JavaScript Recursion to format lists from XML to HTML - javascript

I have an exercise where it calls upon me to use recursion to output XML data into HTML list tags. Shamefully admitting my shortcomings in mathematics, I would like someone to show me how to implement recursive logic to XML's 'node structure' using JavaScript.
Here is the outcome: JSFiddle
Added sample XML to round off this topic and deleted unneeded code. The XML used to create the recursive function:
<menu0 submenu="true"><name>Welcome</name>
<menu1>Home Page</menu1>
<menu0 submenu="true"><name>Members\' Area</name>
<menu1>Constitution & Bylaws</menu1>
<menu1 submenu="true"><name>AGM Minutes</name>

You call your recursive function once with your top level element. Every child element will simply call the same function. When you get to the bottom, you stop, and everything gets passed back up.
This should get your started (a sample of your xml).
document.getElementById( 'parse' ).addEventListener( 'click', function () {
var xml = '<ddm>'
+ '<menu0 submenu="true"><name>Welcome</name>'
+ '<menu1>Home Page</menu1>'
+ '<menu1>Bulletin</menu1>'
+ '</menu0>'
+ '<menu0 submenu="true"><name>Members\' Area</name>'
+ '<menu1>Constitution & Bylaws</menu1>'
+ '<menu1 submenu="true"><name>AGM Minutes</name>'
+ '<menu2>2012</menu2>'
+ '<menu2>2011</menu2>'
+ '</menu1>'
+ '</menu0>'
+ '<menu0>About</menu0>'
+ '</ddm>',
xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString( xml, 'text/xml' ),
html = nodeMarkup( xmlDoc.documentElement );
document.getElementById( 'result' ).innerHTML = html;
} );
function nodeMarkup( node ){
if( node.childNodes.length ) {
var list = '', header = '';
for( var index = 0; index < node.childNodes.length; index++ ) {
if( node.childNodes[index].tagName == 'name' ) {
header = node.childNodes[index].textContent;
} else {
list += nodeMarkup( node.childNodes[index] );
return node.hasAttribute( 'submenu' )
? '<li>' + header + '<ul>' + list + '</ul></li>'
: list;
} else {
return '<li>' + node.textContent + '</li>';
<input type="button" id="parse" value="Parse" />
<ul id="result"></ul>
#result {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;


Trying to alter this JSON search so that it only searches when a submit button is pressed

New on here and a beginner at code. I have this code I am using as a Karaoke search. However, the JSON contains about 40 000 lines of info, and the search is set up to tigger on keyup, so it is very laggy sometimes. I'm hoping someone can help me alter this code so that it only searches when a submit button is pressed... Any ideas? Greatly Appreciated
var searchField = $('#search').val();
var regex = new RegExp(searchField, "i");
var output = '<div class="row">';
var count = 1;
$.getJSON('data.json', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val){
if (( != -1) || ( != -1)) {
//output += '<div class="col-md-6 well">';
//output += '<div class="col-md-7">';
output += '' + + ' - ';
output += '' + val.location + '';
output += '</div>';
output += '</div>';
output += '<div class="col-md-7"><img class="img-responsive" src="send.png" /></div>';
if(count%2 == 0){
output += '</div><div class="row">'
output += '</div>';
Assuming you placed your submit button within a form, give your form an ID.
<form id="search-form">
Change line
$('#search-form').on('submit', function (e) {
The search logic should not be implemented on the client side. It would be painful for the browser to do that kind of iteration. Transfer your search logic in the backend. : )
if you're going to fixed that on front end, please add timeout/debounce during keyup
var delay = null;
$( el ).keyup( function () {
if ( delay ) clearTimeout( delay );
var delay = setTimeout( function () {
// your search logic
} );
} );

