Target property of object using array - Javascript - javascript

I'm having trouble with this one.
//Targeting a property of an object using an array
myArray = ["property0","property1","property2","property3"];
myObject = {};
myObject[myArray[0]] = "value0";
//accepts this line as myObject.property0 = "value0";
alert(myObject.myArray[0]); // <-- how can I target this using my Array?
//this fails
// alert(myObject.property0);
//this works

The same way you set it:


Unwrap objects in array

I have an array of objects:
var Props = [booleanPoint, buttonPoint, checkboxPoint, datePoint, dialPoint, gaugePoint,
groupboxPoint, htmlPoint, imagePoint, livetextPoint, livetrendsPoint, permissionsPoint,
rangePoint, selectPoint, spectrumPoint];
Console log shows:
I want to extract the properties inside each object. How do I do it?
To be clear I just want the first property in the array, so that I can do Props.booleanPoint, Props.buttonPoint etc.
You question is not very clear, but I guess you're trying to extract the first (and only) property from each object in the list, whose name you don't know.
If yes, consider this:
extracted = {
for(var p in obj)
return obj[p];
If you want to combine all properties into one big object, try this:
allProps = Object.assign.apply(null, Props)
I'm not sure exactly what result you're after, but the best solution is probably either a forEach or a map.
var properties = {};
Props.forEach(function(object) {
// update properties somehow based on object
var properties = {
return [some property of object];
The first just runs some code on each entry in the array; the second returns a new array with the results of that code.
Otherwise, the classic for loop works too:
var properties = {};
for (var i = 0; i < Props.length; i++ {
// update properties somehow based on Props[i]

Accessing plugin prototype function using array square [] brackets

I am very new to JS and I was just going through the syntax of modal.js. Basically I have a small difficulty, a lot of classical JS plugins use the below skeleton code for the plugin:
var Modal = function(element , options){
this.options = options
this.$body = $(document.body)
this.$element = $(element)
this.isShown = null
this.$backdrop =
this.scrollbarWidth = 0
Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) {
// do something
} = function (_relatedTarget) {
// do something
var data = new Modal(somthing , radnom);
// now if we assume that option is "show",
//the show function in Modal will be executed
// but my question is data is not an array, so how can we use
// [] square brackets to access the properties of Modal/data ??
Now my question is about accessing the properties of a plugin, see how a function is being called using the following syntax:
See my comment in the code. How can we access the properties of data using []; it's not an array, right?
[] are not just for arrays
You can use [] to access properties on an object too.
You can use
data["show"] to access the show method
OR which is the same thing
One advantage of the [] is that you can use a variable within the brackets
var option = "show";
data[option](something); // call the `show` method on `data`
If you know the method you want to call, using the . is much nicer looking in the code; // much quicker (to type), and prettier
JavaScript has arrays:
var anArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
and associative arrays (also known as maps):
var anAssociativeArray = { first: "No. 1", second: 2, somethingElse: "Other" };
both of these data structures can be accessed via []:
anArray[3] // will get the element of the array in position 3
// (starting counting frrom 0).
anAssociativeArray['first'] // will get the element of the associative array with the
// key 'first'.
Associative arrays can also be accessed via the .key notation:
anAssociativeArray.first // will also get the property with key 'first'.
The . notation can be used if you know the key you want to access but if you want to dynamically select which key then you need to use the [] notation.
var whichOptionToPick = 'somethingElse';
var value = anAssociativeArray[ whichOptionToPick ]; // will get the value "Other".

Dynamic Javascript Object creation

How can I make php array into Javascript object code?.
You can try this. This is how you dynamically name object properties and object values. I am assuming you want to build this dynamically where the property names are coming from a source. All you have to do is loop through the values
var treeData = {};
Loop Here
var nameProperty = "propertyName";
var nameValue = "propertyValue";
var childProperty = "child";
var childValue = {};
Try This.

Two Dimensional Array in Javascript Object

I want to create an Object that contains one or more two dimensional arrays in Javascript.
I tried it the following way (in this example I only try to add one two dimensional array):
var XSIZE = 8;
var YSIZE = 8;
var obj = {
field : new Array(XSIZE),
field[0] : new Array(YSIZE),
foo : 1,
bar : 100
- This gives me a strange error "missing : after property id" which does not seem to make much sense
- Unfortunately I didn't find examples showing how to do this so far by using google
- If I don't add field[0] ... for creating the 2nd array it works.
- changing the XSIZE and YSIZE to numbers like new Array(8)... doesn't work.
I would really appreciate if somebody could show me how to do it or explain why I cannot do this at all and need to use some other method.
Thanks a lot!
The error "missing : after property id" is because JavaScript sees the field part of field[0] and expects a colon before the value of that field. Instead it gets an open bracket so it complains.
You can't hard code an object definition that has its dimensions set up at run time. You have to build the object at run time as well. Like this perhaps
var XSIZE = 8;
var YSIZE = 8;
var obj = {
field : new Array(),
foo : 1,
bar : 100
for (var i = 0; i < XSIZE; i++) {
obj.field.push(new Array(YSIZE));
In object literal notation, the property names must be exactly that: property names. Firstly, field[0] isn't a property name. Secondly, the properties don't exist until the after the object defined, so you can't access properties until then.
What you should do is either set the array after the object is created:
var obj = {...}
obj.field[0] = [...];
or nest the array literals:
var obj = {
field: [ [...],
You don't need to worry about setting the array size when creating the array, as it will grow when you add elements.
You can only declare properties on the object being constructed that way; not on objects in another "level".
You could use a for loop instead:
for(var i = 0; i < XSIZE; i++) {
obj.field[i] = new Array(YSIZE);
Note that the YSIZE is not necessary since an empty array works just fine as well ([]).
You could get the two dimensional array as your obj property, without resorting to external procedures and keep everything internal to the object. Create your empty 'field' array 1st.
var obj = {
Now, create an object's method to create a two dimensional array off your initial dimensionless array. You can determine the length and the number of dimensions of multi dimension array as you wish at run time:
var obj = {
multifield:function(x,y){for (var count=0;count<x;count++) {this.field[count]=new Array(y);}},
You can then call the obj.multifield method entering whatever dimensions you decide:
obj.multifield(10,5); //-->create a 10x5 array in this case...
console.log(obj.field.length); // 10
console.log(obj.field[0].length); // 5

Change key in js associative array

If I have:
var myArray = new Array();
myArray['hello'] = value;
How can I change the key 'hello' to something else?
Something like this would work.
var from = 'hello',
to = 'world',
i, value = myArray[from];
for( i in myArray )
if( i == from ) myArray.splice( i, 1 );
myArray[to] = value;
But is there a native function or a better way to do it?
Due to the lack of associative arrays in js, what I want to do modify the property name of an object as efficiently as possible.
In JavaScript there is no such thing as associative Array. Objects can be used instead:
var myHash = new Object();
var myHash = {};
replace can be done like this:
myHash["from"] = "value";
myHash["to"] = myHash["from"];
delete myHash["from"];
but the preferred way to write it:
myHash.from = "value"; = myHash.from;
delete myHash.from;
You can't really "change" the property name, but you can always assign a property value to a new name, and then delete the original one.
myArray['world'] = myArray.hello;
delete myArray.hello;
Also, you're working with an Array instance but using it as a simple object; everything you're doing would work just as well with:
var myArray = {};
The "splice()" you're attempting in the code posted won't work, because it's only for the actual integer-indexed array properties, and not the named properties.
That "delete" doesn't really delete a property really doesn't matter. The "undefined" value is what you get when you check an object for a property and there's no such property.

