How can i send cross domain ajax request with JSON response? - javascript

I want to send a cross domain ajax request(, but the server only provides JSON(Not JSONP) response, is there anyway to make the request ?
Here's what i've did:
function result(data){console.log(data);}
The response is :
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
Thanks !

The server also needs to be configured to allow cross domain requests, something like:
Http.Response.current().accessControl("*", "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS",false);

Generally the same origin policy prevents you from doing so.
If you have access to the other server you can attempt to change the http headers sent to circumvent this. Here's a tutorial for using CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to achieve this.
If you have no control over the remote server perhaps you can try using a server-side proxy such as this one


Cannot 'GET' mLab Data b/c of CORS

I can't execute the 'GET' request with the getTasks() function.
const apiKey = 'xxxxxxx';
function getTasks(){
type: 'GET',
url: ''+apiKey,
contentType: 'application/json',
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
success: function(data){
error: function(){
The error that I get is:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400
(Bad Request)​
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access. The response
had HTTP status code 400.
I understand that Google-Chrome on Windows is CORS enabled, and will not (by default) allow communication with a different domain. I'm not sure what a preflight request is. Regardless, I tried to implement what I saw from Using CORS - HTML5 Rocks​ (from the CORS from jQuery section), but to no avail.
At a guess, the remote API simply does not respond to pre-flight requests for GET calls (because it shouldn't have to).
Your code is triggering a pre-flight request because it is non-simple. This is due to your adding a Content-type: application/json header. A request Content-type header is used to indicate the request payload format. As it is a GET, there is no payload.
Try this instead...
$.getJSON('', {
apiKey: apiKey
}).done(function(data) {
}).fail(function() {
CORS is there to protect you. If you want some more info on it, wikipedia has a good entry on it.
It appears the issue here is that you're trying to access your mongodb hosted by mlab directly from your web app. As you can see in your code, you're providing credentials/api keys to make that request.
My guess is that mlab's intent of not allowing CORS is to prevent you from doing this. You should never put your private API keys in html to be hosted on a web page, as it's easily accessible by reading source code. Then someone would have direct access to your mongodb.
Instead, you should create a server-side application (node, or... ** Whatever **) that exposes an api you control on the same domain (or a domain you give permission to via CORS).
As far as the "preflight" request, if you look in your chrome debugging tools, you should see an additional request go out with the "OPTIONS" method. This is the request that chrome (and most other http clients) send out first to a server hosted on a different domain. it's looking for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to find out whether it's allowed to make the request. Pretty interesting stuff if you ever have some time to dig into it.

Cross domain AJAX called with JSONP returns plain JSON

I have encountered a problem with an API I want to use. The API returns plain JSON but its a cross domain AJAX call so I have to use jsonp.
type: "GET",
url: url + query,
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data){
The problem is when I change the dataType to "json" an error occurs:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'X' is therefore not allowed access.
This is because its a cross domain ajax call. But when it is jsonp it says:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
In other words it does not recognize the json format.
I am using jquery for the ajax call. Any suggestions how to solve this?
Since you dont have access to the server where the API is hosted, you use can a web service utility like CURL to access the API. AJAX calls requires CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) to be enabled on the server where the API is served.
You can call a web service on your local server page via AJAX from where the CURL call will be made and appropriate response returned.
There are several methods of bypassing cross-domain restrictions (CORS, JSONP, Iframe transport, etc.) but all methods have in common that the API server needs to corporate. So if you don’t have privileges on the API server, you cannot come across the cross-domain restrictions.
The only way to make this work would be putting a proxy in front of the API that you can control (the proxy could either live on the same domain or inject the appropriate CORS headers). However, this will affect performance and might also have legal implications.
Regarding JSONP, here’s an excellent explanation of how and why this works:
What is JSONP all about?

