Replace a link with text content from other a link – abstracting code - javascript

So I have a function where the text of one div replaces another,
I got the code working fine, however I wonder if there is a nice dynamic way to abstract the code so I get a shorter snippet, and thus I don't have to repeat the code over and over for each "pair" of divs?
My JS:
var correctAnswer1 = $('#q1').text();
var correctAnswer2 = $('#q2').text();
var correctAnswer3 = $('#q3').text();

If you allready know the number of pairs you coud do something like this:
var numberOfQuestions = 5;
for(i = 0; i < numberOfQuestions; i++)
var answer = jQuery("#q"+i).text();

Give all the #qN elements the question class.
$(".question").each(function () {
var cid = "#c"+$(this).attr("id").substr(1);

i this this will work
function setTxtVal(id){
if(typeof id == "string"){
var sec = id.charAt(id.length - 1);
$("#c"+sec).text( $("#"+id).text() )
if(typeof id == "object"){
var x ,s;
for (x in id) {
var s = x.charAt(x.length - 1);
$("#c"+s).text( $("#"+x).text() )
setTextVal(["c1", "c3", "c4"])
or u can make a jquery plugin

$('#c' + index).html($(this).html());
Somtething like this


JS Array Find and Replace?

I have a regular expression happening that searching for all the capitals in a document. It gathers them and puts them into an array no problem.
The issue I am having is I want to replace the items in that array to include a span around each item that was captured in the array and then display the updated result. I've tried a variety of things.
I am at a complete loss. Any help is appreciated. Here was my last attempt
var allCaps = new RegExp(/(?:[A-Z]{2,30})/g);
var capsArray = [];
var capsFound;
while (capsFound = allCaps.exec(searchInput)) {
//for(var x = 0; x < capsArray.length; x++){
//var test = ;
capsArray.splice(0, '<span style="color:green">'+ capsArray +'</span>');
You can't convert an entire array's elements like that using splice - you can use .map instead:
capsArray = => '<span style="color:green">' + c + '</span>');
Do you need the results in an array? If not, you can wrap all caps in a str using a modified regex:
str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '<span>$1</span>')
'A--B--C' becomes '<span>A</span>---<span>B</span>---<span>C</span>'
if the array is needed for whatever reason:
str.split(/[^A-Z]+/g).map(x => `<span>${x}</span>`)
'A--B--C' becomes ['<span>A</span>', '<span>B</span>', '<span>C</span>']
Thanks to everyone for the help.
Heres my final solution for anyone else that gets lost along the way
var allCaps = new RegExp(/(?:[A-Z]{2,30})/g);
var capsArray = [];
var capsFound;
while (capsFound = allCaps.exec(searchInput)) {
if(capsArray.length > 0){
resultsLog.innerHTML += "<br><span class='warning'>So many capitals</span><br>";
searchInput = document.getElementById('findAllErrors').innerHTML;
searchInput = searchInput.replace(/([A-Z]{3,30})/g, '<span style="background-color:green">$1</span>');
document.getElementById('findAllErrors').innerHTML = searchInput;
else {
resultsLog.innerHTML += "";

