BigDecimal in JavaScript - javascript

I'm very new to JavaScript (I come from a Java background) and I am trying to do some financial calculations with small amounts of money.
My original go at this was:
<script type="text/javascript">
var normBase = ("[price]").replace("$", "");
var salesBase = ("[saleprice]").replace("$", "");
var base;
if (salesBase != 0) {
base = salesBase;
} else {
base = normBase;
var per5 = (base - (base * 0.05));
var per7 = (base - (base * 0.07));
var per10 = (base - (base * 0.10));
var per15 = (base - (base * 0.15));
'5% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per5 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
'7% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per7 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
'10% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per10 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>' +
'15% Off: $' + (Math.ceil(per15 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) + '<br/>'
This worked well except it always rounded up (Math.ceil). Math.floor has the same issue, and Math.round is also no good for floats.
In Java, I would have avoided the use of floats completely from the get-go, however in JavaScript there does not seem to be a default inclusion of something comparable.
The problem is, all the libraries mentioned are either broken or for a different purpose. The library is very close to what I need, however I'm having bizarre issues with its rounding and precision... No matter what I set the Round Type to, it seems to decide on its own. So for example, 3.7107 with precision of 2 and round type of ROUND_HALF_UP somehow winds up as 3.72 when it should be 3.71.
I also tried #JasonSmith BigDecimal library (a machined port from Java's BigDecimal), but it seems to be for node.js which I don't have the option of running.
How can I accomplish this using vanilla JavaScript (and be reliable) or is there a modern (ones mentioned above are all years old now) library that I can use that is maintained and is not broken?

Since we have native support for BigInt, it doesn't require much code any more to implement BigDecimal.
Here is a BigDecimal class based on BigInt with the following characteristics:
The number of decimals is configured as a constant, applicable to all instances.
Whether excessive digits are truncated or rounded is configured as a boolean constant.
An instance stores the decimal number as a BigInt, multiplied by a power of 10 so to include the decimals.
All calculations happen with those BigInt values.
The arguments passed to add, subtract, multiply and divide can be numeric, string, or instances of BigDecimal
These methods return new instances, so a BigDecimal is treated as immutable.
The toString method reintroduces the decimal point.
A BigDecimal can coerce to a number (via implicit call to toString), but that will obviously lead to loss of precision.
class BigDecimal {
// Configuration: constants
static DECIMALS = 18; // number of decimals on all instances
static ROUNDED = true; // numbers are truncated (false) or rounded (true)
static SHIFT = BigInt("1" + "0".repeat(BigDecimal.DECIMALS)); // derived constant
constructor(value) {
if (value instanceof BigDecimal) return value;
let [ints, decis] = String(value).split(".").concat("");
this._n = BigInt(ints + decis.padEnd(BigDecimal.DECIMALS, "0")
.slice(0, BigDecimal.DECIMALS))
+ BigInt(BigDecimal.ROUNDED && decis[BigDecimal.DECIMALS] >= "5");
static fromBigInt(bigint) {
return Object.assign(Object.create(BigDecimal.prototype), { _n: bigint });
add(num) {
return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(this._n + new BigDecimal(num)._n);
subtract(num) {
return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(this._n - new BigDecimal(num)._n);
static _divRound(dividend, divisor) {
return BigDecimal.fromBigInt(dividend / divisor
+ (BigDecimal.ROUNDED ? dividend * 2n / divisor % 2n : 0n));
multiply(num) {
return BigDecimal._divRound(this._n * new BigDecimal(num)._n, BigDecimal.SHIFT);
divide(num) {
return BigDecimal._divRound(this._n * BigDecimal.SHIFT, new BigDecimal(num)._n);
toString() {
const s = this._n.toString().padStart(BigDecimal.DECIMALS+1, "0");
return s.slice(0, -BigDecimal.DECIMALS) + "." + s.slice(-BigDecimal.DECIMALS)
.replace(/\.?0+$/, "");
// Demo
var a = new BigDecimal("123456789123456789876");
var b = a.divide("10000000000000000000");
var c = b.add("9.000000000000000004");
console.log(+c); // loss of precision when converting to number

I like using accounting.js for number, money and currency formatting.
Homepage -
Github -

There are several implementations of BigDecimal in js:
The last 3 come from the same author: see the differences.

Big.js is great, but too bulky for me.
I'm currently using the following which uses BigInt for arbitrary-precision. Only supports add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Calling set_precision(8); sets precision to 8 decimals.
Rounding mode is ROUND_DOWN.
class AssertionError extends Error {
* #param {String|void} message
constructor (message) {
super(message); = 'AssertionError';
if (Error.captureStackTrace instanceof Function) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, AssertionError);
toJSON () {
return { name:, message: this.message, stack: this.stack };
* #param {Boolean} value
* #param {String|void} message
static assert (value, message) {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error('assert(value, message?), "value" must be a boolean.');
if (message !== undefined && typeof message !== 'string') {
throw new Error('assert(value, message?), "message" must be a string.');
if (value === false) {
throw new AssertionError(message);
module.exports = AssertionError;
const AssertionError = require('./AssertionError');
let precision = 2;
let precision_multiplier = 10n ** BigInt(precision);
let max_safe_integer = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) * precision_multiplier;
* #param {Number} value
const set_precision = (value) => {
AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'number');
AssertionError.assert(Number.isFinite(value) === true);
AssertionError.assert(Number.isInteger(value) === true);
AssertionError.assert(value >= 0 === true);
precision = value;
precision_multiplier = 10n ** BigInt(precision);
max_safe_integer = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) * precision_multiplier;
* #param {Number} value
const to_bigint = (value) => {
AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'number');
AssertionError.assert(Number.isFinite(value) === true);
return BigInt(value.toFixed(precision).replace('.', ''));
* #param {BigInt} value
* #param {Number} decimal_places
const to_number = (value) => {
AssertionError.assert(typeof value === 'bigint');
AssertionError.assert(value <= max_safe_integer);
const value_string = value.toString().padStart(2 + precision, '0');
const whole = value_string.substring(0, value_string.length - precision);
const decimal = value_string.substring(value_string.length - precision, value_string.length);
const result = Number(`${whole}.${decimal}`);
return result;
* #param {Number[]} values
const add = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : previous + to_bigint(current), null));
const subtract = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : previous - to_bigint(current), null));
const multiply = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : (previous * to_bigint(current)) / precision_multiplier, null));
const divide = (...values) => to_number(values.reduce((previous, current) => previous === null ? to_bigint(current) : (previous * precision_multiplier) / to_bigint(current), null));
const arbitrary = { set_precision, add, subtract, multiply, divide };
module.exports = arbitrary;
const arbitrary = require('./arbitrary');
const add = arbitrary.add;
const subtract = arbitrary.subtract;
const multiply = arbitrary.multiply;
const divide = arbitrary.divide;
console.log(add(75, 25, 25)); // 125
console.log(subtract(75, 25, 25)); // 25
console.log(multiply(5, 5)); // 25
console.log(add(5, multiply(5, 5))); // 30
console.log(divide(125, 5, 5)); // 5
console.log(divide(1000, 10, 10)); // 10
console.log(divide(1000, 8.86)); // 112.86681715
console.log(add(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0)); // 9007199254740991
console.log(subtract(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 1)); // 9007199254740990
console.log(multiply(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0.5)); // 4503599627370495.5
console.log(divide(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 2)); // 4503599627370495.5
console.log(multiply(Math.PI, Math.PI)); // 9.86960437
console.log(divide(Math.PI, Math.PI)); // 1
console.log(divide(1, 12)); // 0.08333333
console.log(add(0.1, 0.2)); // 0.3
console.log(multiply(1.500, 1.3)); // 1.95
console.log(multiply(0, 1)); // 0
console.log(multiply(0, -1)); // 0
console.log(multiply(-1, 1)); // -1
console.log(divide(1.500, 1.3)); // 1.15384615
console.log(divide(0, 1)); // 0
console.log(divide(0, -1)); // 0
console.log(divide(-1, 1)); // -1
console.log(multiply(5, 5, 5, 5)); // 625
console.log(multiply(5, 5, 5, 123, 123, 5)); // 9455625

Wrapped #trincot 's great implementation of BigDecimal into an NPM module, combined with the BigInt polyfill JSBI and Reverse Polish notation algorithm.
With this module, it is quite intuitive to perform arbitrary arithmetic computation in JS now, even compatible with IE11.
npm install jsbi-calculator
import JBC from "jsbi-calculator";
const { calculator } = JBC;
const expressionOne = "((10 * (24 / ((9 + 3) * (-2)))) + 17) + 5";
const resultOne = calculator(expressionOne);
// -> '12'
const max = String(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
// -> '9007199254740991'
const expressionTwo = `${max} + 2`;
const resultTwo = calculator(expressionTwo);
// -> '9007199254740993'
This is the link to the npm page.
Thanks once again for #trincot 's inspiration.


