Load a page fragment into a Twitter bootstrap Modal - javascript

Is it possible to load a page fragment using Twitter bootstrap's modal components? I want to load a page into the modal, but I only want a section of it. For example, I want the form on the page without the wrapping navigation. I've done this type of thing before using jquery tools overlays and jquery's .load function. But the modal stuff doesn't allow for this type of information to be passed in.
Here is some example text I'm working with:
<a tabindex="-1"
<div id="modal" class="modal hide fade in" style="display:none;">
<div class="modal-header">header<a class="close" data-dismiss="modal">x</a></div>
<div class="modal-body"></div>
<div class="model-footer">footer</div>
$(document).ready(function() {
The 'metadata.html' page is a full html document. The contents of this page get loaded into the '.modal-body' element as expected. But the nothing displays...
If I switch the 'metadata.html' page for a page that contains only a 'div' contents, the modal displays.
Does anyone have any idea why this would happen?

You can do it manually:
$(document).ready(function() {
success: function(response){
//do what ever you want here to extract the part you want

bootstrap uses the jquery load method which allows a URL and a fragment selector to be specified:
The .load() method, unlike $.get(), allows us to specify a portion of
the remote document to be inserted. This is achieved with a special
syntax for the url parameter. If one or more space characters are
included in the string, the portion of the string following the first
space is assumed to be a jQuery selector that determines the content
to be loaded.
So in my case (adding a musician) i could use a normal link tag like this:
</i> Add
Which extracts the form element from the container div and shows it in the newItemModal modal. This approach allows me to re-use the modal for other items

Declaring the fragment id using data-remote worked for me:
<a href="remote.html" data-remote="remote.html #fragment" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal">


Jquery .load() only parent and ignore children

So, I am trying to load picture from another page using Jquery .load(), now the element I am trying to load has multiple children element which also load on current page, now obviously I could hide those divs but first I want to know if there's way to only grab parent div and leave out children.
I have tried using parent() method but since .load() works differently, it didn't work as intended. (Unless I missed something)
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image');
Here's HTML code from the other page
<div class="heading-image" style="background-image:url(imagelinkhere.png)">
<div class="heading-image_cover">
<div class="left">
<div class="heading-image title">Heading Title</div>
<div class="heading-image desc">I am a desc</div>
<div class="right">
<div class="heading-image stat">Stat text</div>
That's the code I am using right now, but .heading-image has multiple child elements as mentioned above.
To sum up, I need to load only parent element and ignore all child elements of the div mentioned above without having to load those children on current page and hide them (If possible)
From what I understand, your goal seems to be to copy the empty div to a new page, while maintaining the background image associated with the <div> tag.
The simplest approach would be to add to a stylesheet in which both of the pages can reach. For example:
$('#myNewDiv').html("<div class="heading-image"></div>");
Then in the head of both HTML documents, have <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> to point towards the correct stylesheet for both pages.
If you just want the empty <div class="heading-image"></div> you could use the load() complete callback to empty it:
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image', function(){
// new html exists in page now, 'this' is #myNewDiv element
If there are resources inside that element like images, videos etc that you don't want to load in page you could also parse the :
var $hImage = $(html).find('.heading-image').empty();
With all that said I don't see why you need to extract an empty element from another page and can't just do:
$('#myNewDiv').html('<div class="heading-image"></div>')

How to show Pop when load new page

I am using following page to redirect the next page when success current page.
How to show the pop up when load the new page and click the ok pbutton it will move to next page.
How to achieve this?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () { //or $(window).load(function(){
<div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
<h1>Reveal Modal Goodness</h1>
<p>This is a default modal in all its glory, but any of the styles here can easily be changed in the CSS.</p>
<inputbutton name=ok value="www.mpage.com" />
Don't pass anything into the reveal method. Reveal method for Zurb Reveal (which it looks like that's what you're using) accepts only options specified here: http://zurb.com/playground/reveal-modal-plugin
Assuming that you have your myModal on your page and you're loading the reveal plugin before your script there, it should work.

