Strange value for the "this" object - javascript

Regarding this code:
var name = "Jaguar";
var car = {
alert((car.getName = car.getName)());
The output is: Jaguar.
Why does this object correspond to Window and not the object contained in the car variable?
It seems that the fact to reassign the object's function to itself leads to lose the assignment of this to the object when the function is called...
I'm trying to guess: Does it exist a kind of mechanism (using variable or other) that keep an eye on the non-reassignement of an object's function so that if that situation happens, this mechanism would prevent the assignement of the this keyword as usual (as being equals to the object)?

The reason is fairly subtle: this in JavaScript is determined entirely by how a function is called. To have this set to car during the call to getName, you have to call getName immediately upon retrieving it from the car object, like this:
car.getName() // or
(Or via Function#call or Function#apply, which let you specify the value for this explicitly.)
What you're doing in your example is effectively this:
// Set f to the result of the assignment expression,
// which is a reference to the getName function
var f = (car.getName = car.getName);
// Call it (separately)
...which is different. Functions called in that way get this set to the global object (window, in browsers). (Except in strict mode; in strict mode this would be undefined.)
More (from my anemic blog):
Mythical methods
You must remember this
Does it exist a kind of mechanism (using variable or other) that keep an eye on the non-reassignement of an object's function so that if that situation happens, this mechanism would prevent the assignement of the this keyword as usual (as being equals to the object)?
I'm not entirely sure I follow that question, but if you want to have a function that always has a preset this value, then yes, there are a couple of ways to do that.
One is to use the new ES5 function bind:
var name = "Jaguar";
var car = {
name: "Ferrari"
car.getName = function(){
alert((car.getName = car.getName)()); // "Ferrari"
bind returns a function that always has this set to the argument you give it.
The other way is to use a closure. And in fact, you can create a bind-like function in ES3 very easily:
function pseudoBind(func, thisArg) {
return function() {
return func.apply(thisArg, arguments);
That doesn't do everything bind does, but it does the this part. Then you'd have:
var name = "Jaguar";
var car = {
name: "Ferrari"
car.getName = pseudoBind(function(){
}, car);
alert((car.getName = car.getName)()); // "Ferrari"
More on closures (again from the blog):
Closures are not complicated
In a future spec, we'll be getting a declarative way of creating functions that have a preset this value (so-called "arrow functions" because the syntax for them involves uses => rather than the function keyword).

Aaah, this resolution...Lets take a gander.
var toy = {
log : function () { console.log(this); }
toy.log() //logs the toy object
So far, it seems like this resolution is static: Wherever the method was defined in, that's its this value.
But! What if we do this:
var sneakyBastard = toy.log;
sneakyBastard(); //logs Window
this is bound to the object it's called with. In the case of toy.log, you called log in the context of the toy object. But, sneakyBastard has no set context, so it's as if you've called window.sneakyBastard.
Now let's take a goose (goose? gander? no...) at your expression:
(car.getName = car.getName)()
...and what does an assignment return? The assigned value, in this case, a function, car.getName. We can break this expression into two:
var returnedValue = (car.getName = car.getName);
...and from here it's obvious.

Instead of calling getName from the context of an object, you're calling it from the context of the return result of the grouping operator (which in this case there's no context).
In JavaScript, when there's no clear context defined, a default is used. The default is...
the global object when in strict mode
undefined when not in strict mode

You have put your function call parenthesis (()) so they call the result of the expression (car.getName = car.getName) (which is the value (a function) assigned to car.getName)


"this" and object literals in JavaScript [duplicate]