Adding float values in javascript

I have had problems with the conditional 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3. I tried 0.0001 + 0.0002 and this not equal 0.03. As I know, we can use toFixed to solve this problem. But is there any solution to resolve this problem dynamically? Because with 0.1 + 0.2 we use toFixed(2) and 0.0001 + 0.0002 uses toFixed(4).
You could extend Math to include a function to do the math. The below takes two floats, determines the greatest number of decimal places and then based on that does the math then does a toFixed using the greatest number of decimal places.
Math.addFloats = function (f1,f2){
//Helper function to find the number of decimal places
function findDec(dec){
var count = 0;
return count;
//Determine the greatest number of decimal places
var dec1 = findDec(f1);
var dec2 = findDec(f2);
var fixed = dec1>dec2 ? dec1 : dec2;
//do the math then do a toFixed, could do a toPrecision also
var n = (f1+f2).toFixed(fixed);
return +n;
console.log( Math.addFloats(0.1,0.2) == 0.3 ); //evaluates to true
console.log( Math.addFloats(1/3,1/7) ); //prints 0.47619047619047616
console.log( 1/3 + 1/7 ); //prints 0.47619047619047616
Havent fully tested it but doing some preliminary tests shows it works dynamically, could probably modify it to do other maths, but would probably have to change the decimal count check when doing divides/multiples etc
NOTE: this does not seem to count decimal places well for e notation, ie 2e-14 results in like 30, when it should be 14
EDIT: changing the findDec function to this answers version of finding decimals places seems to be better at determining the correct number of decimal places for different types of numbers
function findDec(f1){
function isInt(n){
return typeof n === 'number' &&
parseFloat(n) == parseInt(n, 10) && !isNaN(n);
var a = Math.abs(f1);
f1 = a, count = 1;
while(!isInt(f1) && isFinite(f1)){
f1 = a * Math.pow(10,count++);
return count-1;
(a) if you are dealing with (say) dollars, the best sol'n is to do everything in cents, using ints. (This only works if you never deal with fractions of a penny.)
(b) in any language, treat doubles/floats as "a good approximation of the actual value", and never compare with ==. Instead write a helper
double nearlyEqual(x,y,tolerance=0.00001) {
return abs(x-y) < tolerance*max(abs(x),abs(y)); }
(warning: untested code).
Thank #Patrick so much. I have create a new code to add multiple float numbers based on your code. It's:
* Find the number of decimal places
* #method findDec
* #param {Float|Number} dec
* #return {Number}
var findDec = function (dec) {
var count = 0;
while (dec % 1) {
dec *= 10;
return count;
* Find the greatest number of decimal places
* #method findFixed
* #param {Float|Number} dec
* #return {Number}
var findFixed = function () {
var fixed = [];
for (var i = 0, arg; arg = arguments[i]; i++) {
return Math.max.apply(this, fixed)
* Calculate total
* #method findFixed
* #param {Float|Number}
* #return {Float|Number}
var calculate = function () {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0, arg; arg = arguments[i]; i++) {
total += arg;
return total;
* Add float number
* #method addNumber
* #param {Float|Number}
* #return {Float|Number}
Math.addNumber = function() {
//Determine the greatest number of decimal places
var fixed = findFixed.apply(this, arguments);
var total = calculate.apply(this, arguments);
//do the math then do a toFixed, could do a toPrecision also
return +total.toFixed(fixed);
use Number.prototype with custom like this :
Number.prototype.lenDecimalPoint = function(val){
var decStr = val.toString().match(/\.\d*/);
if(decStr && decStr.length > 0) {
return decStr[0].replace().replace('.','').length;
} else {
return 0;
Number.prototype.getVal = function(val, stdDec10Val){
var dec10ValLog = Math.log10(stdDec10Val);
var thisValDecPoint = this.lenDecimalPoint(val);
var thisValStr = val.toString();
thisValStr = thisValStr.replace('/^0\./','');
thisValStr = thisValStr.replace('.','');
thisValStr += Math.pow(10 ,dec10ValLog - thisValDecPoint).toString().replace('1','');
return Number(thisValStr);
Number.prototype.getDec10Val = function(val1, val2){
var thisDecPoint = this.lenDecimalPoint(val1);
var newNumValDecPoint = this.lenDecimalPoint(val2);
var decPoint = thisDecPoint > newNumValDecPoint ? thisDecPoint : newNumValDecPoint;
return Math.pow(10,decPoint);
Number.prototype.add = function(newVal) {
newVal = Number(newVal)
var dec10Val = this.getDec10Val(this, newVal);
var thisIntVal = this.getVal(this, dec10Val);
var newIntVal = this.getVal(newVal,dec10Val);
return Number(((thisIntVal) + (newIntVal))/dec10Val);
Number.prototype.sub = function(newVal) {
newVal = Number(newVal)
var dec10Val = this.getDec10Val(this, newVal);
var thisIntVal = this.getVal(this, dec10Val);
var newIntVal = this.getVal(newVal,dec10Val);
return Number(((thisIntVal) - (newIntVal))/dec10Val);
Number.prototype.div = function(newVal) {
newVal = Number(newVal)
var dec10Val = this.getDec10Val(this, newVal);
var thisIntVal = this.getVal(this, dec10Val);
var newIntVal = this.getVal(newVal,dec10Val);
return Number(((thisIntVal) / (newIntVal)));
Number.prototype.mul = function(newVal) {
newVal = Number(newVal)
var dec10Val = this.getDec10Val(this, newVal);
var thisIntVal = this.getVal(this, dec10Val);
var newIntVal = this.getVal(newVal,dec10Val);
return Number((thisIntVal * newIntVal)/Math.pow(dec10Val,2));

