; return count += 1; },
set_min = function (val) { min = val; },
set_max = function (val) { max = val; },
public_interface = { reset : reset, count : count, set_min : set_min, set_max : set_max };
return public_interface;
Thing = function (iter) {
var arr = [],
currentObj = null,
nextObj = function () {
currentObj = arr[iter.next()];
add = function (obj) {
arr.push(obj); iter.set_max(arr.length);
public_interface = { next : nextObj, add : add };
return public_interface;
var thing = Thing(Iterator());
It's a convoluted example, but now every instance is going to be given exactly what it needs to do its job (because the constructor requires it -- or you can add the dependency later, through a public method, or as a public-property).
The interfaces for each module can now also get as simple and as clean as you'd like, as you don't have to wrap unexpected static-helpers to get private data...
Now you know what's private, you know what you're extending to the public, and you have clean ins and outs wherever you want to put them.
You are only constructing a new instance of ParentClass once per subclass and that is to apply it to your prototype. If you want each instance to have its own copy of the private array and its own copy of the function "addToArray" you will need to invoke the ParentClass constructor function within your other objects constructors:
function ParentClass(){
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what){
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass(){
//call the parents constructor where "this" points to your FirstSubClass instance
ParentClass.call( this );
SecondSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
SecondSubClass.prototype.constructor = SecondSubClass;
function SecondSubClass(){
ParentClass.call( this );
try this:
function ParentClass()
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what)
document.getElementById("i").value = anArray;
//FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass()
this.parent = new ParentClass()
var q = new FirstSubClass();
var r = new FirstSubClass();
All Subclasses share the same parent class, thus the same private anArray
The solution is to use the Mixin pattern.
// I have the habbit of starting a mixin with $
var $AddToArray = function(obj) {
var array = [];
obj.addToArray = function(what) {
var FirstClass = function() {
var SecondClass = function() {

Javascript inheritance on variable within a function (OpenERP)

Basically I'm trying to override a function by extending it. I have the following base (simplified) code:
openerp.point_of_sale = function(db) {
var Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
exportAsJSON: function() {
return {'bigobject'}
Then, I'm writing my own .js where I want to inherit and override exportAsJSON function and I'm not sure how to .extend it. Here is my erroneous approach:
openerp.my_module = function(db) {
db.point_of_sale.Order = db.point_of_sale.Order.extend({
exportAsJSON: function() {
var order_data = this._super();
//... add more stuff on object
return order_data;
What would be the correct way of doing it?
I hope I'm providing enough information for an answer (I'm working on OpenERP by the way). Any help will be appreciated.
More specifically, the error seems to be in the extension itself:
db.point_of_sale.Order = db.point_of_sale.Order.extend({
...even if I put a simple return 0; within my exportAsJSON function, the page doesn't load and I get the following error in my browser console:
"Cannot call method 'extend' of undefined"
I think you want something like SuperClass.prototype.method.call(this):
openerp.my_module = function(db) {
db.point_of_sale.Order = db.point_of_sale.Order.extend({
exportAsJSON: function() {
var order_data = db.point_of_sale.Order.prototype.exportAsJSON.call(this);
//... add more stuff on object
return order_data;
This is how you would normally do that in JavaScript:
var eaj = db.point_of_sale.Order.prototype.exportAsJSON;
db.point_of_sale.Order = db.point_of_sale.Order.extend({
exportAsJSON: function() {
var order_data = eaj.apply( this, arguments );
//... add more stuff on object
return order_data;
This is basically where you problem lies:
openerp.point_of_sale = function(db) {
var Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
this is a private variable
not a property!
Therefore you cannot access it at all. If it was defined like this:
openerp.point_of_sale = function(db) {
openerp.point_of_sale.Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
this is now a property of point_of_sale
(basically public variable)
then you can access it the way you're trying to:
db.point_of_sale.Order = db.point_of_sale.Order.extend({
So, the answer is you cannot do that. You need to extend or modify db.point_of_sale instead of Order.

