run javascript function on griview pageindexchanging event - javascript

I have a gridview, with paging enabled.
This is the link when I want to go to second page
<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$gv','Page$2')">
The problem is that I require to run the CheckValid() function before paging is done - user cannot page with invalid details. How can I set the HREF to allow this?
<a href= "if Checkvalid() then "javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$gv','Page$2')"">
google doesn't return any answers I could find

In your case, pagers are generated by ASP.NET, so you can't do much server-side.
You have to run a client-side script which, in steps:
1-Finds the pager anchors
2-replace (and store) their href with an onclick function
3-create your validation function that, if successfull, calls the original stored function "__doPostBack".
That's not so complicated if you get the help of client-side tools like Firebug or Chrome developer tools.


How to call an onclick javascript function directly in url?

I want to call to a onclick function as I am writting script for MikroTik RouterBoard in order to restart my Modem by just visiting a simple link directly but what I found was that the page from which Modem is rebooting there is a button which calls to a onlick function as :
<input type="button" onclick="btnReset()" value="Reboot">
So is there any way that I can Call this onclick function directly in a http url like :
Here is MikroTik Script which I am writting but it can't do the job..It need a direct link which it visits only and downloads a file..!
If anyone MikroTik Scripting person can help will be greatful..Until then if there is any way to do it in direct url so then that will be great..!
/tool fetch url="http://admin:hunter#" mode=http
That's not possible to perform js code from a hyperlink (unless the page has script inside, specifically for this and it's checking for some parameter...) .
However there are some tools which could help you perform desired action in other way:
Install Custom JS for Web Sites plugin and define js script which would be executed after your http://admin:hunter... page would be loaded in browser.
For your case it would be simple function call:
Analyse body of btnReset() function( probably that function sends http request) and construct same request with cURL, see cURL Tutorial.
Take a look on Bookmarklet, which is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands.
Get familiar with PhantomJS or Selenium and write simple script which would perform desired action for you.
The btnReset() function is probably just a dialog followed by a URL fetch. Open the javascript console, type btnReset.toString() and have a look. If you see a URL in there, try visiting that directly.
You need a very specific URL "http://admin:hunter#". In my case the function btnReset() calls "rebootinfo.cgi". I followed the below steps to find "rebootinfo.cgi".
Open the "save/reboot" page or equivalent page of your router.
Inspect the button "Reboot", i.e, right click on the particular button and click "Inspect" from the menu.
In the developer tool now opened to the right, note the function for the onclick attribute in the highlighted line. E.g. in my case, btnReset() from the line "input type="button" onclick="btnReset()" value="Reboot".
Go to the console tab on the developer tool and paste the function name without parenthesis E.g., btnReset (not btnReset() ) and hit enter.
In the function definition for btnReset(), look for the exact command that is responsible for rebooting the router. In my case it was "rebootinfo.cgi".
That's it, construct the URL.

Javascript in MVC... Beginner issue

I created an Asp.Net MVC Internet Aplication and in my Index view of the Home Controller I have this
This is the first line, before the script results.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Script/Teste.js"></script>
<br />
This line comes after the script.
In my Teste.js I have this:
document.write("Yes! I am now a JavaScript coder!");
But nothing happens. If I change the src attribute and put some random name src="aaaa", despite the fact "aaaa" doesnt exist, I get no error in runtime.
Also, check your path again. The default MVC templates in VS create a folder called Scripts, not Script. ("~/Scripts/teste.js")
Per the comment below, this was not the root cause of the issue, but in other cases can easily bite new JavaScript developers.
Most likely, your document.write function is firing before the document is ready, leading to the appearance that nothing is happening. Try the following in your Teste.js file
window.onload = function ()
document.write("Yes! I am now a JavaScript coder!");
//or even better as a test
alert("This alert was called");
Check the source of your page as well, it could be the document is being written to, you just can't see it due to markup/page styling.
As for you second issue, there will be no 'Runtime Exception' thrown if you reference a non-existent file. If you are using tools like Firebug or Chrome's developer tools, you should see a request to http://siteDomain/Scripts/aaaa.js with a response of 404, not found.
You generally should avoid using document.write() unless you absolutely have to use it for some reason... I don't think I've ever come across such a situation, and write a lot of Javascript.
Try this:
1) Put this in your HTML:
<script src="/scripts/teste.js"></script>
2) Put this in your JS:
alert('Yes! I am now a JavaScript coder!');
3) Open Chrome since it makes it easy to look for external resources loading and open the Network tab in Developer Tools (click the menu button at top-right, Tools > Developer Tools, Network tab).
4) Run your project and copy/paste the URL in the browser that comes up into this Chrome window, and hit enter.
When your page loads one of 2 things will happen:
A) You'll get the alert box you wanted or
B) You'll find out why it isn't loading because the Network tab will show the browser attempting to fetch teste.js and failing in some fashion, for example a 404, which would indicate you've got a typo in the path, or the script isn't where you thought it was, etc.
Put the following line at the very end of your document. There should not be anything after. Then try to load the page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Script/Teste.js"></script>
Also, try pressing F12 once the page loads to see the source. Check if you script is there.
In MVC, the tilde is used to refer to the root URL of your application. However, it cannot normally parse this information. If you write:
<script src="~/Script/Teste.js"></script>
The lookup will fail, because the ~ means nothing special in HTML. If you're using Razor as your view engine (not ASPX), you need to wrap that call in Url.Content like so:
<script src="#Url.Content(~/Script/Teste.js)"></script>
Doing this will ensure a valid URL is provided to the browser.
With that in mind, you need to check that you have the file name and folder name both correct. You also need to ensure that the file is being deployed with your application. You can do this my opening the properties panel while the file is selected in the Solution Explorer and pressing F4.

