jwplayer: video plays but there's no display? - javascript

I recently added two videos on this website (link not working) and I got the videos playing (at the bottom). The only problem is that the video plays but doesn't display anything.
If you download the video and watch it locally, you'll see that the video is fine.
Since the video played on the website, I believe that the video link is correct. I've used the following script to make the video player working -
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jwplayer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
flashplayer: "player.swf",
file: "images/vid1.mp4",
width: 570,
height: 320,
image: "images/preview1.jpg"
flashplayer: "player.swf",
file: "images/vid2.mp4",
width: 570,
height: 320,
image: "images/preview2.jpg"
I'm not sure what's wrong with this. Help is greatly appreciated :)

The MP4 files need to be encoded in H.264. I just downloaded the vid1.mp4 file, and did a quick property inspector view in QuickTime, and the file is encoded in MPEG-4, which is not something that Flash, or HTML5 supports. If you do a re-encode to H.264, it will work. You can re-encode using this tool - http://handbrake.fr/

I downloaded the video, checked it, and the format was not one that Longtail supports. It needs to be mp4 with the H.264 codec.
MP4 videos using the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec. MP4 is of high quality and can be played in all browsers and devices. It is today's video format of choice.
The JW Player video encoding guide should help.
If you are not the video encoding type or do not want to download a new codec or application to encode I would suggest using youtube to upload and have them encode the video. You can then download the resulting mp4 file. If it works on youtube it should work using jw player.


Vimeo direct file source and playback quality on web

I recently upgraded my account on Vimeo to be able to get my direct source file on a MP4 extension. Vimeo showed me several quality available for each of my videos.
I was wondering if there is a way to serve the user a specific quality based on its connexion?
By default I serve a SD quality video.
In the same response as the MP4 video file direct links, you should see an .m3u8 link. This link is an HLS manifest file that is used for adaptive streaming. You'll need to check if the player you're using supports HLS.
HLS documentation can be found here: https://developer.apple.com/streaming/
Thank you Tommy.
I was able to finally combine videojs + http-streaming and my .m3u8 link from VIMEO.
Note: It's important for people to have a VIMEO pro account if you want to be able to get your video source URL. Also the type must be ="application/x-mpegURL" and not the default "video/mp4".
<video-js id=vid1 width=600 height=300 class="vjs-default-skin" controls>
<source src="https://example.com/index.m3u8" type="application/x-mpegURL">
<script src="video.js"></script>
<script src="videojs-http-streaming.min.js"></script>
var player = videojs('vid1');

AAC audio source with Cordova not playing properly.

I am using PlayCordovaAudio() function to stream audio (Shoucast).
The MP3 audio source is playing well with this code:
But, when trying to play an AAC audio source, the audio starts and stops right away. Even when using the same function:
Here is the app that I am developing. If you want, you can download it and test it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.es611radio.kreactivamente1610001
(the first radio play is from the .mp3 audio source, the second one is an AAC audio source).
Any idea how could I fix this?
Thank you in advance

Video Streaming TS file

I need to play .ts streaming video file in mobile devices through a web page link, kindly provide me any example of it. I have tried video source tag with type "application/x-mpegURL" but it is not working. Can we call the .ts video file in a HTML5 video tag?
From this link (possible duplicate)
You are basically talking about Apple's HLS format. You can use an
html5 object in your web page. You can use http://osmfhls.kutu.ru/
flash plugin. You can use jwplayer. There are more choices (e.g.

Sound is distort on iPad when using web audio api

I have a problem when I am trying to play on iPad an mp3 using the web audio api.
In fact, the application is a html page where I try to play some mp3 or video files.
If I play first a video and then an mp3 file, the mp3 sound is distort.
If I play first a mp3 file everything work fine.
Even if all the video and audio have the same sample rate is not working.
Do you have any idea what should I do to avoid sound distortion?

Creating Subtitles with video hosted on Vimeo server

I need help with the Creating/Adding subtitles in sync with the video hosted on vimeo server. This video is embedded in a HTML page. I have the subtitles saved in .srt /.vtt / Notepad files.
Kindly suggest me the best possible options which can also used for commercial purpose. Please see the below image screensot
Customized player with vimeo is pseudo-impossible, but you can use subtitles with the follow link.
Your welcome:

