Offline webapp. How to store data? - javascript

App must be able to run completely offline, store data locally and post it online via AJAX whenever there is an internet connection available - this may be some days later.
How to store data using Javascript?
Additional notes:
I don't want to use any server-side technology.
It must be secure like a database. I've read about cookies and html5 storage but none of them sound convincing.

If you are supporting modern browsers, you can make use of HTML5 Local Storage.
Persistent local storage is one of the areas where native client applications have held an advantage over web applications. For native applications, the operating system typically provides an abstraction layer for storing and retrieving application-specific data like preferences or runtime state. These values may be stored in the registry, INI files, XML files, or some other place according to platform convention. If your native client application needs local storage beyond key/value pairs, you can embed your own database, invent your own file format, or any number of other solutions.
// Save data to a the current session's store
sessionStorage.setItem("username", "John");
// Access some stored data
alert( "username = " + sessionStorage.getItem("username"));
// Get the text field that we're going to track
var field = document.getElementById("field");
// See if we have an autosave value
// (this will only happen if the page is accidentally refreshed)
if ( sessionStorage.getItem("autosave")) {
// Restore the contents of the text field
field.value = sessionStorage.getItem("autosave");
// Check the contents of the text field every second
// And save the results into the session storage object
sessionStorage.setItem("autosave", field.value);
}, 1000);
Browser Compatibility
Older Browsers
Use Polyfill.

Depending on how complex your data structures are that you want to store you could look at indexedDB. It's availability is still pretty bleeding edge but with a polyfil you can target the majority of modern desktop and mobile browsers.
The data stored is no more secure than any other client storage model since it's meant to be read with JavaScript.
The API itself is pretty complex to dive straight into using so you might want to look at wrapper APIs such as PouchDB which syncs with CouchDB or if you want something much simpler there's db.js.

You can use HTML5 Local Storage
Use polyfill for older browser

Exactly what you want:
You can set up a CouchDB instance on IrisCouch to store your data. CouchDB is a database that acts as a webserver, so it can serve html pages based on its own data -- this use of the CouchDB (to serve pages) is commonly called CouchApp.
So you learn about CouchDB and write a HTML/Javascript/CouchDB-flavored app to serve your page. There are tools that facilitate this.
After that, you only need to send the data to your CouchDB database and it will be on your web page. You'll manage the client side stuff with PouchDB, a implementation of CouchDB that runs on your browser and saves your data locally, so you never lose it, and automatically updates your local data on the CouchDB server and vice-versa. It's the bleeding edge of the offline storages on the internet.
To ensure that the clients will not send bad data to the server, you can set up authentication (so to connect Pouch with Couch you will need to provide a password) or you can set up validation functions (so the server will only accept data storage requests that match certain parameters you define). These two approaches are well explained in the guide I linked before (here), but you will certainly run into all of this during your CouchDB learning process.
A lot of stuff, but a cool solution enough for the trouble. Also, this CouchDB thing is so easy I can bet you'll read and learn everything in one or two days.


How to save my html5 application progress?

I wrote an application for my friend who works in a car showroom. He wanted some sort of program to keep track of the cars coming in and out with their details and stuff using tables like excel so I did just that using JavaScript.
The thing is everytime you close or refresh the browser all of the tables inserted are gone obviously. What do I do and what do I use to make everything stay the same whenever he reopens the application locally?
Is it cookies or HTML5 application cache or what exactly I've looked everywhere and haven't found an answer. I don't have any server or database which I can use.
You can use any of the following:
LocalStorage API (no polyfills)
IndexDB + Localstorage: localForage
jQuery Store
There are so many other ways to store data (cookies, WebSQL, etc.) that it's really a matter of preference; each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you're storing only small amounts of data and need cross-browser compatibility, cookies are probably the best option; conversely, if you are storing large amounts of data, such that you may exceed the 20MB limit, then IndexDB or one of the polyfill libraries above will be a good fit (note that most of them avoid the 20MB limit through clever "hacks").
You can use the localStorage object.
The localStorage object stores the data with no expiration date. The data will not be deleted when the browser is closed, and will be available the next day, week, or year.
// Store
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
// Retrieve
var userLastName = localStorage.getItem("lastname");

How would I save form fields offline if connection drops?

I have a backend where people may take some time filling out the form. The form is written to a temporary table every 5 minutes to store the data. The problem I have is that some peoples internet connections are not strong, so they drop at times without the person knowing and when they go to submit, the form can't because of loss of connection. Every 5 minutes I was going to add if the ajax fails, then prompt the user, but I want to go further and possible allow them to store the data offline and then reconnect to submit it.
The problem is, how would I start storing the data to a file on their local machine? As far as I know, client side scripting can't create files and we couldn't use ajax to call a remote file that saves to a local file. I suppose I could prompt to save the file at the beginning locally, but the local machine still would need to support the language. We are using JSP with MySQL.
Does anyone know of how I would accomplish saving data offline when a connection drops?
Implementing offline capabilities can become a tough exercise. Your question is too broad to provide a final answer, but you should have a look at HTML5 capabilities, an overview is available here. Using this feature requires your users to use a modern browser version. You have to think of synchronization/replication as well.
If the connection only drops for a limited amount of time, it may be enough to just use a rich-client and store the data in memory using JavaScript.
Something like this should do the work :
First way:
Use HTML5 localStorage/session storage, or something like Gear to
save the data on the client side
Make an ajax loop to ping the connection, idealy the server should be configured to reply with a http code 100 (I presume)
Send the data when the connection is on
Second way:
Use HTML5 offline capability or a substitue (see modernizr and polyfill)