Truncate (not round off) decimal numbers in javascript

I am trying to truncate decimal numbers to decimal places. Something like this:
5.467 -> 5.46
985.943 -> 985.94
toFixed(2) does just about the right thing but it rounds off the value. I don't need the value rounded off. Hope this is possible in javascript.
Dogbert's answer is good, but if your code might have to deal with negative numbers, Math.floor by itself may give unexpected results.
E.g. Math.floor(4.3) = 4, but Math.floor(-4.3) = -5
Use a helper function like this one instead to get consistent results:
truncateDecimals = function (number) {
return Math[number < 0 ? 'ceil' : 'floor'](number);
// Applied to Dogbert's answer:
var a = 5.467;
var truncated = truncateDecimals(a * 100) / 100; // = 5.46
Here's a more convenient version of this function:
truncateDecimals = function (number, digits) {
var multiplier = Math.pow(10, digits),
adjustedNum = number * multiplier,
truncatedNum = Math[adjustedNum < 0 ? 'ceil' : 'floor'](adjustedNum);
return truncatedNum / multiplier;
// Usage:
var a = 5.467;
var truncated = truncateDecimals(a, 2); // = 5.46
// Negative digits:
var b = 4235.24;
var truncated = truncateDecimals(b, -2); // = 4200
If that isn't desired behaviour, insert a call to Math.abs on the first line:
var multiplier = Math.pow(10, Math.abs(digits)),
EDIT: shendz correctly points out that using this solution with a = 17.56 will incorrectly produce 17.55. For more about why this happens, read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic. Unfortunately, writing a solution that eliminates all sources of floating-point error is pretty tricky with javascript. In another language you'd use integers or maybe a Decimal type, but with javascript...
This solution should be 100% accurate, but it will also be slower:
function truncateDecimals (num, digits) {
var numS = num.toString(),
decPos = numS.indexOf('.'),
substrLength = decPos == -1 ? numS.length : 1 + decPos + digits,
trimmedResult = numS.substr(0, substrLength),
finalResult = isNaN(trimmedResult) ? 0 : trimmedResult;
return parseFloat(finalResult);
For those who need speed but also want to avoid floating-point errors, try something like BigDecimal.js. You can find other javascript BigDecimal libraries in this SO question: "Is there a good Javascript BigDecimal library?" and here's a good blog post about math libraries for Javascript
So, after all it turned out, rounding bugs will always haunt you, no matter how hard you try to compensate them. Hence the problem should be attacked by representing numbers exactly in decimal notation.
Number.prototype.toFixedDown = function(digits) {
var re = new RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)"),
m = this.toString().match(re);
return m ? parseFloat(m[1]) : this.valueOf();
[ 5.467.toFixedDown(2),
1.11.toFixedDown(1) + 22];
// [5.46, 985.94, 17.56, 0, 23.1]
Old error-prone solution based on compilation of others':
Number.prototype.toFixedDown = function(digits) {
var n = this - Math.pow(10, -digits)/2;
n += n / Math.pow(2, 53); // added 1360765523: 17.56.toFixedDown(2) === "17.56"
return n.toFixed(digits);
var a = 5.467;
var truncated = Math.floor(a * 100) / 100; // = 5.46
You can fix the rounding by subtracting 0.5 for toFixed, e.g.
(f - 0.005).toFixed(2)
Nice one-line solution:
function truncate (num, places) {
return Math.trunc(num * Math.pow(10, places)) / Math.pow(10, places);
Then call it with:
truncate(3.5636232, 2); // returns 3.56
truncate(5.4332312, 3); // returns 5.433
truncate(25.463214, 4); // returns 25.4632
Consider taking advantage of the double tilde: ~~.
Take in the number. Multiply by significant digits after the decimal so that you can truncate to zero places with ~~. Divide that multiplier back out. Profit.
function truncator(numToTruncate, intDecimalPlaces) {
var numPower = Math.pow(10, intDecimalPlaces); // "numPowerConverter" might be better
return ~~(numToTruncate * numPower)/numPower;
I'm trying to resist wrapping the ~~ call in parens; order of operations should make that work correctly, I believe.
alert(truncator(5.1231231, 1)); // is 5.1
alert(truncator(-5.73, 1)); // is -5.7
alert(truncator(-5.73, 0)); // is -5
JSFiddle link.
EDIT: Looking back over, I've unintentionally also handled cases to round off left of the decimal as well.
alert(truncator(4343.123, -2)); // gives 4300.
The logic's a little wacky looking for that usage, and may benefit from a quick refactor. But it still works. Better lucky than good.
I thought I'd throw in an answer using | since it is simple and works well.
truncate = function(number, places) {
var shift = Math.pow(10, places);
return ((number * shift) | 0) / shift;
Truncate using bitwise operators:
~~0.5 === 0
~~(-0.5) === 0
~~14.32794823 === 14
~~(-439.93) === -439
#Dogbert's answer can be improved with Math.trunc, which truncates instead of rounding.
There is a difference between rounding and truncating. Truncating is
clearly the behaviour this question is seeking. If I call
truncate(-3.14) and receive -4 back, I would definitely call that
undesirable. – #NickKnowlson
var a = 5.467;
var truncated = Math.trunc(a * 100) / 100; // = 5.46
var a = -5.467;
var truncated = Math.trunc(a * 100) / 100; // = -5.46
I wrote an answer using a shorter method. Here is what I came up with
function truncate(value, precision) {
var step = Math.pow(10, precision || 0);
var temp = Math.trunc(step * value);
return temp / step;
The method can be used like so
truncate(132456.25456789, 5)); // Output: 132456.25456
truncate(132456.25456789, 3)); // Output: 132456.254
truncate(132456.25456789, 1)); // Output: 132456.2
truncate(132456.25456789)); // Output: 132456
Or, if you want a shorter syntax, here you go
function truncate(v, p) {
var s = Math.pow(10, p || 0);
return Math.trunc(s * v) / s;
I think this function could be a simple solution:
function trunc(decimal,n=2){
let x = decimal + ''; // string
return x.lastIndexOf('.')>=0?parseFloat(x.substr(0,x.lastIndexOf('.')+(n+1))):decimal; // You can use indexOf() instead of lastIndexOf()
Number.prototype.trim = function(decimals) {
var s = this.toString();
var d = s.split(".");
d[1] = d[1].substring(0, decimals);
return parseFloat(d.join("."));
console.log((5.676).trim(2)); //logs 5.67
I'm a bit confused as to why there are so many different answers to such a fundamentally simple question; there are only two approaches which I saw which seemed to be worth looking at. I did a quick benchmark to see the speed difference using
This is the solution which is currently (9/26/2020) flagged as the answer:
function truncate(n, digits) {
var re = new RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)"),
m = n.toString().match(re);
return m ? parseFloat(m[1]) : n.valueOf();
[ truncate(5.467,2),
truncate(0, 1),
truncate(1.11, 1) + 22];
However, this is doing string and regex stuff, which is usually not very efficient, and there is a Math.trunc function which does exactly what the OP wants just with no decimals. Therefore, you can easily use that plus a little extra arithmetic to get the same thing.
