JS execution time - javascript

My site is pretty standard ecom site, it isn't a JS backed standalone app or anything, it's just a site which uses JS for standard stuff, as well as some jquery plugins to do a few things.
I've used Chrome Dev Tools to take some CPU profiles.
Most of my functions are low key operations, and don't exceed 200ms.
What is a good benchmark I should be aiming for? Is 200ms high?

200ms isn't too bad, but you should try to keep your JavaScript interactions under 100ms. The browser UI only has a single thread for updating the both UI and for executing JavaScript (only on can happen at a time). So the longer your JavaScript runs the worse the user experience.
0.1 second is about the limit for having the user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously, meaning that no special feedback is necessary except to display the result.
1.0 second is about the limit for the user's flow of thought to stay uninterrupted, even though the user will notice the delay. Normally, no special feedback is necessary during delays of more than 0.1 but less than 1.0 second, but the user does lose the feeling of operating directly on the data.
10 seconds is about the limit for keeping the user's attention focused on the dialogue. For longer delays, users will want to perform other tasks while waiting for the computer to finish, so they should be given feedback indicating when the computer expects to be done. Feedback during the delay is especially important if the response time is likely to be highly variable, since users will then not know what to expect.
-Jakob Nielsen
There are several patterns for breaking up work that needs to be done into chunks so you don't get the dreaded "Unresponsive script" error. Such as using timers, or web workers etc, but the implementation depends on what your code needs to do. You're on the right tracking using the Dev Tools to gain some insight into what's going on!


Optimizing high-speed browser interaction with Selenium/Puppeteer

I wish to create a script that can interact with any webpage with as little delay as possible, excepting network delay. This is to be used for arbitrage trading so any tips in this direction are welcome.
My current approach has been to use Selenium with Python as I am a beginner in web scraping. However, I have investigated some approaches and from my findings it seems that Selenium has a considerable delay (See benchmark results below) I mention other things besides it in this question but the focus is on Selenium.
In general, I need to send a BUY or SELL request to whatever broker I am currently working with. Using the web browser client, I have found a few approaches to do this:
1. Actually clicking the button
a. Use Selenium to Click the button with the corresponding request
b. Use Puppeteer to Click
c. Use Pynput or other direct mouse input manipulation
2. Reverse-engineering the request and sending it directly without clicking any buttons
Now, the delay in sending this request needs to be minimized as much as possible. Network delay is out of our control for the purpose of this optimization.
I have benchmarked the approaches for 1. by opening a page in the standard way you would, either with puppeteer and selenium then waiting for a few seconds. While the script waits, I injected into the browser the following code:
$x('//*[#id="id_demo_webfront"]/iframe')[0].contentDocument.body.addEventListener('click', (data => console.log(new Date().getTime())), true);
The purpose of this code is to log in console the current time when the click is registered by the browser.
Then, I log in my python(Selenium, pynput)/javascript(Puppeteer) script the current time right before issuing the click. I am running on Ubunutu 18.04 as opposed to Windows so my system clock should have good resolution. Additional reading about this here and here.
Actual results, all were run on the same webpage multiple times, for roughly 10 clicks each run:
1. a. ~80ms
1. b. ~10-30ms
1. c. ~5-10ms
For 2., I haven't reliably tested the delay. The idea behind this approach is to inject a function that when fired will send a request that exactly resembles a request that would be sent when the button is clicked. I have not tested the delay between issuing the command to run such an injected function and it actually being run, however I expect this approach to be even faster, basically creating my own client to interact with whatever API the broker has on the backend.
From the results, it is pretty clear that issuing mouse commands seems to be the quickest, but it also is the hardest for me to implement reliably. Also, I seem to find puppeteer running faster across the board, but I prefer selenium in python for ease of development and was wondering if there are any tips and ideas to speed up those delays I am experiencing.
Why does Selenium with Python have such a delay to issue commands and can it be improved?
Why does Puppeteer seem to have a lower delay when interacting with the same browser?
Some code snippets of my approach:
class DMMPageInterface:
# These are part of the interface script, self.page is the webpage after initialization
def __init__(self, config):
self.bid_price = self.page.get_element('xpath goes here')
# Mostly only the speed of this operation matters, sending the trade request
def bid_click(self):
logger.debug("Clicking bid")
mouse.position = (720,390)
mouse.click(Button.left, 1)
Quite a few questions there!
"Why does Selenium with Python have such a delay to issue commands"
I don't have any direct referencable evidence for this but the selenium delay is probably down to the amount of work it has to do. It was created for testing not for performance. The difference in that is that the most valuable part of a test is that MUST run reliably, if it's slower and does more checks in order to make it more reliable than so be it. You still get a massive performance gain over manual testing, and that's what we're replacing.
This is where you'll need the reliability - and i see you mention this need in your question too. It's great if you have a trading script that can complete an action in <1s - but what if it fails 5% of the time? How much will that cause problems?
Selenium also needs to render the GUI then, depending on how you identify your objects it needs to scan the entire DOM for what you want. Generic locators will logically take longer.
Selenium's greater power is the simplicity and the provided ability synchronisation. There's lots of talk in lots of SO articles about webdriverwait (which is great for in-page script sync), but there's also good recognition of page load wait-times. i.e. no point pushing the button before all the source is loaded.
"Why does Puppeteer seem to have a lower delay when interacting with the same browser?"
Puppeteer works with chrome devtools - selenium works with the DOM. So the two are interacting in a different way. Obviously, puppeteer is only for chrome, but selenium can go to almost any browser. It might not be a problem for you if you don't care about cross-browser capability.
However - how much faster is it really?
In your execution timings, you might also want to factor in the whole life cycle of what you aim to do - namely, include: browser load time, and page render time. From your story, you want to buy or sell something. So, you kick off the script - how long does it take from pressing GO to the end result. You most likely will need synchronisation and that's where puppeteer might not be as strong (or take you much longer to get a handle on).
You say you want to "interact with any webpage with as little delay as possible", but you have to get to the page first and get it in the right state. I wouldn't be concerned about milliseconds per action. Kicking open chrome isn't the quickest action in itself and your overall millisecond test becomes >seconds to minutes.
When you have full selenium script taking 65 seconds and a puppeteer script taking 64 seconds, the overall consideration changes :-)
Some other options to think about if you really need speed:
Try running selenium headless - no gui, less resources, runs faster. (google it) :-)
Try other browsers
If you're all about speed - Drop the GUI entirely. Create an API script or start to investigate the use of performance scripts (for example jmeter or loadrunner).
Another option that isn't selenium or puppeteer is javascript directly in the browser
Try your speed tests with other free web tools like cypress or Microsoft's playwright - they interact with JS in the browser directly and brag about some excellent inbuilt stability features.
If it was me, and it was about a single performant action - my first port of call would be doing it at the API level. There's lots of resources and practice sites out there to help get you started and there's no browser to render, there's barely anything more than the network delay. That's the real way to keep it as a sub-second script.
Final thought, when you ask "can it be improved": if you have some code, there may be other ways to make it faster. Share your script so far and i'm sure folks will love to chip in their 2 cents on how you can streamline it :-)