.replacewith not working when called a second time

I have the following markup:
<legend>Headline Events...</legend>
<div style="width:100%; margin-top:10px;">
<div style="width:100%; float:none;" class="clear-fix">
<div style="width:400px; float:left; margin-bottom:8px;">
<div style="width:150px; float:left; text-align:right; padding-top:7px;">
Team Filter:
<div style="width:250px; float:left;">
<input id="teamFilter" style="width: 100%" />
<div style="width:400px; float:left; margin-bottom:8px;">
<div style="width:150px; float:left; text-align:right; padding-top:7px;">
Type Filter:
<div style="width:250px; float:left;">
<input id="typeFilter" style="width: 100%" />
<div id="diaryTable" name="diaryTable" class="clear-fix">
Getting latest Headlines...
I also have the following scripts
function teamFilterChange(e) {
setCookie('c_team', this.value(), 90);
$c1 = getCookie('c_team');
$c2 = getCookie('c_type');
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
function typeFilterChange(e) {
setCookie('c_type', this.value(), 90);
$c1 = getCookie('c_team');
$c2 = getCookie('c_type');
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
// This optional function html-encodes messages for display in the page.
function htmlEncode(value) {
var encodedValue = $('<div />').text(value).html();
return encodedValue;
function outputHLDiaryEntries(param) {
var url = "Home/DiaryEntries/";
var data = "id=" + param;
$.post(url, data, function (json) {
var n = json.length;
alert(n + ' ' + json);
if(n == 0){
//json is 0 length this happens when there were no errors and there were no results
$('#diaryTable').replaceWith("<span style='color:#e00;'><strong>Sorry: </strong> There are no headline events found. Check your filters.</span>");
} else {
//json has a length so it may be results or an error message
//if jsom[0].dID is undefined then this mean that json contains the error message from an exception
if (typeof json[0].dID != 'undefined') {
//json[0].dDI has a value so we
//output the json formatted results
var out = "";
var i;
var a = "N" //used to change the class for Normal and Alternate rows
for (i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
out += '<div class="dOuter' + a + '">';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dDate + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dRef + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dTeam + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dCreatedBy + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dType ' + json[i].dType + '">' + json[i].dType + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dServer">' + json[i].dServer + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dComment">' + htmlEncode(json[i].dComment) + '</div></div>';
//toggle for normal - alternate rows
if (a == "N") {
a = "A";
} else {
a = "N";
//output our formated data to the diaryTable div
} else {
//error so output json string
}, 'json');
$(document).ready(function () {
//Set User Preferences
//First check cookies and if null or empty set to default values
var $c1 = getCookie('c_team');
if ($c1 == "") {
//team cookie does not exists or has expired
setCookie('c_team', 'ALL', 90);
$c1 = "ALL";
var $c2 = getCookie('c_type');
if ($c2 == "") {
//type cookie does not exists or has expired
setCookie('c_type', "ALL", 90);
$c2 = "ALL";
// create DropDownList from input HTML element
dataTextField: "SupportTeamText",
dataValueField: "SupportTeamValue",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "json",
url: "Home/SupportTeams?i=1",
var teamFilter = $("#teamFilter").data("kendoDropDownList");
teamFilter.bind("change", teamFilterChange);
dataTextField: "dTypeText",
dataValueField: "dTypeValue",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "json",
url: "Home/DiaryTypes?i=1",
var typeFilter = $("#typeFilter").data("kendoDropDownList");
typeFilter.bind("change", typeFilterChange);
// Save the reference to the SignalR hub
var dHub = $.connection.DiaryHub;
// Invoke the function to be called back from the server
// when changes are detected
// Create a function that the hub can call back to display new diary HiLights.
dHub.client.addNewDiaryHiLiteToPage = function (name, message) {
// Add the message to the page.
$('#discussion').append('<li><strong>' + htmlEncode(name)
+ '</strong>: ' + htmlEncode(message) + '</li>');
// Start the SignalR client-side listener
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
// Do here any initialization work you may need
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
On initial page load the outputHLDiaryEntries function is called when the signalR hub is started. If I then change any of the dropdownlists this calls the outputHLDiaryEntries but the $('#diaryTable').replaceWith(); does not work. If I refresh the page the correct data is displayed.
Based on A.Wolff's comments I fixed the issue by wrapping the content I needed with the same element I was replacing... by adding the following line at the beginning of the outputHLDiartEntries function...
var outStart = '<div id="diaryTable" name="diaryTable" class="clear-fix">';
var outEnd = '</div>';
and then changing each of the replaceWith so that they included the wrappers e.g.
$('#diaryTable').replaceWith(outStart + out + outEnd);
replaceWith() replaces element itself, so then on any next call to $('#diaryTable') will return empty matched set.
You best bet is to replace element's content instead, e.g:
$('#diaryTable').html("<span>New content</span>");
I had the same problem with replaceWith() not working when called a second time.
This answer helped me figure out what I was doing wrong.
The change I made was assigning the same id to the new table I was creating.
Then when I would call my update function again, it would create a new table, assign it the same id, grab the previous table by the id, and replace it.
let newTable = document.createElement('table'); = "sameId";
//do the work to create the table here
let oldTable = document.getElementById('sameId');