Here is another solution I found on this thread, which is the one I would use:
function truncate(n, digits) {
var step = Math.pow(10, digits || 0);
var temp = Math.trunc(step * n);
return temp / step;
[ truncate(5.467,2),
truncate(0, 1),
truncate(1.11, 1) + 22];
The first method is "99.92% slower" than the second, so the second is definitely the one I would recommend using.
Okay, back to finding other ways to avoid work...
I found a problem: considering the next situation: 2.1 or 1.2 or -6.4
What if you want always 3 decimals or two or wharever, so, you have to complete the leading zeros to the right
// 3 decimals numbers
0.5 => 0.500
// 6 decimals
0.1 => 0.10000
// 4 decimales
-2.1 => -2.1000
// truncate to 3 decimals
3.11568 => 3.115
This is the fixed function of Nick Knowlson
function truncateDecimals (num, digits)
var numS = num.toString();
var decPos = numS.indexOf('.');
var substrLength = decPos == -1 ? numS.length : 1 + decPos + digits;
var trimmedResult = numS.substr(0, substrLength);
var finalResult = isNaN(trimmedResult) ? 0 : trimmedResult;
// adds leading zeros to the right
if (decPos != -1){
var s = trimmedResult+"";
decPos = s.indexOf('.');
var decLength = s.length - decPos;
while (decLength <= digits){
s = s + "0";
decPos = s.indexOf('.');
decLength = s.length - decPos;
substrLength = decPos == -1 ? s.length : 1 + decPos + digits;
finalResult = s;
return finalResult;
function toFixed(number, digits) {
var reg_ex = new RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)")
var array = number.toString().match(reg_ex);
return array ? parseFloat(array[1]) : number.valueOf()
var test = 10.123456789
var __fixed = toFixed(test, 6)
// => 10.123456
The answer by #kirilloid seems to be the correct answer, however, the main code needs to be updated. His solution doesn't take care of negative numbers (which someone did mention in the comment section but has not been updated in the main code).
Updating that to a complete final tested solution:
Number.prototype.toFixedDown = function(digits) {
var re = new RegExp("([-]*\\d+\\.\\d{" + digits + "})(\\d)"),
m = this.toString().match(re);
return m ? parseFloat(m[1]) : this.valueOf();
Sample Usage:
var x = 3.1415629;
Logger.log(x.toFixedDown(2)); //or use whatever you use to log
Fiddle: JS Number Round down
PS: Not enough repo to comment on that solution.
Here my take on the subject:
convert.truncate = function(value, decimals) {
decimals = (decimals === undefined ? 0 : decimals);
return parseFloat((value-(0.5/Math.pow(10, decimals))).toFixed(decimals),10);
It's just a slightly more elaborate version of
(f - 0.005).toFixed(2)
Here is simple but working function to truncate number upto 2 decimal places.
function truncateNumber(num) {
var num1 = "";
var num2 = "";
var num1 = num.split('.')[0];
num2 = num.split('.')[1];
var decimalNum = num2.substring(0, 2);
var strNum = num1 +"."+ decimalNum;
var finalNum = parseFloat(strNum);
return finalNum;
The resulting type remains a number...
/* Return the truncation of n wrt base */
var trunc = function(n, base) {
n = (n / base) | 0;
return base * n;
var t = trunc(5.467, 0.01);
Lodash has a few Math utility methods that can round, floor, and ceil a number to a given decimal precision. This leaves off trailing zeroes.
They take an interesting approach, using the exponent of a number. Apparently this avoids rounding issues.
(Note: func is Math.round or ceil or floor in the code below)
// Shift with exponential notation to avoid floating-point issues.
var pair = (toString(number) + 'e').split('e'),
value = func(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] + precision));
pair = (toString(value) + 'e').split('e');
return +(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] - precision));
Link to the source code
const TO_FIXED_MAX = 100;
function truncate(number, decimalsPrecison) {
// make it a string with precision 1e-100
number = number.toFixed(TO_FIXED_MAX);
// chop off uneccessary digits
const dotIndex = number.indexOf('.');
number = number.substring(0, dotIndex + decimalsPrecison + 1);
// back to a number data type (app specific)
return Number.parseFloat(number);
// example
truncate(0.00000001999, 8);
works with:
negative numbers
very small numbers (Number.EPSILON precision)
The one that is mark as the solution is the better solution I been found until today, but has a serious problem with 0 (for example, 0.toFixedDown(2) gives -0.01). So I suggest to use this:
Number.prototype.toFixedDown = function(digits) {
if(this == 0) {
return 0;
var n = this - Math.pow(10, -digits)/2;
n += n / Math.pow(2, 53); // added 1360765523: 17.56.toFixedDown(2) === "17.56"
return n.toFixed(digits);
Here is what I use:
var t = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < decimalPrecision; i++)
t = t * 10;
var f = parseFloat(value);
return (Math.floor(f * t)) / t;
You can work with strings.
It Checks if '.' exists, and then removes part of string.
truncate (7.88, 1) --> 7.8
truncate (7.889, 2) --> 7.89
truncate (-7.88, 1 ) --> -7.88
function truncate(number, decimals) {
const tmp = number + '';
if (tmp.indexOf('.') > -1) {
return +tmp.substr(0 , tmp.indexOf('.') + decimals+1 );
} else {
return +number
function trunc(num, dec) {
const pow = 10 ** dec
return Math.trunc(num * pow) / pow
// ex.
trunc(4.9634, 1) // 4.9
trunc(4.9634, 2) // 4.96
trunc(-4.9634, 1) // -4.9
You can use toFixed(2) to convert your float to a string with 2 decimal points. Then you can wrap that in floatParse() to convert that string back to a float to make it usable for calculations or db storage.
const truncatedNumber = floatParse(num.toFixed(2))
I am not sure of the potential drawbacks of this answer like increased processing time but I tested edge cases from other comments like .29 which returns .29 (not .28 like other solutions). It also handles negative numbers.
just to point out a simple solution that worked for me
convert it to string and then regex it...
var number = 123.45678;
var number_s = '' + number;
var number_truncated_s = number_s.match(/\d*\.\d{4}/)[0]
var number_truncated = parseFloat(number_truncated_s)
It can be abbreviated to
var number_truncated = parseFloat(('' + 123.4568908).match(/\d*\.\d{4}/)[0])
Here is an ES6 code which does what you want
const truncateTo = (unRouned, nrOfDecimals = 2) => {
const parts = String(unRouned).split(".");
if (parts.length !== 2) {
// without any decimal part
return unRouned;
const newDecimals = parts[1].slice(0, nrOfDecimals),
newString = `${parts[0]}.${newDecimals}`;
return Number(newString);
// your examples
console.log(truncateTo(5.467)); // ---> 5.46
console.log(truncateTo(985.943)); // ---> 985.94
// other examples
console.log(truncateTo(5)); // ---> 5
console.log(truncateTo(-5)); // ---> -5
console.log(truncateTo(-985.943)); // ---> -985.94
Suppose you want to truncate number x till n digits.
Math.trunc(x * pow(10,n))/pow(10,n);
Number.prototype.truncate = function(places) {
var shift = Math.pow(10, places);
return Math.trunc(this * shift) / shift;