Is there a way to know anything about hardware resources of 'platform' accessing webpage?

I'd like to be able to find out about a browser's hardware resources from a web page, or at least a rough estimation.
Even when you detect the presence of modern technology (such as csstransforms3d, csstransitions, requestAnimationFrame) in a browser via a tool like Modernizr, you cannot be sure whether to activate some performance-consuming option (such as fancy 3D animation) or to avoid it.
I'm asking because I have (a lot of) experience with situations where the browser is modern (latest Chrome or Firefox supporting all cool technologies) but OS's CPU, GPU, and available memory are just catastrophic (32bit Windows XP with integrated GPU) and thus a decision based purely on detected browser caps is no good.
While Nickolay gave a very good and extensive explanation, I'd like to suggest one very simple, but possibly effective solution - you could try measuring how long it took for the page to load and decide whether to go with the resource-hungry features or not (Gmail does something similar - if the loading goes on for too long, a suggestion to switch to the "basic HTML" version will show up).
The idea is that, for slow computers, loading any page, regardless of content, should be, on average, much slower than on modern computers. Getting the amount of time it took to load your page should be simple, but there are a couple of things to note:
You need to experiment a bit to determine where to put the "too slow" threshold.
You need to keep in mind that slow connections can cause the page to load slower, but this will probably make a difference in a very small number of cases (using DOM ready instead of the load event can also help here).
In addition, the first time a user loads your site will probably be much slower, due to caching. One simple solution for this is to keep your result in a cookie or local storage and only take loading time into account when the user visits for the first time.
Don't forget to always, no matter what detection mechanism you used and how accurate it is, allow the user to choose between the regular, resource-hungry and the faster, "uglier" version - some people prefer better looking effects even if it means the website will be slower, while other value speed and snappiness more.
In general, the available (to web pages) information about the user's system is very limited.
I remember a discussion of adding one such API to the web platform (navigator.hardwareConcurrency - the number of available cores), where the opponents of the feature explained the reasons against it, in particular:
The number of cores available to your app depends on other workload, not just on the available hardware. It's not constant, and the user might not be willing to let your app use all (or whatever fixed portion you choose) of the available hardware resources;
Helps "fingerprinting" the client.
Too oriented on the specifics of today. The web is designed to work on many devices, some of which do not even exist today.
These arguments work as well for other APIs for querying the specific hardware resources. What specifically would you like to check to see if the user's system can afford running a "fancy 3D animation"?
As a user I'd rather you didn't use additional resources (such as fancy 3D animation) if it's not necessary for the core function of your site/app. It's sad really that I have to buy a new laptop every few years just to be able to continue with my current workflow without running very slowly due to lack of HW resources.
That said, here's what you can do:
Provide a fallback link for the users who are having trouble with the "full" version of the site.
If this is important enough to you, you could first run short benchmarks to check the performance and fall back to the less resource-hungry version of the site if you suspect that a system is short on resources.
You could target the specific high-end platforms by checking the OS, screen size, etc.
This article mentions this method on mobile: http://blog.scottlogic.com/2014/12/12/html5-android-optimisation.html
WebGL provides some information about the renderer via webgl.getParameter(). See this page for example: http://analyticalgraphicsinc.github.io/webglreport/