Is it possible to use a DIV instead of an iFrame so that content looks like in the same page?

I have a web page, I need part of the content separated to an individual page, but not use iframe. Just like to know if it is possible use div instead of iframe and works as it in the same page(With js base code or php code is cool).
I'd need the whole content of <div class="row-fluid">..</div> to be an individual html, but not use iframe, I will need a div instead of iframe, and make it works like just as in one page.
With PHP you can include a page inside your code inside a specific division.
for example inside index.php:
<?php include('page2.php'); ?>
and inside page2.php you have:
<span>Hello World</span>
The result would be:
<span>Hello World</span>
If what you want to achieve needs to be in the front-end as the user navigates through your site; that is after a click is made to an element and you don't want to change to another page, then AJAX is your option. this example is with Jquery:
<span class="clickme">Get Page 2</span>
<div id="insert_div">
<!-- Page 2 will be inserted here -->
Another solution is Jquery load() as many have posted:
You can use the jQuery load() method to load the content when the corresponding link is clicked. you can also use this without event clicked with animation.

Modal Window / foundation.reveal.js and passing a variable

Task Overview
I'm using the Code Igniter Framework to build a small client management system.
Part of the functionality would be to delete records from the database, before deleting I need to check with the user their okay to delete that record as a precaution. I'd like to do this via a modal window.
Frameworks I'm using
CodeIgniter MVC Framework (PHP, MYSQL)
Foundation HTML/CSS Boilerplate
Foundation's Javascript Libraries (In particular reveal.js)
What I would like to achieve
I'd like to have the user click on the delete link:
As you can see, the href tag is currently saying, go to the delete_domain function in the main class, and it's passing in the clients ID into the URL, this is used of course on the otherside of the application to delete the record that matches that ID.
Further on in the tag we have:
This refers to the same [id=deletemodal] found in the modal window div that has to reside at the bottom of the page just before the closing body tag.
This is the DIV for the Modal window that resides at the bottom of the page?
<div id="deleteModal" class="reveal-modal small">
<h2>Are you sure you want to DELETE?</h2>
<p class="lead">Random Text</p>
<a href="" ></a>
<a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
The Issue
I'm not really sure if or how it will work, because at the moment the delete link is inside a table row, each one of these rows is generated by a foreach function, so they're multiple of these inside the DOM each with a different /$clientID value.
If I could I'd like to pass that value to a modal window, then of course to the option to finally delete the row.
Can anyone help?
You can grab the data you want from the pressed button and throw it in the modal. There are probably a few ways to do it; here's one of them: http://jsfiddle.net/b37s3/
<div id="deleteModal" class="reveal-modal">
<h2>Are you sure you want to DELETE?</h2>
<p class="lead">Random Text</p>
<a class="deleteUrl" href="#"></a>
<a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
and js:
var link = $('.deleteUrl');
$(link).attr('href', this.href);
This will throw the href from the Delete button pressed into the modals' a href and as the links text.

Twitter Bootstrap: console js error while rendering Modals with remote options

I have a problem with Modals and remote option: if i provide a remote href for loading the content of modal popup from that url, when modal window appear I get this error in console:
"Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: /my/url" (jquery.min.js row2)
anybody with the same problem and/or solution?
I have the same problem with bootstrap 3.
It works nice with an inline load (href="#id") but same error when trying to load remote content, either via href="remote/url" or data-target="remote/url"
I've found the correct way to do it.
Bootsrap allways need a modal container, to inject the ajax loaded content in it.
Thus, you need to give to your link both attribute: the remote target and the div to show.
Here is the simplest way:
<!-- The modal trigger link -->
<a data-toggle="modal" href="http://your/link" data-target="#my-modal" >modal link</a>
<!-- Invisible modal to render content -->
<div class="modal fade popin" id="my-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"></div>
I had the same problem. The solution is to use data-href attribute instead of href:
<a data-toggle="modal" data-href="http://your/link" data-target="#my-modal" >modal link</a>
As href value, Bootstrap modal expects valid selector.