Error while selecting allElementsByID and adding a class to them

Hello I'm trying to add a class to all of my elements on a webpage. The overall goal is to grab all the elements on a webpage and add in a class. The class containing a font size will be changed to hide a message.
I'm getting this error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
I've tried moving my script outside the body tag of my index.html but its still not working.
Another problem is I can't add a class to all of the IDs I'm selecting. I can add classes manually like
$("#iconLog").addClass("style"); //this works
but when I try to add a class like this
empTwo = "#" + temp; //where empTwo is a string that equals "#iconLog"
$("empTwo").addClass("style") //this does not work
I'll post my entire script below for reference
$(function() {
var hideMsg = "f";
var n = hideMsg.length;
var i;
var j;
var holder;
var hideHolder;
// on button click - hide msg
$('#btnHide').on('click', function() {
//grab all IDS ON WEBPAGE
var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var allIds = [];
for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; ++i) {
var el = allElements[i];
if ( {
for(var i = 0; i < allElements.length; ++i)
var temp = document.getElementById(allIds[i]).id;
document.getElementById("*").innerHTML = err.message;
tempTwo = "#" + temp;
//$("#iconLog").addClass("style") //this works
$("tempTwo").addClass("style"); //this does not work
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
//set var holder to first value of the message to hide
holder = hideMsg.charCodeAt(i);
for(j = 7; -1 < j; j--) {
//set hideHolder to holders value
hideHolder = holder;
//mask hideHolder to grab the first bit to hide
hideHolder = hideHolder & (1<<j);
//grab the first element ID
if(hideHolder === 0) {
// embed the bit
// bitwise &=
} else {
//embed the bit
// bitwise ^=
To add a class to all elements you don't need a for loop. Try this:
Same for setting the inner html of all elements. Try this:
$("*").html("Html here");
Remove the double quotes from empTwo .You don't need quotes when you are passing a varible as a selector. The variable itself contains a string so you don't need the quotes.
empTwo = "#" + temp;
$(empTwo).addClass("style") //this will work
Try this:
Note: You used string instead of variable:
try this...
You were passing the varibale in the quotos because of that instead of getting value to empTwo it was searching directly for "empTwo".
to get all element try this-
var allElements = = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*");
Hoping this will help you :)
empTwo = "#" + temp; //where empTwo is a string that equals "#iconLog"
$("empTwo").addClass("style") //this does not work
You made mistake in the second Line.
The variable empTwo already is in string format.
So all you need to do is
$(empTwo).addClass("style") //this works because empTwo returns "#iconLog"

search for element within element by tagname

After being stuck for a few hours on this problem, i think it is time for call for help on this.
I have a XML file which i need to filter and group. I've managed to filter it with the :Contains part. I've also determined the nodes on which i need to group (the getGroups function gives those back to me). Now i want to create a new XML with the filtered values and grouped by the returned keys.
var XMLElement = document.createElement("DataElementsCalc");
jQuery(xml).find("DataElements " + topNodes + filter).each( function() {
var dataSetTemp = this.parentNode;
if(calculation1 != "")
var groupKeys = getGroups(dataSetTemp,calculation1);
var tempXML = XMLElement;
jQuery(groupKeys).each(function (key,value) {
var tempValue = 'a' + value.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '');
if(tempXML.getElementsByTagName(tempValue).length > 0)
tempXML = tempXML.getElementsByTagName(tempValue);
var Node = document.createElement(tempValue);
tempXML = Node;
var Node = document.createElement("InfoSet");
var x = dataSetTemp.childNodes;
for (i=0; i < x.length; i++)
if(x[i].nodeType == 1)
var tempElement = document.createElement(x[i].nodeName);
tempElement.innerHTML = x[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
As said in the situation, i already filtered the XML and have the groupNames from the getGroups function. There are a few other things i need to explain for this code:
tempValue is being build as a a + value.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '');. This is being done because i possible get dates into the groupKeys. This way the node name is getting a working name (i received errors on other ways).
I want to create a new XML which is leveled by the groups. If a group already exists, i want to create a new element in it, not get a new group with the same name. (my problem at the moment).
As mentioned above, the groups aren't checked properly. Firstly: tempXML.getElementsByTagName(tempValue).length returns the error that the function tempXML.getElementsByTagName does not exists. Secondly: If i change this to document.getElemetsByTagName I get a lot of the same nodes in my XML file.
The grouping effect doesn't work as it should. I get OR an error, OR a lot of the same nodes in my DataElementsCalc.
How can i solve this? How do create nodes beneath specific nodes (for if there is a group A beneath group 1 as well as beneath group 2)?
Change tempXML to document on different places (all getElementsByTagName, at the same time or not). Looked for another way to create a XML which is easier to handle (haven't found one, yet)
As mentioned by myself in the comments of the question:
I also don't see anything in the source code for this (maybe this is the reason why it doesn't work??)
I tried to place the XMLElement into an existing element on my webpage (like this:
var XMLElement = document.createElement("DataElementsCalc");
in which basicData is a class of an existing element).
Now i do get a list of all elements ordered on the groups i wanted.
Final version
var XMLElement = jQuery("<DataElementsCalc/>");
jQuery(xml).find("DataElements " + topNodes + filter).each( function()
var dataSetTemp = this.parentNode;
if(calculation1 != "")
var groupKeys = getGroups(dataSetTemp,calculation1);
var tempXML = XMLElement;
var groupId = '';
jQuery(groupKeys).each(function (key,value) {
var tempValue = 'a' + value.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '');
groupId += 'a' + value.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '');
if(jQuery("#" + groupId).length > 0)
tempXML = jQuery("#" + groupId);
var Node = jQuery("<"+tempValue+"/>");
jQuery(Node).attr('id', groupId);
tempXML = Node;
var Node = jQuery("<InfoSet/>");
var x = dataSetTemp.childNodes;
for (i=0; i < x.length; i++)
if(x[i].nodeType == 1)
var tempElement = jQuery("<"+x[i].nodeName+"/>");