Javascript memory and leak problems

My site is pretty standard ecom site, it isn't a JS backed standalone app or anything, it's just a site which uses JS for standard stuff, as well as some jquery plugins to do a few things.
I'm trying to do some JS memory evaluation on my site. I've done this by looking at the Chrome Task Manager and through Heap Snapshots.
Initailly my site on first load sits between 35MB (i.e 35,000K) and 40MB on the task manager. This is the largest of any tab, if I have several tabs of other websites open at the same time.
If I refesh the page it jumps up to 55-60, another refresh sees it jump to 65-70MB.
On a normal page in a workflow, it fluctuates between 45-65 (sometimes 75 depending on what you're doing). Clicking around and doing the workflow from page to page sees the memory jump up to 85-100, and increases as you continue through the site.
I've tried to do a few things like check for:
detacted nodes
heap snapshots & looking at the deltas
amix's MemoryLeakChecker checking size of objects
I'd need a deeper dive to look for circular references or closure problems.
Heap snapshots don't reveal much, most of the top lists are (array), (string), (system). The snapshots sit between 4.8MB, 5.1MB, 5.8MB, 6.8MB and increase.
I've got a few questions as result:
How do I understand the different metrics between snapshot memory and task manager memory
Are there any good tutorials (apart from the ones on the Google Developers site)?
How much memory is considered acceptable? Given in the task manager my site is always the highest?
Do I have a memory leak? Apart from the steps I've described above (which I haven't found anything concrete from) is there any other ways I can find leaks?
Can you suggest any tools apart from the Chrome Dev Tools (a lot of the tools mentioned on Google for Firefox are not compatible with the latest version, eg: Leak Monitor for FF)
As a side note, most of my functions are low key operations, and don't exceed 200ms (based on a CPU profile). What is a good benchmark I should be aiming for? Is 200ms high?
What you are describing is not a memory leak, it's a garbage that Chrome knows of and that will be removed whenever Chrome decides it's time to do it. To explain this, lets have a closer look at the scenario you have described.
Making memory to 'leak'
First lets open up a new incognito window (just to be sure that browser extensions are not affecting our results) and navigate to google.com.
Then, lets open the Task Manager and enable "JavaScript Memory" column (by right-clicking on the Task Manager window). We need this column to be sure that the memory we will be 'leaking' is being, in fact, allocated by JavaScript. We end up with something like this:
Now, as you suggested, we should reload the page couple of times and observe the memory of our tab going up:
So far, so good - everything works exactly as you described it.
Wait a second...
However, lave your cursor inactive for half a minute, or go to another tab and you will observe a huge memory usage drop on our 'Tab:google'. Why is that? What happened there? Who cleaned up our 'leaked' memory for us?
The Memory Usage Drop
To investigate that, lets repeat what we have done so far, so that 'Tab:google' uses a lot of memory again. Then, lets open Chrome Developer Tools and start recording on the 'Timeline' tab. After that, lets change a tab for couple of seconds and when memory drops stop 'recording' on the 'Timeline'. You should end up with this:
In the last couple of seconds of our recording mysterious 'GC Events' appeared. Exactly in the same time when the memory was released. Coincidence? Nope.
GC Events
GC stands for the Garbage Collector. It's a mechanism that "attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the program". So it turns out that memory of our tab was polluted by garbage and GC was capable of getting rid of these garbage for the whole time (you can even force garbage collection using button at the bottom of the 'Timeline' tab). So why it decided not to? Why it waited for us to stop interacting with the page or change the tab?
Lazy Garbage Collector
The short answer is that garbage collection has to 'freeze' the execution of all scripts before any work can be done. Also, it can take significant amount of CPU time to execute. This can result in lag, choppy animations, unresponsive controls etc. That's why Chrome waits for the right moment to call the garbage collection. And the best moment to do it is when user is not looking.
In addition, please note that 'GC Events' come in series, there are always couple of them with short breaks in between. These breaks are meant for 'normal' JavaScript to execute making the garbage collection less noticeable.
Live Objects
Take a look at "JavaScript Memory" tab at the top two screenshots in this post again. You will notice that this column contains two numbers. First one is memory "reserved for JavaScript VM
heap", the other one is "how much memory live (reachable) objects
comprise" (source). When benchmarking your applications you should worry only about the second value, all the rest will be handled by GC.
An example of a leak
A real JavaScript leak can happen ie. in a web chat application. If, over time, it will use more and more 'live' memory while always displaying only last 10 messages then we can talk about a leak. Such leak, will eventually crash a tab (or a browser).
For scripts running on the page, reloading the page (or going to another location) is equal to restarting your computer while your ANSI C app is running. After that, you should think about all the memory allocated by your scripts as wiped out. The only reason why, in practice, this may not happen immediately after reloading the page is that browser is waiting for the right moment to clean up. And you, as a web developer, should not be concerned about it.
If you still think that your page are leaking you can use the answer from this question to track down the leaked objects.

