javascript leaving an empty if statement - javascript

I would like to know if leaving an empty if statement for certain situations as:
else if(typeof console === 'undefined'){}
Just to have the code bypass the rest of the function It is an accepted and safe way to work or there are other recommendation practices for these cases?. Thank you.

It's fine and safe to leave if branches empty, the only thing I would add is a comment:
else if(typeof console === 'undefined')
//explanation why nothing has to go here
Without seeing the rest of the code I'm unsure how you're using this to "bypass the rest of the function", there may be a better way to do this.

From what information you've provided me, I can glean that the answer is "no". It will work, but it's bad style. If you would like to bypass the rest of the function, why not return; or put most of the logic in the if statement that pertains to it so that there is no bypassing at all?

I just had a case in which I chose to use an empty if-statement (professional context). I must agree though, there definitely is a technically cleaner solution. Still, since in a professional context time is important too, I chose to use the empty if-statement in my case, so I wanted to share my train of thought with you.
In my case I'm patching existing code with a variable that is used to skip already existing nested if-statements. The main function keeps running before and after the statement.
Original Code:
// ... code continues with variables set inside the statements.
Now we want to add a global Parameter to not validate anything. What are my options and why do they suck?
Solution A sucks because much work and less easy to read:
if(!bValidateNothing && bValidateA){
}elseif(!bValidateNothing && bValidateB){
}elseif(!bValidateNothing && bValidateC){
Solution B sucks because empty if-statement:
// empty
Solution C sucks because it becomes too nested (in my case there have been some additional ifs in the original code):
Solution D, the technically cleanest solution by adding additional functions, sucks because you need to split your code, which needs a lot of time, and may result in new errors.
(no pseudocode)
So, to answer the question "accepted and safe": it works, it's readable, safe and quick. Sometimes that has to be enough, considering the alternatives. If you have the time to avoid using it, I'd probably still recommend that instead.
Funny enough, the time I saved by using this quick way to implement my logic, has now been successfully spent adding my cents to this ten year old already answered question.

Just don't write a block for a case you don't want to handle.
If you only want to do something when console exists, then do that:
if(typeof console !== 'undefined'){
// your code
// else if(typeof console === 'undefined'){}
// you don't need that second part
Or maybe I didn't quite get your issue?

Same as Pioul's answer, but I'd add that imo checking existence in javascript looks much tidier with the !! (notnot) operator.
// your code
// else if(!console){}
// you don't need that second part

Sometimes it is useful to have debugging information printed out:-
if(typeof console !== 'undefined'){
console.log("debug info");
Then, before releasing the code, simply comment out all the console.log's
// console.log("debug info");
This can be done with a macro.
It will leave an empty if statement. But this is not a compilation error so that's OK.
Note, that if you're going to comment out the line it is important that braces are used. Otherwise you'd have the next line dependent on the if statement which would be a bleeding shame.

Using an empty if statement can be a valid and accepted practice in certain situations.
For example, when working with a try-catch block, you may use an empty if statement to handle specific errors without disrupting the rest of the function. Additionally, it can be used for performance optimization by short-circuiting the evaluation of certain conditions.
Make sure that when using an empty if statement, it is properly commented to provide context and explanation for its use.
try {
// code that may throw an error
} catch (error) {
if(error instanceof SpecificError) {
// handle specific error without disrupting the rest of the function
Another example:
if(isFirstConditionTrue && isSecondConditionTrue && isThirdConditionTrue) {
// Do something
} else if(isFirstConditionTrue && isSecondConditionTrue) {
// Do nothing, because third condition is false
} else {
// handle other conditions
It's always a good practice to add comments explaining the purpose of each empty if statement and why you chose to use it in a certain scenario. It's not generally considered bad style as long as it serves a specific purpose and is well documented.


Unnecessary 'else' after 'return'. (No-else-return)