I just came across an interesting situation in JavaScript. I have a class with a method that defines several objects using object-literal notation. Inside those objects, the this pointer is being used. From the behavior of the program, I have deduced that the this pointer is referring to the class on which the method was invoked, and not the object being created by the literal.
This seems arbitrary, though it is the way I would expect it to work. Is this defined behavior? Is it cross-browser safe? Is there any reasoning underlying why it is the way it is beyond "the spec says so" (for instance, is it a consequence of some broader design decision/philosophy)? Pared-down code example:
// inside class definition, itself an object literal, we have this function:
onRender: function() {
this.menuItems = this.menuItems.concat([
text: 'Group by Module',
rptletdiv: this
text: 'Group by Status',
rptletdiv: this
// etc
Cannibalized from another post of mine, here's more than you ever wanted to know about this.
Before I start, here's the most important thing to keep in mind about Javascript, and to repeat to yourself when it doesn't make sense. Javascript does not have classes (ES6 class is syntactic sugar). If something looks like a class, it's a clever trick. Javascript has objects and functions. (that's not 100% accurate, functions are just objects, but it can sometimes be helpful to think of them as separate things)
The this variable is attached to functions. Whenever you invoke a function, this is given a certain value, depending on how you invoke the function. This is often called the invocation pattern.
There are four ways to invoke functions in javascript. You can invoke the function as a method, as a function, as a constructor, and with apply.
As a Method
A method is a function that's attached to an object
var foo = {};
foo.someMethod = function(){
When invoked as a method, this will be bound to the object the function/method is a part of. In this example, this will be bound to foo.
As A Function
If you have a stand alone function, the this variable will be bound to the "global" object, almost always the window object in the context of a browser.
var foo = function(){
This may be what's tripping you up, but don't feel bad. Many people consider this a bad design decision. Since a callback is invoked as a function and not as a method, that's why you're seeing what appears to be inconsistent behavior.
Many people get around the problem by doing something like, um, this
var foo = {};
foo.someMethod = function (){
var that=this;
function bar(){
You define a variable that which points to this. Closure (a topic all its own) keeps that around, so if you call bar as a callback, it still has a reference.
NOTE: In use strict mode if used as function, this is not bound to global. (It is undefined).
As a Constructor
You can also invoke a function as a constructor. Based on the naming convention you're using (TestObject) this also may be what you're doing and is what's tripping you up.
You invoke a function as a Constructor with the new keyword.
function Foo(){
this.confusing = 'hell yeah';
var myObject = new Foo();
When invoked as a constructor, a new Object will be created, and this will be bound to that object. Again, if you have inner functions and they're used as callbacks, you'll be invoking them as functions, and this will be bound to the global object. Use that var that = this trick/pattern.
Some people think the constructor/new keyword was a bone thrown to Java/traditional OOP programmers as a way to create something similar to classes.
With the Apply Method
Finally, every function has a method (yes, functions are objects in Javascript) named "apply". Apply lets you determine what the value of this will be, and also lets you pass in an array of arguments. Here's a useless example.
function foo(a,b){
var args = ['ah','be'];
Function calls
Functions are just a type of Object.
All Function objects have call and apply methods which execute the Function object they're called on.
When called, the first argument to these methods specifies the object which will be referenced by the this keyword during execution of the Function - if it's null or undefined, the global object, window, is used for this.
Thus, calling a Function...
whereAmI = "window";
function foo()
return "this is " + this.whereAmI + " with " + arguments.length + " + arguments";
...with parentheses - foo() - is equivalent to or foo.apply(undefined), which is effectively the same as or foo.apply(window).
>>> foo()
"this is window with 0 arguments"
"this is window with 0 arguments"
Additional arguments to call are passed as the arguments to the function call, whereas a single additional argument to apply can specify the arguments for the function call as an Array-like object.
Thus, foo(1, 2, 3) is equivalent to, 1, 2, 3) or foo.apply(null, [1, 2, 3]).
>>> foo(1, 2, 3)
"this is window with 3 arguments"
>>> foo.apply(null, [1, 2, 3])
"this is window with 3 arguments"
If a function is a property of an object...
var obj =
whereAmI: "obj",
foo: foo
...accessing a reference to the Function via the object and calling it with parentheses - - is equivalent to or foo.apply(obj).
However, functions held as properties of objects are not "bound" to those objects. As you can see in the definition of obj above, since Functions are just a type of Object, they can be referenced (and thus can be passed by reference to a Function call or returned by reference from a Function call). When a reference to a Function is passed, no additional information about where it was passed from is carried with it, which is why the following happens:
>>> baz =;
>>> baz();
"this is window with 0 arguments"
