How to pass two values in onChange - javascript

So, I have a 2 select tags and during the
onChange event of the second select tag; I want to pass the values of the 2 select tags
<select name="district" id="district" onchange="getZone(this.value)">
<option value="ALL">ALL</option>
include_once 'newcompute.php';
$computation = new newcompute();
echo $computation->getDistrict();
<div id="barangay" name="barangay">
<select onchange="loadReport(barangay.value,district.value)">
<option>Select a Barangay</option>
<option value="ALL">ALL</option>
So, I tried doing the onchange="loadReport(barangay.value,district.value)" but I only get
a UNDEFINED value for district.value
How do I get loadReport to pass the current selected value of select tag district?

You can retrieve the other tag in the function itself. No need to pass it from here.
function loadReport(barangayValue)
var district = document.getElementById('district');
var districtValue = district.value;
//Your stuff

Try this way
<select onchange="loadReport(this.value,document.getElementById('district').value)">
<option>Select a Barangay</option>
<option value="ALL">ALL</option>


How to map only the checked options of a select element

I need to map to an array the selected options inside select element (multiple selection is enable).
Here is the html:
<select id="listado" size="5" multiple>
<option value="Leer" id="aficion-leer">Leer</option>
<option value="Programar" id="aficion-programar">Programar</option>
<option value="Cine" id="aficion-cine">Cine</option>
<option value="Deporte" id="aficion-deporte">Deporte</option>
I tried this:
Array.from(document.querySelector("#listado")).map(elemento => elemento.value); which returns every option. According to this answer, adding option:checked to the query param should do the trick, but I get an empty list.
Any idea on what the reason might be?
You can use document.querySelectorAll and only select options that are checked, then map them.
let options=[...document.querySelectorAll("#listado option:checked")].map(elemento => elemento.value)
<select id="listado" size="5" multiple>
<option value="Leer" id="aficion-leer">Leer</option>
<option value="Programar" id="aficion-programar" selected>Programar</option>
<option value="Cine" id="aficion-cine">Cine</option>
<option value="Deporte" id="aficion-deporte" selected>Deporte</option>
Have you tried this?
Array.from(document.querySelector("#listado").childNodes).filter(elemento => elemento.selected).map(elemento => elemento.value) // this line
<select id="listado" size="5" multiple>
<option value="Leer" id="aficion-leer">Leer</option>
<option value="Programar" id="aficion-programar" selected>Programar</option> <!-- selected for demo -->
<option value="Cine" id="aficion-cine">Cine</option>
<option value="Deporte" id="aficion-deporte">Deporte</option>

How to get a PHP array index converted to a javascript variable

I'm getting a set of user roles from the database using PHP and they are put in a <select> tag's <option>s as follows:
<div class="col-md-3">
<select name="role" id="user_role" class="form-control" onkeyup="clearMsg('roleerr')" onchange="getRole()"/>
<option value="">Select a Role</option>
<?php while($rowrole = $resultrole->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH)) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $rowrole ['role_id']; ?>">
<?php echo $rowrole ['role_name']; ?>
<?php } ?>
<span id="roleerr" class="error">*</span>
And I want to get the selected value of the dropdown 'onchange' and for that getRole() javascript function is written. How to get this done?
When the element changes, the value of the dropdown will be set to the value attributed to the selected option. So you would just define your javascript function and have it fetch the value of the dropdown:
function getRole(){
var finalVal = document.getElementById("user_role").value;
// And then here you can do whatever you want with the information
You can assign value in paramater in onchange()
this should work below
function getRole(value) {
if(value != "")
<div class="col-md-3">
<select name="role" id="user_role" class="form-control" onchange="getRole(this.value)"/>
<option value="">Select a Role</option>
<option value="23">select 23</option>
<option value="24">select 24</option>
<option value="25">select 25</option>
<span id="roleerr" class="error">*</span>
You could try event of onchange.
function getRole(event) {
var selectElement =;
var value = selectElement.value;
I tested it with hard data.
function getRole(event) {
var selectElement =;
var value = selectElement.value;
<div class="col-md-3">
<select name="role" id="user_role" class="form-control" onchange="getRole(event)"/>
<option value="">Select a Role</option>
<option value="1">admin</option>
<option value="2">user</option>
<option value="3">support</option>
<span id="roleerr" class="error">*</span>

How to send a value from a select to an input text in html using javascript?