Javascript : How to get multiple span elements by ID?

I have several span elements which begin with the same id as shown below...
<span id="graph_machine"
<span id="graph_human"
<span id="graph_custom"
I would like to access these 3 Span elements as an array in my Javascript function..
var elems = document.getElementsById("graph*");
But getElementsById does not support returning multiple values. Any suggestions? Perhaps using a different function and some wildcard?
Use document.querySelectorAll:
var elems = document.querySelectorAll("[id^=graph]");
That will return a node list of any element with an id attribute whose value starts with "graph".
Try to get all span ID and then check if span ID starts with "graph"
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
var graphSpans = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i <= spans.length; i++) {
if ("graph")) {
Since startsWith method is not available in Javascript, so you need to add it to prototype as soon document is ready.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith != 'function') {
// see below for better implementation!
String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){
return this.indexOf(str) == 0;
If you are using jQuery you can use $( "span[id^='graph_']" )
You could get all spans and then check each ID individually:
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
var graphSpans = [];
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
if (spans[i].id.substring(0,5) === "graph") {
try this with jquery

function to change argument to another sign

I dynamically create this list element and information a user has typed in shows up in it when a button is clicked 'info' is text and shuld show as it is but 'grade' is a number that i want to convert to another sign with the function changeNumber() but I am new to javascript and cant figure out how to make this function, can anyone give a suggestion or point me in the right direction?
var list = $("#filmlista");
var list_array = new Array();
function updateFilmList()
document.getElementById("name").value = '';
document.getElementById("star").value = 0;
var listan = list_array[0][0];
var grade = list_array[0][1];
var element = '<li class="lista">' + list + '<span class="grade">'+ changeNumber(grade) +'</span></li>';
should I use innerHTML? not shure I understand how it works? and how do I use the replace method if I have to replace many different numbers to the amount of signs the number is?
for example if the number is 5 it should show up as: *****, if number is 3 show up as: *** and so on
Here's some code that should do the trick:
Add this function into your script.
function changeNumber(number) {
var finalProduct = "";
for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
finalProduct += "*";
return finalProduct;
Replace the updateFilmsList with this code.
document.getElementById("name").value = '';
document.getElementById("star").value = 0;
var listan = list_array[0][0];
var grade = changeNumber(list_array[0][1]);
var element = '<li class="lista">' + list + '<span class="grade">'+ grade +'</span></li>';
It looks like you're trying to do something like PHP's str_repeat. In that case, take a look at str_repeat from PHPJS
There are options other than a loop:
function charString(n, c) {
n = n? ++n : 0;
return new Array(n).join(c);
charString(3, '*'); // ***
You can use innerHTML to set the text content of an element provided none of the text might be mistaken for markup. Otherwise, set the textContent (W3C compliant) or innerText (IE proprietary but widely implemented) property as appropriate.

