How Do I Add Fade Out Images To My Django Page? - javascript

I am a little new to Django, currently working on a intranet webpage and im trying to add fade out images to add beauty to my design. pls can anyone help me a solution to that?
I also would need help on dynamic images.
Thanks in advance.

You can achieve that using Javascript. Easier would be to use jQuery fadeout api.


Scroll (Page) transition effect

I'm currently working on a redesign of a site and I found this page transition really interesting and I want to replicate it, but I couldn't find any Jquery library that does this effect.
Can someone tell me how to imitate this? or does anyone knows the library?
you can google it for jQuery library.
may this link help you

How to make a Content Slider like this structure

Is this structure reasonable to achieve?
By lining up li elements and hiding the content that exceed the parent div?
Sorry for my poor English, I hope my figure can make you understand what I' m trying to say...
Hey I'm looking for fast, lightweight javascript slider.
A lightweight Javascript plugin. I'm using this for my project now
jQuery lightSlider
I've never use this, but looks awesome with thumbnail.

Jquery or javascript: dragging an image to a certain position to change pages

im making a one page layout of a website, i would like to ask if it is possible to use a draggable image to a certain position to change pages?
im not that good with jquery and js so please bear with me.
check this:
if this like you want... it's a parallax. so you can try to find a tutorial to do this.
best regards,

Adding thumbnails to basic jQuery slider

I have used the Basic jQuery slider which can be found at and it works in my site. I am pretty new to jQuery but understand HTML and CSS pretty well. I was just wondering, is there a way to make it so rather than the numbers underneath the images, it comes up with thumbnails of the images above it?
My code is pretty much exactly the same as the code given but altered to my own website.
I'm bad at explaining things but I hope I've explained myself properly at hope somebody can help!
You could just use an image tag and add the images between each anchor tag where the site you linked has 1,2,3.

slide show with css and javascript

hi every one just i want to make imsge slide show with help of css,javascript or jquery like
this is in flash but i want it the image come dynamically from database in php.
can any one help me please .
There is a nice jquery plugin that might be interesting for you:
And an example how to add slides dynamically (found in the 'even more demos' section):
try this
This can help you
If you are using jQuery I would recommend jQuery cycle. It's very extensible and should be able to do what you want it to do.
Perhaps have a look at
I've made a couple of slide shows on the site, in both Flash and jQuery. They look great!
If you need help getting the slide show onto your site the help section has some really handy tutorials.