Adding a <span> to each letter in responsive wordpress theme

I want to create separate backgrounds for each letter in the site-description span within the header on the Wordpress responsive theme.
I have added a function in functions.php
* Setup Responsive Child Theme Functions
function site_description_spans() {
echo 'Text within header'; // Replace this line with code from `
add_action( 'responsive_in_header', 'site_description_spans' );
This successfully targets within the header within the responsive theme
But then I tried to add the following code within this function from another Stack Exchange post by replacing the
echo 'text within header' //above
The link to the javascript function on stack exchange is here
Color every character differently
and the relevant code is
var $el = $(this),
text = $el.text(),
len = text.length,
newCont = '';
for(var i=0; i<len; i++){
var bgColor= '#'+ (Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(-6);
newCont += '<span style="background:'+bgColor+'">'+ text.charAt(i) +'</span>';
And it doesn't seem to work. Would be grateful for any suggestions.
Now i'm not too sure on the outputted HTML but i'm going to take a wild guess, that this is how the HTML is being output:
<span class="site-description">
Text within header
What you need if the code is to work as expected
<div class="site-description">
Text within header
Option 1 - Change HTML
Change your HTML code so that a span is contained within a div and the function to add the text is within the span
Something like this
<div class="site-description">
Option 2 - Change jQuery
Change your jQuery function to something like this:
$('.site-description').each(function() {
var $el = $(this),
text = $el.text(),
len = text.length,
newCont = '';
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var bgColor = '#' + (Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(-6);
newCont += '<span style="background:' + bgColor + '">' + text.charAt(i) + '</span>';
Or generally just fix the first part of the query so that it finds the correct class or element.
I have tried option 2 and just inserted it in the original function but I am not really sure what I am doing here. I understand what you suggested in option 2 and it looks like that would work, I am just not sure how to add it as a function in functions.php
This is what I have
function site_description_spans() {
$('.site-description').each(function() {
var $el = $(this),
text = $el.text(),
len = text.length,
newCont = '';
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var bgColor = '#' + (Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(-6);
newCont += '<span style="background:' + bgColor + '">' + text.charAt(i) + '</span>';
add_action( 'responsive_in_header', 'site_description_spans' );
Trouble is that I get the following error with it
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /***/*****/public_html/*****/dev/wp-content/themes/responsive_child/functions.php on line 11

How to make list in jQuery mobile nested list?