I am trying to send a value to an based on a selection from a dropdown list such as . I want to fetch the value of and send it to .
function copyTextValue() {
var text1 = document.getElementById("source").value;
document.getElementById("destination").value = text1;
<select th:field="${possiblePhones}">
<option value="0">select phone</option>
<option id="source" onselect="copyTextValue()"
th:each="possiblePhone : ${possiblePhones}"
<td><input type="text" id="destination"> </td>
For example, if "Samsung" is selected then "1" should be send to the input field and so on. Actually, i do not get any output.
<select id="source" onchange="copyTextValue()">
<option value="0">select phone</option>
<option value="1">samsung</option>
<option value="2">something</option>
The id="source" attribute should be in <select> element, also change onselect to onchange and move it to <select> element too.
You can achieve this by setting the listener to the select element and then query the selected option value.
I made a minimal example with two brands:
function copyTextValue() {
var e = document.getElementById("select");
var val = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById("destination").value = val;
<select onchange="copyTextValue()" id="select">
<option value="0">select phone</option>
<option value="1">Brand 1</option>
<option value="2">Brand 2</option>
<td><input type="text" id="destination"> </td>
one of the simple thing you have to observe here is that you have to capture the event when the dropdown is selected, and pass the current dropdown reference to your method.
function copyTextValue(selectedOption) {
if(selectedOption.selectedIndex <= 0){
document.getElementById("destination").value = '';
var selectedOptionValue = selectedOption.value;
document.getElementById("destination").value = selectedOptionValue;
<select onChange="copyTextValue(this);">
<option value="0">select phone</option>
<option value="1">select first phone</option>
<option value="2">select second phone</option>
<option value="3">select third phone</option>
<option value="4">select fourth phone</option>
<td><input type="text" id="destination"> </td>
here you are also trying to avoid to pass any value to the textbox when the first element is selected. #kryptur's answer is also correct, but this is simpler.
You're using Thymeleaf. For these you to create a form to send you data to the server.
Follow this link for documentation for your exact problems.
As Frameworks like Thymeleaf usually store state on the server which means you update server first - and then your UI gets updated.
what value return is the value of the select field what you need to do is get the text of selected option i.e
function copyTextValue() {
var selectNode = document.getElementById("source");
enter code here
document.getElementById("destination").value =
selectNode .options[selectNode .selectedIndex].textContent;

How to get select value for AJAX using JavaScript

I have 2 HTML drop down menus.
<div class="bar-option">
<select name="retreat_locations" onchange="filterRetreats(this.value, 'count(reviews.retreat_id)')">
<option value="alllocations" selected="selected">All Locations</option>
<?php foreach ($this->locations as $location) {?>
<option value="<?=htmlentities($location->retreat_location);?>">
<?=htmlentities($location->retreat_location);?> </option>
<?php }?>
<div class="bar-option">
<label>Sort by:</label>
<select onchange="filterRetreats('alllocations', this.value)">
<option selected='selected' value='retreat_number_of_reviews'>Popularity</option>
<option value='retreat_founded_in'>Age</option>
<option value='total_review_cost'>Cost</option>
As you can see from the above, the second select uses the static value 'alllocations' as the first parameter for the onchange function.
How can I replace this static value with the selected option of the first dropdown (retreat_locations)?
I tried retreat_locations.value but it didn't work.
Any help appreciated.
You can use:
Your code will become:
filterRetreats(document.querySelector('[name=retreat_locations]').value, this.value)
function filterRetreats(value1, value2) {
console.log(value1, value2);
<div class="bar-option">
<select name="retreat_locations" onchange="filterRetreats(this.value, 'count(reviews.retreat_id)')">
<option value="alllocations" selected="selected">All Locations</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<div class="bar-option">
<label>Sort by:</label>
<select onchange="filterRetreats(document.querySelector('[name=retreat_locations]').value, this.value)">
<option selected='selected' value='retreat_number_of_reviews'>Popularity</option>
<option value='retreat_founded_in'>Age</option>
<option value='total_review_cost'>Cost</option>
Other -old school- option is to add an id tag to the first select, e.g. id="retreat_locations" and use document.getElementById('retreat_locations').value.

Can't get jquery to set value of select input when value of first select changes

I'm trying to update the value of a select input when I change the value of another select input. I cannot get anything to happen on the page and want to make sure I don't have a syntax error or some other dumb thing in this code.
<div class="group">
<div class="inputs types">
<strong style="font-size:13px;">Category:</strong>
<select name="id" id="ctlJob">
<option value="1">Automotive</option>
<option value="2">Business 2 Business</option>
<option value="3">Computers</option>
<option value="4">Education</option>
<option value="5">Entertainment & The Arts</option>
<option value="6">Food & Dining</option>
<option value="7">Government & Community</option>
<option value="8">Health & Beauty</option>
<option value="9">Home & Garden</option>
<option value="10">Legal & Financial Services</option>
<option value="11">Professional Services</option>
<option value="12">Real Estate</option>
<option value="13">Recreation & Sports</option>
<option value="14">Retail Shopping</option>
<option value="15">Travel & Lodging</option>
<select name="type" id="ctlPerson"></select>
$(function() {
$("#ctlJob").change(function() {
//Get the current value of the select
var val = $(this).val();
$('#ctlPerson').html('<option value="123">ascd</option>');
Try using append instead:
$(function() {
$("#ctlJob").change(function() {
//Get the current value of the select
var val = $(this).val();
var ctl = $('#ctlPerson').append('<option value="123">'+val+'</option>')[0].options;
ctl.selectedIndex = ctl.length-1;
I think you also need to set the 'selected' property. Add
$('#ctlPerson option[value="123"]').attr('selected', 'selected');
to the end of the script. You are currently adding the option to the select list, but are not changing the select list to show it.
<div id="test">
<select name="sel" id="sel">
<option name="1" id="1" value="1">Automotive</option>
<option name="2" id="1 value="2">Business 2 Business</option>
<option name="3" id="1 value="3">Computers</option>
<select name="sel2" id="sel2"></select>
$("#sel").change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$('#sel2').html('<option value="1">NEW</option>');
this works fine for what you need to do.
it's something like what you have