Best practice: very long running polling processes in Javascript?

I have a touch screen kiosk application that I'm developing that will be deployed on the latest version of Chrome.
The application will need to make AJAX calls to an web service, every 10 minutes or so to pull thru any updated content.
As it's a kiosk application, the page is unlikely to be reloaded very often and theoretically, unless the kiosk is turned off, the application could run for days at a time.
I guess my concern is memory usage and whether or not a very long running setTimeout loop would chew through a large amount of memory is given sufficient time.
I'm currently considering the use of Web Workers and I'm also going to look into Web Sockets but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this type of thing?
The browser has a garbage collector so no problems on that. as long as you don't introduce memory leaks through bad code. here's an article and another article about memory leak patterns. that's should get you started on how to program efficiently, and shoot those leaky code.
also, you have to consider the DOM. a person in SO once said that "things that are not on screen should be removed and not just hidden" - this not only removes the entity in a viewing perspective, but actually removes it from the DOM, remove it's handlers, and the memory it used will be freed.
As for the setTimeout, lengthen the interval between calls. Too fast, you will chew up memory fast (and render the page quite... laggy). I just tested code for a timer-based "hashchange" detection, and even on chrome, it does make the page rather slow.
research on the bugs of chrome and keep updated as well.

What's the best way to determine at runtime if a browser is too slow to gracefully handle complex JavaScript/CSS?