JavaScript nested object reference to parent

I'm working on a fairly complex object in JS and I'm running into issues:
I have the following (abridged) code:
var LocationSelector;
LocationSelector = function(container) {
this.selectors = {
container: container,
city_name: container.find('input.city_name'),
city_id: container.find('input.city_id')
return this.initialize();
LocationSelector.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
return this.city.checkStatus();
city: {
status: null,
message: null,
id: null,
checkStatus: function() {
if (LocationSelector.selectors.city_name.val() && LocationSelector.selectors.city_id.val()) {
return LocationSelector.city.setStatus('success');
setStatus: function(status) {
return alert(status);
Two questions:
1) Inside of a sub-object function this no longer refers back to the root object. It seems I can refer back to the parent if I write out LocationSelector.object.method( args ), but that's a lot to type. Is there a way to define a shortcut back to the parent object?
2) In some situations I need to have several instances of this per page, so it's important to me that I can set the various selectors when a new object is instantiated and then refer to the instance selectors in the prototype. Is referring to the parent object (ie. LocationSelector) in sub-object methods even viable for that? How does JS know to stay with the currently active object's stored properties?
Basically, I'm trying to implement a class, and I'm totally new to JS and don't really know how to do it. So, any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
There are many things wrong with your current approach. Here is something closer to what you want, although I do not understand why LocationSelector instances have a city member.
function LocationSelector(container) {
this.selectors = {
container: container,
city_name: container.find("input.city_name"),
city_id: container.find("input.city_id")
this.city = new City(this);
function City(locationSelector) {
this.status = null;
this.message = null;
this.id = null;
this.locationSelector = locationSelector;
City.prototype.checkStatus = function () {
if (this.locationSelector.selectors.city_name.val() && this.locationSelector.selectors.city_id.val()) {
City.prototype.setStatus = function () {
Things to note:
Data properties go on the instance, not the prototype. Only methods go on the prototype.
City is clearly its own class, so you should make it one. In your code, a single city is being shared between all instances of LocationSelector, since it is put on the prototype. In this code, it is assigned as an instance property, in the LocationSelector constructor.
You cannot reference LocationSelector.selectors like you do in your example. LocationSelector.selectors would be for "static" properties, which LocationSelector does not have. Instead you need to refer to the selectors property on specific instances; in this example, that instance is given by this.locationSelector.
Points 2 and 3 speak to an important fact: the "child" City instance cannot reference to properties of the "parent" LocationSelector class without having a concrete instance of it.
Here is a version of the code that makes more sense to me, removing the part where LocationSelector has a city property (which it doesn't use).
function LocationSelectors(container) {
this.city_name = container.find("input.city_name");
this.city_id = container.find("input.city_id");
function City(locationSelectors) {
this.locationSelector = locationSelector;
City.prototype.checkStatus = function () {
if (this.locationSelectors.city_name.val() && this.locationSelectors.city_id.val()) {
City.prototype.setStatus = function () {
function checkCityStatus(container) {
var locationSelectors = new LocationSelectors(container);
var city = new City(locationSelectors);
I leave you with a link to Crockford's "Private Members in JavaScript", which talks about doing OO in JavaScript. There are other, probably better explanations out there, but at least that one will put you on the right track.
Read about Closures and I'm positive you will find what you need.
Here's is a quick example of what you are trying to accomplish:
function MyCoolObject(name){
var self_myCoolObject = this;
this.name = name;
this.popAlertWithNameInFiveSeconds = function(){
alert('Incorrect reference to name "this.name" returns ' + this.name);
alert('Correct reference to name "self_myCoolObject.name" returns ' + self_myCoolObject.name);
var MyObj = new MyCoolObject('MySuperCoolName')
Here is a snippet of JS code that I have. Before I drop down into a click handler, I make a reference to the object (SlideShow) by calling var parent = this. Then in later nested functions, you can be sure you're calling the right scope by using parent.function()
/* Slide Show object */
function SlideShow(parentContainerId) {
this.BEGINNING = 'Beginning';
this.END = 'End of list';
this.FIRSTINDEX = 0;
this.length = jQuery(parentContainerId + ' img').length;
this.container = jQuery(parentContainerId);
this.imgs = jQuery(parentContainerId + ' img');
this.index = this.FIRSTINDEX;
this.status = 'beginning'; // beginning, end
this.init = function() {
// get it started
// ****GET OBJECT SCOPE*****
var parent = this;
// set up click listener
this.container.find('img').click(function(e) {
var item_width = jQuery(this).width();
var x_click_ps = e.clientX - jQuery(this).offset().left;
var x_diff = x_click_ps / item_width;
if (x_diff < .5) {
} else {

