Simulate ctrl+/- by code - javascript

When you surf with your browser, you can increase or decrease the font dimension by pressing CTRL + + or CTRL + -.
Is there a way to simulate this operation by code (like javascript)?
I have to put a couple of button on my site to increase or decrease the size but to make it, I have to change dynamically a lot of font-size properties (BODY, INPUT, OPTIONS etc...)

Don't do this. Browser zoom is a feature that:
may or may not be present in a browser,
is implemented in different ways through browsers,
only exists as a last-resort plumbing for bad websites.
a couple of button on my site to increase or decrease the size but to make it, I have to change dinamically a lot of font-size properties
What you really want to do is:
Scale your fonts in relative units (like em or %) everywhere,
Change to modify your base size (which other elements will
use as their base size).
Specify the body's font size in relative units too - In this way you can also respect the user's system settings (which every decent website should do).
There's plenty of resources on CSS font scaling around. Here's one:


Create HTML and CSS for WPF WebBrowser

OK, so I'm building an application similar to the Battle.Net's launcher :) Tabs for multiple applications and I would have liked to add a "dynamic content area" where I could post news and stuff. Therefore I placed a WebBrowser there, set a width and a height and proceeded to create a static HTML file.
I am aware that WPF's measure unit is is not the pixel. Therefore, when creating the CSS for the HTML, I multiplied the WebBrowser's dimensions by 1.33 and used that for my HTML's body width and height. And it looked good on my work monitor. When I got home, surprise! Apparently my monitor works at a higher DPI value, therefore the image I had there was larger than the browser window, the text was way too big, etc. I did try switching to EM as a unit, but still no luck.
So, how can I create a webpage that will fit all kinds of DPI settings? Seeing as I can't really get the monitor DPI values (not reliably, as far as I have been able to read). Is it possible?
The other possibility that I have considered is to create a placeholder for an image and some text (WPF controls that is) and populate them from the server, but I may want to change the layout at some point, etc, therefore this doesn't really help me too much in the long run.

Displaying custom background images based on screen resolution

For a site, I need to be able to dynamically display background images depending on the user's screen resolution.
I.e when the page starts loading, within the <head> a small javascript loads, which sets the page's background via css to something like where 800 and 600 is the screen resolution determined via the javascript.
I'm creating various resized images for the most common screen resolutions, so that for most people there will be an exact match of their screen resolution with an existing image. If there's not an exact match made, e.g if a user has a screen resolution AxB for which there's no existing image, then an image will be created & resized to AxB on the fly, and will be served. From then on, anyone with the resolution AxB would be served that image.
The questions I have are:
1) Is this a safe method? I.e I don't want more than 50 custom sized images created for custom screen resolutions. Would I be able to stay in that ball park with this method? And are there any other security risks I should be aware of with this method?
2) Should I give it an error margin of say 50 or 100 pixels, so if someone's resolution is 700x900, and I don't have that but I have 600x800 or I have 800x1000, then I would serve those existing images rather than create new ones? If so, should I set the margin at 100 pixels or is there a better number?
Through the use of CSS3 Media Queries and the background-size property, there's virtually no need for JS other than for compatibility purposes with out-dated browsers.
Here's a link with details about background-size. This property allows you to scale the image in various ways, regardless of the users resolution. Sometimes this might not be ideal.
And so we have CSS3 Media Queries. With these, you can target certain resolutions (or greater than and less than certain resolutions) and tell the browser which image you would like to show accordingly (or even how to display it, with or without background-size as well).
You would probably not want to create an image for each screen resolution, and you would probably want to base it off the browser window size - not screen resolution. Given that a window could be virtually any size, you might want to re-think this.
Also this can be done easily using CSS3 media selectors, not JavaScript (though it could also be done using JavaScript).
See here for some info about media queries

Crocodoc document font size is too small on mobile

I'm trying to use Crocodoc to view documents on my site. The documents look good on desktop but their scaling algorithm is too severe leading to the font-size being too small on mobile. As an example, see this link and re-size the browser or check on your phone:
update to include permanent link since session links expire after an hour:
The font-size goes from ~10em to ~3em as you shrink from ~960px width to ~320px width. 3em is too small to view on any device without zooming in which is annoying because then the document doesn't fit on the screen.
I'm not seeing a simple fix and am wondering if anyone hacked around with Crocodoc to know how to deal with this UX issue?
I think there is a slight misunderstanding here. Crocodoc does not scale text based on the size of the display. Rather, when a document is first viewed an effort is made to scale the entire page/document to optimally appear on the screen. Crocodoc documents are meant to be pixel-perfect renderings of the original document, rather than reflowed text like you would see with an e-reader. When you zoom in and out the scale of the entire document will change accordingly, just as it would in Preview, etc. Does that clear things up?
By the way, your link will no longer work since document viewing sessions expire after 1 hour.

'zoomed in' options for mobile browser

I have a legacy web application that was written long before there were even mobile browsers, never mind responsive design. As such, everything is static.
I can't modify all aspects of the site's pages. For example, I cannot change that the main container is set to 900px with auto margins. But through other server-side output classes, I can modify bits here and there. For example, one class builds a <div> element with other nested markup, and I can add inline styles and attributes to any of this markup. I can also modify the header include to a certain degree. So what I'm wondering about options:
Right now, the whole page fits in the mobile viewport, making text tiny. Can I instead zoom in for mobile? I don't mind if you can't see all the content but at least fonts are at a readable size. Is there some CSS or a meta tag that I can use to zoom by default? (desktop browsers must remain the same as they have always been, though)
If I have an iframe within a page that is, say, 320px wide, is there a way that will allow me to automagically focus of that iframe on page load so that it fills the width of my mobile viewport?
plain JavaScript is an option (no external libraries like jQuery); if this can't be done with a tag or with styles, is there a JavaScript method I could employ?
I apologize for lack of sample code... I've certainly tried a few different things with CSS properties, but no matter what I'm always viewing the zoomed out full-page version.
To make sure your fonts are readable you could use a font-size per percentages instead of pixels if thats what you are using.
View this article about adaptive design for mobile if this helps :

Laptop settings resizing web page pushing divs 'off' the page - is there a way around this via code?

My boss is running a laptop which has a setting which is resizing font sizes and making them larger by about a third. This is fine but we have a java app running on the site and the div tags are being pushed off of the page because of the increase in font size. Is there a way to stop font being resized, via code?
Thanks, R.
Depends on the browser, but most use zooming now: see this article:
I do not think you can stop this, nor should you. What about people who need to larger font size.
It sounds like the problem is in your DIVs, not in your fonts. Unless your text contains huge strings with no "breaking" characters in them, a DIV should merely set itself to its parent's width as default behavior.