The call to our Function reference, baz, doesn't provide any context for the call, so it's effectively the same as, so this ends up referencing window. If we want baz to know that it belongs to obj, we need to somehow provide that information when baz is called, which is where the first argument to call or apply and closures come into play.
Scope chains
function bind(func, context)
return function()
func.apply(context, arguments);
When a Function is executed, it creates a new scope and has a reference to any enclosing scope. When the anonymous function is created in the above example, it has a reference to the scope it was created in, which is bind's scope. This is known as a "closure."
[global scope (window)] - whereAmI, foo, obj, baz
[bind scope] - func, context
[anonymous scope]
When you attempt to access a variable this "scope chain" is walked to find a variable with the given name - if the current scope doesn't contain the variable, you look at the next scope in the chain, and so on until you reach the global scope. When the anonymous function is returned and bind finishes executing, the anonymous function still has a reference to bind's scope, so bind's scope doesn't "go away".
Given all the above you should now be able to understand how scope works in the following example, and why the technique for passing a function around "pre-bound" with a particular value of this it will have when it is called works:
>>> baz = bind(, obj);
>>> baz(1, 2);
"this is obj with 2 arguments"
Is this defined behavior? Is it
cross-browser safe?
Yes. And yes.
Is there any reasoning underlying why
it is the way it is...
The meaning of this is pretty simple to deduce:
If this is used inside a constructor function, and the function was invoked with the new keyword, this refers to the object that will be created. this will continue to mean the object even in public methods.
If this is used anywhere else, including nested protected functions, it refers to the global scope (which in the case of the browser is the window object).
The second case is obviously a design flaw, but it's pretty easy to work around it by using closures.
In this case the inner this is bound to the global object instead of to the this variable of the outer function.
It's the way the language is designed.
See "JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford for a good explanation.
I found a nice tutorial about the ECMAScript this
A this value is a special object which is related with the execution
context. Therefore, it may be named as a context object (i.e. an
object in which context the execution context is activated).
Any object may be used as this value of the context.
a this value is a property of the execution context, but not a
property of the variable object.
This feature is very important, because in contrary to variables, this value never participates in identifier resolution process. I.e. when accessing this in a code, its value is taken directly from the execution context and without any scope chain lookup. The value of this is determinate only once when entering the context.
In the global context, a this value is the global object itself (that means, this value here equals to variable object)
In case of a function context, this value in every single function call may be different
Reference Javascript-the-core and Chapter-3-this
All the answers here are very helpful but I still had a hard time to figure out what this point to in my case, which involved object destructuring. So I would like to add one more answer using a simplified version of my code,
let testThis = {
x: 12,
y: 20,
add({ a, b, c }) {
let d = a + b + c()
test() {
//the result is NaN
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: () => {
//this here is testThis, NOT the object literal here
return this.a + this.b
test2() {
//64 as expected
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: () => {
return this.x + this.y
test3() {
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: function () {
//this here is the global object
return this.x + this.y
As here explained Javascript - destructuring object - 'this' set to global or undefined, instead of object it actually has nothing to do with object destructuring but how c() is called, but it is not easy to see through it here.
MDN says "arrow function expressions are best suited for non-method functions" but arrow function works here.
this in JS:
There are 3 types of functions where this has a different meaning. They are best explained via example:
// In a constructor function this refers to newly created object
// Every function can be a constructor function in JavaScript e.g.
function Dog(color){
this.color = color;
// constructor functions are invoked by putting new in front of the function call
const myDog = new Dog('red');
// logs Dog has color red
console.log('Dog has color ' + myDog.color);
Normal function or method
// Browswer example:
console.log(this === window) // true
function myFn(){
console.log(this === window)
myFn(); // logs true
// The value of this depends on the context object.
// In this case the context from where the function is called is global.
// For the global context in the browser the context object is window.
const myObj = {fn: myFn}
myObj.fn() // logs false
// In this case the context from where the function is called is myObj.
// Therefore, false is logged.
myObj.fn2 = function myFn(){
console.log(this === myObj)
myObj.fn2() // logs true
// In this case the context from where the function is called is myObj.
// Therefore, true is logged.
Event listener
Inside the function of an event handler this will refer to the DOM element which detected the event. See this question: Using this inside an event handler

