Script not running jquery .each - javascript

This is a snippet from a puzzle game I'm trying to develop. The problem is it stops working after each() of jquery is called. Please help me figure out the problem. Thanks in advance.
function setTotalInPositionPieces()
$("#board").children('div').each(function(index, element) {
$(element).attr("data-inPositionStatus", '1');
/* The script does not from here, onward. Please tell
me what is the problem.*/
if(totalInPositionPieces == totalPieces)
$("#messageBox").text("Puzzle Solved!");
totalInPositionPieces and totalPieces are global variables.

you should define the var totalInPositionPieces outside the each function to be reachable in the scope of any other function or outside of it.
same for totalPieces. Where do you define it?
Explore this stuff too:

function setTotalInPositionPieces()
var list = $("#board").children('div');
var totalInPositionPieces = 0;
$.each(list, function(index, element) {
$(element).attr("data-inPositionStatus", '1');
if(totalInPositionPieces == totalPieces)
$("#messageBox").text("Puzzle Solved!");


jQuery to Javascript adding required attribute

So I have the following jQuery code that I've built out that checks whether a on change event has been triggered on #rtk5 and then either removes or adds the 'required' attribute.
Works perfectly in jQuery:
// Make checkbox textboxes not required unless checked
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#rtk5').change(function() {
if ($('.rtk5ReqField').attr('required')) {
else {
I would like to convert it to JavaScript with a function call, but I can't seem to figure out how to properly do it.
TypeError: rtk5req.getAttribute is not a function
Here is my attempt:
var rtk5req = document.getElementsByClassName('rtk5ReqField');
function rtk5Required() {
rtk5req.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
if (rtk5req.getAttribute('required')) {
} else {
rtk5req.getAttribute('required', 'required');
rtk5req.addEventListener('change', rtk5Required());
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', rtk5Required);
Updated code: Removed the repetitive change call
var rtk5req = document.getElementsByClassName('rtk5ReqField');
function rtk5Required() {
if (rtk5req.getAttribute('required')) {
} else {
rtk5req.getAttribute('required', 'required');
rtk5req.addEventListener('change', rtk5Required());
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', rtk5Required);
Updated code #2:
Thanks all for all the hard work, there's one small issue that I'm still experiencing and had to make some tweaking - When I uncheck the checkbox, it doesn't remove the required tag placed on rtk5Declaration from which it did in the jQuery.
var rtk5_selection = document.getElementById('rtk5');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
rtk5_selection.addEventListener('change', () => {
if (rtk5_selection.getAttribute('required')) {
} else {
document.getElementById('rtk5Declaration').setAttribute('required', 'required');
Thanks so much all!
Since you only have one element you should be using its ID instead of its class, and avoiding the complication caused by document.getElementsByClassName returning a pseudo-array of elements instead of a single element.
NB: use setAttribute to change an attribute's value, or better yet (as shown in the code below) use the direct boolean property that mirrors the element's attribute.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const rtk_sel = document.getElementById('rtk5');
const rtk_dec = document.getElementById('rtk5Declaration');
rtk_sel.addEventListener('change', () => {
rtk_dec.required = !rtk_sel.checked;
Thanks all for the contribution, below is the working version which I have tweaked:
var rtk5_selection = document.getElementById('rtk5');
var rtk5declaration = document.getElementById('rtk5Declaration');
function rtd3Declaration() {
if (!rtk5_selection.checked) {
} else {
rtd3declaration.setAttribute('required', 'required');
rtk5_selection.addEventListener('change', rtd3Declaration);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', rtd3Declaration);

Call function is not a function

$(function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
$.club_settings = function() {
I got an error that is $.club_settings is not a function. How can i call $.club_settings in a if condition ?
You're defining the function after you call it. Switch around the code like so:
$(function() {
$.club_settings = function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
JavaScript only hoists declarations, not initializations.
The reference above displays how variables are hoisted but it works for functions too.
$(function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
function club_settings() {
The drawback would be is that it would be found in your $ variable which may lead to codes elsewhere breaking. But that could be another question.
Trying to resolve this by doing $.club_settings() = function club_settings() { ... will not work unless you reorder your codes as suggested by Mike

First jquery plugin

Im trying to make my first jquery plugin.. but actually i dont know what im doing wrong here.
var plugin = (function()
//this function is not accessible from the outside
function privateFunction()
//these functions are
alert1: function()
alert2: function()
//but it is not working :/
it is not executing one of the alerts. Am i putting some semicolons wrong?
i checked if all were closed
Javascript's automatic semicolon insertion will add a semicolon after return and undefined is returned.
Your code will look like
Should be
return {
You're also missing the ) after document in the first line of code.
$(document).ready(function() {
var plugin = (function() {
//this function is not accessible from the outside
function privateFunction() {
// Code Here
//these functions are
return {
alert1: function() {
alert2: function() {
//but it is not working :/
<script src=""></script>

Cross-browser addevent function javascript

I'm trying to create a function that adds an event to each button in a class. I have all of the buttons in an array and wanted to use Dustin Diaz's addevent() cross browser solution, but am unsure how to implement it. I'm used to using frameworks for this sort of thing, but have to use pure JS for this one.
Any pointers or advice on how to use Dustin's solution would be appreciated.
Ok so after taking #Pointy 's advice, I wrote this that checks for addEventListener and if not uses attachEvent This however is not calling testFunction(). What am I doing wrong here?
function addEvents()
var buttonArray=document.getElementsByClassName('mainButton');
for(i=0; i < buttonArray.length; i++)
if (i.addEventListener) {
i.addEventListener("click", testFunction);
else if (i.attachEvent) {
i.attachEvent("onclick", testFunction);
function testFunction() {
// Attach an event to each button that when clicked on will display an alert that say 'Button X clicked' where X = the button ID
You are trying to add an event to a number. You should replace "i" with "buttonArray[i]" and add an else-case (defensive coding).
function addEvents() {
var buttonArray = document.getElementsByClassName('mainButton');
for(i = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) {
if (buttonArray[i].addEventListener) {
buttonArray[i].addEventListener("click", testFunction);
} else if (buttonArray[i].attachEvent) {
buttonArray[i].attachEvent("onclick", testFunction);
} else {
throw new Error("This should be unreachable");
function testFunction() {

Shaking effect in my javascript code

I was just trying to use a function of jQuery in my JavaScript code for styling. I want that whenever the required text field is empty, the textfield should shake, but I can't do it. Please help me out I just wasted my whole night on it. Finally asking for your help. I hope that you people get my question.
The code is given below
function validate() {
var em = document.getElementById("email_value").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password_value").value;
if(em == "") {
$(document).ready(function() {
function shakeIt() {
$("input").effect("shake", { times:5}, 50);
function validate()
var em = document.getElementById("email_value").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password_value").value;
if(em == "")
function shakeIt()
times: 5
}, 50);
Don't wrap it in $(document).ready() function, because your shakeIt function is not longer in global scope, if you do so.

