Feature Detection for working elliptical border radius - javascript

I am writing a small page that uses elliptical border radius, which works inconsistently across browsers (of course) and sometimes interacts badly with other things (namely, old Safari, old Firefox and maybe Opera), which don't properly clip the content when using overflow:hidden.
What is the best way to detect a working elliptical radius implementation?
It would appear UA sniffing is the only way it actually works, but I feel dirty about it, and frankly I have no clue which versions I should consider working or not.
I suspect this should be something possible with Modernizr but I haven't found documentation about it.
Notice this is not the same issue as for How can I replace my old browser check with a feature detection check for border-radius without modernizr? , these browsers say they support border-radius and indeed they do, but they do it in a broken way WRT elliptical borders and/or clipping.


css zoom not working in ie11

I'm building an app using angular. It is supposed to run on tablets and touch-enabled devices.
I want to give the user the ability to zoom/scale up the app, for those with bad eyesight and clumsy fingers. To do this I'm using this script, which is executed when the user clicks a zoom-button:
Here is the code
<!--code start -->
$scope.zoomLevel+= 0.1;
zoom: $scope.zoomLevel
This works perfectly in chrome, but does nothing at all in IE11.
I'm using twitter bootstrap, angular and jquery.
When testing it in jsFiddle I'm perfectly able to use zoom in IE, so I'm guessing that me, or some third party library is setting a property that affects the zoom property in IE.
What could this be?
PS: I don't mind it not working in firefox. This app will always be run in IE11.
The zoom property is an older feature that really shouldn't be leveraged today. It has poor cross-browser support, belongs to no formal standard, and as such I (an engineer on the IE team) would encourage you to find a more standards-compliant method for moving forward.
Since version 9, Internet Explorer has supported CSS Transforms, and the scale function. This particular feature has much better cross-browser support, and would adequately suffice for your needs. I've created a small fiddle that shows both zooming and scaling side-by-side, to confirm the similarity in the experience.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jonathansampson/hy5vup49/2/
After some discussion in the comments, you pointed out valid layout differences between zoom and transformational scaling. If you wish to achieve the effect of zoom cross-browser, I would instead encourage you to consider using em or rem units in your project, and leverage font-size inheritance as your zooming mechanism.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jonathansampson/024krs33/

Is Chrome Frame really the only choice for improving Raphael performance in IE?

I'm using Raphael 2.1 to draw 15 lines at the same time. Each lines is made up of 50 2 pixel paths. Performance is best in Safari and Chrome, good in FF, weak in Opera, and chokes in IE9. Microsoft says that SVG will run in IE9, but Raphael.svg returns false in IE9.
I've been reading posts related Raphael and IE all day, and the only solution that I've seen for improving Raphael's performance in IE9 is to install Chrome Frame.
Has anyone encountered any other solutions?
Raphael uses svg in IE9 and work with reasonable performance. You have to be careful that IE is not being forced into IE8 standards mode (which frequently happens). If IE9 falls back to IE8 standards then it will end up using VML, which is very slow, and there is no efficient alternative to SVG in general in IE8 or below.
When faced with this problem using IE8 I ended up using divs and css to achieve rendering of lines, rectangles and text. Since that's all I required it was very fast even in IE8, helped out by buffering the divs inside the container. If your problem is simple enough, you may wish to consider a pure DOM solution. See: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/simpleCanvas.js for inspiration.

raphael.js vs paper.js

What are the main differences between raphael.js and paper.js?
Are there any other libs out there I should look at? Any like these that focus more on CSS3 then SVG?
Raphael uses SVG. Paper use Canvas.
That's the major difference.
In terms of what you can do with them, Canvas and SVG each have their own place, and are good for different things (although they are both capable of doing each other's thing as well if you ask them to). From a purely functional point of view, you need to consider what you want to do with the library before you decide which one you go with.
Browser compatibility is going to be a big issue, whichever one you use. This will possibly be a bigger issue than functionality, in fact.
Raphael has an advantage on the desktop because it detects older versions of IE (as far back as IE6) and falls back to using VML instead of SVG. This means it has excellent compatibility on virtualyl all desktop browsers. Canvas simply isn't supported on older IEs, and the Paper.js people don't really seem too worried about it.
But on mobiles, Paper.js may be better, because Canvas has much better support on mobiles than SVG. SVG isn't supported on most Android devices at all. This is changing: Android 3.0 introduced SVG support, but most Android devices being sold even now come with v2.x, so it'll be a while before you can rely on SVG working on a mobile.
For more info about browser support, see the CanIUse site:
CanIUse Canvas
Hope that helps.
The most obvious difference is that Raphael targets SVG, and Paper targets the Canvas element. It also appears that Paper has far greater advanced features, whereas Raphael is just core SVG elements, which can then be expanded upon with plugins. Arguably, it depends more on your need, and which environments you wish to target. Canvas works well on some mobile browsers, SVG barely works on mobile environments at all.
As another side note: SVG, as I'm aware of it, is not hardware-accelerated in IE (9) or Firefox, and, again if my memory isn't failing me, Canvas is, at least in IE (9). As for IE 8 and below, you need a browser plugin, which most have, but it is a dependency to expect.
Are there any other libs out there I should look at?
Yes, you should have a look at processing.js!
And by the way - here is an excellent comparison between raphael.js, paper.js and processing.js:
And even code comparison of the same effect:
Are there any other libs out there I should look at?
If you have experience in Flash development you might consider easel.js which provides you with some of the flash display mechanisms. Easel looks like a really nice lib to me.
Another interesting library is processingjs, unlike the other libs processingjs also does 3d stuff. (It's also good at 2d.) Unlike paper, raphael and easel processing doesn't handle user interaction out of the box.
Both libraries use canvas.

