CSS3 transitions animation - javascript

I'm very new to CSS/HTML/JS so I don't have lots of experience with CSS transitions.
I'm trying to animate a div elements on my page, but I can't achieve a desired result so far.
Here is my problem:
In my HTML I have a div container element that has 5 div elements inside of it. They look like simple boxes positioned in the middle of the screen and aren't visible for now. I also have 5 buttons in the corner of the screen.
What I'm trying to do is:
when I click a button (for example button 3) 3 of the divs on the left should disappear and be moved to the left behind the margin of the screen and 2 of the divs should do the same, but move to the right. After that I want 3 divs that are on the right slide back to the screen and 2 divs on the right should slide back as well. So it looks like they sliding towards each other to the positions they started from initially.
I'm trying to do this effect using CSS transitions (transform: translateX(Npx);). So in my JS file I have something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// PART 1
// move 3 divs to the left using transform: translateX(Npx) (no animation)
// move 2 divs to the left using transform: translateX(Npx) (no animation)
// PART 2
// slide 3 divs to the left using transform: translateX(Npx) (with animation)
// slide 2 divs to the left using transform: translateX(Npx) (with animation)
So the problem is that in this case only the part one works and part two seems to be not working.....if I attach the part on code to a different event...like another click button...it works just fine.
So my question is if these two transitions can be done under one event?!?!

I have done this, and this kind of effect can look great. If I understand your question correctly, your issue is that you run the animation AFTER you moved the divs, so your animation function uses the wrong starting point.
What you need is:
Be sure you have a CSS position:relative; set on your divs so the animation can work.
Run your animation function moving your divs relative to their current position (i.e. top, left), and include a success callback. You may need to first use offset() and some math to figure out the distance traveled.
On the completion of your animation (success callback), change the relative position of your divs back to 0px (or whatever they were before) and simultaneously perform the function where you actually move the divs to their new position in the DOM using insertBefore(). I've never seen a flicker since these functions are near-instant, but if you see an issue you can set visibility to hidden while you reset the position and move the divs, and then reset the visibility afterward
You can even set custom z-indexes for your divs during the animation that you reset on the success callback, allowing you to determine which elements the divs pass over/under or specifying which is on top if they cross each other.


JS. Non-standard overlay over table

I have visual selection for table which colorize mouse overed table cell and it row and column, like some crosshar.
see JSFiddle:
http:// jsfiddle.net/arhangelsoft/0ardb3u0/40/
But I'm need JS automated and animated movement with effects(like easing), like from 0,0 crosshair smooth moves to 55 cell, after that the same smooth moves to 22 cell and etc.
I thinking, how to do that.
Currently I have an idea:
Create absolute div for row(u see it in blue color), columns and target cell.
After that move theese elemets together in animate funtion from x point to y point.
Is there more simply method/idea to do it?
The similar example of result what I want get via JavaScript you can dewnload here(GIF picture, big(2 mb) ):
download and see
sorry, I can't make it smaller.
Here you go: http://jsfiddle.net/andunai/0ardb3u0/41/
(I've commented out all your code as a reference, the new code is at the bottom of fiddle.)
You are right: the approach here is to actually create 2 absolute divs and to move them according to hovered cell.
For the animation we can use CSS transition property here:
transition: all 0.1s linear
...so that when we do $(...).css(...) changing its width, height, top and bottom, properties are transitioned smoothly from old value to new one.
You can still use jQuery's $.animate() method for the animation, but CSS transitions are basically much more faster and smoother.
Also, note that I've used $(...).outerWidth(...) instead of width(...) to properly resize cells.
One more thing: note this CSS line -
pointer-events: none;
It is very important because it makes the crosshair divs 'transparent' for mouse events, meaning actual clicks will go "through" them and will be captured by appropriate td element.

