What happened to NVD3? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 10 years ago.
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This page gets a 404
This page is blank
Did something happen to NVD3 or is this just a temporary problem?

Well #bobmonteverde tweeted yesterday that Novus Partners, his employer took the project down and he is going to comply with their decision as heartbroken as it left him.
Today the tweets are gone, so we can assume the project's dead. If you want the latest version, the most recent fork is here.
UPDATE: from the comments of this post, most active discussion on this is currently taking place at
UPDATE 2: It's back at http://nvd3.org. Novus released a statement about NVD3.


node.js fixed line text [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i would like to make a really simple cli based ui in node.js.
process1: on hold
process2: 1m 23sec
process3: 5m 13sec
process4: on hold
I want these lines are fixed, console log is ugly.
Is there any solution to do this without heavy 3rd party libraries? My current script is 30 lines long, with logs. I don`t want to make it much more heavier.
something like:
console.write('text', [line number]);
There are lots of modules if you search on npms.io for things like ansi.
Here is one way to do it.
import clc from 'cli-color';
process.stdout.write('status: ok');
// .. other stuff happens for awhile
process.stdout.write('status: issue');

Creating a WebGL Earth with three.js [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I got a code from web, but this code do not run, I need some HTML code to make it RUN in my browser, someone can help ?
The original code I take from this website (github repository)
Github code repository
To use WebGL you should run a web server. It will take you about 30 seconds.
Here's 4-5 options
Never disable security in your browser

Looking for a specific lecture [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a specific programming/software development lecture that the speaker talks about realtime feedback from the code to the result.
He shows how he changes the code and the result (A generated tree) changes in realtime.
He also changes variables values in the code using the mouse scroll wheel.
He showed a software that he wrote about editing animations (A leaf falling)
He also showed a software that he wrote, a visualizing the "predator prey formula"
I also know that he used to work for Apple
I think you're talking about Bret Victor's "Inventing on principle". Maybe off topic for stack overflow, but it's really interesting:

Web Application Development Suggestion [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am creating my own website. I was wondering if we can put live (moving) pictures in its background.
If yes, can anyone suggest me some good sites from which I can get an idea on how to make my website stand better than other websites?
Thank you in advance.
For god's sake, forget about moving background. Do your newspaper background moves when you read it? No? Then save our eyes by not doing so on the Internet.

Warning in HTML pages run from CDROM [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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A customer asked me to realize a web app using jQuery to be run from HTML pages inside a CDROM as file:///index.html
When I launch the HTML page I always get security warnings from the browser. Is there a way to avoid all those warnings that are annoying for the user?
Presumably "the browser" is "Internet Explorer".
Give the pages the mark of the web. (One of the examples given for when to do this is "You are coding pages that will be viewed from a CD.")
Add the following to each page (just after the Doctype):
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