Verifying my understanding of the scope chain

(Question 1)
In Flanagan's JS Definitive Guide, he defines the Function method bind() in case it's not available (wasn't available n ECMAScript 3).
It looks like this:
function bind(f, o) {
if (f.bind) return f.bind(o); // Use the bind method, if there is one
else return function() { // Otherwise, bind it like this
return f.apply(o, arguments);
He illustrates the use of it with an example (which I have modified to change the 3rd line from f.bind(o)):
function f(y) { return this.x + y; } // This function needs to be bound
var o = { x : 1 }; // An object we'll bind to
var g = bind(f, o); // Calling g(x) invokes o.f(x)
g(2) // => 3
When I first saw this, I thought "Wouldn't arguments refer to the arguments variable within the bind function we're defining? But we want the arguments property of the function we eventually apply it to, like g in the example above..."
I verified that his example did indeed work and surmised that the line return f.apply(o, arguments) isn't evaluated until var g = bind(f, o) up above. That is, I thought, when you return a function, are you just returning the source code for that function, no? Until its evaluated? So I tested this theory by trying out a slightly different version of bind:
function mybind2(f, o) {
var arguments = 6;
return function() { // Otherwise, bind it like this
return f.apply(o, arguments);
If it's simply returning tbe unevaluated function source, there's no way that it stores arguments = 6 when later evaluated, right? And after checking, I still got g(2) => 3. But then I realized -- if it's just returning unevaluated code, how is the o in return f.apply(o, arguments) getting passed?
So I decided that what must be happening is this:
The o and the arguments variables (even when arguments equals 6) are getting passed on to the function. It's just that when the function g is eventually called, the arguments variable is redefined by the interpreter to be the arguments of g (in g(2)) and hence the original value of arguments that I tried to pass on was replaced. But this implies that it was sort of storing the function as text up until then, because otherwise o and arguments would have simply been data in the program, rather than variables that could be overwritten. Is this explanation correct?
(Question 2) Earlier on the same page, he defines the following function which makes use the apply method to trace a function for debugging:
function trace(o, m) {
var original = o[m]; // Remember original method in the closure.
o[m] = function() { // Now define the new method.
console.log(new Date(), "Entering:", m); // Log message.
var result = original.apply(this, arguments); // Invoke original.
console.log(new Date(), "Exiting:", m); // Log message.
return result; // Return result.
Wouldn't the this here refer to the function that we're defining, rather than the object o? Or are those two things one and the same?
Question 1
For your first question, let's simplify the example so it's clear what being done:
function bind(func, thisArg) {
return function () {
return func.apply(thisArg, arguments);
What happens here is that a closure is created that allows the access of the original function and the value of this that is passed. The anonymous function returned will keep the original function in its scope, which ends up being like the following:
var func = function () {};
var thisArg = {};
func.apply(thisArg, [/*arguments*/]);
About your issue with arguments, that variable is implicitly defined in the scope of all functions created, so therefore the inner arguments will shadow the outer arguments, making it work as expected.
Question 2
Your problem is to your misunderstanding of the late binding of this -- this is one of the more confusing things about JavaScript to people used to more object-oriented languages that also have their own this keyword. The value of this is only set when it is called, and where it is called defines the value of this when it is called. It is simply the value of the parent object from where it is at the time the function is called, with the exception of cases where the this value is overridden.
For example, see this:
function a() {return this;};
a(); // global object;
var b = {};
b.a = a;
b.a(); // object b
If this was set when the function was defined, calling b.a would result in the global object, not the b object. Let's also simplify what happens with the second function given:
function trace(obj, property) {
var method = obj[property]; // Remember original method in the closure.
obj[property] = function () { // Now define the new method.
console.log(1); // Log message.
// Invoke original method and return its result
return original.apply(this, arguments);
What happens in this case is that the original method is stored in a closure. Assigning to the object that the method was originally in does not overwrite the method object. Just like a normal method assignment, the principles of the this value still work the same -- it will return the parent object, not the function that you've defined. If you do a simple assignment:
var obj = {}; = function () { return this; };; // obj
It does what was expected, returns the parent object at the time of calling. Placing your code in a nested function makes no difference in this regard.
Some good resources
If you'd like to learn more about writing code in JavaScript, I'd highly recommend taking a look at Fully Understanding the this Keyword by Cody Lindley -- it goes into much more detail about how the this keyword behaves in different contexts and the things you can do with it.
But this implies that it was sort of storing the function as text up until then, because otherwise o and arguments would have simply been data in the program, rather than variables that could be overwritten. Is this explanation correct?
No. this and arguments are just special variables which are implicitly set when a function is executed. They don't adhere to normal "closure rules". The function definition itself is still evaluated immediately and bind returns a function object.
You can easily verify this with:
var g = bind(f, o);
console.log(typeof g);
Here is a simpler example which doesn't involve higher order functions:
var arguments = 42;
function foo() {
foo(1, 2);
I think you see that the definition of foo is evaluated like you'd expect. Yet, console.log(arguments) logs [1, 2] and not 42.
Wouldn't the this here refer to the function that we're defining, rather than the object o? Or are those two things one and the same?
this never refers to the function itself (unless you explicitly set it so). The value of this is completely determined by how the function is called. That's why this is often called "the context". The MDN documentation provides extensive information about this.
Reading material:
MDN - this
MDN - arguments

What does "" mean?

function bb_graphics_GraphicsContext(){;
What does mean?
Functions in JavaScript are full-fledged objects. They also, when passed as an argument to another function, don't retain their scope. So, in the following code...
var obj1 = {
property1: "blah",
method1: function () {
// do stuff
function func1 (passedFunction) {
// do other stuff
... func1 will call obj1.method1, but it won't alert the value of obj1's property1, because all we've done is pass the function object, not its this context. That's where call and apply come in. They allow you to inject scope, tell the function what the meaning of this will be. The following example works:
var obj1 = {
property1: "blah",
method1: function () {
// do stuff
function func1 (passedObject, passedFunction) {;
// do other stuff
func1(ob1, obj1.method1);
Now, we've forced or explicitly told obj1.method1 what its context will by invoking call, and passing it the object it's to use as this.
call and apply are almost identical, except for how they handle additional arguments to the function being invoked. See these articles on MDN for more information: call, apply and Function.
All of this having been said, bb_graphics_GraphicsContext is a constructor. (Which you've probably guessed.) You invoke it by using the new keyword, var obj1 = new bb_graphics_GraphicsContext();. When it reaches line 1 of the function, it takes the this object, and calls the generic Object constructor, explicitly injecting the new object this (in the bb_graphics_GraphicsContext constructor) as the this of the Object constructor. I'd assume the writer of this function/constructor was doing this to make sure that the newly created object in bb_graphics_GraphicsContext was getting all the base methods of the base Object. But I don't know why this would be necessary, as if you call bb_graphics_GraphicsContext with the new keyword it will grab all these properties naturally. will execute a certain function under the provided context, it can be used to call functions from one object on an other.
The mozilla dev network provides a very good explanation
This will do absolutely nothing except wasting resource and memory allocation.
If the will have been assigned to a variable or property of the function constructor bb_graphics_GraphicsContext
this.myObject =
The only thing that you get in that instance is an empty object "THAT DO NO HOLD THE PROVIDED CONTEXT"
function MyConstructor(){
this.test01 = 0;
var b =; // similar to b = {}; or b = new Object()
console.log(b); // log object
console.log(b.test); // log undefined
this.test = 1;
var myObject = new MyConstructor();
console.log(myObject, window.test01)
Although will probably do nothing as expressed here, the concept might be important. Basically, the example you will see on inheritance in the Node.js documentation is:
const util = require('util');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
function MyStream() {;
util.inherits(MyStream, EventEmitter);
The util.inherits will make a new MyStream inherit (have the same prototype as) EventEmmiter. This could be enough if we are interested in MyStream having access to the functions inherited through the EventEmmiter prototype. But what if there are variables passed on construction? What if we have:
function MyObject() {
this.code = "2nV_ahR";
In this case, the code variable is passed on runtime when MyObject gets instantiated. Therefore, a subclass needs to pass:
function MySubObject() {;
In order to inherit the code variable. What call does accept a parameter that sets the this variable. So... when I do var o = new MySubObject(), the this inside of MySubObject refers to o, which is then passed to the call method, so that when MyObject does this.code = ... it is actually passing the code to o!
Every JavaScript function has a toString(), call() and apply().
Read more about them on this article

