"last-update" time of an html document - javascript

This question is about pages like gmail or Facebook, which keep updating lively all the time.
If in a browser, such as UIWebView in iOS, where the live feeds do not seem to appear automatically, I wish to reload the page only if it was updated on the server. For this, is there a way to obtain last-update time of the document, something like the output of the unix command
ls -ltr filename
for an html document on the web server?
Or in general, how is this kind of problem tackled?
Thanks in advance,

Try this JS snippet:
I would however suggest to implement something yourself as this may not give you accurate result all the time. You can generate a hash of some part of the live feeds and save the hash. Next time re-generate the hash and compare that hash with the saved hash and if the hash doesn't match, it means the content of the feeds has changed. Trigger the update method to fetch new live feeds and replace the old hash with the new hash in your local database.
I hope it helps.


How to change browser url without changing anything in history

You might think this is a duplicate, but it's not. I've seen the other SO answers about changing the browser url with replaceState() but I have a problem...
On one webpage on my website, it receives a lot of parameters, so the link goes on and on and on... I did replaceState(), and it shortened the URL by a lot. That worked. If I go on another link, and I go back in history, the URL will still be the same that I defined on replaceState() and the page gives a 404 error. Is there a way to just load the link the way it is and then temporarily change the URL so the user doesn't see a huge link but the system uses the actual URL?
I'm using JSP, go ahead and give me answers in JavaScript, JQuery, or Java.
You could store the parameters in localstorage (ie a cookie) then have your next page un-pick them from localstorage, thus reducing the size needed of the URL in the frst place. Example code (stolen from Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage) :
// add to storage
localStorage.setItem('myAttibute', 'acceptable');
// Retrieve the object from storage (on another page)
var sMyAttibute= localStorage.getItem('myAttibute');
alert("myAttibute=" + sMyAttibute);
Hopefully it'll tell you that my attribute is acceptable.

Save data URI in cookie to retrieve it later

I'm working with html canvas and creating a data URI to preview an image that the user can build himself. When he hits a preview button, the image gets displayed:
$("#show_label").html('<img src='+canvas.toDataURLWithMultiplier("png",1,1)+' width="157" height="202">');
Works fine. Now I want to save the dataURL in a cookie as I want to restore the image at a later stage on the website or store it in my database later.
That won't work.
I understand that this is not a no-brainer, although it would make sense to store objects in a cookie as well. I guess I would have to encode the data URI and decode it later. But how? Researching didn't give me any results.
Also, could it be that cookies would become too large then so this is not even something to consider?
Should I store the dataURL in a SQL database instead and just use a cookie to identify the database entry (e.g. via ID)?
Any help appreciated.
Try using Web Storage objects.
Do you have to use cookies? Might I suggest using localStorage?
localStorage['aVariable'] = 'a Value';
//A week later this will still hold value:

(Temp) Storage of JSON Search Results in Web App

I'm working on a search function for my Web app (HTML, JS & CSS only). I'm using jQuery's .getjson() method to retrieve data from a feed and display those results on a page. Inside of an .each() statement I'm adding HTML markup to the results making some of the elements links to outside sources.
The issue is when a visitor initiates a search on my Web app and clicks on a link from the results to an outside page, then uses the Back button on the browser to go back to the results page, all of the search results are cleared and another search needs to be initiated.
I'd like to temporarily save the search results so if a user clicks on a link from the results, then presses the Back button to come back to the app, all of the results will be available without the new for another search.
Taking this one step further, it would also be cool is the results for past searchs also persists so if the visitor continues to press the Back button, they can see all of their previous searches (with a given limit of course).
HTML5 sessionStorage seems to be ideal for this, but the information that I found points to a tedious coding solution. Can't I just save all of the json results as a JS object and have them re-rendered by my each statement when the visitor presses the Back button? I'm definitely open to using a code library or plugin for this problem.
http://brian.io/lawnchair/ is a good little library for API for persistence. You can use the same syntax as an abstraction for different storage options http://brian.io/lawnchair/adapters/
You have two ways to approach this issue, one is caching the results on your server and populating the view on-demand, and number two is like you previously mentioned - use sessionStorage. sessionStorage (IMO) has a very straightforward API. You can either use sessionStorage.setItem(key, value) or sessionStorage.getItem(key) -- other methods are available as well such as sessionStorage.key(index), sessionStorage.removeItem(key) and sessionStorage.clear(). It would probably be useful to include a cross-browser polyfill solution for sessionStorage, you can check out the "Web Storage" polyfills section at Modernizr: https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/HTML5-Cross-Browser-Polyfills -- Have fun :-/
Off the top of my head:
Every time the user searches, change the hash in the url to a unique string (e.g. 'search-{userInput}' ... you could of course just forget about the 'search-', but I like my urls in pretty). This should give you back-button support. Then:
Alternative A:
Listen for the hashChange Event, parse the window.location.hash and resend the request to your search URL. Theoretically, unless adding the timestamp to the URL or crazy stuff like that, the caching mechanism of your browser should kick in here. If not, it means an additional request, but that should be ok, shouldn't it?
Alternative B:
Extend your existing search query mechanism by caching the results to localStorage (just don't forget to JSON.stringify it beforehand and use a something-{timestamp} key). Then listen for the hashChange Event and pull the results from your localStorage. Personally, I wouldn't recommend this solution as you're clogging up the localStorage (afaik there's a limit at 2.5mB for some browsers).
You're probably going to have to find ways to circumvent missing browser support for at least the hashChange Event, JSON stringify/parse and LocalStorage, but I'm optimistic that there are enough libs/plugins out there by now.
You think too complicated: your search form most likely does not change the url! Use GET instead of POST and you have the desired result. Right now the browser has no way of knowing which state of the website you want to show and by default shows the first - the empty search form
Caching could be added as suggested, but that really is not the problem here

How to avoid ajax reload when you click the back button

I have a page that used Ajax to generate the a list of result. Then there is a link to click to another detail page. When I'm at the detail page, and click the back button. The list of results page will reload again. Is there anyway to stop the ajax to reload again and cache the result. Also is there anyway to cache the position also.
thank you for your help
A few projects I had bookmarked regarding the AJAX/back button management
Regarding your second question, if your browser supports local DB you may cache the result there. The following project provide a uniform API across browsers.
Position can also be stored in the localDB.
You can save state by changing the window.location.hash property. The hash is the only part of the URL that you can change and not force a reload of the URL.
window.location.hash = 'some-id'; will translate into your URL looking like this: index.html#some-id.
You can then get the hash when the page loads and set the UI to the proper state:
if (window.location.hash == 'some-id') {
//setup UI for `some-id` identifier
Store your data with a timestamp of some sort. Check to see if you have stored data and that it's not older than you would like it to be. If it's older, fetch new data. If not use the stored data.
(it's not mozilla specific)
You can use the new HTML5 LocalStorage system to build a cache. Here's a link: http://playground.html5rocks.com/#localstorage

HTTP cookie between two HTML pages

I have two HTML pages. After entering few inputs users will be redirected from first page to second page. Before redirecting the user to second HTML page(using window.location="new HTML URL"), I persist few of the user inputs in cookie using document.cookie DOM API.
When I am in the second HTML page, I could not retrieve the value from this cookie. I think since document object would have changed in the new HTML page, my cookie values become inaccessible.
Can someone tell me: how do I retrieve the value from a cookie persisted by one javascript in one HTML page in other HTML page i.e cookie written by HTML A's javascript in HTML B's javascript?
I don't have any server-side code, so I could not take advantage of server-side logic. Also I am not supposed to pass the values in URL. So I need a solution on plain javascript and HTML.
If some one has a better solution please let me know. Thanks
try to use localStorage instead of cookies,
// set your values in the first page
localStorage.setItem('itemKey', 'values');
// on the second page, retrieve them
var values = localStorage.getItem('itemKey');
you can use a jStorage plugin for cross browser behaviour.
also refer to this question for storing objects instead of strings
JAAulde is on point with his answer.
For what the OP is trying to do something like PHP would be great, in that case I wouldn't bother with cookies in order to just pass data between two pages, that's just silly. However, if true persistence was needed and the data requirements were simple cookies would be the way to go even while using a language such as PHP.
Those are rather draconian constraints, is this a class project? That said there aren't any other ways to do what you're attempting, save for an ugly and highly insecure hack of the DOM.