I am using es-lint to clean up the errors in my code. I have come across this error:
Unnecessary 'else' after 'return'. (No-else-return)
} else {
I have always used else statements after a return. Is there something I may be overlooking?
if (cctot <= 3 && cctot > 0) {
alert('Credit under $3.00 not allowed');
return Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; // important to return 0 so we can check for these conditions for validation
} else {
cctot *= -1;
return precise(cctot);
What that is basically saying is that the else part of the if statement is unnecessary if there is a return in the if part.
Something like this is what it expects:
if (cctot <= 3 && cctot > 0) {
alert('Credit under $3.00 not allowed');
return Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; // important to return 0 so we can check for these conditions for validation
cctot *= -1;
In general, this:
if (condition) {
return something;
} else {
// do another thing
return anotherThing;
is similar to:
if (condition) {
return something;
// do another thing
return anotherThing;
After the if with a return statement, there is no need for the else part as the code below the if will only run when the condition stated is not fulfilled.
It's a code style preference. You don't need the else and instead can put the else code directly below the if. This is because if the if succeeds, that's the end of the function, so the else code will never be reached anyway.
So this:
if (condition) {
return foo;
} else {
// do bar
return baz
is equivalent to this:
if (condition) {
return foo;
// do bar
return baz
This style seems to vary in different programming communities. Go developers will nearly always omit the else, while I've seen more JS devs include it.
While I prefer to leave off the else, it is again purely a matter of preference. Don't let it worry you too much. People may get dogmatic about this kind of thing, but it's really not that important.
While the rule correctly points out that the else block is unnecessary, and it is a style preference, I would add additional considerations for readability and most importantly scanability.
For the developer writing this code, and to the machine interpreting it, it may be a style point and that's it. But for the developer who needs to fix a bug, enhance a feature, do a code review, etc. the ability to quickly scan through the code and see the else blocks helps to identify branches of logic.
In a few lines of isolated code it is easy to see the intent, but among hundreds of lines of code having if else blocks can serve as useful identifiers, much like other common visual practices like indentation, line breaks, and naming conventions.
The return statement stops/terminates the current function. It's just saying that there's no need for 'else' since the execution of the function already stopped and if the 'if' condition doesn't succeed, it will still run any code underneath it.
As for best practice, I won't say it's a big of a deal always but with the code in your example, I won't use the else clause because it's simply not needed. I think it's good to understand what's happening under the hood and the reason behind best practices and not just following them.