Get decimal portion of a number with JavaScript

I have float numbers like 3.2 and 1.6.
I need to separate the number into the integer and decimal part. For example, a value of 3.2 would be split into two numbers, i.e. 3 and 0.2
Getting the integer portion is easy:
n = Math.floor(n);
But I am having trouble getting the decimal portion.
I have tried this:
remainder = n % 2; //obtem a parte decimal do rating
But it does not always work correctly.
The previous code has the following output:
n = 3.1 // gives remainder = 1.1
What I am missing here?
Use 1, not 2.
js> 2.3 % 1
var decimal = n - Math.floor(n)
Although this won't work for minus numbers so we might have to do
n = Math.abs(n); // Change to positive
var decimal = n - Math.floor(n)
You could convert to string, right?
n = (n + "").split(".");
How is 0.2999999999999998 an acceptable answer? If I were the asker I would want an answer of .3. What we have here is false precision, and my experiments with floor, %, etc indicate that Javascript is fond of false precision for these operations. So I think the answers that are using conversion to string are on the right track.
I would do this:
var decPart = (n+"").split(".")[1];
Specifically, I was using 100233.1 and I wanted the answer ".1".
Here's how I do it, which I think is the most straightforward way to do it:
var x = 3.2;
int_part = Math.trunc(x); // returns 3
float_part = Number((x-int_part).toFixed(2)); // return 0.2
A simple way of doing it is:
var x = 3.2;
var decimals = x - Math.floor(x);
console.log(decimals); //Returns 0.20000000000000018
Unfortunately, that doesn't return the exact value. However, that is easily fixed:
var x = 3.2;
var decimals = x - Math.floor(x);
console.log(decimals.toFixed(1)); //Returns 0.2
You can use this if you don't know the number of decimal places:
var x = 3.2;
var decimals = x - Math.floor(x);
var decimalPlaces = x.toString().split('.')[1].length;
decimals = decimals.toFixed(decimalPlaces);
console.log(decimals); //Returns 0.2
Language independent way:
var a = 3.2;
var fract = a * 10 % 10 /10; //0.2
var integr = a - fract; //3
note that it correct only for numbers with one fractioanal lenght )
You can use parseInt() function to get the integer part than use that to extract the decimal part
var myNumber = 3.2;
var integerPart = parseInt(myNumber);
var decimalPart = myNumber - integerPart;
Or you could use regex like:
splitFloat = function(n){
const regex = /(\d*)[.,]{1}(\d*)/;
var m;
if ((m = regex.exec(n.toString())) !== null) {
return {
The following works regardless of the regional settings for decimal separator... on the condition only one character is used for a separator.
var n = 2015.15;
var integer = Math.floor(n).toString();
var strungNumber = n.toString();
if (integer.length === strungNumber.length)
return "0";
return strungNumber.substring(integer.length + 1);
It ain't pretty, but it's accurate.
If precision matters and you require consistent results, here are a few propositions that will return the decimal part of any number as a string, including the leading "0.". If you need it as a float, just add var f = parseFloat( result ) in the end.
If the decimal part equals zero, "0.0" will be returned. Null, NaN and undefined numbers are not tested.
1. String.split
var nstring = (n + ""),
narray = nstring.split("."),
result = "0." + ( narray.length > 1 ? narray[1] : "0" );
2. String.substring, String.indexOf
var nstring = (n + ""),
nindex = nstring.indexOf("."),
result = "0." + (nindex > -1 ? nstring.substring(nindex + 1) : "0");
3. Math.floor, Number.toFixed, String.indexOf
var nstring = (n + ""),
nindex = nstring.indexOf("."),
result = ( nindex > -1 ? (n - Math.floor(n)).toFixed(nstring.length - nindex - 1) : "0.0");
4. Math.floor, Number.toFixed, String.split
var nstring = (n + ""),
narray = nstring.split("."),
result = (narray.length > 1 ? (n - Math.floor(n)).toFixed(narray[1].length) : "0.0");
Here is a jsPerf link:
We can see that proposition #2 is the fastest.
A good option is to transform the number into a string and then split it.
// Decimal number
let number = 3.2;
// Convert it into a string
let string = number.toString();
// Split the dot
let array = string.split('.');
// Get both numbers
// The '+' sign transforms the string into a number again
let firstNumber = +array[0]; // 3
let secondNumber = +array[1]; // 2
In one line of code
let [firstNumber, secondNumber] = [+number.toString().split('.')[0], +number.toString().split('.')[1]];
Depending the usage you will give afterwards, but this simple solution could also help you.
Im not saying its a good solution, but for some concrete cases works
var a = 10.2
var c = a.toString().split(".")
console.log(c[1] == 2) //True
console.log(c[1] === 2) //False
But it will take longer than the proposed solution by #Brian M. Hunt
(2.3 % 1).toFixed(4)
I am using:
var n = -556.123444444;
var str = n.toString();
var decimalOnly = 0;
if( str.indexOf('.') != -1 ){ //check if has decimal
var decimalOnly = parseFloat(Math.abs(n).toString().split('.')[1]);
Input: -556.123444444
Result: 123444444
You could convert it to a string and use the replace method to replace the integer part with zero, then convert the result back to a number :
var number = 123.123812,
decimals = +number.toString().replace(/^[^\.]+/,'0');
n = Math.floor(x);
remainder = x % 1;
Math functions are faster, but always returns not native expected values.
Easiest way that i found is
(3.2+'').replace(/^[-\d]+\./, '')
The best way to avoid mathematical imprecision is to convert to a string, but ensure that it is in the "dot" format you expect by using toLocaleString:
function getDecimals(n) {
// Note that maximumSignificantDigits defaults to 3 so your decimals will be rounded if not changed.
const parts = n.toLocaleString('en-US', { maximumSignificantDigits: 18 }).split('.')
return parts.length > 1 ? Number('0.' + parts[1]) : 0
You can simply use parseInt() function to help, example:
let decimal = 3.2;
let remainder = decimal - parseInt(decimal);
I had a case where I knew all the numbers in question would have only one decimal and wanted to get the decimal portion as an integer so I ended up using this kind of approach:
var number = 3.1,
decimalAsInt = Math.round((number - parseInt(number)) * 10); // returns 1
This works nicely also with integers, returning 0 in those cases.
Although I am very late to answer this, please have a look at the code.
let floatValue = 3.267848;
let decimalDigits = floatValue.toString().split('.')[1];
let decimalPlaces = decimalDigits.length;
let decimalDivider = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
let fractionValue = decimalDigits/decimalDivider;
let integerValue = floatValue - fractionValue;
console.log("Float value: "+floatValue);
console.log("Integer value: "+integerValue);
console.log("Fraction value: "+fractionValue)
I like this answer just need to apply float point fix
function fpFix(n) {
return Math.round(n * 100000000) / 100000000;
let decimalPart = 2.3 % 1; //0.2999999999999998
let correct = fpFix(decimalPart); //0.3
Complete function handling negative and positive
function getDecimalPart(decNum) {
return Math.round((decNum % 1) * 100000000) / 100000000;
console.log(getDecimalPart(2.3)); // 0.3
console.log(getDecimalPart(-2.3)); // -0.3
console.log(getDecimalPart(2.17247436)); // 0.17247436
P.S. If you are cryptocurrency trading platform developer or banking system developer or any JS developer ;) please apply fpFix everywhere. Thanks!
2021 Update
Optimized version that tackles precision (or not).
// Global variables.
// Helper function to avoid numerical imprecision from Math.pow(10, x).
const _pow10 = p => parseFloat(`1e+${p}`);
// Cache precision coefficients, up to a precision of 20 decimal digits.
for (let i = 0; i !== MAX_CACHED_PRECISION; ++i) {
PRECISION_COEFS[i] = _pow10(i);
// Function to get a power of 10 coefficient,
// optimized for both speed and precision.
const pow10 = p => PRECISION_COEFS[p] || _pow10(p);
// Function to trunc a positive number, optimized for speed.
// See:
const trunc = v => (v < 1e8 && ~~v) || Math.trunc(v);
// Helper function to get the decimal part when the number is positive,
// optimized for speed.
// Note: caching 1 / c or 1e-precision still leads to numerical errors.
// So we have to pay the price of the division by c.
const _getDecimals = (v = 0, precision = DEFAULT_PRECISION) => {
const c = pow10(precision); // Get precision coef.
const i = trunc(v); // Get integer.
const d = v - i; // Get decimal.
return Math.round(d * c) / c;
// Augmenting Number proto.
Number.prototype.getDecimals = function(precision) {
return (isFinite(this) && (precision ? (
(this < 0 && -_getDecimals(-this, precision))
|| _getDecimals(this, precision)
) : this % 1)) || 0;
// Independent function.
const getDecimals = (input, precision) => (isFinite(input) && (
precision ? (
(this < 0 && -_getDecimals(-this, precision))
|| _getDecimals(this, precision)
) : this % 1
)) || 0;
// Tests:
const test = (value, precision) => (
console.log(value, '|', precision, '-->', value.getDecimals(precision))
test(1.001 % 1); // --> 0.0009999999999998899
test(1.001 % 1, 16); // --> 0.000999999999999
test(1.001 % 1, 15); // --> 0.001
test(1.001 % 1, 3); // --> 0.001
test(1.001 % 1, 2); // --> 0
test(-1.001 % 1, 16); // --> -0.000999999999999
test(-1.001 % 1, 15); // --> -0.001
test(-1.001 % 1, 3); // --> -0.001
test(-1.001 % 1, 2); // --> 0
After looking at several of these, I am now using...
var rtnValue = Number(7.23);
var tempDec = ((rtnValue / 1) - Math.floor(rtnValue)).toFixed(2);
Floating-point decimal sign and number format can be dependent from country (.,), so independent solution, which preserved floating point part, is:
getFloatDecimalPortion = function(x) {
x = Math.abs(parseFloat(x));
let n = parseInt(x);
return Number((x - n).toFixed(Math.abs((""+x).length - (""+n).length - 1)));
– it is internationalized solution, instead of location-dependent:
getFloatDecimalPortion = x => parseFloat("0." + ((x + "").split(".")[1]));
Solution desription step by step:
parseFloat() for guaranteeing input cocrrection
Math.abs() for avoiding problems with negative numbers
n = parseInt(x) for getting decimal part
x - n for substracting decimal part
We have now number with zero decimal part, but JavaScript could give us additional floating part digits, which we do not want
So, limit additional digits by calling toFixed() with count of digits in floating part of original float number x. Count is calculated as difference between length of original number x and number n in their string representation.
This function splits float number into integers and returns it in array:
function splitNumber(num)
num = (""+num).match(/^(-?[0-9]+)([,.][0-9]+)?/)||[];
return [ ~~num[1], +(0+num[2])||0 ];
console.log(splitNumber(3.02)); // [ 3, 0.2 ]
console.log(splitNumber(123.456)); // [ 123, 0.456 ]
console.log(splitNumber(789)); // [ 789, 0 ]
console.log(splitNumber(-2.7)); // [ -2, 0.7 ]
console.log(splitNumber("test")); // [ 0, 0 ]
You can extend it to only return existing numbers and null if no number exists:
function splitNumber(num)
num = (""+num).match(/^(-?[0-9]+)([,.][0-9]+)?/);
return [ num ? ~~num[1] : null, num && num[2] ? +(0 + num[2]) : null ];
console.log(splitNumber(3.02)); // [ 3, 0.02 ]
console.log(splitNumber(123.456)); // [ 123, 0.456 ]
console.log(splitNumber(789)); // [ 789, null ]
console.log(splitNumber(-2.7)); // [ -2, 0.7 ]
console.log(splitNumber("test")); // [ null, null ]
You can also truncate the number
function decimals(val) {
const valStr = val.toString();
const valTruncLength = String(Math.trunc(val)).length;
const dec =
valStr.length != valTruncLength
? valStr.substring(valTruncLength + 1)
: "";
return dec;
console.log("decimals: ", decimals(123.654321));
console.log("no decimals: ", decimals(123));
The following function will return an array which will have 2 elements. The first element will be the integer part and the second element will be the decimal part.
function splitNum(num) {
num = num.toString().split('.')
num[0] = Number(num[0])
if (num[1]) num[1] = Number('0.' + num[1])
else num[1] = 0
return num
//call this function like this
let num = splitNum(3.2)
console.log(`Integer part is ${num[0]}`)
console.log(`Decimal part is ${num[1]}`)
//or you can call it like this
let [int, deci] = splitNum(3.2)
console.log('Intiger part is ' + int)
console.log('Decimal part is ' + deci)
For example for add two numbers
function add(number1, number2) {
let decimal1 = String(number1).substring(String(number1).indexOf(".") + 1).length;
let decimal2 = String(number2).substring(String(number2).indexOf(".") + 1).length;
let z = Math.max(decimal1, decimal2);
return (number1 * Math.pow(10, z) + number2 * Math.pow(10, z)) / Math.pow(10, z);
float a=3.2;
int b=(int)a; // you'll get output b=3 here;
int c=(int)a-b; // you'll get c=.2 value here