Can we use canvas.toDataURL on IE7 and IE8?

I am using toDataURL() method of a canvas object. It works on IE9 and Chrome.
But it is not supporting for IE7 and IE8. I found this link
It extends SVG to use toDataURL(). But in its implementation, it again uses canvas.toDataURL(). I am using Google's API (jquery.flot.js) for plotting all the graphs graphs. But it also uses canvas to plot the graph. So, SVG is not an option.
I there ever a way to use canvas.toDataURL() or something similar for IE7 and IE8.
Thanks in advance
IE7/8 does not support either Canvas or SVG.
It does however support VML, which is a vector language similar to SVG, and there are a number of javascript-based hacks for IE that use its VML functionality to emulate both Canvas and SVG in this older browser.
The most well known IE-Canvas hack is this one: http://code.google.com/p/explorercanvas/
I haven't spent much time with it myself, so I can't vouch for whether it can do specific functionality such as the toDataURL() method you're asking about, but if you can't do it with this, then it's unlikely to be possible at all.
I mentioned that there are similar tools for VML->SVG as well. If that's of interest to you, then you might want to look into this one: http://code.google.com/p/svg2vml/
Bear in mind that no matter how clever these hacks are, there is always a fundamental issue of performance. IE7/8's javascript interpreter is very slow by modern standards, and these are javascript-based tools trying to shoehorn very modern functionality into this old browser. They may well work, but don't try to do anything too clever with your canvas or SVG, or you'll kill the browser.
Finally, since you mentioned that you're using all this to draw graphs, I will point out the graphing module of the Raphael library. Raphael is a library which draws SVG graphics on all browsers (falling back to VML for IE). The graphing module provides all the usual graph types, wrapped in an extremely easy-to-use javascript API. And it is fully cross-browser compatible -- it works on all desktop browsers out of the box from the latest Chrome and Firefox all the way back to IE6. If you're struggling with cross-browser compatibility with the tools you're using now, you may want to switch to this library.
Hope that helps.
I have recently created an application in which I had to use toDataURL() but I was not able to find any way to do this in IE7/8. My application was an online image editor in which user was able to save the canvas contents. I believe there is not way we can use this method in IE7/8.

Is there a way to get border-radius and gradient backgrounds in IE?

I am wondering if there is any work-arounds using javascript or whatever to get IE to show border-radius or gradient background?
I came across this by looking for fixes to using 'gradients and border-radius' in IE9. And yes while its true you can now use both in IE9, you sadly cannot use them together.
The issue is documented in a a few places:
IE9 border-radius and background gradient bleeding
The issue seems to be related to border-radius not playing nice with IE's old filter gradients. Sadly the release of IE9 did not bring proper CSS gradients.
jquery for at least the radius / corners item.
For gradient backgrounds see this.
You don't need to use jQuery for rounded corners, there are solutions that will make browsers behave well even in the event of javascript being disabled.
Check out http://css3pie.com/, provides a pretty simple solution (htc file) for making this work. As monn indicated IE9 gradient and radius don't work together. Css3Pie is intended to let you dev with css3 markup but provides backups for IE back to IE6.
There's also css3please and compass (for ruby).
This issue has recently been discussed in the HTML5 Boilderplate issue queue (HTML5 Boilerplate is a well-vetted collaboration to bring together the best techniques in modern web markup as a starting point for any platform).
Here's a demo of the problem & solution:
This is quite new: https://github.com/bfintal/jQuery.IE9Gradius.js
Just include the script last in your head tag and it should handle the rest. See readme notes