JSLint "eval is evil." alternatives

I am have some JavaScript functions that run on both the client (browser) and the server (within a Java Rhino context). These are small functions - basically little validators that are well defined and don't rely upon globals or closures - self-contained and portable.
Here's an example:
function validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, params, property) {
var phonePattern = /^\+?([0-9\- \(\)])*$/;
if (value && value.length && !phonePattern.test(value))
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"}];
return [];
To keep things DRY, my server code gets a handle on each of these functions and calls toString() on them, returning them to the browser as part of a JSON object. Something like this:
{ "name" : "phoneNumber",
"policies" : [
{ "policyFunction" : "\nfunction validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, params, property) {\n var phonePattern = /^\\+?([0-9\\- \\(\\)])*$/;\n if (value && value.length && !phonePattern.test(value)) {\n return [{\"policyRequirement\":\"VALID_PHONE_FORMAT\"}];\n } else {\n return [];\n }\n}\n"
My browser JS code then takes this response and creates an instance of this function in that context, like so:
eval("var policyFunction = " + this.policies[j].policyFunction);
policyFailures =, form2js(this.input.closest("form")[0]), this.input.val(), params,;
This all works very well. However, I then run this code through JSLint, and I get back this message:
[ERROR] ValidatorsManager.js:142:37:eval is evil.
I appreciate that often, eval can be dangerous. However, I have no idea how else I could implement such a mechanism without using it. Is there any way I can do this and also pass through the JSLint validator?
I wouldn't worry about it since you are only passing these function strings from the server to the client, and are thus in control of what will be evaluated.
On the other hand, if you were going the other direction and doing the evals of client-passed code on the server, that would be an entirely different story...
As disabling the validation option in your comment may cause you to miss future errors, I would instead suggest passing the function name rather than the entire function and have the function library mirrored on the server and client. Thus, to call the function, you'd use the following code:
var policyFunction = YourLibraryName[this.policies[j].policyFunctionName];
var policyArguments = this.policies[j].policyArguments;
policyFunction.apply(this, policyArguments);
Update 2:
I was able to validate the following code with JSLint successfully, which essentially allows you to "turn off" validation for the vast minority of cases where eval is appropriate. At the same time, JSLint still validates normal eval calls, and all uses of this method should throw up flags for future developers to avoid using it/refactor it out where possible/as time allows.
Dont encode a function as a string in JSON. JSON is for content, which you are confounding with behavior.
Instead, I suppose you could return JS files instead, which allow real functions:
{ name : "phoneNumber",
policies : [
{ policyFunction : function() {
But while that solves the technical issue, it's still not a great idea.
The real solution here is to move your logic out of your content entirely. Import a JS file full of little validation functions and call them as needed based on a dataType property in your JSON or something. If this functions are as small and portable as you say, this should be trivial to accomplish.
Getting your data all tangled up with your code usually leads to pain. You should statically include your JS, then dynamically request/import/query for your JSON data to run through your statically included code.
I would avoid using eval in all situations. There's no reason you can't code around it. Instead of sending code to the client, just keep it hosted on the server in one contained script file.
If that's not doable, you can also have a dynamically generated javascript file then pass in the necessary parameters via the response, and then dynamically load the script on the client side. There's really no reason to use eval.
Hope that helps.
You can use
setInterval("code to be evaluated", 0);
Internally, if you pass setInterval a string it performs a function similar to eval().
However, I wouldn't worry about it. If you KNOW eval() is evil, and take appropriate precautions, it's not really a problem. Eval is similar to GoTo; you just have to be careful and aware of what you're doing to use them properly.
With very little parsing you could have had it like so:
var body = this.policies[j].policyFunction.substr;
body = body.substr(body.indexOf("(") + 1);
var arglist = body.substr(1, body.indexOf(")"));
body = body.substr(arglist.length + 1);
var policyFunction = new Function(arglist, body);
Which would provide a bit of validation, avoid the literal use of eval and work synchronously with the code. But it is surely eval in disguise, and it is prone to XSS attack. If the malevolent person can get their code loaded and evaluated this way - it will not save you. So, really, just don't do it. Add a <script> tag with the proper URL and that would be certainly safer. Well, you know, better safe then sorry.
PS. My apologises if the code above doesn't work, it only shows the intent, I've not tested it, and if I made a mistake at counting parenthesis or some such - well, you should get the idea, I'm not advertising it by any means.
DRY is definitely something I agree with, however there is a point where copy+pasting is more efficient and easy to maintain than referencing the same piece of code.
The code you're saving yourself from writing seems to be equivalent to a clean interface, and simple boiler plate. If the same code is being used on both the server and the client, you could simply pass around the common pieces of the function, rather than the whole function.
"name": "phoneNumber",
"type": "regexCheck",
"checkData": "/^\\+?([0-9\\- \\(\\)])*$/"
if(payload.type === "regexCheck"){
const result = validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, payload.checkData)
function validPhoneFormat(fullObject, value, regexPattern) {
if (value && value.length && !regexPattern.test(value))
return [ {"policyRequirement": "VALID_PHONE_FORMAT"}];
return [];
This would give you the ability to update the regex from a single location. If the interface changes it does need to be updated in 2 places, but I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. If the client is running code, why hide the structure?
If you really, really want to keep both the object structure and the patterns in one place - extract it to a single API. Have a "ValidatePhoneViaRegex" api endpoint which is called by all places you'd be passing this serialized function to.
If all of this seems like too much effort, set jslint to ignore your piece of code:
"In JSHint 1.0.0 and above you have the ability to ignore any warning with a special option syntax. The identifier of this warning is W061. This means you can tell JSHint to not issue this warning with the /*jshint -W061 */ directive.
In ESLint the rule that generates this warning is named no-eval. You can disable it by setting it to 0, or enable it by setting it to 1."
I would prefer to see copy+pasted code, a common api, or receiving parameters and copy+pasted boiler plate than magical functions passed in from the server to be executed.
What happens if you get a cross-browser compatibility error with one of these shared functions?
Well, the first thing to bear in mind is that jsLint does make the point that "it will hurt your feelings". It's designed to point out where you're not following best practices -- but code that isn't perfect can still work just fine; there's no compulsion upon you to follow jsLint's advice.
Having said that, eval is evil, and in virtually all cases there is always a way around using it.
In this case, you could use a library such as require.js, yepnope.js or some other library that is designed to load a script separately. This would allow you to include the javascript functions you need dynamically but without having to eval() them.
There are probably several other solutions as well, but that was the first one that came to my mind.
Hope that helps.

What javascript command is this?

I remember a command that checks that a given condition is true, otherwise it stops the script. It was one word, starting with a, i think starting with att.. and it was just that word, the condition in parentheses, and the semicolon. I've googled everything I can think of and cannot find it!
if(!condition) return; //for a single assertion statement
Furthermore, you might mean "assert." Google it with javascript for a couple of reads on the subject.
You are looking for a function with the semantics of assert(condition), i.e., throw an exception if condition is false. javascript does not contain a native assert like function, but you could certainly implement it yourself. A bit of searching will yield some good results.
function assert(condition) {
condition || throw "assert failed"
You can spruce it up a bit as needed, but that's the basic idea.
I don't know if there's something built in natively to JavaScript but have you tried looking at this?

Are empty true blocks an idiom in JavaScript?

