how to populate select menu in ckeditor - javascript

I`m trying to add options to my select menu in my custom plugin. I want to get these options from array that I have and with forearch or for to create these options.How can I do that?

Could you show us your code that generates the select box? If I'm guessing right, you might be able to do something like
var things = [];
var your = ["Derpy","Fluttershy","Applejack"];
for(var i = 0; i < your.length; i++) {
// The two values used to separate actual and display values if needed
things[i] = [your[i],your[i]];
// snip snip
type: 'select',
label: 'myAwesomePonySelector',
id: 'myAwesomePonySelector',
items : things
// your other definitions, like onShow and commit
I hope this helps.


Assigning selected rows as other grid datasource

I am working on setting up a scenario as following:
1) User is shown existing results on first grid
2) User can select multiple results and click an 'Edit' button which will extract the selected items from the first grid
3)Second grid will be populated with the rows the user has selected from the first grid and will allow them to make edits to the content
4)Pressing save will update the results and show the first grid with the rows updated
So far using drips and drabs of various forum threads (here and here), I have managed to accomplish the first two steps.
click: function () {
// extract selected results from the grid and send along with transition
var gridResults = $("#resultGrid").data("kendoGrid"); // sourceGrid
var gridConfig = $("#resultConfigGrid").data("kendoGrid"); // destinationGrid () {
var dataItem = gridResults.dataItem($(this));
dataItem returns what i am expecting to see with regards to the selected item(s) - attached dataItem.png. I can see the gridConfig populating but with blank rows (gridBlankRows.png).
gridConfig setup:
$(document).ready(function () {
// build the custom column schema based on the number of lots - this can vary
var columnSchema = [];
columnSchema.push({ title: 'Date Time'});
for(var i = 0; i < $("#maxNumLots").data("value"); ++i)
title: 'Lot ' + i,
columns: [{
title: 'Count'
}, {
title: 'Mean'
}, {
title: 'SD'
columnSchema.push({ title: 'Comment'});
columnSchema.push({ title: 'Review Comment' });
// build the datasource with CU operations
var configDataSource = new{
transport: {
create: function(options) {},
update: function(options) {}
columns: columnSchema,
editable: true
I have run out of useful reference material to identify what I am doing wrong / what could be outstanding here. Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Furthermore, I will also need functionality to 'Add New' results. If possible I would like to use the same grid (with a blank datasource) in order to accomplish this. The user can then add rows to the second grid and save with similar functionality to the update functionality. So if there is any way to factor this into the response, I would appreciate it.
The following example... a modified version of...
A couple of notes:
it matters if you are adding plain objects to the second Grid's dataSource (gridConfig.dataSource.add(dataItem).toJSON();), or Kendo UI Model objects (gridConfig.dataSource.add(dataItem);). In the first case, you will need to pass back the updated values from Grid2 to Grid1, otherwise this will occur automatically;
there is no need to refresh() the second Grid after adding, removing or changing its data items
both Grid dataSources must be configured for CRUD operations, you can follow the CRUD documentation
the Grid does not persist its selection across rebinds, so if you want to preserve the selection in the first Grid after some values have been changed, use the approach described at Persist Row Selection

JavaScript Selecting Filter

Background: There's a table from which I can choose employees. I want to filter these employees by name.(I know name is not a good way to filter, this is just an example)
Basically I have a drop down from which I choose one of the filters.
My declaration: $scope.filters = null;.
I also have this deceleration to choose my filter $scope.chosenFilter= null;.
I use the following to retrieve the different filters I have $scope.filters = retrieveFilters(info.Names);
retrieveFilters looks like the following:
var retrieveFilters = function(rows) {
var filterWrapper = document.querySelector(".filterWrapper");
var datasetOptions = [];
$scope.predicate = 'Name';
if (rows) {
//Add Default option
name: $,
value: ''
$scope.chosenFilter = datasetOptions[0];
_.forEach(rows, function(ele) {
name: ele,
value: ele
} else { = "none";
return datasetOptions;
I use the following to choose my filter:
$scope.$watch('chosenFilter', function() {
var filterSearchInput = document.querySelector(".filterWrapper input");
Everything is fine and the display works on first load as I have set the default with
//Add Default option
name: $,
value: ''
From the default table whenever I click on an employees name hes details are displayed. However whenever I filter and click on the employees name, nothing is displayed. Whenever I click on a specific employees name at the default table and then filter in the same name the information also shows up, as I cache it each time.
I assume that you're displaying this data somewhere in your GUI using ng-repeat. Angular has a lot of great built-in features for this. Check out the answer here: AngularJS custom search data by writing custom filter for a way to approach this more from an Angular direction. You also might want to check out this question and answer: "Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?.

