javascript concat string to object - javascript

Please check code below. Here all variable values are static.
var o = { level_a:{}, level_b:{}, . . . .};
var levelVar = "b";
var selected_tab = 'level'+'_'+levelVar; \\level_b
var result = o.selected_tab;
Here you can see var o is object and var levelVar and selected_tab are string. Now I expect I should get value of o.level_b inside result, but its not working becuse we can not concat string to object.
Please help.

Use this notation :
result = o[selected_tab];
More generally, when you have var obj={a:'b'}, you can access the property a using both obj.a and obj['a'].
Here's a MDN reference about the use of objects and properties.


How can I address JSON properties with complex names in Javascript?

Given a JSON object such as:
How do you address a property named like that?
e.g. this doesn't work
var x = obj.#abc.def
As #abc.def is not a valid JavaScript identifier, accessing a property with this name must use bracket notation.
The working code would be:
var x = obj['#abc.def']
It will be obj["#abc.def"] in your code.
You can use: var x = obj["#abc.def"].
Of course, I suppose that obj is defined as: var obj = { "#abc.def":"foo" }.

Using variable attribute names for javascript objects [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use a variable for a key in a JavaScript object literal?
(16 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is it at all possible to use variable names in object literal properties for object creation?
function createJSON (propertyName){
return { propertyName : "Value"};
var myObject = createJSON("myProperty");
console.log(myObject.propertyName); // Prints "value"
console.log(myObject.myProperty); // This property does not exist
If you want to use a variable for a property name, you can use Computed Property Names. Place the variable name between square brackets:
var foo = "bar";
var ob = { [foo]: "something" }; // === "something"
If you want Internet Explorer support you will need to use the ES5 approach (which you could get by writing modern syntax (as above) and then applying Babel):
Create the object first, and then add the property using square bracket notation.
var foo = "bar";
var ob = {};
ob[foo] = "something"; // === = "something"
If you wanted to programatically create JSON, you would have to serialize the object to a string conforming to the JSON format. e.g. with the JSON.stringify method.
ES6 introduces computed property names, which allow you to do
function CreateJSON (propertyName){
var myObject = { [propertyName] : "Value"};
Note browser support is currently negligible.
You can sort of do this:
var myObject = {};
function CreateProp(propertyName, propertyValue)
myObject[propertyName] = propertyValue;
alert(myObject[propertyName]); // prints "MyValue"
I much perfer this syntax myself though:
function jsonObject()
var myNoteObject = new jsonObject();
function SaveJsonObject()
myNoteObject.Control = new jsonObject();
myNoteObject.Control.Field1= "Fred";
myNoteObject.Control.Field2= "Wilma";
myNoteObject.Control.Field3= "Flintstone";
myNoteObject.Control.Id= "1234";
myNoteObject.Other= new jsonObject();
Then you can use the following:
var myNoteJSON = JSON.stringify(myNoteObject);
NOTE: This makes use of the json2.js from here:
One thing that may be suitable (now that JSON functionality is common to newer browsers, and json2.js is a perfectly valid fallback), is to construct a JSON string and then parse it.
function func(prop, val) {
var jsonStr = '{"'+prop+'":'+val+'}';
return JSON.parse(jsonStr);
var testa = func("init", 1);
Just keep in mind, JSON property names need to be enclosed in double quotes.

javascript get json inner value

Let's I have next object
var o = { "foo" : {"bar" : "omg"} };
I can get value of key foo using
o["foo"] // return {"bar" : "omg"}
and I can get value of key bar inside foo using
o["foo"]["bar"] // return "omg"
Can I get value of key bar inside foo using brackets [] single time.
Somethong like
o[""] // not working(
o["foo/bar"] // not working(
It is fairly common to create a getter function to do something like this. From the comment:
I have object o and string '', and i want get "omg".
var getProp = function (theObject, propString) {
var current = theObject;
var split = propString.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (current.hasOwnProperty(split[i])) {
current = current[split[i]];
return current;
Note: this is a thrown together example, you'd want to bullet proof and buff it up before dropping it on your site.
No, you must use o["foo"]["bar"] because it's an object inside another object. If you want to access it with "", it means you must create the first object like this:
var o = {"": "omg"}
o[""] or o["foo/bar"] are not valid for your example. You could use this notation that is cleaner:
var bar = // bar will contain 'omg'
there is a way, but I'm not sure this is what you asked for:
it is dangerous though, and doesn't use [] , but if what you want is to use a string for accessing any object it works
Unfortunately, you can only use o["foo"]["bar"] or