I just came across code that looks like this:
if (foo == "bar"){}else{
Is there a good reason for someone to write it that way instead of
if (foo != "bar") {
or am I just dealing with a raving lunatic (this is my assumption based on other things in the code).
There is no such convention in the JavaScript community. This is just bad code.
[Original "Answer" Below]
I prefer to use the following syntax when I am leaving a project:
if (foo == "bar") { /* 100 or so spaces */ } else {
The } else { segment is hopefully obscured off screen by text editors so that the code does the exact opposite of what it seems. This way I can ensure that the remaining development team curses my name and would never consider me for future development or support. =D
I don't see why JavaScript code should be different in this respect from any C-heritage language. I've not encountered this idiom before, and I really don't like it. I need to mentally parse the thing twice to make sure I've understood.
The only analogue I can think of is an empty default in a switch statement,with a copious comment to say "I thought about this and it's just fine."
If one of my developers wrote code that way, I'd throw it back at them with a reprimand and a copy of "Javascript: The Good Parts." I can't think of a single good reason for doing that.
Also, they should have written their comparison as if (foo === "bar"). Much better practice.
Edit a year and a half later:
Out of boredom I knocked together a jsperf just to see if there was any noticeable performance difference between the two methods shown in the OP, and [SPOILER WARNING] no there isn't.
I have done it before.
This is when I might want to add some debug statements later.
Yes sure he could have done
if (foo != "bar"){
But isn't that just the same thing?
Back to the code you saw.
So what the programmer probably did is:
if (foo == "bar"){}
Then later on when he wanted to add some debug information into the 1st part he would.
The logic still works and it is not flawed in the least bit. (in my opinion)
It's confusing for two reasons. The syntax is confusing because he's evaluating foo == bar just to do ... nothing? It seems unnecessary not to use the syntax you suggested. Visually it's also confusing because the empty block and the if evaluation are on one line, so if I were reading this code later I might gloss over things and assume the statement read as
if (foo == "bar"){
Which is the exact opposite of the code's intention. One possible explanation for this is that the programmer intended to go back and implement some code for foo == bar, but either didn't or forgot to do so.
My vote is for lunatic.
There is no good reason to do that.
On a side note, however, keep in mind that with loops there are sometimes cases where an empty block may be acceptable:
var i;
for (i = 0; document.getElementById("box" + i).value != ""; i++) { }
// do something with i
I tend to write chained if's like this:
if (a) {
} else if (b) {
// do something
} else if (c) {
// do something
} else if (d) {
// do something
Rather than:
if (!a) {
if (b) {
// do something
} else if (c) {
// do something
} else if (d) {
// do something
This makes the code more neat IMO.
Does it make sense?

Strange Javascript statement

if (1) {
google_conversion_value = 1;
What is the meaning of the above statement? I mean, this looks like it will always execute so why bother with the if statement?
updated: one reason might be remnants of scripting on the server side. Any other ideas?
updated2: could as easily change the value of the assignment without bothering with the if statement, no?
There are two likely explanations:
It's a leftover from debugging.
The file containing this code is generated dynamically and the original sourcecode contains something like if(<?php echo $some_stuff_enabled; ?>)
However, in the latter case it would have been cleaner to output that code block only if the condition is met - but maybe it's used in some crappy template engine that just allows replacements but no conditionals...
I've seen this before, and I've always assumed it was a remnant of some old condition that was no longer needed, but never removed. I can't see any actual reason to do something like that otherwise.
Potentially because the person writing the code wanted an easy way to turn it off and on again, this is especially useful if there is a lot of code inside the block (not the case here).
Another possibility is that the original programmer couldn't be bothered writing the logic or, more likely, it hadn't been specified so the "if" was left as a placeholder.
More than likely left in from a debug release or something similar. You're right, it will always execute. It could also have been done like this so that it can be easily enabled / disabled by setting the if to 0. Perhaps the developer intended to use it as a flag somewhere else in the code?
actually, this happens when the "if" condition is driven from server, so instead of doing the right thing and not produce the script when the condition is false, they do something like this:
if (<% if (my_server_condition) then Response.Write("1") else Response.Write("0") %>){
// code goes here
Perhaps the if statement used to check for a legitimate conditional, and then someone replaced it with a truthy value for testing/debugging/etc.
You're right, it will always execute because 1 is truthy. I would go through your source control history and investigate that line to see if it used to contain a real conditional. If the conditional was always 1, then it's likely a debugging statement. Otherwise someone might have meant for it to be a temporary change, and may not have meant to check that in (which could be bad).
I'm not sure where this code is from, but as you indicated it will always execute. As for why you'd do this, there are times where you want to see what the result of branch code would be, without having to setup an environment. In this case you can comment out the actual value and replace it with if(1) instead for testing:
// if( ... some hard to achieve condition )
if (1) {
// Now you can see what happens if this value is set quickly
google_conversion_value = 1;
Of course the problem with this is that it's sometimes easy to forget to remove the if(1) and uncomment the proper condition.
This is actually the javascript recommended by Google on (click on Step 2 for the sample HTML)

