NodeJs stress testing tools/methods [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've searched a lot about stress testing a NodeJs application/module but I didn't find anything.
I have a push server application (something like and I want to test it to ensuring there's no memory leaks and that it exhibits optimal performance.
What's the best method or tools for doing that?

You do not need any special tool for load testing Node.js application. You can use any load test tools:
From opensource and free tools I can recommend JMeter. As it has built-in Proxy Server which can record HTTP traffic. Advantage of JMeter than other tools is user friendly GUI. You can find article related Node.js load balancing and JMeter testing.

Try this phanos stress test tool. This is phantomjs based tool, and you can loading ajax request too with it. But this tool doesn't provide stat info, you should use nodetime (or something else) for analyze the traffic performance.


Installable code playground [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for an installable code playground, possibly for HTML, CSS and Javascript.
I am a computer science professor and in one of my courses I teach basic HTML, CSS and some Javascript. I would like to introduce my students to code playgrounds such as jsfiddle or jsbin. Additionally, I would like to deliver final exams through a similar tool, so that we replace tests written on paper with tests performed, self-assessed and refined on a browser-based tool.
The problem is that I do not want to let students access the Internet during the exam, and look for existing answers online or even establish communication channels among themselves or with experts at home, so I need to isolate the lab from Internet during the exams.
This means that I need to install a local copy of the playground tool on one of my servers. Do you know of any tool that provides their code (free or commercially, not relevant) for a local installation?
I don't need anything fancy, no automatic includes, no libraries, nothing special, just the possibility to install something on my server that runs without Internet dependencies.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
jsbin can be run locally on a Node server. You need Node/npm installed first but after that it is easy. As long as you don't need libraries it can run without a network connection (just tried it) but the libraries seem to be external paths by default.

Library for TOTP in javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently working on some client - server app. I need to make auth process more secure, so I want to use TOTP. Client app is written in phonegab, so I need some stable and reliable library for javascript. I have found some on github, and aerogear-otp-js from jBoss Community.
Aerogear-otp-js looks good, but its only initial release so I do not think that's good idea to use it productional enviroment. Also I need to setup interval beetween keys,and that is not an option in aerogear. So can you recommend me some good library?
I'm one of the AeroGear JS devs. The JS OTP lib is just getting started, but we have both Android and iOS libs that are more mature and since you are using cordova/phonegap it's possible to create a plugin to access the native libs until the JS version is a bit more solid.

Anyone know of a good web debugging tool? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to trace the javascript and web traffic upon clicking on a button in a certain page (POSTing).
I'd like to go about the code step by step. Is there a way to do that? (Not debugging my code, I need to see what happens in the browser to any site)
If you're looking to debug from the client side I find Google Chromes in built tools to be pretty handy.
You can find a nice introduction / overview of them here
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
Fiddler is wonderful: It acts as a proxy, allowing you to inspect every step of the request/response cycle.
If you are on Windows, try HTTP Debugger as well.

Good server-javascript host/framework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to find a good javascript based web host, as well as a good server-side javascript implementation. I have played some with NodeJS, and it seems very good, but I really don't want to have to write the entire server from scratch. I need a host/framework with the following features (or at least most of them):
1: The ability to run a script continuously on the server while maintaining a continuous dialog with other scripts as well as client pages (through xmlhttprequest).
2: PHP/ASP like functionality.
3: I don't want to have to write an entire server from scratch. I just want to worry about writing my application.
Also, I have recently been looking into Aptana's Jaxer, which seems to be the holy grail from my perspective, but when I go to the web site "", it returns a completely irrelevant page. Could somebody please explain this to me?
I've used from joyent to host my node.js applications.
For communicating between the client and the server I'd use . It's a communication framework that will choose the most appropriate communication method to maintain a connection (continuous dialog) with the client.
For serving static content see this answer for a link to a great article on a simple web server.
Using node.js as a simple web server
Or see this answer that discusses various web application frameworks.
Hope this helps, & Good luck on your project!
You could have a look at Wakanda
It provides a full stack including, the server, the studio, and the client framework, all in a very consistent way.
There is a related question I answered on stackoverflow about where to host Wakanda applications, and another one comparing different existing server-side JavaScript solutions

I am looking for a JavaScript IRC client [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question is exactly what I need, only problem is it has multiple ActiveX dependencies and that will not do. Does anyone know of any similar projects which are more portable?
You will have to have dependencies to an external application in order to open a socket towards the IRC server.
It can be dependent on the browser architecture (ActiveX controls, Mozilla based, ...)
Dependent on a java applet (in this case the irc server should be run on the same host the javascript originates from (unless you go towards signed applets))
The "real" IRC client is running on server-side, and the script is only used to communicate with that client.
In DmitryK's list you will find an example for each.

