How to run light box only once? - javascript

I have created one light box which pops up every time we hit the home page of the site but I want show it once when user hits home page instead of showing it every time we hit home page. How can I do this?

You can use localStorage or cookies for that. Test if the user has not visited your page yet (by getting the visited-key in this case) > open your lightbox and set the visited key then. Now each time the user opens your page the visited-key is not false and your lightbox will not be opened:
if( !window.localStorage.getItem("visited") ){
window.localStorage.setItem("visited", true);
As the questioner asked (in a comment) that's maybe a better solution for him:
window.onunload = function(){
window.localStorage.setItem("visited", true);


Countdown time when tab is out of focus

I'm trying to calculate time when user is out of current tab.
if user is changes tab for more than 3 times, page should navigate to another page. OR if user changes tab for more than 10 seconds, page should navigate to another page.
So far i got this only:
$(window).blur(function() {
alert("You are navigating to other tabs or window. this is your first warning. Doing this again may cancel your current examination.");
i need something like this:
if (user changes tab){
//display warning
if(user changes tab for more than 3 times){
//navigate to another page
if(user changes tab for more than 10 seconds){
//navigate to another page
Answer originally came from:
His code snippet can be found here:
You are able to keep track of active/inactive tabs using jQuery's focus and blur. You should be able to use a global variable to keep track of the amount of times the user did not have their focus on your tab. Displaying your warning at the first time, and your second warning after 3 times.
Whether it has been 10 seconds can be done using a setInterval countdown for example. Which you can clear as soon as your user comes back to your tab.
var counter = 0;
$(window).focus(function() {
//do something
$(window).blur(function() {
//do something

Content hide/show

my goal is to hide the content of my homepage when someone visits. onClick to begin button the content should be shown. Content should stay open when user goes to other page and comes back to homepage. But it will be hidden when user closes the window and opens up the homepage again. To achieve this goal I have put the following code but it keeps the content open even when user closes and opens the window. So please help me out.
if (! localStorage.noFirstVisit) {
// hide the element
// check this flag for escaping this if block next time
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
I would highly appreciate if you check website, suggest me fix or show me proper way to achieve this goal.
You can totally use sessionStorage to detect whether it is new tab(window) or not.
When you first visit this page, set sessionStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";.
After you go to another page and back, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit is still "1".
But when you close the tab or browser and open the page newly again, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit will be undefined.
Documentation is here
The documentation also provide the difference between sessionStorage and localStorage.
I would suggest reading this: Detect Close windows event by Jquery
It goes over window unloading (beforeunload), which I believe is what you're after. You can set/unset your localstorage values there based on certain criteria being met; for example:
$(window).on("beforeunload", function() {
if(localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1" {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "[someValue]"
else {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1"
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
how about adding something like 'ng-cloak' in angular, to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by show/hide.
when clicking the roll-button, it prevents the divs from showing unfinished..

How to check if user is refreshing the page or navigating to other page

Scenario: I want to set some variable in my localstorage whenever user leaves the page.
Using window.onbeforeunload I get the event that user is about to leave the page. But I want to set different variable value when user refreshes and different on page navigation
var someVar;
//when refresh someVar = 1;
//When user clicks on any link which is not the same page, someVar =2
Is this possible to detect if user is refreshing or about to leave page?
Based on your comment I am updating my answer. You can't detect navigation type on beforeunload event or with any other method because it is browser dependent. But I can provide you a way to detect back or refresh after the page loaded. I hope it will be useful.
Please check performance navigation
if (performance.navigation.type == PerformanceNavigation.TYPE_RELOAD){
if (performance.navigation.type == PerformanceNavigation.TYPE_BACK_FORWARD){
//Back Button

Browser 'back' button that steps back to second stage of Javascript?

I have a problem brought about by a specific client requirement in nopCommerce.
I have a page - lets say page1 - which shows a block image which you then have to click through to get to the main part of the page (no matter how much I try to dissuade them from the extra click they are adamant - basically it's a 'glamour shot' before going to the main product grid/category page).
I have this JavaScript for the page load:
switch(window.location.pathname) {
case "/store/page1":
etc. (there are other functions for other things)
Followed by:
$(".landing_click").click(function () {
This all works great and displays the product grid (category page) as it should after clicking through the main image. However after viewing an individual product from the grid (going through to product details) clicking the back button on the browser takes you back to the first stage of the page1, so you have to click through the splash image/glamour shot again to get to the product grid.
To me this is logical and it is working as it should, but I need to find a way so that when the user is clicking the back button out of a product, it goes back to the product grid. Like this:
Is this possible with JavaScript? It needs to use the browser back button rather than a specific other button, although I could add one of those in addition as well.
If it were a straightforward website it would be relatively easy, but I am confined by the limitations of nopCommerce and the way the Category pages function, hence why I am looking for a JavaScript answer if possible so I can simply adapt what I already have.
I would use location.hash to do it like this:
switch(window.location.pathname) {
case "/store/page1":
if(window.location.hash == "#landing") {
else {
//The rest here
Followed by:
$(".landing_click").click(function () {
window.location.hash = "#category";
Now when you are in the product details page, a click on the back button will move you to /store/page1#category loading the category page directly.

Prevent user from accidentally navigating away

My problem is a bit more complex than using the following simple JavaScript code:
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
return 'Are You Sure?';
On an e-commerce web page I would like to remind the user that he has items in the shopping cart so that he can change his mind before
closing the browser tab/window
navigating to another domain
The JavaScript method above does not solve my problem because it is evoked even when the user navigates within the domain.
User tries to close window -> Show dialog
User changes url to in the browser's address bar -> Show dialog
User navigates to with the checkout button or presses the back button in the browser -> Do NOT show the dialog
It's not possible to tell if a user is pressing the back-button or closing the tab and you don't have access to their intended location.
It is possible to stop the dialog from showing if an internal link is clicked though:
function isExternal( href ) {
return RegExp('https?:\\/\\/(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')').test(href);
var returnValue = 'Are you sure?';
document.documentElement.onclick = function(e){
var target = e ? : window.event.srcElement;
if (target.href && !isExternal(target.href)) {
returnValue = undefined;
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
return returnValue;
Sorry there's no technical solution to your "problem."
It's not an accident when a user decides to leave your site, i.e. by typing a new URL, so stopping them to say "Hey, you haven't checked out yet" is kind of pointless.
I would suggest letting the visitor leave your website freely and simply remembering their information (DB, Sessions vars, etc). In terms of eCommerce that is the polite way of keeping customers.
If someone wants to leave your website, they will. Double-checking beforehand will likely only irritate the customer and lessen your chance of their return.
Since the beforeUnload-event object does NOT contain the location the user is trying to go to, one "hack" to do this would be to add click listeners to all links on your site, and disable the unload-listener in that handler. It's not very pretty, and it will probably not work if the user navigates with the keyboard, but it's my best guess at the moment.
It sounds like you'd need to use an onbeforeunload and then modify all your internal links to disable it. Probably the thing to do for the latter would be a jQuery event; making the actual hrefs run through JS would be terrible, not least because it'd defeat search engine crawling.
I was looking into this too, reason being we have some really stupid end users who fill out a whole web form then don't press the save button.
I found this is u r interested, seems like a good solution:

