Animate sideways via jQuery - javascript

I have a few <div> elements and a menu which is supposed to "call" these different <div>s on click with a custom animation.
These are the menus:
Log in
Terms of use
Now I need to control and show different divs based on which menu entry I click.
I need help in two occasions:
Creating the animation (see the jsfiddle below)
Handling the transitions between the divs efficiently without lots of code rewriting.
Occasion 1:
When I click on a menu (Remote for example) I want the other visible menu to move itself to its complete right side and disappear (I've used overflow: hidden on the main div for that) and then from the left side the proper div to come in (remote-page div).
So basically, I'm wanting to make the slideDown and slideUp horizontal.
This is what I've got so far:
This is a good example to show what I've got already for my website locally. I failed to make the proper div come in from the LEFT side when a menu button was clicked, I just could make it so I can HIDE the divs that are standing on the way.
Final question: So how do I use .animate() to make the proper div come in from the left side AFTER the other visible div went to the right?
Occasion 2:
As you can see from the jsfiddle above, I had to go through each existing <div> and hide them:
$('#normal-page').animate({marginLeft: '100%'}, 'fast'); // here
$('#tools-page').animate({marginLeft: '100%'}, 'fast'); // here
Final question: Is there a way to automatize this process and hide all visible divs and show the proper one when a menu button is clicked?
This is all I want to know.

You can use complete parameter of the animate function to achieve that. I took the liberty of changing HTML and CSS a bit if you do not mind.
Final version:

I hope this is what you want. I changed you markup a little bit. I added a #container for all the pages that is moved around. This is how it would look like: jsFiddle


Menu rising from bottom of an image

I have been searching for a way to make a menu rise up from a menu bar underneath an image
I want it so when you click on an arrow the menu will open up and partly cover the image without affecting the position of other elements in the page.
I'm struggling to find a way to do this. The reason for posting in here is not for a complete solution but thought that maybe someone could point me in the right direction. For example does this have a name? Any jQuery plugins that might help?
I have tried to recreate this affect using slideUp() and slideDown() but i am unable to get it to do the desired affect. I also tried using accordion but was unable to get that to produce the desired affect.
Any help would be much appreciated.
If initially the menu with submit button need to be present at the bottom of the page:
try setting position: absolute; and bottom:0px; with defined height.
Then for the arrow mark, bind a click event.
In the click event callback function:
Use jQuery.animate function and change the height and top properties of css.
Even better if you don't want any animation, just toggle CSS class for the bottom bar.

Member action popup

So I wanted to do for my company's webpage, a thing where are links that belong to people, to make it when you click, you have a little menu where you can choose to send him a message or view his profile..
Before click:
After click:
I tryed to search for it, couldn't find anything of much valuable.. Maybe someone can help me out.
If you're looking for an easy way to do it, I recommend using jQuery ( with one of the popup plugins ( It's easy to install, and most of them have a working demo for you to test out before download.
Otherwise, coding a popup window with pure JS takes time.
This general method is to:
Create a hidden div
Position: absolute and play with the z-index so your div will be on top of all other elements.
Set the position to where you clicked, or somewhere around the area of the target.
Take into account the width and height of the window/screen. (i.e. No poing in showing a div that'll appear off screen).
Fill it in with information you need.
Make it appear.
The way I've done things like that in the past is to have a hidden absolute or fixed DIV layer that houses that message menu. Then have a click trigger make that div layer visible and positioned at the current mouse coordinates.
There should be a lot of articles on google telling you how to do the various stages of all those steps.

Dynamic jQuery menu with sliding pictures

I need to make a dynamic jQuery menu for showing products.
There will be one main picture with text and hyperlink on it, taking 60% of the screen, and on the right of it I need three small pictures (one above the other, horizontally) with 20% width of screen (but all together taking same height as the main one).
I need help for the animation. The animation will be next:
the three pictures on the right are sliding up, and the top most disappears, and a new one is appended to the bottom (at the same time as the top most is disapearing). Now, the one that dissapeared becomes the main one.
I've made an easy solution with .slideUp function, but that doesn't actually made the div go up, instead it is just losing it's height until it becomes invisible. It is not the solution I wanted.
I've managed to get some solution with jQuery.sliedUp function, but still I didn't get the effect that the client was asking for.
Now with a little bit more search, I've found that the jQuery UI hide function extension can do the effect I am looking for.
Here's an example:
My problem now is if you click on the top div, while it is sliding up, the bottom div does not follow it up and take its place. I need to do that. Please provide me with a solution.
Append the current main to the bottom of your thumbnails, slide up the top one and remove() it. Take its src attribute and set it to the main image.
Here's some (sorry, not a self-contained example) code that should get you where you're going. If you actually take the time to read it you'll see it does exactly what I described in the first two sentences.
$('#main').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));
if this a homework please append homework tag.
I can't provide you with full HTML and javascript, but an idea. You have two blocks. Float the right block;
Left Block - 60%.
Right Block - 20% (float:right)
Define height for Right & Left block and give overflow:hidden for Right Block.
Now define a click function like this.
var nextAnimateImageId = 1;
nextAnimateImageId = nextAnimateImageId + 1;
My idea is, if you have 5 images, only 3 will be shown becaue of defined height and overflow:hidden property. When you animate the first image to height=0 (which is what toggle does), the 4th image will come up due to the space freed up, giving you a nice scroll up animation.

How do I make something look like a tab after it is clicked

Alright, so the title may not be the best way to describe what i am trying to do, but i am not sure quite how to phrase it.
To start of (when the page loads) there are 20 'tiles' which serve as buttons on a page. They are divs. The 5 on top are larger and the rest of the rows are the same size.
Once one of the buttons is clicked, i want a div to show under the row of the button that is clicked. I know how to do this part using jquery toggle. Here is an example of what i will want it to look like once a button is clicked.
You can see in the drawing how i want it to sort of look like a tab once it is clicked. I am having trouble thinking of how i am going to add the part that ties the button div into the div that is toggled in the middle of the rows. This part:
I sort of thought that i could make 5 images, one for each column of buttons, that has that little part of background color, and toggle the image as well. I believe that there is a better way to do this so i am looking for a steer in the right direction. I have had some trouble searching for something like this as I dont really know what to call it so i thought i would come here for help. Thanks!
I would increase the height of the tile when it is clicked (so that it expands down from the upper red line to the lower red line shown in the last image).
It can all be done just with CSS (using the checkbox hack in the same way I made this div to increase its height) or with JavaScript (if you want reliable behaviour for IE8 and especially IE7).
Like this fiddle :

How to know when a pop-down menu needs to be closed

I'm experimenting with pop-down menus (inside floating DIVs). Making them appear with onmouseover attributes is no problem, but I'm not sure how I can make the menu close properly.
I'm dealing with an image that has links mapped over it with <map>. I want people to see a menu when hovering over a link.
I figured the best way to know when to close the menu is wait until the mouse is no longer hovering over the HTML element that called the menu or the menu itself, then wait one second, and then close the menu.
Is my idea something that can be implemented, perhaps with some jQuery? Or is there a better and more efficient alternative?
I will throw my recommendation behind the jQuery hoverIntent plugin. Should be up and running quickly, very configurable, and no need to roll your own code.
I did some additional digging myself.
I need to somehow combine this with a <map> that makes parts of an image invoke a drop-down menu. Do you think this can get the job done?
with jquery:
$("your-menu-button-selector, your-menu-selector").bind("mouseleave", function(e){
$(this).data("mouseleaveTimeout", setTimeout(function(){
//your code
}, 1000)); //one second
you also want to clear the timeout when opening the menu!
$("your-menu-button-selector, your-menu-selector").bind("mouseenter", function(e){
//your code
I understand it now, you can have the same thing apply also to the link and the menu box so that when hovering the options, it does not disappear.