Formatting a number with exactly two decimals in JavaScript

I have this line of code which rounds my numbers to two decimal places. But I get numbers like this: 10.8, 2.4, etc. These are not my idea of two decimal places so how I can improve the following?
I want numbers like 10.80, 2.40, etc. Use of jQuery is fine with me.
To format a number using fixed-point notation, you can simply use the toFixed method:
(10.8).toFixed(2); // "10.80"
var num = 2.4;
alert(num.toFixed(2)); // "2.40"
Note that toFixed() returns a string.
IMPORTANT: Note that toFixed does not round 90% of the time, it will return the rounded value, but for many cases, it doesn't work.
For instance:
2.005.toFixed(2) === "2.00"
Nowadays, you can use the Intl.NumberFormat constructor. It's part of the ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification (ECMA402). It has pretty good browser support, including even IE11, and it is fully supported in Node.js.
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
console.log(formatter.format(2.005)); // "2.01"
console.log(formatter.format(1.345)); // "1.35"
You can alternatively use the toLocaleString method, which internally will use the Intl API:
const format = (num, decimals) => num.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
console.log(format(2.005)); // "2.01"
console.log(format(1.345)); // "1.35"
This API also provides you a wide variety of options to format, like thousand separators, currency symbols, etc.
This is an old topic but still top-ranked Google results and the solutions offered share the same floating point decimals issue. Here is the (very generic) function I use, thanks to MDN:
function round(value, exp) {
if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0)
return Math.round(value);
value = +value;
exp = +exp;
if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0))
return NaN;
// Shift
value = value.toString().split('e');
value = Math.round(+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp)));
// Shift back
value = value.toString().split('e');
return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp));
As we can see, we don't get these issues:
round(1.275, 2); // Returns 1.28
round(1.27499, 2); // Returns 1.27
This genericity also provides some cool stuff:
round(1234.5678, -2); // Returns 1200
round(1.2345678e+2, 2); // Returns 123.46
round("123.45"); // Returns 123
Now, to answer the OP's question, one has to type:
round(10.8034, 2).toFixed(2); // Returns "10.80"
round(10.8, 2).toFixed(2); // Returns "10.80"
Or, for a more concise, less generic function:
function round2Fixed(value) {
value = +value;
if (isNaN(value))
return NaN;
// Shift
value = value.toString().split('e');
value = Math.round(+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + 2) : 2)));
// Shift back
value = value.toString().split('e');
return (+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - 2) : -2))).toFixed(2);
You can call it with:
round2Fixed(10.8034); // Returns "10.80"
round2Fixed(10.8); // Returns "10.80"
Various examples and tests (thanks to #t-j-crowder!):
function round(value, exp) {
if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0)
return Math.round(value);
value = +value;
exp = +exp;
if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0))
return NaN;
// Shift
value = value.toString().split('e');
value = Math.round(+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp)));
// Shift back
value = value.toString().split('e');
return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp));
function naive(value, exp) {
if (!exp) {
return Math.round(value);
var pow = Math.pow(10, exp);
return Math.round(value * pow) / pow;
function test(val, places) {
subtest(val, places);
val = typeof val === "string" ? "-" + val : -val;
subtest(val, places);
function subtest(val, places) {
var placesOrZero = places || 0;
var naiveResult = naive(val, places);
var roundResult = round(val, places);
if (placesOrZero >= 0) {
naiveResult = naiveResult.toFixed(placesOrZero);
roundResult = roundResult.toFixed(placesOrZero);
} else {
naiveResult = naiveResult.toString();
roundResult = roundResult.toString();
test(0.565, 2);
test(0.575, 2);
test(0.585, 2);
test(1.275, 2);
test(1.27499, 2);
test(1234.5678, -2);
test(1.2345678e+2, 2);
test(10.8034, 2);
test(10.8, 2);
test(1.005, 2);
test(1.0005, 2);
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
table, td, th {
border: 1px solid #ddd;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
th {
font-weight: normal;
font-family: sans-serif;
td {
font-family: monospace;
<tbody id="results">
<script src=""></script>
I usually add this to my personal library, and after some suggestions and using the #TIMINeutron solution too, and making it adaptable for decimal length then, this one fits best:
function precise_round(num, decimals) {
var t = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return (Math.round((num * t) + (decimals>0?1:0)*(Math.sign(num) * (10 / Math.pow(100, decimals)))) / t).toFixed(decimals);
will work for the exceptions reported.
let number = 2.55435930
let roundedString = number.toFixed(2) // "2.55"
let twoDecimalsNumber = parseFloat(roundedString) // 2.55
let directly = parseFloat(number.toFixed(2)) // 2.55
One way to be 100% sure that you get a number with 2 decimals:
If this causes rounding errors, you can use the following as James has explained in his comment:
(Math.round((num * 1000)/10)/100).toFixed(2)
I don't know why can't I add a comment to a previous answer (maybe I'm hopelessly blind, I don't know), but I came up with a solution using #Miguel's answer:
function precise_round(num,decimals) {
return Math.round(num*Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals);
And its two comments (from #bighostkim and #Imre):
Problem with precise_round(1.275,2) not returning 1.28
Problem with precise_round(6,2) not returning 6.00 (as he wanted).
My final solution is as follows:
function precise_round(num,decimals) {
var sign = num >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
return (Math.round((num*Math.pow(10,decimals)) + (sign*0.001)) / Math.pow(10,decimals)).toFixed(decimals);
As you can see I had to add a little bit of "correction" (it's not what it is, but since Math.round is lossy - you can check it on - this is the only way I knew how to "fix" it). It adds 0.001 to the already padded number, so it is adding a 1 three 0s to the right of the decimal value. So it should be safe to use.
After that I added .toFixed(decimal) to always output the number in the correct format (with the right amount of decimals).
So that's pretty much it. Use it well ;)
EDIT: added functionality to the "correction" of negative numbers.
toFixed(n) provides n length after the decimal point; toPrecision(x)
provides x total length.
Use this method below
// Example: toPrecision(4) when the number has 7 digits (3 before, 4 after)
// It will round to the tenths place
num = 500.2349;
result = num.toPrecision(4); // result will equal 500.2
AND if you want the number to be fixed use
result = num.toFixed(2);
I didn't find an accurate solution for this problem, so I created my own:
function inprecise_round(value, decPlaces) {
return Math.round(value*Math.pow(10,decPlaces))/Math.pow(10,decPlaces);
function precise_round(value, decPlaces){
var val = value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
var fraction = (Math.round((val-parseInt(val))*10)/10);
//this line is for consistency with .NET Decimal.Round behavior
// -342.055 => -342.06
if(fraction == -0.5) fraction = -0.6;
val = Math.round(parseInt(val) + fraction) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
return val;
function inprecise_round(value, decPlaces) {
return Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
function precise_round(value, decPlaces) {
var val = value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
var fraction = (Math.round((val - parseInt(val)) * 10) / 10);
//this line is for consistency with .NET Decimal.Round behavior
// -342.055 => -342.06
if (fraction == -0.5) fraction = -0.6;
val = Math.round(parseInt(val) + fraction) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
return val;
// This may produce different results depending on the browser environment
console.log("342.055.toFixed(2) :", 342.055.toFixed(2)); // 342.06 on Chrome & IE10
console.log("inprecise_round(342.055, 2):", inprecise_round(342.055, 2)); // 342.05
console.log("precise_round(342.055, 2) :", precise_round(342.055, 2)); // 342.06
console.log("precise_round(-342.055, 2) :", precise_round(-342.055, 2)); // -342.06
console.log("inprecise_round(0.565, 2) :", inprecise_round(0.565, 2)); // 0.56
console.log("precise_round(0.565, 2) :", precise_round(0.565, 2)); // 0.57
Here's a simple one
function roundFloat(num,dec){
var d = 1;
for (var i=0; i<dec; i++){
d += "0";
return Math.round(num * d) / d;
Use like alert(roundFloat(1.79209243929,4));
Round down
function round_down(value, decPlaces) {
return Math.floor(value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
Round up
function round_up(value, decPlaces) {
return Math.ceil(value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
Round nearest
function round_nearest(value, decPlaces) {
return Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, decPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decPlaces);
Merged and Thanks
Building on top of Christian C. Salvadó's answer, doing the following will output a Number type, and also seems to be dealing with rounding well:
const roundNumberToTwoDecimalPlaces = (num) => Number(new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
roundNumberToTwoDecimalPlaces(1.344); // => 1.34
roundNumberToTwoDecimalPlaces(1.345); // => 1.35
The difference between the above and what has already been mentioned is that you don't need the .format() chaining when you're using it[, and that it outputs a Number type].
#heridev and I created a small function in jQuery.
You can try next:
<input type="text" name="one" class="two-digits"><br>
<input type="text" name="two" class="two-digits">​
// apply the two-digits behaviour to elements with 'two-digits' as their class
$( function() {
if($(this).val().split(".")[1].length > 2){
if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
return this; //for chaining
The trouble with floating point values is that they are trying to represent an infinite amount of (continuous) values with a fixed amount of bits. So naturally, there must be some loss in play, and you're going to be bitten with some values.
When a computer stores 1.275 as a floating point value, it won't actually remember whether it was 1.275 or 1.27499999999999993, or even 1.27500000000000002. These values should give different results after rounding to two decimals, but they won't, since for computer they look exactly the same after storing as floating point values, and there's no way to restore the lost data. Any further calculations will only accumulate such imprecision.
So, if precision matters, you have to avoid floating point values from the start. The simplest options are to
use a devoted library
use strings for storing and passing around the values (accompanied by string operations)
use integers (e.g. you could be passing around the amount of hundredths of your actual value, e.g. amount in cents instead of amount in dollars)
For example, when using integers to store the number of hundredths, the function for finding the actual value is quite simple:
function descale(num, decimals) {
var hasMinus = num < 0;
var numString = Math.abs(num).toString();
var precedingZeroes = '';
for (var i = numString.length; i <= decimals; i++) {
precedingZeroes += '0';
numString = precedingZeroes + numString;
return (hasMinus ? '-' : '')
+ numString.substr(0, numString.length-decimals)
+ '.'
+ numString.substr(numString.length-decimals);
alert(descale(127, 2));
With strings, you'll need rounding, but it's still manageable:
function precise_round(num, decimals) {
var parts = num.split('.');
var hasMinus = parts.length > 0 && parts[0].length > 0 && parts[0].charAt(0) == '-';
var integralPart = parts.length == 0 ? '0' : (hasMinus ? parts[0].substr(1) : parts[0]);
var decimalPart = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : '';
if (decimalPart.length > decimals) {
var roundOffNumber = decimalPart.charAt(decimals);
decimalPart = decimalPart.substr(0, decimals);
if ('56789'.indexOf(roundOffNumber) > -1) {
var numbers = integralPart + decimalPart;
var i = numbers.length;
var trailingZeroes = '';
var justOneAndTrailingZeroes = true;
do {
var roundedNumber = '1234567890'.charAt(parseInt(numbers.charAt(i)));