Change key in js associative array

If I have:
var myArray = new Array();
myArray['hello'] = value;
How can I change the key 'hello' to something else?
Something like this would work.
var from = 'hello',
to = 'world',
i, value = myArray[from];
for( i in myArray )
if( i == from ) myArray.splice( i, 1 );
myArray[to] = value;
But is there a native function or a better way to do it?
Due to the lack of associative arrays in js, what I want to do modify the property name of an object as efficiently as possible.
In JavaScript there is no such thing as associative Array. Objects can be used instead:
var myHash = new Object();
var myHash = {};
replace can be done like this:
myHash["from"] = "value";
myHash["to"] = myHash["from"];
delete myHash["from"];
but the preferred way to write it:
myHash.from = "value"; = myHash.from;
delete myHash.from;
You can't really "change" the property name, but you can always assign a property value to a new name, and then delete the original one.
myArray['world'] = myArray.hello;
delete myArray.hello;
Also, you're working with an Array instance but using it as a simple object; everything you're doing would work just as well with:
var myArray = {};
The "splice()" you're attempting in the code posted won't work, because it's only for the actual integer-indexed array properties, and not the named properties.
That "delete" doesn't really delete a property really doesn't matter. The "undefined" value is what you get when you check an object for a property and there's no such property.

variable as index in an associative array - Javascript

I'm trying to create an associative array, create an empty array, and then add a (indexName -> value) pair:
var arrayName = new Array;
arrayName["indexName"] = value;
// i know i can also do the last line like this:
arrayName.indexName = value;
When I assign the value to the indexName I want indexName to be dynamic and the value of a variable. So I tried this:
arrayName[eval("nume")] = value;
var var1 = "index";
var var2 = "Name";
var nume = '"' + var1 + var2 + '"';
but: alert(arrayName["indexName"]); doesn't return "value"... it says "undefined"
Is there something I’m missing? (I’m not familiar with eval() ); if the way I’m trying is a dead end, is there another way to make the index name of the associative array value dynamic?
At first I don't think you need a real array object to do what you need, you can use a plain object.
You can simply use the bracket notation to access a property, using the value of a variable:
var obj = {};
var nume = var1 + var2;
obj[nume] = value;
Array's are simply objects, the concept of an "associative array" can be achieved by using a simple object, objects are collections of properties that contain values.
True arrays are useful when you need to store numeric indexes, they automatically update their length property when you assign an index or you push a value to it.
You would use objects to do that:
var hash = {}
hash["foo"] = "foo"; = "bar";
// This is the dynamic approach: Your key is a string:
baz = "baz"
hash[baz] = "hello";
To iterate, just use a for loop or $.each() in jQuery.
use arrayName[var1+var2]
Note that arrayName.var is the same as arrayName["var"] -- it's just syntactic sugar. The second form is mostly used when dealing with the kind of problems that you are facing - dynamic object keys, and keys that are not alphanumeric (think of arrayName[".eval()"]; this is a perfectly legal object key that has nothing to do with the javascript eval() function)
Are you looking for variableName = 'bla'+'foo'; arrayRef[variableName] = 'something'; ?
And even so, you should use an object literal instead. x = {}; x[variablename] = 'blah';
You want a plain object with the same bracket notaiton here, like this:
var arrayName = {};
arrayName["indexName"] = value;
Indeed, there was no need for an array object, a simple object did the job; further more an array introduced the need to use quotes inside the square brackets obj["var1 + var2"] to access the object property's value and not the value associated with an index (i think); the quotes transformed "var1 + var2" into a string. Using a simple object eliminated the need for quotes, so I can use obj[var1 + var2], wich worked :)
Thanks everyone !
I did something like like following;
let parentArray = [];
let childArray = [1, 2, 3]; = 'my-array-1';
To access that by name in ES6;
parentArray.filter(x => == 'my-array-1');