disable (Ctrl+U) keyboard script to prevent view source [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to disable (View Source) and (Ctrl + C ) from my site
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for disable keyboard script to protect hidden content.
It is not possible. A user will always be able to view your source since he needs to download it in order to render the page.
There are more ways to view source than what you are trying to prevent:
Using firebug
Using wget
Right clicking on content choosing 'view source'
Using the menu option
Via man in the middle
probably more...
This is not very complicated but totally unreliable. Its same with all other Javascript protections.
First the trick (IE incompatible):
function denyKey(event) {
var code = event.keyCode;
if(event.ctrlKey) {
return false;
window.addEventListener("keydown", denyKey);
My code is just scratch, it is not cross-browser. This is where to get keyCodes. I did not put much effort in the code since I want to discourage you from using it.
Once you send data to user, he can read the data unless you encrypt them without giving him the key. This means any:
Javascript authentication
Secret loading pages
Javascript "Wait before download..."
Blocked mouse buttons
..can and will be bypassed by the user.
I have a bookmarklet to unblock mouse buttons for example.
That is not possible, even if it was, it would have been a horrible protection. Even I could write a simple script that fetches the source of an arbitrary page. Everything that the client sees, is 'view source'-able (somebody edit that). Only server-side code is safe. Even if it was only possible to view your page through a real browser (but you can't make it so) you'll probably overlook a accelerator key, or other shortcut. If you don't want the client to see some code, don't give it to him! Keep it server-side (and not in a .txt file, that's accessible too) or don't keep it.

javascript failing with permission denied error message

I have a classic ASP web page that used to work... but the network guys have made a lot of changes including moving the app to winodws 2008 server running iis 7.5. We also upgraded to IE 9.
I'm getting a Permission denied error message when I try to click on the following link:
<a href=javascript:window.parent.ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806','cmboSearchType','D',false)>
But other links like the following one work just fine:
<a href="javascript:ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806', 'cmboSearchType','D',false)">
The difference is that the link that is failing is in an iframe. I noticed on other posts, it makes a difference whether or not the iframe content is coming from another domain.
In my case, it's not. But I am getting data from another server by doing the following...
set objhttp = Server.CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") "get", strURL
and then i change the actual html that i get back ... add some hyperlinks etc. Then i save it to a file on my local server. (saved as *.html files)
Then when my page is loading, i look for the specific html file and load it into the iframe.
I know some group policy options in IE have changed... and i'm looking into those changes. but the fact that one javascript link works makes me wonder whether the problem lies somewhere else...???
any suggestions would be appreciated.
You could try with Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP instead of WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.
See differences between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP and WinHttp.WinHttpRequest? for the difference between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.
On this exellent site about ASP you get plenty of codesamples on how to use Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP which is the most recent of the two:
About the IE9 issue: connect a pc with an older IE or another browser to test if the browser that is the culprit. Also in IE9 (or better in Firefox/Firebug) use the development tools (F12) and watch the console for errors while the contents of the iFrame load.
Your method to get dynamic pages is not efficient i'm afraid, ASP itself can do that and you could use eg a div instead of an iframe and replace the contents with what you get from the request. I will need to see more code to give better advice.

load page and execute javascript in a url

Hello wonderful stackoverflow users.
I have a question about url loading.
In many browsers and web viewers, there is the functionality to load a url to a website, but also a url to execute javascript.
Load a website:
Load a script: javascript:alert("Hello!");
My question is, is there a way to load an http request as well as a javascript.
The answer is most likely no, but I want to confirm because I can't find any resources that describe this.
I was thinking it would be something like:"Hello!");
but the problem is, of course, this is not correct.
The reason why I am doing this is to provide a url that once it is clicked, it will also execute a certain javascript function. This will be in Android.
I appreciate any response, and understand that the answer may be no.
It all depends on whether you have control of the page being linked to. If you cannot modify the source of the linked page, then the answer is quite simply, no.
But, if it is your page, you can pass arguments in the hash, and then read the hash when the page loads and execute script accordingly.
window.onload = function () {
if (location.hash.indexOf("doSomething") > -1) {
// do something
You can execute javascript when a page loads using Browser plugins, such as GreaseMonkey for Firefox, or TamperMonkey for Chrome.