Animating a custom carousel with React.js

I created a carousel with React.js, it was simple until I arrived at the animation problem. The carousel is classic, it is composed of "slides" of content, of small bullets indicating the current slide, and of small thumbnails for navigating between the slide.
The carousel component is data-driven, meaning that it is passed its content as a javascript array of objects. Each slide is a li tag within a ul, and just have to change the margin-left css property of the ul to move from one slide to another.
I'm wondering if I should use the ReactTransitionGroup or ReactCSSTransitionGroup to animate the transition from one slide to another. Basically the transition is a sliding effect from left to right when going from one slide to another.
My understanding is that the ReactTransitionGroups API is helpful when adding or removing some content. Here I won't add/remove any slide, change changing the visible one with an animation.
My difficulty wrapping my head around this is that I developped a static (aka without animation) carousel where the currently displayed slide is the only state saved in the component. This state is just the index of the slide in the array of slides. So when I click a thumbnail to navigate slide number n, the only thing I do is updating this internal state, then the rendering takes care of setting the left style property based on this index.
I don't see how I can add animation to this carousel. Any help/hint greatly appreciated.
The answer was fairly simple, no need to use ReactTransitionGroup or ReactCSSTransitionGroup. I simply used inline css with css3 transitions.
In the render function, we dynamically calculate the left property. As our slides all have the same fixed width, the slides are displayed inline and only one slide is made visible thanks to overflow: hidden on the parent element. Our dynamic class code looked like this :
var styles = {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: IMG_WIDTH * (this.props.idx - this.props.activeIdx),
zIndex: 100,
transition: 'left 1s',
width: '100%'
Don't look at the formula too much, it's an implementation detail.
Further note, our carousel is "infinite", meaning that the transition always go one way - from left to right - even when on the first or last element. It was "just" a matter of playing with the indices of the array of content. This part was a bit harder than the carousel itself.
Side note (even troll) : even the hard part was better that doing tricky and cabalistic direct DOM manipulation since it was pure algorithms with data. No more jQuery for this stuff, and even for the rest of our website.

Removing just position attribute in jQuery

I set up a code that have this traits:
the navigation Items-texts- are hidden behind the some Divs I'll call them Navigation Divs
when the mouse move over the some of pixels-navigation Divs-, the text that they are behind this, slide right and left and in some cases, some of them move top and bottom about 15 px with animate() method...
when the mouse move to another Div, other text will be reset to first position
for next action and I did this with:
$(document).on('mouseover', '.pixel#p18', function(){
$('.submenus').not("this Div's TEXT").fadeOut('fast').removeAttr('style');
});/* this Div's Text is for Example*/
and I wrote this kind for all of my navigation texts..
Now my problem is:
When I hover mouse on one of navigation Divs, some of the texts that they did not animated, become to visible because of removeAttr('style')!!! But I don't want that...
is there any alternative way that I can slide the texts or other elements to left, right, top and down with optional values of move...??? for example 23px to left or 17px to top... etc???- I'm familiyar with slideUp and Down and toggle but not sure that they are good enough for my code...
Do you have some better Idea for this---that actualy you'll have because I think this is very bad
and the last Question is that why my codes are very slow in running? the animations that I wrote have lak some times and I'm not Sure that the problem is my selector or other stuff.
For this you need something like .animate which has a callback. So something like:
$('.submenus').not("this Div's TEXT").animate({opacity:0},500,'linear', function() {
This will only remove the attribute when the animation is complete.

javascript jquery animate div move slide left then back again

I have a scrolling div with a visible width that's half of the content. (The actual content is double the width.)
I just want a simple javascript utilizing jquery (serialscroll plugin is really too much) to trigger the scroll to slide into view the next half of the content, then click again the slide it back. (the amount of the sliding is a static #)
I've got a jsfiddle with what I have so far. The initial slide left works, but the slide back does not and then it stops working altogether after that.
Use left alone (or right alone) instead of left and right fiddle
Change your second function to:
$('.back').click(function() {
jsFiddle example.
You can also set the right property to just 0px as well (instead of -=400px).

How can I make a DIV slide in and out?

I am currently learning jQuery. I'd like to know how to make an image slide in when you click on its edge, then click again and it slides away. Similar to this:
If you see the right hand side and click, there is the effect that i'm looking for. I assume this will involve making a div and giving it a background image then using some jquery to make the div slide into view. Of course the div could have other content such as html. Any ideas?
Would the .slideDown() method work?
if you want a div to slideDown() first it has to hidden.
so use $("#div_Id").hide();
after that use $("#div_Id").slideDown('slow');
this will work
Check out slideToggle
Here's what i have so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button").click(function() {
So basically the animated div begins hidden. There's another div with a background image that is lined up to look as if the animated div is still sticking out a bit. Then clicking a button makes the static div dissapear and the animated div slide into view. However i'm not sure how to make the timing perfect so it's smooth and people won't know there are two divs. The animated div takes a fraction of a second to move up to where the div with the static image was, however the static images disappears immediately leaving a non-smooth animation.
One other thing, how do i get the static image div to return at the moment that the animated div moves back down after a user click? It can't be at the exact moment the user clicks 'retract' button else it'd definitely appear before it's supposed to.
In order to use the animate() function add a CSS class to the <div> tag that has a height attribute, it can either be in pixels or %, this will be the initial height. After that then you can use the animate().
height: 500px
}, 5000, function() {
// Animation complete.
This will slide the div to 500px, which will take 5 seconds.