Chosen multiple select becomes huge when many/all options are selected

When using Chosen.js on a multiple select field, if there are over 500 options that the user has selected, the list just becomes ridiculously long.
Is there any way I could limit the number of show elements? For example when chosing over 3 options, the user will have (4) options are selected..., instead of them being listed.
I wonder why there's no such option in their documentation.
Thanks in advance.
You can use something like this:
$('.element').chosen().change(function() {
var totalSelected = $(this).find('option:selected').size();
var placeholder = $(this).find('option:first-child').text();
if(totalSelected > 3) {
$(this).next().find('.chosen-choices').find('span.literal-multiple').text(placeholder + " ("+totalSelected+")");
The class literal-multiple is a custom element to show the totalSelected elements. You need to add it in the prototype of the chosen plugin:
file chosen.jquery.js
Chosen.prototype.set_up_html = function() {
if(this.is_multiple) {
var selVal = this.default_text;
this.container.html('<ul class="chosen-choices"><span class="literal-multiple"></span></ul>');
SOrry I am unable to comment since I don't have enough reputation.
But to add to the previous answer, instead of adding a separate container,
why don't we just append the n users selected as a <li> item.
Something like this -
$('.element').chosen().change(function() {
var totalSelected = $(this).find('option:selected').size();
var placeholder = $(this).find('option:first-child').text();
if(totalSelected > 3) {
$(this).next().find('.chosen-choices')append('<li class="search-choice" <span>'+totalSelected+' users selected. </li>');
This seems to work for me.

How to get value from dropdown in datatables cell

I've got two datatables and there is a dropdown created in the second one with data from the first. I've created a jsbin here
If you add a couple of instructions to the first table (add any text and then click Add Instruction) - then click on the Load Copied Data button, you will see the dropdown box is populated from the first table.
If I do:
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = tsor.fnGetData();
It basically gives me the html for the dropdown - how do I get which value they have chosen? I was thinking of having a hidden column and updating that on the onchange of the dropdown, but is there a better way?
Thanks in advance
You may use to generate an array of selected text/value, like below.
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
//var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = $('#tblSORSInstall').find("tbody select").map(function() {
return $(this).find(":selected").text() // get selected text
//return $(this).val() // get selected value
alert ( JSON.stringify(ins, null, 2) )
Here is your JS Bin - updated
Using tsor.fnGetNodes() you can get all table row nodes, then you can loop through those and get the select values.
Final code will look something like
$('#btnTest').on('click', function (e) {
var tsor = $('#tblSORSInstall').dataTable();
var ins = tsor.fnGetData();
var a = tsor.fnGetNodes();
$.each(tsor.fnGetNodes(), function (index, value) {

Create Dynamic checkboxes by iterating JSONArray in DOJO

I am new to DOJO and I am using DOJO 1.5.0 version.
I want to create dynamic checkboxes by iterating JSONArray in DOJO. This dynamic creation will be done on a particular event like when we selecting some combo-box value.
For example consider below JSONArray:
var tempJSONArray = [{role_id = '1', role_name = 'role1'},{role_id =
'2', role_name = 'role2'},{role_id = '3', role_name = 'role3'}]
I want display checkboxes corresponding to Role Name. Lable for checkbox will be role_name and value will be role_id from JSON object.
Also I want to add 'onChange' event to check-boxes, as on this event I want to do a Ajax call to server with role_ids.
Thank you for reading and also please let me know if further clarification is needed.
You can use the dojo.create() method for creating DOM nodes and the method for placing them inside another element, for example:
var checkbox = dojo.create("input", {
type: "checkbox",
value: "1"
You will probably have to wrap it inside a <label> to show the text (which you can also create with dojo.create()). Then you can place them inside a list, for example:, "checkboxes");
This will wrap the checkbox (or label) inside an element with ID checkboxes. So, if you create your checkboxes now inside a loop, it should work.
After doing some internet surfing and playing around code I able write below code, which working fine for my scenario. So thought it will be helpful for others.
for ( var i = 0; i < roleJSON.length; i++) {
var role = roleJSON[i];
var tr = dojo.create("tr",{id:"rolebasecheckbox"+i,'class':'rolebasecheckbox'});
alert("tr=" + tr);
var td= dojo.create("td",{innerHTML:'<input id="roleBaseCb_'+i+'" value="'+role.role_id+'" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" onclick="alert('onclick event')" type="checkbox" /> <label for="roleBaseCb_'+i+'">'+role.role_name+'</label>',align:'center'},tr);
alert("td=" + td);
alert("i is 0");, "roleBaseComboTR", "after");
}else{, "rolebasecheckbox"+(i-1), "after");