Sending HTTP cross-domain request with AJAX

I'm trying to send a HTTP cross-domain request with PUT method with AJAX.
For that, I am using this:
url: ipv6Nodo+"/config?param=led",
crossDomain: true,
type: 'PUT',
data: "ls=ON",
success: function(data) {
// Do something with the result
I am sniffing on the middle and I am seeing that I am really sending a request with OPTIONS method. That's not the problem, because on the server I can accept PUT or OPTIONS similarly. The problem is that the payload request is empty, there is not ls=ON, how I want it. If I throw this request to the same domain, I can see the payload. What's the problem?
Thanks in advance
There's no payload to the OPTIONS request used with Cross Origin Resource Sharing. It's a "preflight" request to find out whether the server allows CORS from your origin. Once you respond to the OPTIONS request with the correct CORS headers, you'll get the PUT request with the data.
See the link for details, but basically:
Browser sends OPTIONS with CORS request headers.
Server decides whether the request is acceptable from that origin, and if so responds with appropriate CORS response headers.
Browser responds with the actual PUT.
This is transparent to your client-side ajax code (but not your server code).

post json stringify response 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to post json data
var details= jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getRowData');
$.post("someurl", { szVoucherNo: VoucherNo, dtmTransaction: Transaction, details: JSON.stringify(details) } );
but then i got 403 forbidden response from server.
Please could you tell me what I did wrong?
From the client side you can NOT make a request into any other domains (not even the same domains different port like :81) then the host itself. This is the same origin policy.
However there are some workarounds to just proxy such requests, see Q: Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery and Q: Ajax cross domain call

Connect to webService using AJAX and CORS

I'm developing a phonegap App with html5, css, js and jQuery Mobile and I need to connect to a webservice which is already done and fully working. The problem is the Access Control Allow Origin and the Cross Domain. As if it wasn't hard enough I have to think about the authentication too, essential to connect to the web service. I already done my research, read a lot of tuts, tried a lot of solutions, some of them using jsonP which looked to me the closest one to work. The thing is I'm new at this and no tutorial looked good, so hopefully someone here could lead me the way. The webService was build in and I have full access to it if it's needed. I'm using AJAX to make the "call" but I can't pass the ForeFront authentication .
Here's the JS+AJAX code:
function conteudoProg() {
var webMethod = "myURL";
var credentials = {
username : "myUser",
password : "myPass"
type : "GET",
url : webMethod,
//data: credentials,
contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType : "jsonp",
success : function(msg) {
error : function(e) {
alert(e.status + " " + e.statusText );
If I change my dataType from jsonp to json, I get this error:
OPTIONS https://myURL 440 (Login Timeout)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://myURL Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
With jsonp, the error looks like this:
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "https://myURL/CookieAuth.dll?GetLogon?curl=Z2FWSInqueritosZ2FServ…1820135927463_1359737732559Z26_Z3D1359737732605&reason=0&formdir=3". jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
Requests to another domain will cause a pre-flight OPTIONS request to see whether the requesting domain can make calls to this domain.
The receiving end needs to emit the correct headers or your browser will block the request and give you the error you posted.
Say you are requesting from to
Then should emit these headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http[s]://
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true # if you want cookies
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, X-Custom-Header # any extra headers you want to send
Make sure the webservice knows about OPTIONS requests. It really only needs to emit some CORS headers, it doesn't need to do anything else (like process a request to it's API).
You don't need to change anything in your AJAX handler, it will pass as any other request. If you want cookies make sure to set http_request.withCredentials = true;
Keep in mind that an HTTPS URL is considered to be different from an HTTP domain and make sure your HTTPS certificate is valid, if it's not valid the request may fail silently. If you're using a self-signed certificate (for testing) add it to your browser or OS whitelist.
Cross domain request from HTTP to HTTPS aborts immediately
As for compatibility. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer (8 and lower) use ActiveXObject, this API is very bad at CORS. It doesn't support authentication/cookies or custom headers (such as Content-Type: application/JSON). I would recommend a JSONp fallback.
The code does not work because when you tell jQuery that the .ajax method expects a dataType json, that's what's trying to parse the response into. If the response is html then you should use a dataType html (or none, to let the default intelligent guess do it's work). See jQuery.ajax() dataType for more info.

