I am looking for a JavaScript IRC client [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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http://sourceforge.net/projects/jisirc/ is exactly what I need, only problem is it has multiple ActiveX dependencies and that will not do. Does anyone know of any similar projects which are more portable?

You will have to have dependencies to an external application in order to open a socket towards the IRC server.
It can be dependent on the browser architecture (ActiveX controls, Mozilla based, ...)
Dependent on a java applet (in this case the irc server should be run on the same host the javascript originates from (unless you go towards signed applets))
The "real" IRC client is running on server-side, and the script is only used to communicate with that client.
In DmitryK's list you will find an example for each.



Any WebRTC client implementation for iOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any iOS library/SDK I can use to create a single WebRTC one-to-one video call?
Let's say we will have set up the necessary server environmet suggested at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2HzZkd2A40&feature=youtu.be&t=21m40s
Not interested in instant cloud services like OpenTok, OpenPeer, OpenClove, vLine, AddLive, etc. We want to create our own infrastructure, I just want to make a test prototype on iOS. Also cannot see clearly what is need to be implemented on Javascript side (if any) and on native side, etc.
As of right now, iOS has not implemented the webRTC specifications in their Safari browser. Hence you cannot use webRTC in a UIWebView in iOS.
Reference: http://caniuse.com/#search=webRTC
However you might be able to write your own library that connects to your backend service similar to the OpenTok iOS SDK.
Refrence: https://github.com/opentok/opentok-ios-sdk-webrtc

Grabbing 10 secs of audio file using javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to know how to make an audio editor in javascript that allows users to grab 10 seconds of any part of a sound track, much like a ringtone app.
sorry, i meant to say, how would I go about doing it. I would also like to know if there are libraries that provide support to this.
Audio Editing is a tall order for Javascript, I would suggest doing a task like this server side. FFMPEG makes extracting audio samples from audio files a doddle.
Though, you would need permission to run executables on your host; not something that many shared hosts allow. You could consider cloud hosting or a virtual server.

Library for TOTP in javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently working on some client - server app. I need to make auth process more secure, so I want to use TOTP. Client app is written in phonegab, so I need some stable and reliable library for javascript. I have found some on github, and aerogear-otp-js from jBoss Community.
Aerogear-otp-js looks good, but its only initial release so I do not think that's good idea to use it productional enviroment. Also I need to setup interval beetween keys,and that is not an option in aerogear. So can you recommend me some good library?
I'm one of the AeroGear JS devs. The JS OTP lib is just getting started, but we have both Android and iOS libs that are more mature and since you are using cordova/phonegap it's possible to create a plugin to access the native libs until the JS version is a bit more solid.

NodeJs stress testing tools/methods [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've searched a lot about stress testing a NodeJs application/module but I didn't find anything.
I have a push server application (something like socket.io) and I want to test it to ensuring there's no memory leaks and that it exhibits optimal performance.
What's the best method or tools for doing that?
You do not need any special tool for load testing Node.js application. You can use any load test tools:
From opensource and free tools I can recommend JMeter. As it has built-in Proxy Server which can record HTTP traffic. Advantage of JMeter than other tools is user friendly GUI. You can find article related Node.js load balancing and JMeter testing.
Try this phanos stress test tool. This is phantomjs based tool, and you can loading ajax request too with it. But this tool doesn't provide stat info, you should use nodetime (or something else) for analyze the traffic performance.

Open source Facebook-like Chat (with Jabber or IRC) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Like Mini Jappix but without the big application server behind.
Is there one ?
Best would be if it's integrated with Ruby On Rails, but not required at all.
You can try out cometchat at http://www.cometchat.com/ but it is commercial
Ok, here is something similar to what you need, it is free and open source: http://videosoftware.pro/rvc/ they also have a commercial version (called PRO) that has deep facebook implementation. There is a link somewhere in the photo gallery or google for "svc video chat". It is advertised as chatroulette but has similar modules to a normal chat as well..