Different ways to store web data Locally

Is there anyway to have a client side small database that syncs with server side database whenever there is a change in data?
So I am looking at writing a javascript program to store a bunch of student application forms. But the internet connection is gonna be unstable as the personnel using it will be moving around campus to collect form data on his tablet.
I have looked at localstorage, but it does not have any database features.
I am really looking for technologies that can do local database entries and make asynchronous syncing easy (like what dropBox did was awesome except that it is not a web application)
I hope my question is clear
It depends upon what kind of support you want.
Check out where they talk about the Web SQL Database specification and IndexedDB.
It may work (Web SQL Database that is), since it sounds like a controlled environment.
following storage mechanisms when available:
Standard HTTP Cookies
Local Shared Objects (Flash Cookies)
Silverlight Isolated Storage
Storing cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached
PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out
Storing cookies in HTTP ETags
Storing cookies in Web cache
Internet Explorer userData storage
HTML5 Session Storage
HTML5 Local Storage
HTML5 Global Storage
HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
Copypasta from evercookie description. Several items were removed because too short lifespan and/or too few space. Do not borrow his code, tho, it uses jquery and is clumsy in the other ways.

JavaScript - Storing data during user interaction

I'm working on a web based form builder that uses a mix of Jquery and PHP server side interaction. While the user is building the form I'm trying to determine the best method to store each of one of the form items before all the data is sent to the server. I've looked at the following methods
Javascript arrays
XML document
Send each form item to the server side to be stored in a session
The good, the bad and the ugly
Depends on your application functionality and requirements, but Javascript would probably be the best way. You can use either arrays or objects or whatever in javascript. It's server independent and it will preserve data over a long period of time as long as client session stays present (browser window doesn't close for whatever reason) but this can be quite easily avoided (check my last paragraph).
Using XML documents would be the worst solution because XML is not as well supported on the client side as you might think.
Server side sessions are good and bad. They are fine if you store intermediate results from time to time, so if client session ends because of whatever reason, user doesn't loose all data. But the problem is that it may as well expire on the server.
If I was you, I'd use Javascript storage and if needed occasionally send JSON serialized results to server and persist them there as well (based on business process storig this data somewhere else than session could be a better solution). I'd do the second part (with sever side combination) only if I would know that user will most probably build forms in multiple stages over a longer period of time and multiple client sessions. but can be used for failure preventions as well. Anyway. Javascript is your best bet with possible server-side interaction.
Preserving data between pages on the client
Be aware that it's also possible to preseve data between pages on the client side. Check sessvars library for this. So even if the page gets refreshed or redirected and then returned all this can be stored on the client side between these events like magic. Marvelous any rather tiny library that made my life several times. And lessened application complexity considerably that would otherwise have to be implemented with something more complex.
I used TaffyDB to store data, and it's just wonderfully easy to implement.
Hope this helps you
You may want to check out PersistJS, which exposes a cross-browser persistent storage object. Of course, being persistent, data stored with this library survives sessions, not just page changes.
The latest version (0.2.0) is here – note the version in the above linked post is 0.1.0.
A combination of #1 (although I'd use objects, not arrays necessarily) and #3 would seem like a good approach. Storing the data locally in the browser (#1) makes it immediately accessible. Backing that up with session-based server-side storage defends you from the page being refreshed; you can magically restore the page just as it was.

Storing persistent data in browser

For my web application, I need to store form inputs spanning across multiple pages, until I finally process/manipulate them to produce some results (its mostly formatting the data entered and presenting it in some layout). The options I think I have are -
Keep sending user's inputs to the server, store it there in some database, do the final manipulation there only, and show the result.
Store the inputs in browser's storage as the user fills the forms, and finally use this stored data to manipulate and show results.
I very much want to use the second method, and perhaps a possible way is using cookies, but I'm afraid I might just hit some upper limit of cookie data storage. I'm also open to understanding the merits of the first method, or any third method.
Use webstorage (you can client-side store around 5MB of text or binary data)
Firefox demo:
DOM Storage is supported in these web browsers:
Internet Explorer 8
Firefox 2 for sessionStorage, 3.5 for localStorage
Safari 4
Just google for sessionStorage and localStorage objects.
Also modern webkit browsers supports client-side sql.
I'm not sure about what you want to do but using AJAX you can store everything in javascript variables and serverside databases or sessions are a good choice.
Hitting the storage limit of the cookie could indicate you are trying to store too much on the client side. It might be prudent to store it serverside, in something like a session. The key to the session could then be stored in a cookie.
An alternative method is to not have the requests span multiple pages, and just store the data on the client side, not as a cookie, but as different form fields and/or text fields (they could be hidden). The merit of such a method is it doesnt hit the cookie limit as you have. It also makes your serverside code easier/cleaner, since it doesn't have to keep track of state (something you'd always have to do if spanning across pages, and thus the reason you are hitting the cookie limit in the first place).
You could use a small Flash Movie to store some data via Flash's Shared Memory Api or have a look at Google Gears.
Maybe also consider, that every byte you store in the cookie have to be transmitted everytime you website makes a request to the server.
Generally cookies have a max size of 4k so you could store quite a bit of data in there.
Be careful with validating all information that lives cookies - all the information resides on a client browser and can easily be manipulated by users of the site at any time.
You didn't say which platform you use. Spring Webflow does exactly the kind of form processing that you want:
Even if you don't use Java you could use some of the principles.
Edit: One more drawback of big/complex persistent cookies is that you have to make sure that any new code you deploy is backwards compatible with all the cookies that are out in the wild.
I would suggest storing the data in a session variable until you get to the final step rather than a cookie. I think this would be safer for your data as the user does not have direct access to the data, so you can validate as you go.

