Xstream generated json response for List<Object> - javascript

I am using Xstream to generate JSON for my application.I want to use JSON for ajax support. When i try
xstream.alias(classAlias, jsonModel.getClass()); //Note classAlias="records"
where jsonModel is actually a List of entity objects.Entity class name is Person which is in "beans" package so full qualified name would be beans.Person. OK
Person class has properties like id,name,age etc.
Generated JSON is
I used $.getJSON of jquery to get this response on button click event. I checked the status which is "success" every time so this is working well.Problem occurs when i try to access first records i.e. person's information like id,username etc.
I write statements in Javascript as
$(document).ready(function() {
First alert works but second doesn't.
Then javascript stops working as it does whenever encounters an error.What i can guess is that in records array Person object is followed by package name.This could be the reason because browser may look for beans object in records array which is not there because beans.Person is a single, atomic name in this case as shown in above. But not sure?
If this is actually problem then how can i stop/control XStream to name an object's name as just classname(person) instead of package.classname(beans.person) as it is being named by default.
or If everything is OK in produced JSON object then why can't i see the expected result? Why simple second alert statement is not working.

I got the answer I was to use
instead of
A useful link


Alfresco javascript get custom DataList's properties

I have written one rule(execute script) on datalist, so that whenever any new item is added, it should send an email to the respective user.
In email I want to add custom properties value e.g. employee_first_name
I've tried to get datalist using
var dataLists = siteName.getContainer("dataLists");
But it gives an error as follows:
"getContainer" method is not available.
The script given in Alfresco javascript get custom DataList works perfectly in Javascript console.
Your siteName variable is probably a string, which does not have a method called "getContainer". That's why you are seeing that message.
Here's a code snippet that fetches the data list container object given a site ID (site short name):
var siteId = "jtp-test-site-1";
var siteInfo = siteService.getSite(siteId);
var dataLists = siteInfo.getContainer("dataLists");
Notice the use of the built-in root-scoped object, siteService, that fetches the site info for a given site.
You can run that in the JavaScript Console and it will output the name of that folder, which is "datalists".

How to make a form submit return the specified result using AJAX & JSON?

I'm working on a basic year, make, model dependent drop down menu, but started working backwards. I'm currently working on making my success callback dependent on the model drop down selection. For instance, if I choose 2006, lexus, is250, I only want my success callback to display that vehicle.
Most of my code can be found http://codepen.io/cfavela/pen/bozie/ (make sure to collapse the CSS page to make it easier to read)
My results page (modelsTest.html) contains the following:
"Car": "2012 Chevrolet Avalanche",
"Price": "$10,999",
"Features": "Soft seats!"
"Img": "/css/img/2012_Avalanche.jpeg"
What I've tried to do is add another car using an array and $.each, but the problem with this result is that it returns every vehicle if I click on search. How can I make the success callback dependent on the model selected?
As I commented above, according to this SO How to read the post request parameters using javascript, you can not get post data at client side level, you would need a server side to do that.
So you could try using GET and form your query ($('#vehicle').val()) as part of query string, then base on the query string, do some javascript logic at modelsTest.html and return the json you want. (but I don't think this will work, because I don't think you can return pure json in a real html file, so guessing your modelsTest.html just contain json. but I could be wrong hence I leave this as a possible solution)
or do the filtering in the success: function() before append to the msg.

Select2 issue more than one result

I have a problem with Select2 where it will only allow one section in the <input>. I cannot use <select> with the multiple as it is a limitation of select2 apparently when using ajax for data results.
Sample code (json data is at the bottom) http://jsfiddle.net/YeEmP/
id: function(data){
return {
product_id: data.product_id
I suspect the problem is with the above code but can't be sure. When searching for a model eg D7000 it appears correctly like the example shown here
However if I search for another model number i.e D7100 it will say no results found but the ajax request returns the model just as if it was D7000.
If I search for the model it didn't recognise first it works, vice versa.
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but my complete code can be found in the jsfiddle link, it might not work as my datasource is ajax in the example but I have passed the json array as a commented out section.

Couchbase Java API and javascript view not returning value for a specific Key

I am using couchbase API in java
View view = client.getView("dev_1", "view1");
Query query = new Query();
ViewResponse res=client.query(view, query);
for(ViewRow row: res)
// Print out some infos about the document
a=a+" "+row.getKey()+" : "+row.getValue()+"<br/>";
return a;
and the java script view in couchbase
function (doc,meta) {
So, when I remove the statement query.setkey(this.Key) it works returns me all the tables, what am I missing here .. How can I change the function to refect only the table name mentioned in the key
Change the map function like this:
function (doc,meta) {
it is good practice not to emit the entire document like:
emit(doc.table, doc)
NB: This is surprisingly important:
i have tried using setKey("key") so many times from Java projects and setting the key using CouchBase Console 3.0.1's Filter Result dialog, but nothing get returned.
One day, i used setInclusiveEnd and it worked. i checked the setInclusiveEnd checkbox in CouchBase Console 3.0.1's Filter Result dialog and i got json output.
i hope this will be helpful to others having the same issue. if anyone finds another way out, please feel free to add a comment about it.
i don't know why their documentation does not specify this.
If your json is derived from an entity class in a Java Project, make sure to include an if statement to test the json field for the entity class name to enclose you emit statement. This will avoid the key being emitted as null:
if(doc._class == "path.to.Entity") {
emit(doc.table, null);

parse foursquare json without 3rd party

Im using foursquare API in a web app, and I have the call to foursquare and the results dead on, but I can't parse it out in the way that I want. I don't want to use a 3rd party parser because those have confused me thoroughly. I want the app to alert out a list of clickable venue names, by distance, and when clicked a variable is assigned to the lat and lng of that venue.
//code here
The results look like this:
"name":"Parma Pizza",
"contact":{"phone":"+554832346363","formattedPhone":"+55 48 3234-6363"},
"location":{"address":"R. Lauro Linhares, 1052",
So far ive tried 3rd party Jackson with fail, alerting out names with fail, document.write with fail, and some type of .$each remover which also failed. Please help I am so stuck.
jQuery is already parsing your JSON file with $.getJSON. Unless you're using an old browser you don't need a 3rd party JSON parsing library. (Although you should include JSON3.js in your code base just in case someone trying to use your site is in an old browser. Just include it. You don't need to do anything else other than that.)
The data variable being passed into the callback function is a JavaScript object. You can then just do data.meta.code to get the value of code (200), or data.response[0].name to return Parma Pizza.
As for generating your list you're going to have to do the hard work. You can use $.each to iterate though the places easily though:
$.getJSON("https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?ll=-27.58818,-48.523248&client_id=9&client_secret=9&v=20111107", function(data){
$.each(data.response, function(index, elm){
Will print out a list of all the venue names returned from your query.
# Celeste
I think you can fix it by adding .venues in the code from tkone.
Atleast this worked for me.
$.getJSON("https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?ll=-27.58818,-48.523248&client_id=9&client_secret=9&v=20111107", function(data){
$.each(data.response.venues, function(index, elm){
Sorry for not commenting on tkone's answer, but I don't have reputation enough to comment :/ strange system ....