Difference between a constructor and an Object

I definitely need some light on this.
What's the diference between:
var MY_APP = function(){
this.firstMethod = function(){
this.secondMethod = function(){
var MY_APP = {
firstKey: function(){
secondKey: function(){
besides the obvious fact that one is a Function and the other an Object, what are the differences in code flow, prototypes, patterns... whatever, and when should we use the first or the second?
I'm so spaced out in this area that i'm not sure if i'm correctly explaining the doubt, but further info can be given if you ask.
The key difference between the two is in how they are intended to be used. A constructor, as its name suggests, is designed to create and set up multiple instances of an object. An object literal on the other hand is one-off, like string and number literals, and used more often as configuration objects or global singletons (e.g. for namespacing).
There are a few subtleties about the first example to note:
When the code is executed, an anonymous function is created and assigned to MY_APP, but nothing else happens. firstMethod and secondMethod don't exist until MY_APP is explicitly called.
Depending on how MY_APP is called, the methods firstMethod and secondMethod will end up in different places:
MY_APP(): Since no context is supplied, the this defaults to window and the methods will become global.
var app1 = new MY_APP(): Due to the new keyword, a new object is created and becomes the default context. this refers to the new object, and the methods will get assigned to the new object, which subsequently gets assigned to app1. However, MY_APP.firstMethod remains undefined. This calls my MY_APP but sets the context to be another object, YOUR_APP. The methods will get assigned to YOUR_APP, overriding any properties of YOUR_APP with the same names. This is a really flexible method that allows multiple inheritance or mixins in Javascript.
Constructors also allow another level of flexibility since functions provide closures, while object literals do not. If for example firstMethod and secondMethod rely on a common variable password that is private to the object (cannot be accessed outside the constructor), this can be achieved very simply by doing:
var MY_APP = function(){
var password = "GFHSFG";
this.firstMethod = function(){
// Do something with password
alert(password); // Woops!
this.secondMethod = function(){
// Do something else with password
alert(password); // undefined
alert(MY_APP.password); // undefined
The first is a function, the second is an object literal. Since Functions in JS are first class objects, a function can have properties on it, just like any other object can.
Typically, if you want to create a "class" that you might be familiar with from classical inheritance languages, you would do something like
function MyClass() {...}
as is documented here
To answer the question posed in your edits, you would use them both in different situations. Object literals are used to pass configurations around. A typical usage pattern would be a method that accepts an object literal like so
length: 10,
height: 10,
text: 'some text'
and so on.
You could use something similar to your first example when creating a namespace. Javascript has some interesting language features in that you can have so-called "self-invoking functions" that are of the form:
var myApp = (function(){
var firstMethod = function() {...}
the motivations behind doing something like this are detailed here
You can also investigate the differences via your favorite javascript debugging console. In firebug and chrome, I did the following:
var ol = {}; ol.prototype;
var fn = function(){}; fn.prototype;
the first line prints undefined, the second returns a prototype with a constructor of 'function'
The constructor can be reused as is, the object literal would need to be repeated or wrapped in a function to be reused.
Example of wrapping the object literal in a function:
function MY_APP() {
return {
firstKey: function(){
secondKey: function(){
The object created using the constructor will have it's constructor property set to the constructor function. However, as you used an anonymous function assigned to a variable instead of a named function, the constructor will still be nameless.
Other than that, there isn't really any differences. Both create anonymous functions that are assigned to the properties of the object, so the resulting objects are the same. You can compare this to assigning named functions to the properties, or using prototype functions, both having the difference that each function only exists once instead of being created over and over for each object.
There is some confusion in JavaScript regarding the difference between a function and an object.
In the first case,
var MY_APP = function() { this.v = 7; ... }
function MY_APP(x) { this.v = x; ... }
a function is declared, not an object. In MY_APP, this refers to the global object.
Meaning that calling the function MY_APP(7) will assign v globally to the value of 7. (and in your case the function firstMethod would be declared globally).
MY_APP(3); // The global variable v is set to 3
MY_APP(4); // The global variable v is overwritten and set to 4
To use MY_APP as an object, it needs to be instantiated, for instance
var obj1 = new MY_APP(3);
var obj2 = new MY_APP(4);
will have obj1.v to be 3, and obj2.v to be 4.
Note you can also add methods using the prototype keyword (instead of this.firstMethod...)
MY_APP.prototype.firstMethod = function () { ... }
In the second case
var MY_APP = { ... };
an object, one object, is created and its name is MY_APP. The this keywords refers to that object, MY_APP.

How does "this" keyword work within a function?