Can you please tell me how to make list in jQuery mobile? I am trying to make this type list as given in fiddle on pop up screen dynamically .
Here is the fiddle
In this fiddle I make two rows.In first row there is only p tag. But in second row there is nested collapsible rows. I need to make same thing in pop up screen. I am able to make first row. But In my second row contend is null why? Can you suggest where I am wrong?
$(function () {
var tabsHeader = [ "InputParameter", "basic"];
var tabsHeader_basic = [ "XYZ", "Third Level",
function createCommandPopUpTabs(){
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("'+
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>InputParameter</h3></div>";
var content ;
content = "<p>yes</p>";
}else if(tabsHeader[i]=="basic"){
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader_basic.length; i++) {
headerId = tabsHeader_basic[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
content += getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[i]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
function getcontend(name){
if(name=="Third Level"){
return"<p>Third Level></p>";
} if(name=="XYZ"){
return"<p> second Level></p>";
There are errors in your code and logic. I will only go over a couple of them to hopefully get you on the right path:
In tabsHeader_basic array the Third Level has a space in it which you later use as an ID which makes it an invalid ID because you cannot have spaces in an ID.
From the HTML 5 Draft:
The value must not contain any space characters.
Also, the "basic" collapsible div needs to exist before you start adding the nested collapsible div.
So this line needs to come out of the for loop
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
Go through the JSFiddle and compare your code agaisnt my changes.
Hopefully that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
I have updated createCommandPopUpTabs() function.
Also removed space in Third Level on var tabsHeader_basic = ["XYZ", "ThirdLevel"];
Check the Updated Fiddle
function createCommandPopUpTabs() {
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("' +
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for (var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader[i] + "</h3></div>";
var content;
if (tabsHeader[i] == "InputParameter") {
content = "<p>yes</p>";
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
} else if (tabsHeader[i] == "basic") {
for (var j = 0; j < tabsHeader_basic.length; j++) {
var headerId1 = tabsHeader_basic[j] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header1 = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId1 + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader_basic[j] + "</h3></div>";
var content1 = getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[j]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(header1);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId1).append(content1);

Create table with jQuery - append

I have on page div:
<div id="here_table"></div>
and in jquery:
$('#here_table').append( 'result' + i );
this generating for me:
<div id="here_table">
result1 result2 result3 etc
I would like receive this in table:
<div id="here_table">
I doing:
$('#here_table').append( '<table>' );
$('#here_table').append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' + i + '</td></tr>' );
$('#here_table').append( '</table>' );
but this generate for me:
<div id="here_table">
<table> </table> !!!!!!!!!!
Why? how can i make this correctly?
This line:
$('#here_table').append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' + i + '</td></tr>' );
Appends to the div#here_table not the new table.
There are several approaches:
/* Note that the whole content variable is just a string */
var content = "<table>"
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
content += '<tr><td>' + 'result ' + i + '</td></tr>';
content += "</table>"
But, with the above approach it is less manageable to add styles and do stuff dynamically with <table>.
But how about this one, it does what you expect nearly great:
var table = $('<table>').addClass('foo');
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
var row = $('<tr>').addClass('bar').text('result ' + i);
Hope this would help.
You need to append the tr inside the table so I updated your selector inside your loop and removed the closing table because it is not necessary.
$('#here_table').append( '<table />' );
$('#here_table table').append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' + i + '</td></tr>' );
The main problem was that you were appending the tr to the div here_table.
Edit: Here is a JavaScript version if performance is a concern. Using document fragment will not cause a reflow for every iteration of the loop
var doc = document;
var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var tr = doc.createElement("tr");
var td = doc.createElement("td");
td.innerHTML = "content";
//does not trigger reflow
var table = doc.createElement("table");
When you use append, jQuery expects it to be well-formed HTML (plain text counts). append is not like doing +=.
You need to make the table first, then append it.
var $table = $('<table/>');
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
$table.append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' + i + '</td></tr>' );
Or do it this way to use ALL jQuery. The each can loop through any data be it DOM elements or an array/object.
var data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight'];
var numCols = 1;
$.each(data, function(i) {
if(!(i%numCols)) tRow = $('<tr>');
tCell = $('<td>').html(data[i]);
To add multiple columns and rows, we can also do a string concatenation. Not the best way, but it sure works.
var resultstring='<table>';
for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
//array arr contains the field names in this case
resultstring+= '<th>'+ arr[j] + '</th>';
$(resultset).each(function(i, result) {
// resultset is in json format
for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
resultstring+='<td>'+ result[arr[j]]+ '</td>';
This also allows you to add rows and columns to the table dynamically, without hardcoding the fieldnames.
Here is what you can do:
var table = $('#here_table').children();
table.append( '<tr><td>' + 'result' + i + '</td></tr>' );
Best regards!
Following is done for multiple file uploads using jquery:
File input button:
<input type="file" name="uploadFiles" id="uploadFiles" multiple="multiple" class="input-xlarge" onchange="getFileSizeandName(this);"/>
Displaying File name and File size in a table:
<div id="uploadMultipleFilediv">
<table id="uploadTable" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"></table></div>
Javascript for getting the file name and file size:
function getFileSizeandName(input)
var select = $('#uploadTable');
var totalsizeOfUploadFiles = "";
for(var i =0; i<input.files.length; i++)
var filesizeInBytes = input.files[i].size; // file size in bytes
var filesizeInMB = (filesizeInBytes / (1024*1024)).toFixed(2); // convert the file size from bytes to mb
var filename = input.files[i].name;
totalsizeOfUploadFiles = totalsizeOfUploadFiles+filesizeInMB;
//alert("File name is : "+filename+" || size : "+filesizeInMB+" MB || size : "+filesizeInBytes+" Bytes");
Or static HTML without the loop for creating some links (or whatever). Place the <div id="menu"> on any page to reproduce the HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>HTML Masterpage</title>
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function nav() {
var menuHTML= '<ul><li>link 1</li></ul><ul><li>link 2</li></ul>';
<style type="text/css">
<body onload="nav()">
<div id="menu"></div>
I wrote rather good function that can generate vertical and horizontal tables:
function generateTable(rowsData, titles, type, _class) {
var $table = $("<table>").addClass(_class);
var $tbody = $("<tbody>").appendTo($table);
if (type == 2) {//vertical table
if (rowsData.length !== titles.length) {
console.error('rows and data rows count doesent match');
return false;
titles.forEach(function (title, index) {
var $tr = $("<tr>");
var rows = rowsData[index];
rows.forEach(function (html) {
} else if (type == 1) {//horsantal table
var valid = true;
rowsData.forEach(function (row) {
if (!row) {
valid = false;
if (row.length !== titles.length) {
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
console.error('rows and data rows count doesent match');
return false;
var $tr = $("<tr>");