I'm toying with the idea of progressively enabling/disabling JavaScript (and CSS) effects on a page - depending on how fast/slow the browser seems to be.
I'm specifically thinking about low-powered mobile devices and old desktop computers -- not just IE6 :-)
Are there any examples of this sort of thing being done?
What would be the best ways to measure this - accounting for things, like temporary slowdowns on busy CPUs?
I'm not interested in browser/OS detection.
At the moment, I'm not interested in bandwidth measurements - only browser/cpu performance.
Things that might be interesting to measure:
Base JavaScript
DOM manipulation
DOM/CSS rendering
I'd like to do this in a way that affects the page's render-speed as little as possible.
BTW: In order to not confuse/irritate users with inconsistent behavior - this would, of course, require on-screen notifications to allow users to opt in/out of this whole performance-tuning process.
[Update: there's a related question that I missed: Disable JavaScript function based on user's computer's performance. Thanks Andrioid!]
Not to be a killjoy here, but this is not a feat that is currently possible in any meaningful way in my opinion.
There are several reasons for this, the main ones being:
Whatever measurement you do, if it is to have any meaning, will have to test the maximum potential of the browser/cpu, which you cannot do and maintain any kind of reasonable user experience
Even if you could, it would be a meaningless snapshot since you have no idea what kind of load the cpu is under from other applications than the browser while your test is running, and weather or not that situation will continue while the user is visiting your website.
Even if you could do that, every browser has their own strengths and weaknesses, which means, you'd have to test every dom manipulation function to know how fast the browser would complete it, there is no "general" or "average" that makes sense here in my experience, and even if there was, the speed with which dom manipulation commands execute, is based on the context of what is currently in the dom, which changes when you manipulate it.
The best you can do is to either
Let your users decide what they want, and enable them to easily change that decision if they regret it
or better yet
Choose to give them something that you can be reasonably sure that the greater part of your target audience will be able to enjoy.
Slightly off topic, but following this train of thought: if your users are not techleaders in their social circles (like most users in here are, but most people in the world are not) don't give them too much choice, ie. any choice that is not absolutely nescessary - they don't want it and they don't understand the technical consequences of their decision before it is too late.
A different approach, that does not need explicit benchmark, would be to progressively enable features.
You could apply features in prioritized order, and after each one, drop the rest if a certain amount of time has passed.
Ensuring that the most expensive features come last, you would present the user with a somewhat appropriate selection of features based on how speedy the browser is.
You could try timing some basic operations - have a look at Steve Souder's Episodes and Yahoo's boomerang for good ways of timing stuff browserside. However its going to be rather complicated to work out how the metrics relate to an acceptable level of performance / a rewarding user experience.
If you're going to provide a UI to let users opt in / opt out, why not just let the user choose the level of eye candy in the app vs the rendering speed?
Take a look at some of Google's (copyrighted!) benchmarks for V8:
I chose a couple of the simpler ones to give an idea of similar benchmarks you could create yourself to test feature sets. As long as you keep the run-time of your tests between time logged at start to time logged at completion to less than 100 ms on the slowest systems (which these Google tests are vastly greater than) you should get the information you need without being detrimental to user experience. While the Google benchmarks care at a granularity between the faster systems, you don't. All that you need to know is which systems take longer than XX ms to complete.
Things you could test are regular expression operations (similar to the above), string concatenation, page scrolling, anything that causes a browser repaint or reflow, etc.
You could run all the benchmarks you want using Web Workers, then, according to results, store your detection about the performance of the machine in a cookie.
This is only for HTML5 Supported browsers, of-course
Some Ideas:
Putting a time-limit on the tests seems like an obvious choice.
Storing test results in a cookie also seems obvious.
Poor test performance on a test could pause further scripts
and trigger display of a non-blocking prompt UI (like the save password prompts common in modern web browsers)
that asks the user if they want to opt into further scripting effects - and store the answer in a cookie.
while the user hasn't answered the prompt, then periodically repeat the tests and auto-accept the scripting prompt if consecutive tests finish faster than the first one.
On a sidenote - Slow network speeds could also probably be tested
by timing the download of external resources (like the pages own CSS or JavaScript files)
and comparing that result with the JavaScript benchmark results.
this may be useful on sites relying on loads of XHR effects and/or heavy use of <img/>s.
It seems that DOM rendering/manipulation benchmarks are difficult to perform before the page has started to render - and are thus likely to cause quite noticable delays for all users.
I came with a similar question and I solved it this way, in fact it helped me taking some decisions.
After rendering the page I do:
let now, finishTime, i = 0;
now = Date.now();//Returns the number of miliseconds after Jan 01 1970
finishTime = now + 200; //We add 200ms (1/5 of a second)
while(now < finishTime){
now = Date.now();
console.log("I looped " + i + " times!!!");
After doing that I tested it on several browser with different OS and the i value gave me the following results:
Windows 10 - 8GB RAM:
1,500,000 aprox on Chrome
301,327 aprox on Internet Explorer
141,280 (on Firefox on a VirtualMachine running Lubuntu 2GB given)
3,000,000 aprox on Safari
1,500,000 aprox on Firefox
70,000 (on Firefox 41 on a Virtual Machine running Windows XP 2GB given)
Windows 10 - 4GB RAM (This is an Old computer I have)
500,000 aprox on Google Chrome
I load a lot of divs in a form of list, the are loaded dinamically accordeing to user's input, this helped me to limit the number of elements I create according to the performance the have given, BUT
But the JS is not all!, because even tough the Lubuntu OS running on a virtual machine gave poor results, it loaded 20,000 div elements in less than 2 seconds and you could scroll through the list with no problem while I took more than 12 seconds for IE and the performance sucked!
So a Good way could be that, but When it comes to rendering, thats another story, but this definitely could help to take some decisions.
Good luck, everyone!