I just came across an interesting situation in JavaScript. I have a class with a method that defines several objects using object-literal notation. Inside those objects, the this pointer is being used. From the behavior of the program, I have deduced that the this pointer is referring to the class on which the method was invoked, and not the object being created by the literal.
This seems arbitrary, though it is the way I would expect it to work. Is this defined behavior? Is it cross-browser safe? Is there any reasoning underlying why it is the way it is beyond "the spec says so" (for instance, is it a consequence of some broader design decision/philosophy)? Pared-down code example:
// inside class definition, itself an object literal, we have this function:
onRender: function() {
this.menuItems = this.menuItems.concat([
text: 'Group by Module',
rptletdiv: this
text: 'Group by Status',
rptletdiv: this
// etc
Cannibalized from another post of mine, here's more than you ever wanted to know about this.
Before I start, here's the most important thing to keep in mind about Javascript, and to repeat to yourself when it doesn't make sense. Javascript does not have classes (ES6 class is syntactic sugar). If something looks like a class, it's a clever trick. Javascript has objects and functions. (that's not 100% accurate, functions are just objects, but it can sometimes be helpful to think of them as separate things)
The this variable is attached to functions. Whenever you invoke a function, this is given a certain value, depending on how you invoke the function. This is often called the invocation pattern.
There are four ways to invoke functions in javascript. You can invoke the function as a method, as a function, as a constructor, and with apply.
As a Method
A method is a function that's attached to an object
var foo = {};
foo.someMethod = function(){
When invoked as a method, this will be bound to the object the function/method is a part of. In this example, this will be bound to foo.
As A Function
If you have a stand alone function, the this variable will be bound to the "global" object, almost always the window object in the context of a browser.
var foo = function(){
This may be what's tripping you up, but don't feel bad. Many people consider this a bad design decision. Since a callback is invoked as a function and not as a method, that's why you're seeing what appears to be inconsistent behavior.
Many people get around the problem by doing something like, um, this
var foo = {};
foo.someMethod = function (){
var that=this;
function bar(){
You define a variable that which points to this. Closure (a topic all its own) keeps that around, so if you call bar as a callback, it still has a reference.
NOTE: In use strict mode if used as function, this is not bound to global. (It is undefined).
As a Constructor
You can also invoke a function as a constructor. Based on the naming convention you're using (TestObject) this also may be what you're doing and is what's tripping you up.
You invoke a function as a Constructor with the new keyword.
function Foo(){
this.confusing = 'hell yeah';
var myObject = new Foo();
When invoked as a constructor, a new Object will be created, and this will be bound to that object. Again, if you have inner functions and they're used as callbacks, you'll be invoking them as functions, and this will be bound to the global object. Use that var that = this trick/pattern.
Some people think the constructor/new keyword was a bone thrown to Java/traditional OOP programmers as a way to create something similar to classes.
With the Apply Method
Finally, every function has a method (yes, functions are objects in Javascript) named "apply". Apply lets you determine what the value of this will be, and also lets you pass in an array of arguments. Here's a useless example.
function foo(a,b){
var args = ['ah','be'];
Function calls
Functions are just a type of Object.
All Function objects have call and apply methods which execute the Function object they're called on.
When called, the first argument to these methods specifies the object which will be referenced by the this keyword during execution of the Function - if it's null or undefined, the global object, window, is used for this.
Thus, calling a Function...
whereAmI = "window";
function foo()
return "this is " + this.whereAmI + " with " + arguments.length + " + arguments";
...with parentheses - foo() - is equivalent to or foo.apply(undefined), which is effectively the same as or foo.apply(window).
>>> foo()
"this is window with 0 arguments"
"this is window with 0 arguments"
Additional arguments to call are passed as the arguments to the function call, whereas a single additional argument to apply can specify the arguments for the function call as an Array-like object.
Thus, foo(1, 2, 3) is equivalent to, 1, 2, 3) or foo.apply(null, [1, 2, 3]).
>>> foo(1, 2, 3)
"this is window with 3 arguments"
>>> foo.apply(null, [1, 2, 3])
"this is window with 3 arguments"
If a function is a property of an object...
var obj =
whereAmI: "obj",
foo: foo
...accessing a reference to the Function via the object and calling it with parentheses - - is equivalent to or foo.apply(obj).
However, functions held as properties of objects are not "bound" to those objects. As you can see in the definition of obj above, since Functions are just a type of Object, they can be referenced (and thus can be passed by reference to a Function call or returned by reference from a Function call). When a reference to a Function is passed, no additional information about where it was passed from is carried with it, which is why the following happens:
>>> baz =;
>>> baz();
"this is window with 0 arguments"