if (roundedNumber === '0') {
trailingZeroes += '0';
} else {
numbers = numbers.substr(0, i) + roundedNumber + trailingZeroes;
justOneAndTrailingZeroes = false;
} while (i > 0);
if (justOneAndTrailingZeroes) {
numbers = '1' + trailingZeroes;
integralPart = numbers.substr(0, numbers.length - decimals);
decimalPart = numbers.substr(numbers.length - decimals);
} else {
for (var i = decimalPart.length; i < decimals; i++) {
decimalPart += '0';
return (hasMinus ? '-' : '') + integralPart + (decimals > 0 ? '.' + decimalPart : '');
alert(precise_round('1.275', 2));
alert(precise_round('1.27499999999999993', 2));
Note that this function rounds to nearest, ties away from zero, while IEEE 754 recommends rounding to nearest, ties to even as the default behavior for floating point operations. Such modifications are left as an exercise for the reader :)
Round your decimal value, then use toFixed(x) for your expected digit(s).
function parseDecimalRoundAndFixed(num,dec){
var d = Math.pow(10,dec);
return (Math.round(num * d) / d).toFixed(dec);
parseDecimalRoundAndFixed(10.800243929,4) => 10.80
parseDecimalRoundAndFixed(10.807243929,2) => 10.81
Number(Math.round(1.005+'e2')+'e-2'); // 1.01
This worked for me: Rounding Decimals in JavaScript
With these examples you will still get an error when trying to round the number 1.005 the solution is to either use a library like Math.js or this function:
function round(value: number, decimals: number) {
return Number(Math.round(value + 'e' + decimals) + 'e-' + decimals);
Here is my 1-line solution: Number((yourNumericValueHere).toFixed(2));
Here's what happens:
1) First, you apply .toFixed(2) onto the number that you want to round off the decimal places of. Note that this will convert the value to a string from number. So if you are using Typescript, it will throw an error like this:
"Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'"
2) To get back the numeric value or to convert the string to numeric value, simply apply the Number() function on that so-called 'string' value.
For clarification, look at the example below:
I have an amount that has upto 5 digits in the decimal places and I would like to shorten it to upto 2 decimal places. I do it like so:
var price = 0.26453;
var priceRounded = Number((price).toFixed(2));
console.log('Original Price: ' + price);
console.log('Price Rounded: ' + priceRounded);
In general, decimal rounding is done by scaling: round(num * p) / p
Naive implementation
Using the following function with halfway numbers, you will get either the upper rounded value as expected, or the lower rounded value sometimes depending on the input.
This inconsistency in rounding may introduce hard to detect bugs in the client code.
function naiveRound(num, decimalPlaces) {
var p = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
return Math.round(num * p) / p;
console.log( naiveRound(1.245, 2) ); // 1.25 correct (rounded as expected)
console.log( naiveRound(1.255, 2) ); // 1.25 incorrect (should be 1.26)
Better implementations
By converting the number to a string in the exponential notation, positive numbers are rounded as expected.
But, be aware that negative numbers round differently than positive numbers.
In fact, it performs what is basically equivalent to "round half up" as the rule, you will see that round(-1.005, 2) evaluates to -1 even though round(1.005, 2) evaluates to 1.01. The lodash _.round method uses this technique.
* Round half up ('round half towards positive infinity')
* Uses exponential notation to avoid floating-point issues.
* Negative numbers round differently than positive numbers.
function round(num, decimalPlaces) {
num = Math.round(num + "e" + decimalPlaces);
return Number(num + "e" + -decimalPlaces);
// test rounding of half
console.log( round(0.5, 0) ); // 1
console.log( round(-0.5, 0) ); // 0
// testing edge cases
console.log( round(1.005, 2) ); // 1.01
console.log( round(2.175, 2) ); // 2.18
console.log( round(5.015, 2) ); // 5.02
console.log( round(-1.005, 2) ); // -1
console.log( round(-2.175, 2) ); // -2.17
console.log( round(-5.015, 2) ); // -5.01
If you want the usual behavior when rounding negative numbers, you would need to convert negative numbers to positive before calling Math.round(), and then convert them back to negative numbers before returning.
// Round half away from zero
function round(num, decimalPlaces) {
num = Math.round(Math.abs(num) + "e" + decimalPlaces) * Math.sign(num);
return Number(num + "e" + -decimalPlaces);
There is a different purely mathematical technique to perform round-to-nearest (using "round half away from zero"), in which epsilon correction is applied before calling the rounding function.
Simply, we add the smallest possible float value (= 1.0 ulp; unit in the last place) to the number before rounding. This moves to the next representable value after the number, away from zero.
* Round half away from zero ('commercial' rounding)
* Uses correction to offset floating-point inaccuracies.
* Works symmetrically for positive and negative numbers.
function round(num, decimalPlaces) {
var p = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
var e = Number.EPSILON * num * p;
return Math.round((num * p) + e) / p;
// test rounding of half
console.log( round(0.5, 0) ); // 1
console.log( round(-0.5, 0) ); // -1
// testing edge cases
console.log( round(1.005, 2) ); // 1.01
console.log( round(2.175, 2) ); // 2.18
console.log( round(5.015, 2) ); // 5.02
console.log( round(-1.005, 2) ); // -1.01
console.log( round(-2.175, 2) ); // -2.18
console.log( round(-5.015, 2) ); // -5.02
This is needed to offset the implicit round-off error that may occur during encoding of decimal numbers, particularly those having "5" in the last decimal position, like 1.005, 2.675 and 16.235. Actually, 1.005 in decimal system is encoded to 1.0049999999999999 in 64-bit binary float; while, 1234567.005 in decimal system is encoded to 1234567.0049999998882413 in 64-bit binary float.
It is worth noting that the maximum binary round-off error is dependent upon (1) the magnitude of the number and (2) the relative machine epsilon (2^-52).
Put the following in some global scope:
Number.prototype.getDecimals = function ( decDigCount ) {
return this.toFixed(decDigCount);
and then try:
var a = 56.23232323;
a.getDecimals(2); // will return 56.23
Note that toFixed() can only work for the number of decimals between 0-20 i.e. a.getDecimals(25) may generate a javascript error, so to accomodate that you may add some additional check i.e.
Number.prototype.getDecimals = function ( decDigCount ) {
return ( decDigCount > 20 ) ? this : this.toFixed(decDigCount);
Number(((Math.random() * 100) + 1).toFixed(2))
this will return a random number from 1 to 100 rounded to 2 decimal places.
Using this response by reference:
I build a function to get dynamic numbers of decimals:
function toDec(num, dec)
if(typeof dec=='undefined' || dec<0)
dec = 2;
var tmp = dec + 1;
for(var i=1; i<=tmp; i++)
num = num * 10;
num = num / 10;
num = Math.round(num);
for(var i=1; i<=dec; i++)
num = num / 10;
num = num.toFixed(dec);
return num;
here working example:
parse = function (data) {
data = Math.round(data*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
if (data != null) {
var lastone = data.toString().split('').pop();
if (lastone != '.') {
data = parseFloat(data);
return data;
$('#result').html(parse(200)); // output 200
$('#result1').html(parse(200.1)); // output 200.1
$('#result2').html(parse(200.10)); // output 200.1
$('#result3').html(parse(200.109)); // output 200.11
<script src=""></script>
<div id="result"></div>
<div id="result1"></div>
<div id="result2"></div>
<div id="result3"></div>
I got some ideas from this post a few months back, but none of the answers here, nor answers from other posts/blogs could handle all the scenarios (e.g. negative numbers and some "lucky numbers" our tester found). In the end, our tester did not find any problem with this method below. Pasting a snippet of my code:
fixPrecision: function (value) {
var me = this,
nan = isNaN(value),
precision = me.decimalPrecision;
if (nan || !value) {
return nan ? '' : value;
} else if (!me.allowDecimals || precision <= 0) {
precision = 0;
//return parseFloat(Ext.Number.toFixed(parseFloat(value), precision));
precision = precision || 0;
var negMultiplier = value < 0 ? -1 : 1;
var numWithExp = parseFloat(value + "e" + precision);
var roundedNum = parseFloat(Math.round(Math.abs(numWithExp)) + 'e-' + precision) * negMultiplier;
return parseFloat(roundedNum.toFixed(precision));
I also have code comments (sorry i forgot all the details already)...I'm posting my answer here for future reference:
9.995 * 100 = 999.4999999999999
Whereas 9.995e2 = 999.5
This discrepancy causes Math.round(9.995 * 100) = 999 instead of 1000.
Use e notation instead of multiplying /dividing by Math.Pow(10,precision).
I'm fix the problem the modifier.
Support 2 decimal only.
//input number only.
convertNumberFloatZero(22); // output : 22.00
convertNumberFloatZero(22.5); // output : 22.50
convertNumberFloatZero(22.55); // output : 22.55
convertNumberFloatZero(22.556); // output : 22.56
convertNumberFloatZero(22.555); // output : 22.55
convertNumberFloatZero(22.5541); // output : 22.54
convertNumberFloatZero(22222.5541); // output : 22,222.54
function convertNumberFloatZero(number){
return 'NaN';
var numberFloat = number.toFixed(3);
var splitNumber = numberFloat.split(".");
var cNumberFloat = number.toFixed(2);
var cNsplitNumber = cNumberFloat.split(".");
var lastChar = splitNumber[1].substr(splitNumber[1].length - 1);
if(lastChar > 0 && lastChar < 5){
return Number(splitNumber[0]).toLocaleString('en').concat('.').concat(cNsplitNumber[1]);
<script src=""></script>
That should yield: 10.20
That should yield: 0.05
That should yield: 4.04
/*Due to all told stuff. You may do 2 things for different purposes:
When showing/printing stuff use this in your alert/innerHtml= contents:
var aNumber=9242.16;
var YourRebelNumber=aNumber-9000;
/*and when comparing use:
if(YourRebelNumber==242.16)alert("Not Rounded");
/*Number will behave as you want in that moment. After that, it'll return to its defiance.
This is very simple and works just as well as any of the others:
function parseNumber(val, decimalPlaces) {
if (decimalPlaces == null) decimalPlaces = 0
var ret = Number(val).toFixed(decimalPlaces)
return Number(ret)
Since toFixed() can only be called on numbers, and unfortunately returns a string, this does all the parsing for you in both directions. You can pass a string or a number, and you get a number back every time! Calling parseNumber(1.49) will give you 1, and parseNumber(1.49,2) will give you 1.50. Just like the best of 'em!
You could also use the .toPrecision() method and some custom code, and always round up to the nth decimal digit regardless the length of int part.
function glbfrmt (number, decimals, seperator) {
return typeof number !== 'number' ? number : number.toPrecision( number.toString().split(seperator)[0].length + decimals);
You could also make it a plugin for a better use.
Here's a TypeScript implementation of It also dries things up with functions, and allows for a optional digit offset.
export function round(rawValue: number | string, precision = 0, fractionDigitOffset = 0): number | string {
const value = Number(rawValue);
if (isNaN(value)) return rawValue;
precision = Number(precision);
if (precision % 1 !== 0) return NaN;
let [ stringValue, exponent ] = scientificNotationToParts(value);
let shiftExponent = exponentForPrecision(exponent, precision, Shift.Right);
const enlargedValue = toScientificNotation(stringValue, shiftExponent);
const roundedValue = Math.round(enlargedValue);
[ stringValue, exponent ] = scientificNotationToParts(roundedValue);
const precisionWithOffset = precision + fractionDigitOffset;
shiftExponent = exponentForPrecision(exponent, precisionWithOffset, Shift.Left);
return toScientificNotation(stringValue, shiftExponent);
enum Shift {
Left = -1,
Right = 1,
function scientificNotationToParts(value: number): Array<string> {
const [ stringValue, exponent ] = value.toString().split('e');
return [ stringValue, exponent ];
function exponentForPrecision(exponent: string, precision: number, shift: Shift): number {
precision = shift * precision;
return exponent ? (Number(exponent) + precision) : precision;
function toScientificNotation(value: string, exponent: number): number {
return Number(`${value}e${exponent}`);
fun Any.twoDecimalPlaces(numInDouble: Double): String {
return "%.2f".format(numInDouble)

