Displaying custom background images based on screen resolution - javascript

For a site, I need to be able to dynamically display background images depending on the user's screen resolution.
I.e when the page starts loading, within the <head> a small javascript loads, which sets the page's background via css to something like http://example.com/backgrounds/beach_800x600 where 800 and 600 is the screen resolution determined via the javascript.
I'm creating various resized images for the most common screen resolutions, so that for most people there will be an exact match of their screen resolution with an existing image. If there's not an exact match made, e.g if a user has a screen resolution AxB for which there's no existing image, then an image will be created & resized to AxB on the fly, and will be served. From then on, anyone with the resolution AxB would be served that image.
The questions I have are:
1) Is this a safe method? I.e I don't want more than 50 custom sized images created for custom screen resolutions. Would I be able to stay in that ball park with this method? And are there any other security risks I should be aware of with this method?
2) Should I give it an error margin of say 50 or 100 pixels, so if someone's resolution is 700x900, and I don't have that but I have 600x800 or I have 800x1000, then I would serve those existing images rather than create new ones? If so, should I set the margin at 100 pixels or is there a better number?

Through the use of CSS3 Media Queries and the background-size property, there's virtually no need for JS other than for compatibility purposes with out-dated browsers.
Here's a link with details about background-size. This property allows you to scale the image in various ways, regardless of the users resolution. Sometimes this might not be ideal.
And so we have CSS3 Media Queries. With these, you can target certain resolutions (or greater than and less than certain resolutions) and tell the browser which image you would like to show accordingly (or even how to display it, with or without background-size as well).

You would probably not want to create an image for each screen resolution, and you would probably want to base it off the browser window size - not screen resolution. Given that a window could be virtually any size, you might want to re-think this.
Also this can be done easily using CSS3 media selectors, not JavaScript (though it could also be done using JavaScript).
See here for some info about media queries http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/css3-media-queries


Browser detect actual image size needed

When using the picture tag with srcset, I can define different image sources for different viewport widths.
What I want however, is to define different images sources for the actual space (width-based) the image occupies after the browser has rendered the page.
For example:
Viewport width is 1920px Website uses container size of 1200px
Container is split into two columns of 600px each
Column 2 contains an image with 100% width - which will result in a width of 600px
The srcset for the image supplies 400x300px, 800x600px and 1200x900px
The browser should now automatically know to pick 800x600px
As long as it's clear that the image will always be in that spot, I could use srcset based on the viewport width.
Unfortunately, my site design is so, that content editors can freely add columns/rows and even nest them. Also at some point columns collapse and become always full-width. So when rendering the HTML, I cannot predict how much of the viewport width an image will get.
Therfor I would love to have the browser check how much pixels the image actually has when it's rendered to the user - and choose the appropiate image.
I have searched quite a bit, but couldn't find anything about that.
Is that even possible?
Or is the only solution a Javascript one?
No, sadly this is not possible yet. There has been much talk about element queries, basically media queries that apply to the element's size, instead of the windows size. But they are apparently really complicated to integrate. There is also no syntax for it yet. The classic problem that is often brought up (in pseudo-syntax), is something like this:
.child {
width: 500px;
.container:min-width(450px) > .child {
width: 400px;
so we set .child to 500px width, BUT then we say if the child's parent is more than 450px, the .child should have a width of 400px, thus .container would be less than 450px again, and .child is set again to 500px and so on and on. This causes what is called a "circularity problem".
There are also other problems, such as with dynamic layouts and the browser not really knowing how much space an element will take up beforehand. This could lead to huge performance issues, as the browser would simply have to calculate too much.
There are however JS libraries that try to implement this (e.g. EQCSS, CSS-Element-Queries or EQJS), but for your case a selfmade JS would probably be better. I'd recommend checking out how those libraries handle it though.
More info:
JS Libraries:

responsive HTML images using width and height values in image tag

Currently my website is setup where the full image that is in it is loaded then automatically sized to fit the screen. This is done by setting image width to 100% in CSS. While it does work nicely, It doesn't seem to follow standards because I don't specify width and height in the image tag itself.
My idea now is to create multiple versions of the same webpage, where the only difference is the size of the image. Each image would have its own filename (like image1small.jpg, image1medium.jpg etc).
The problem is most people want to see the bigger picture right away but this doesn't go well with people with small screens since they have to scroll horizontally to see the whole thing.
I was thinking putting javascript at the top that redirects users who don't meet screen criteria to the page with the better sized image. Something like this:
if (screen.width < nnn){window.location.href="smallerpicture.htm";}
<p>some random text</p>
<img src="image.jpg" width=nnn height=yyy>
The thing is a page redirect will occur for people who do not meet the screen resolution requirements for the page. I'm not sure if this can qualify as a sneaky redirect to google.
Is this a good practice to use the code like I showed above to redirect users with incompatible screen size to the correct page? or should I take a different approach to display the correct sized image to the user?
And regardless of the answer anyone gives, I feel I need to specify the width and height attribute for the image tag and I want to stick to the HTML 4.01 strict standard so that the page will work for everyone.
The first draft of the HTML 5 standard was designed to work for everyone - it basically documented "what browsers actually do", rather than what browsers were supposed to do.
The rationale behind specifying the width and height attributes is that it reserves the space on the page even before the image loads, preventing the need to re-flow the content when the image loads.
Choosing to specify the attributes, but then redirecting the page, will cause a worse re-render than using the % width without the attributes. So I think your concern is unfounded as your medicine is worse than the illness.
The desire to server different image sizes is one of the use cases for responsive images, so you can take a look at that as an option rather than reloading the page. There are several fallbacks that give you wide-ranging browser support.

Way to show and hide content on different screens in HTML

The short question:
I have a simple monitor and a projector, both should show the same browser window with the same page loaded, but with some different content for each of them. Is there any way to achive this with css or js (or maybe with a specific browser extension)?
Longer explanation:
I want to build a little presentation plugin with js and css, and the biggest presentation programs all have a timer on the screen, but not on the projector. This feature is something I want to realise. Notes or something like that could also be added, but all that requires different content on different screens/projectors, so I need a solution for that. For this even a browser extension would be useful because I only want the plugin for myself.
So, do you have any suggestions?
You can specify different media. Like this:
#media projection{
//projection css
#media screen{
//screen css
Then, obviously, the projection ones will apply to projection media, like slides, projectors, etc, and the screen stuff will only apply to a computer screen. Now, you may want to toy around with the projection css, as I've never actually tested it. But you could easily get away with just using the screen stuff to set certain stuff to display:block;, while it is display:none; otherwise.
I guess you can use media queries for that in CSS3.
See thinkvitamin.com for example, resize your window and see how it is arranging the UI according to the screen size.
You can also hide or show divs at a particular screen resolution, but I think that this will work only in CSS3.

Simulate ctrl+/- by code

When you surf with your browser, you can increase or decrease the font dimension by pressing CTRL + + or CTRL + -.
Is there a way to simulate this operation by code (like javascript)?
I have to put a couple of button on my site to increase or decrease the size but to make it, I have to change dynamically a lot of font-size properties (BODY, INPUT, OPTIONS etc...)
Don't do this. Browser zoom is a feature that:
may or may not be present in a browser,
is implemented in different ways through browsers,
only exists as a last-resort plumbing for bad websites.
a couple of button on my site to increase or decrease the size but to make it, I have to change dinamically a lot of font-size properties
What you really want to do is:
Scale your fonts in relative units (like em or %) everywhere,
Change document.body.style.fontSize to modify your base size (which other elements will
use as their base size).
Specify the body's font size in relative units too - In this way you can also respect the user's system settings (which every decent website should do).
There's plenty of resources on CSS font scaling around. Here's one:

Laptop settings resizing web page pushing divs 'off' the page - is there a way around this via code?

My boss is running a laptop which has a setting which is resizing font sizes and making them larger by about a third. This is fine but we have a java app running on the site and the div tags are being pushed off of the page because of the increase in font size. Is there a way to stop font being resized, via code?
Thanks, R.
Depends on the browser, but most use zooming now: see this article: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2009/01/the-two-types-of-browser-zoom.html
I do not think you can stop this, nor should you. What about people who need to larger font size.
It sounds like the problem is in your DIVs, not in your fonts. Unless your text contains huge strings with no "breaking" characters in them, a DIV should merely set itself to its parent's width as default behavior.