The call to our Function reference, baz, doesn't provide any context for the call, so it's effectively the same as, so this ends up referencing window. If we want baz to know that it belongs to obj, we need to somehow provide that information when baz is called, which is where the first argument to call or apply and closures come into play.
Scope chains
function bind(func, context)
return function()
func.apply(context, arguments);
When a Function is executed, it creates a new scope and has a reference to any enclosing scope. When the anonymous function is created in the above example, it has a reference to the scope it was created in, which is bind's scope. This is known as a "closure."
[global scope (window)] - whereAmI, foo, obj, baz
[bind scope] - func, context
[anonymous scope]
When you attempt to access a variable this "scope chain" is walked to find a variable with the given name - if the current scope doesn't contain the variable, you look at the next scope in the chain, and so on until you reach the global scope. When the anonymous function is returned and bind finishes executing, the anonymous function still has a reference to bind's scope, so bind's scope doesn't "go away".
Given all the above you should now be able to understand how scope works in the following example, and why the technique for passing a function around "pre-bound" with a particular value of this it will have when it is called works:
>>> baz = bind(, obj);
>>> baz(1, 2);
"this is obj with 2 arguments"
Is this defined behavior? Is it
cross-browser safe?
Yes. And yes.
Is there any reasoning underlying why
it is the way it is...
The meaning of this is pretty simple to deduce:
If this is used inside a constructor function, and the function was invoked with the new keyword, this refers to the object that will be created. this will continue to mean the object even in public methods.
If this is used anywhere else, including nested protected functions, it refers to the global scope (which in the case of the browser is the window object).
The second case is obviously a design flaw, but it's pretty easy to work around it by using closures.
In this case the inner this is bound to the global object instead of to the this variable of the outer function.
It's the way the language is designed.
See "JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford for a good explanation.
I found a nice tutorial about the ECMAScript this
A this value is a special object which is related with the execution
context. Therefore, it may be named as a context object (i.e. an
object in which context the execution context is activated).
Any object may be used as this value of the context.
a this value is a property of the execution context, but not a
property of the variable object.
This feature is very important, because in contrary to variables, this value never participates in identifier resolution process. I.e. when accessing this in a code, its value is taken directly from the execution context and without any scope chain lookup. The value of this is determinate only once when entering the context.
In the global context, a this value is the global object itself (that means, this value here equals to variable object)
In case of a function context, this value in every single function call may be different
Reference Javascript-the-core and Chapter-3-this
All the answers here are very helpful but I still had a hard time to figure out what this point to in my case, which involved object destructuring. So I would like to add one more answer using a simplified version of my code,
let testThis = {
x: 12,
y: 20,
add({ a, b, c }) {
let d = a + b + c()
test() {
//the result is NaN
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: () => {
//this here is testThis, NOT the object literal here
return this.a + this.b
test2() {
//64 as expected
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: () => {
return this.x + this.y
test3() {
a: this.x,
b: this.y,
c: function () {
//this here is the global object
return this.x + this.y
As here explained Javascript - destructuring object - 'this' set to global or undefined, instead of object it actually has nothing to do with object destructuring but how c() is called, but it is not easy to see through it here.
MDN says "arrow function expressions are best suited for non-method functions" but arrow function works here.
this in JS:
There are 3 types of functions where this has a different meaning. They are best explained via example:
// In a constructor function this refers to newly created object
// Every function can be a constructor function in JavaScript e.g.
function Dog(color){
this.color = color;
// constructor functions are invoked by putting new in front of the function call
const myDog = new Dog('red');
// logs Dog has color red
console.log('Dog has color ' + myDog.color);
Normal function or method
// Browswer example:
console.log(this === window) // true
function myFn(){
console.log(this === window)
myFn(); // logs true
// The value of this depends on the context object.
// In this case the context from where the function is called is global.
// For the global context in the browser the context object is window.
const myObj = {fn: myFn}
myObj.fn() // logs false
// In this case the context from where the function is called is myObj.
// Therefore, false is logged.
myObj.fn2 = function myFn(){
console.log(this === myObj)
myObj.fn2() // logs true
// In this case the context from where the function is called is myObj.
// Therefore, true is logged.
Event listener
Inside the function of an event handler this will refer to the DOM element which detected the event. See this question: Using this inside an event handler