titles.forEach(function (title, index) {
rowsData.forEach(function (row, index) {
var $tr = $("<tr>");
row.forEach(function (html) {
return $table;
usage example:
var title = [
'مساحت موجود',
'مساحت باقیمانده',
'مساحت در طرح'
var rows = [
var $ft = generateTable(rows, title, 2,"table table-striped table-hover table-bordered");
$ft.appendTo( GroupAnalyse.$results );
var title = [
'اندازه قبلی',
'اندازه فعلی',
'میزان عقب نشینی',
var rows = (r) {
return [
var $et = generateTable(rows, title, 1,"table table-striped table-hover table-bordered");
$et.appendTo( GroupAnalyse.$results );
$('<hr/>').appendTo( GroupAnalyse.$results );
example result:
A working example using the method mentioned above and using JSON to represent the data. This is used in my project of dealing with ajax calls fetching data from server.
In your html:
< table id='here_table' >< /table >
JS code:
function feed_table(tableobj){
// data is a JSON object with
//{'id': 'table id',
// 'header':[{'a': 'Asset Tpe', 'b' : 'Description', 'c' : 'Assets Value', 'd':'Action'}],
// 'data': [{'a': 'Non Real Estate', 'b' :'Credit card', 'c' :'$5000' , 'd': 'Edit/Delete' },... ]}
$('#' + '' );
$.each([tableobj.header,], function(_index, _obj){
$.each(_obj, function(index, row){
var line = "";
$.each(row, function(key, value){
if(0 === _index){
line += '<th>' + value + '</th>';
line += '<td>' + value + '</td>';
line = '<tr>' + line + '</tr>';
$('#' +;
// testing
var t = {
'id': 'here_table',
'header':[{'a': 'Asset Tpe', 'b' : 'Description', 'c' : 'Assets Value', 'd':'Action'}],
'data': [{'a': 'Non Real Estate', 'b' :'Credit card', 'c' :'$5000' , 'd': 'Edit/Delete' },
{'a': 'Real Estate', 'b' :'Property', 'c' :'$500000' , 'd': 'Edit/Delete' }
As for me, this approach is prettier:
String.prototype.embraceWith = function(tag) {
return "<" + tag + ">" + this + "</" + tag + ">";
var results = [
{type:"Fiat", model:500, color:"white"},
{type:"Mercedes", model: "Benz", color:"black"},
{type:"BMV", model: "X6", color:"black"}
var tableHeader = ("Type".embraceWith("th") + "Model".embraceWith("th") + "Color".embraceWith("th")).embraceWith("tr");
var tableBody = {
return (item.type.embraceWith("td") + item.model.toString().embraceWith("td") + item.color.embraceWith("td")).embraceWith("tr")
var table = (tableHeader + tableBody).embraceWith("table");
i prefer the most readable and extensible way using jquery.
Also, you can build fully dynamic content on the fly.
Since jquery version 1.4 you can pass attributes to elements which is, imho, a killer feature.
Also the code can be kept cleaner.
var tablerows = new Array();
$.each(['result1', 'result2', 'result3'], function( index, value ) {
tablerows.push('<tr><td>' + value + '</td></tr>');
var table = $('<table/>', {
html: tablerows
var div = $('<div/>', {
id: 'here_table',
html: table
Addon: passing more than one "html" tag you've to use array notation like:
var div = $('<div/>', {
id: 'here_table',
html: [ div1, div2, table ]
best Rgds.
<table id="game_table" border="1">
and Jquery
var i;
for (i = 0; ii < 10; i++)
var tr = $("<tr></tr>")
var ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
this is most better
<div id="here_table"> </div>
$('#here_table').append( '<table>' );
$('#here_table').append( '<tr>' + 'result' + i + '</tr>' );
$('#here_table').append( '<td>' + 'result' + i + '</tr>' );
$('#here_table').append( '</table>' );
It is important to note that you could use Emmet to achieve the same result. First, check what Emmet can do for you at
In a nutshell, with Emmet, you can expand a string into a complexe HTML markup as shown in the examples below:
Example #1
... will produce
Example #2
... will produce
<div id="header"></div>
<div class="page"></div>
<div id="footer" class="class1 class2 class3"></div>
And list goes on. There are more examples at
And there is a library for doing that using jQuery. It's called Emmet.js and available at
Here the below code helps to generate responsive html table
var data = [{
"head 1": "row1 col 1",
"head 2": "row1 col 2",
"head 3": "row1 col 3"
}, {
"head 1": "row2 col 1",
"head 2": "row2 col 2",
"head 3": "row2 col 3"
}, {
"head 1": "row3 col 1",
"head 2": "row3 col 2",
"head 3": "row3 col 3"
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var accordianhtml = "<button class='accordion'>" + data[i][small_screen_heading] + "<span class='arrow rarrow'>→</span><span class='arrow darrow'>↓</span></button><div class='panel'><p><table class='accordian_table'>";
var table_row = null;
var table_header = null;
for (var key in data[i]) {
accordianhtml = accordianhtml + "<tr><th>" + key + "</th><td>" + data[i][key] + "</td></tr>";
if (i === 0 && true) {
table_header = table_header + "<th>" + key + "</th>";
table_row = table_row + "<td>" + data[i][key] + "</td>"
if (i === 0 && true) {
table_header = "<tr>" + table_header + "</tr>";
$(".mv_table #simple_table").append(table_header);
table_row = "<tr>" + table_row + "</tr>";
$(".mv_table #simple_table").append(table_row);
accordianhtml = accordianhtml + "</table></p></div>";
$(".mv_table .accordian_content").append(accordianhtml);
Here we can see the demo responsive html table generator
let html = '';
html += '<table class="tblWay" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
html += '<tbody>';
html += '<tr style="background-color:#EEEFF0">';
html += '<td width="80"> </td>';
html += '<td><b>Shipping Method</b></td>';
html += '<td><b>Shipping Cost</b></td>';
html += '<td><b>Transit Time</b></td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</tbody>';
html += '</table>';