Seedable JavaScript random number generator

The JavaScript Math.random() function returns a random value between 0 and 1, automatically seeded based on the current time (similar to Java I believe). However, I don't think there's any way to set you own seed for it.
How can I make a random number generator that I can provide my own seed value for, so that I can have it produce a repeatable sequence of (pseudo)random numbers?
One option is which is a seedable RC4-based Math.random() drop-in replacement with nice properties.
If you don't need the seeding capability just use Math.random() and build helper functions around it (eg. randRange(start, end)).
I'm not sure what RNG you're using, but it's best to know and document it so you're aware of its characteristics and limitations.
Like Starkii said, Mersenne Twister is a good PRNG, but it isn't easy to implement. If you want to do it yourself try implementing a LCG - it's very easy, has decent randomness qualities (not as good as Mersenne Twister), and you can use some of the popular constants.
EDIT: consider the great options at this answer for short seedable RNG implementations, including an LCG option.
function RNG(seed) {
// LCG using GCC's constants
this.m = 0x80000000; // 2**31;
this.a = 1103515245;
this.c = 12345;
this.state = seed ? seed : Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.m - 1));
RNG.prototype.nextInt = function() {
this.state = (this.a * this.state + this.c) % this.m;
return this.state;
RNG.prototype.nextFloat = function() {
// returns in range [0,1]
return this.nextInt() / (this.m - 1);
RNG.prototype.nextRange = function(start, end) {
// returns in range [start, end): including start, excluding end
// can't modulu nextInt because of weak randomness in lower bits
var rangeSize = end - start;
var randomUnder1 = this.nextInt() / this.m;
return start + Math.floor(randomUnder1 * rangeSize);
RNG.prototype.choice = function(array) {
return array[this.nextRange(0, array.length)];
var rng = new RNG(20);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
console.log(rng.nextRange(10, 50));
var digits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
If you want to be able to specify the seed, you just need to replace the calls to getSeconds() and getMinutes(). You could pass in an int and use half of it mod 60 for the seconds value and the other half modulo 60 to give you the other part.
That being said, this method looks like garbage. Doing proper random number generation is very hard. The obvious problem with this is that the random number seed is based on seconds and minutes. To guess the seed and recreate your stream of random numbers only requires trying 3600 different second and minute combinations. It also means that there are only 3600 different possible seeds. This is correctable, but I'd be suspicious of this RNG from the start.
If you want to use a better RNG, try the Mersenne Twister. It is a well tested and fairly robust RNG with a huge orbit and excellent performance.
EDIT: I really should be correct and refer to this as a Pseudo Random Number Generator or PRNG.
"Anyone who uses arithmetic methods to produce random numbers is in a state of sin."
--- John von Neumann
I use a JavaScript port of the Mersenne Twister:
It allows you to set the seed manually. Also, as mentioned in other answers, the Mersenne Twister is a really good PRNG.
The code you listed kind of looks like a Lehmer RNG. If this is the case, then 2147483647 is the largest 32-bit signed integer, 2147483647 is the largest 32-bit prime, and 48271 is a full-period multiplier that is used to generate the numbers.
If this is true, you could modify RandomNumberGenerator to take in an extra parameter seed, and then set this.seed to seed; but you'd have to be careful to make sure the seed would result in a good distribution of random numbers (Lehmer can be weird like that) -- but most seeds will be fine.
The following is a PRNG that may be fed a custom seed. Calling SeedRandom will return a random generator function. SeedRandom can be called with no arguments in order to seed the returned random function with the current time, or it can be called with either 1 or 2 non-negative inters as arguments in order to seed it with those integers. Due to float point accuracy seeding with only 1 value will only allow the generator to be initiated to one of 2^53 different states.
The returned random generator function takes 1 integer argument named limit, the limit must be in the range 1 to 4294965886, the function will return a number in the range 0 to limit-1.
function SeedRandom(state1,state2){
var mod1=4294967087
var mul1=65539
var mod2=4294965887
var mul2=65537
if(typeof state1!="number"){
state1=+new Date()
if(typeof state2!="number"){
function random(limit){
if(state1<limit && state2<limit && state1<mod1%limit && state2<mod2%limit){
return random(limit)
return (state1+state2)%limit
return random
Example use:
var generator1=SeedRandom() //Seed with current time
var randomVariable=generator1(7) //Generate one of the numbers [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
var generator2=SeedRandom(42) //Seed with a specific seed
var fixedVariable=generator2(7) //First value of this generator will always be
//1 because of the specific seed.
This generator exhibit the following properties:
It has approximately 2^64 different possible inner states.
It has a period of approximately 2^63, plenty more than anyone will ever realistically need in a JavaScript program.
Due to the mod values being primes there is no simple pattern in the output, no matter the chosen limit. This is unlike some simpler PRNGs that exhibit some quite systematic patterns.
It discards some results in order to get a perfect distribution no matter the limit.
It is relatively slow, runs around 10 000 000 times per second on my machine.
Bonus: typescript version
If you program in Typescript, I adapted the Mersenne Twister implementation that was brought in Christoph Henkelmann's answer to this thread as a typescript class:
* copied almost directly from Mersenne Twister implementation found in
* all rights reserved to him.
export class Random {
static N = 624;
static M = 397;
static MATRIX_A = 0x9908b0df;
/* constant vector a */
static UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000;
/* most significant w-r bits */
static LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffff;
/* least significant r bits */
mt = new Array(Random.N);
/* the array for the state vector */
mti = Random.N + 1;
/* mti==N+1 means mt[N] is not initialized */
constructor(seed:number = null) {
if (seed == null) {
seed = new Date().getTime();
private init_genrand(s:number) {[0] = s >>> 0;
for (this.mti = 1; this.mti < Random.N; this.mti++) {
var s =[this.mti - 1] ^ ([this.mti - 1] >>> 30);[this.mti] = (((((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1812433253) << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1812433253)
+ this.mti;
/* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */
/* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect */
/* only MSBs of the array mt[]. */
/* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto */[this.mti] >>>= 0;
/* for >32 bit machines */
* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval
* #private
private _nextInt32():number {
var y:number;
var mag01 = new Array(0x0, Random.MATRIX_A);
/* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A for x=0,1 */
if (this.mti >= Random.N) { /* generate N words at one time */
var kk:number;
if (this.mti == Random.N + 1) /* if init_genrand() has not been called, */
/* a default initial seed is used */
for (kk = 0; kk < Random.N - Random.M; kk++) {
y = ([kk] & Random.UPPER_MASK) | ([kk + 1] & Random.LOWER_MASK);[kk] =[kk + Random.M] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
for (; kk < Random.N - 1; kk++) {
y = ([kk] & Random.UPPER_MASK) | ([kk + 1] & Random.LOWER_MASK);[kk] =[kk + (Random.M - Random.N)] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
y = ([Random.N - 1] & Random.UPPER_MASK) | ([0] & Random.LOWER_MASK);[Random.N - 1] =[Random.M - 1] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1];
this.mti = 0;
y =[this.mti++];
/* Tempering */
y ^= (y >>> 11);
y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680;
y ^= (y << 15) & 0xefc60000;
y ^= (y >>> 18);
return y >>> 0;
* generates an int32 pseudo random number
* #param range: an optional [from, to] range, if not specified the result will be in range [0,0xffffffff]
* #return {number}
nextInt32(range:[number, number] = null):number {
var result = this._nextInt32();
if (range == null) {
return result;
return (result % (range[1] - range[0])) + range[0];
* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval
nextInt31():number {
return (this._nextInt32() >>> 1);
* generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval
nextNumber():number {
return this._nextInt32() * (1.0 / 4294967295.0);
* generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
nextNumber53():number {
var a = this._nextInt32() >>> 5, b = this._nextInt32() >>> 6;
return (a * 67108864.0 + b) * (1.0 / 9007199254740992.0);
you can than use it as follows:
var random = new Random(132);
random.nextInt32(); //return a pseudo random int32 number
random.nextInt32([10,20]); //return a pseudo random int in range [10,20]
random.nextNumber(); //return a a pseudo random number in range [0,1]
check the source for more methods.
Here is quite an effective but simple javascript PRNG function that I like to use:
// The seed is the base number that the function works off
// The modulo is the highest number that the function can return
function PRNG(seed, modulo) {
str = `${(2**31-1&Math.imul(48271,seed))/2**31}`
.join('') % modulo
return str
I hope this is what you're looking for.
Thank you, #aaaaaaaaaaaa (Accepted Answer)
I really needed a good non-library solution (easier to embed)
so... i made this class to store the seed and allow a Unity-esque "Next" ... but kept the initial Integer based results
class randS {
constructor(seed=null) {
if(seed!=null) {
this.seed = seed;
} else {
this.seed =;
} = this.SeedRandom(this.seed);
this.last = 0;
Init(seed=this.seed) {
if (seed = this.seed) { = this.SeedRandom(this.seed);
} else {
this.seed=seed; = this.SeedRandom(this.seed);
var mod1=4294967087;
var mod2=4294965887;
var mul1=65539;
var mul2=65537;
if(typeof state1!="number"){
state1=+new Date();
if(typeof state2!="number"){
function random(limit){
if(state1<limit && state2<limit && state1<mod1%limit && state2<mod2%limit){
this.last = random;
return random(limit);
this.last = (state1+state2)%limit;
return (state1+state2)%limit;
this.last = random;
return random;
And then checked it with these... seems to work well with random (but queryable) seed value (a la Minecraft) and even stored the last value returned (if needed)
var rng = new randS(9005646549);
console.log(' '' '' '' '' '' ';
console.log( + ' ' + + ' ' + rng.last);
which should output (for everybody)
6 7 8 14 1 12 6
9 1 1
EDIT: I made the init() work if you ever needed to reseed, or were testing values (this was necessary in my context as well)
Note: This code was originally included in the question above. In the interests of keeping the question short and focused, I've moved it to this Community Wiki answer.
I found this code kicking around and it appears to work fine for getting a random number and then using the seed afterward but I'm not quite sure how the logic works (e.g. where the 2345678901, 48271 & 2147483647 numbers came from).
function nextRandomNumber(){
var hi = this.seed / this.Q;
var lo = this.seed % this.Q;
var test = this.A * lo - this.R * hi;
if(test > 0){
this.seed = test;
} else {
this.seed = test + this.M;
return (this.seed * this.oneOverM);
function RandomNumberGenerator(){
var d = new Date();
this.seed = 2345678901 + (d.getSeconds() * 0xFFFFFF) + (d.getMinutes() * 0xFFFF);
this.A = 48271;
this.M = 2147483647;
this.Q = this.M / this.A;
this.R = this.M % this.A;
this.oneOverM = 1.0 / this.M; = nextRandomNumber;
return this;
function createRandomNumber(Min, Max){
var rand = new RandomNumberGenerator();
return Math.round((Max-Min) * + Min);
//Thus I can now do:
var letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'];
var numbers = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'];
var colors = ['red','orange','yellow','green','blue','indigo','violet'];
var first = letters[createRandomNumber(0, letters.length)];
var second = numbers[createRandomNumber(0, numbers.length)];
var third = colors[createRandomNumber(0, colors.length)];
alert("Today's show was brought to you by the letter: " + first + ", the number " + second + ", and the color " + third + "!");
If I could pass my own seed into the createRandomNumber(min, max, seed);
function then I could reproduce a random output later if desired.
OK, here's the solution I settled on.
First you create a seed value using the "newseed()" function. Then you pass the seed value to the "srandom()" function. Lastly, the "srandom()" function returns a pseudo random value between 0 and 1.
The crucial bit is that the seed value is stored inside an array. If it were simply an integer or float, the value would get overwritten each time the function were called, since the values of integers, floats, strings and so forth are stored directly in the stack versus just the pointers as in the case of arrays and other objects. Thus, it's possible for the value of the seed to remain persistent.
Finally, it is possible to define the "srandom()" function such that it is a method of the "Math" object, but I'll leave that up to you to figure out. ;)
Good luck!
// Global variables used for the seeded random functions, below.
var seedobja = 1103515245
var seedobjc = 12345
var seedobjm = 4294967295 //0x100000000
// Creates a new seed for seeded functions such as srandom().
function newseed(seednum)
return [seednum]
// Works like Math.random(), except you provide your own seed as the first argument.
function srandom(seedobj)
seedobj[0] = (seedobj[0] * seedobja + seedobjc) % seedobjm
return seedobj[0] / (seedobjm - 1)
// Store some test values in variables.
var my_seed_value = newseed(230951)
var my_random_value_1 = srandom(my_seed_value)
var my_random_value_2 = srandom(my_seed_value)
var my_random_value_3 = srandom(my_seed_value)
// Print the values to console. Replace "WScript.Echo()" with "alert()" if inside a Web browser.
Lua 4 (my personal target environment):
-- Global variables used for the seeded random functions, below.
seedobja = 1103515.245
seedobjc = 12345
seedobjm = 4294967.295 --0x100000000
-- Creates a new seed for seeded functions such as srandom().
function newseed(seednum)
return {seednum}
-- Works like random(), except you provide your own seed as the first argument.
function srandom(seedobj)
seedobj[1] = mod(seedobj[1] * seedobja + seedobjc, seedobjm)
return seedobj[1] / (seedobjm - 1)
-- Store some test values in variables.
my_seed_value = newseed(230951)
my_random_value_1 = srandom(my_seed_value)
my_random_value_2 = srandom(my_seed_value)
my_random_value_3 = srandom(my_seed_value)
-- Print the values to console.

