Shaking effect in my javascript code - javascript

I was just trying to use a function of jQuery in my JavaScript code for styling. I want that whenever the required text field is empty, the textfield should shake, but I can't do it. Please help me out I just wasted my whole night on it. Finally asking for your help. I hope that you people get my question.
The code is given below
function validate() {
var em = document.getElementById("email_value").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password_value").value;
if(em == "") {
$(document).ready(function() {
function shakeIt() {
$("input").effect("shake", { times:5}, 50);

function validate()
var em = document.getElementById("email_value").value;
var pass = document.getElementById("password_value").value;
if(em == "")
function shakeIt()
times: 5
}, 50);
Don't wrap it in $(document).ready() function, because your shakeIt function is not longer in global scope, if you do so.


How to optimize this javascript duplicates

I wrote this code, but since I'm just starting to learn JS, can't figure out the best way to optimize this code. So made a duplicates for every if statement.
$(function() {
var lang = $(".lang input[type='checkbox']");
var gender = $(".gender input[type='checkbox']");
if(lang.length == lang.filter(":checked").length){
} else {
if(gender.length == gender.filter(":checked").length){
} else {
So this is my code, as you can see on line 15 if(gender... I have a duplicate of previous code, just changed variable from "lang" to "gender". Since I have more that two variables, I don't want to make duplicate of code for every each of them, so I hope there is a solution to optimize it.
You can write a function to let your code more abstract, see:
function isChecked(obj, jq1, jq2){
if(obj.length == obj.filter(":checked").length){
} else {;
//Your jQuery code, more abstract
$(function() {
var lang = $(".lang input[type='checkbox']");
var gender = $(".gender input[type='checkbox']");
isChecked(lang, $('.lang'), $('.lang-all'));
isChecked(gender, $('.gender'), $('.gender-all'));
make a function which had similar functionality, then pass a parameter as a class or id
$(function() {
function call(langp){
var lang = $(langp+" input[type='checkbox']");
if(lang.length == lang.filter(":checked").length){
} else {

Call function is not a function

$(function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
$.club_settings = function() {
I got an error that is $.club_settings is not a function. How can i call $.club_settings in a if condition ?
You're defining the function after you call it. Switch around the code like so:
$(function() {
$.club_settings = function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
JavaScript only hoists declarations, not initializations.
The reference above displays how variables are hoisted but it works for functions too.
$(function() {
var previous_page = "<?=$_SESSION["previous_page"]?>";
if (previous_page == "bar_settings")
function club_settings() {
The drawback would be is that it would be found in your $ variable which may lead to codes elsewhere breaking. But that could be another question.
Trying to resolve this by doing $.club_settings() = function club_settings() { ... will not work unless you reorder your codes as suggested by Mike

Passing parameters to a event listener function in javascript

Hello I have some code in which I take user input through in html and assign it to,two global variables
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
var livscoref = document.getElementById("livscore").value;
Which next show up in this addeventlistener function as parameters of the whowon function
var d = document.querySelector("#gut2");
d.addEventListener("click", function () {
whowon(spursscoref, livscoref, spurs, liverpool)
}, false);
The click event is meant to trigger the whowon function and pass in the parameters
function whowon(FirstScore, SecondScore, FirstTeam, SecondTeam) {
if (FirstScore > SecondScore) {;
} else if (FirstScore < SecondScore) {;
} else {
However the values are null,as I get a cannot read properties of null error on this line
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
I am pretty sure the problem is coming from the addlistener function,any help would be appreciated
Well you could do something like this -
$( document ).ready(function() {
var d = document.querySelector("#gut2");
d.addEventListener("click", function () {
var spursscoref = document.getElementById("spursscore").value;
var livscoref = document.getElementById("livscore").value;
whowon(spursscoref, livscoref, spurs, liverpool)
}, false);
Wrap your code in $(document).ready(function(){}). This will ensure that all of your DOM elements are loaded prior to executing your Javascript code.
Try putting all of your code inside this
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
//Your code here
My guess is that your code is executed before the html actually finished loading, causing it to return null.

how to pass a callback function to a button?

i have a php project which includes a few js files.
One of the js files, is a popup manager. This is the code:
function openYesNoPopup(message, callback) {
var popup_top = "<div class = 'popup_top'></div>";
var popup_bottom = "<div class = 'popup_bottom'></div>";
var yesNoButtonsDiv = '<div class="popupBtnContainer"><button class="popupBtn" data-type="yes">Yes</button><button class="popupBtn">No</button></div>';
padding: 0,
content: message
$(document).on('click', '.popupBtn', function() {
if ($(this).data('type') === 'yes') {
The problem is, the callback function that i want exacuted, is undefined.
Can anyone help me make this right?
Thank you!
the call to openYesNoPopup:
openYesNoPopup("Hello World",foo());
function foo(){
for some reason, the alert is shown right on start...
You'd have to actually call it
if ($(this).data('type') === 'yes') {
but when calling the openYesNoPopup function, you'd reference it, not call it
openYesNoPopup("Hello World",foo);

Script not running jquery .each

This is a snippet from a puzzle game I'm trying to develop. The problem is it stops working after each() of jquery is called. Please help me figure out the problem. Thanks in advance.
function setTotalInPositionPieces()
$("#board").children('div').each(function(index, element) {
$(element).attr("data-inPositionStatus", '1');
/* The script does not from here, onward. Please tell
me what is the problem.*/
if(totalInPositionPieces == totalPieces)
$("#messageBox").text("Puzzle Solved!");
totalInPositionPieces and totalPieces are global variables.
you should define the var totalInPositionPieces outside the each function to be reachable in the scope of any other function or outside of it.
same for totalPieces. Where do you define it?
Explore this stuff too:
function setTotalInPositionPieces()
var list = $("#board").children('div');
var totalInPositionPieces = 0;
$.each(list, function(index, element) {
$(element).attr("data-inPositionStatus", '1');
if(totalInPositionPieces == totalPieces)
$("#messageBox").text("Puzzle Solved!");

