Place string on page - javascript

I am using window.opener to pass a string value from a child window to a parent window as so-
function reply_click(clicked_id)
window.close ();
Where the cliced_id is the string I am passing back.
However I want to pass this back to a hidden input on the main page so I can use it again. The problem being is that I cannot specify where to put the string value on the main page and instead it just loads the string value in a new page without any of the original content.
Is it possible to pass back the string and keep the original HTML content?

Yes, if you have a an element on the original page with an id , you can reference that using getElementById and set the innerHTML:
eg, with an empty div on the page:
<div id="myDiv"></div>
You could use this code
function reply_click(clicked_id)
window.opener.document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = clicked_id;

Yes, window.opener is a complete window reference.
You could call window.opener.myCallback(clicked_id) or window.opener.clickedId = clicked_id

hi why dont you store your values in html5 storage objects such as sessionStorage/localStorage, visit Html5 Storage Doc to get more details. using this you can store intermediate values temporaryly/permanently locally and then access your values
for storing values for a session
sessionStorage.setItem('value', 'label')
or store values permanently using
localStorage.setItem('value', 'label')
So you can store (temporarily) form data between multiple pages using html5 storage objects


how to send variable value from one page to another

I am trying to send an information from one page to another through javascript file
the information will only contain a value of single variable.
how to accomplish this?I dont want to send it through query string as the value will be visible in the URL.
is there any other way?
You could save your data in LocalStorage and retrieve it on the other page.
localStorage.yourData = '{ test:"data" }';
You have a few options to do that.
Depending on what browser is used, using localStorage is an option
//localStorage ONLY stores flat key:value pairs and can't contain Objects
localStorage.myString = "hello world";
localStorage.myObject = JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" });
//Reading back the values is simple aswell
var myString = localStorage.myString;
var myObject = JSON.parse(localStorage.myObject);
Another method would be using a hash or query string. For example, you could redirect to
And then parse that by reading the search value from (Will return ?myValue=1234 in that case) and splitting it on =:
var myValue ="=")[1];
Another option is using hashes, similar to query params. Or even cookies.
BUT, all these methods will expose the value to the user, so if he wants to get that value, he will be able to!
At first, as other answers, use localStorage or sessionStorage to store global data.
Otherwise, you can add an event listener to detect the change of the storage value in your target page as follow:
window.addEventListener('storage', (e) => console.log(e.key, e.oldValue, e.newValue))

What does 'data()' do in '$("#myWidget").data(`ejTE`)'

This works:
var editor = $("#htmlEditor").data('ejRTE');
The question is what does .data('ejRTE') do?
It retrieves the widget which is part of this html:
<textarea id="htmlEditor" value.bind="entity.content"
style="height: 220px"></textarea>
How do I retrieve it without jQuery. Store arbitrary data associated with the specified element and/or
return the value that was set.
So basically the widget stores some data in the element htmlEditor indexed ejRTE, I bet it is a custom object used by this tool.
var editor = $("#htmlEditor").data('ejRTE');
then editor will hold the object stored by the widget for this element
If you set data like this $(#myWidget).data('foo', 'myFoo') then jQuery will create an object called 'jQuery224059863907884721222' on myWidget which it uses to store the value.
I am guessing that the number is an arbitrary datetime value.
I stepped through the jQuery code, and it's not practical to replace it. I thought it might be just a line or two of code.

Passing values from a page to another page in HTML mobile app

I've made users to enter some values in a html page:
Here is the code:
$(function() {
function() {
var url = "notes.html?acne="
+ encodeURIComponent($("#acne").val())
+ "&back="
+ encodeURIComponent($("#bloat").val());
window.location.href = url;
And I've added an alert like this:
alert("values passed");
But I'm not sure that this is working. I've got some 10 values to pass to another page. Above code contains only two values. Can I use arrays to pass all 10 values? I don't want to use nomenclature used in my code, i.e., individual value passing.
P.S: acne and bloat are the ids of the fields where user enters the data. notes.html is the page where I want to pass the data.
In my opinion you can use sessionStorage in HTML5
For setting a value
sessionStorage.setItem('name', 'value');
For getting the value:
if you want to store the value permanently use localStorage.
Since you have almost 10 values push all those values in a JSON and store it either in sessionStorage/localStorage.
You can retrieve it else where and use as per your wish
Note:values stored will be in the form of string even if you push it as JSON.You will have to make it to JSON using Jquery functions
You can store it as
But this will be only valid till the window lasts/tab closed(same as sessionStorage)

Is it possible to store a JSON object directly into the DOM somehow?

If one has the output of a JSON.parse readily at hand, is there some legitimate way of storing that object in the DOM as a single entity?
jsonObject = JSON.parse(something);
I'd like to consider storing the jsonObject in the DOM as a (child || textNode || ???) of some element and later retrieving it so that immediately after retrieval I could access its contents via the usual:
I want to avoid adding dozens of dataset attributes and later being forced to extract them one at a time. That's too much work and seems too inefficient if you have dozens of key:value pairs.
Data attributes have to be strings, you can't store objects in them directly. So don't parse the JSON string, just store the JSON string directly in the dataset attribute.
If you use jQuery, its .data() method will take an object, and it will automatically stringify it as needed.
If the elements you want to associate the object with all have IDs, another option is to use a global object as a table, keyed off the element's ID.
jsonTable[id] = jsonObject;
It depends on the life cycle of your page. If you don't intend to reload the page it's better to just leave it as a JavaScript variable on the page.
You can also consider storing the raw JSON in a hidden filed or some other hidden DOM element. Keep in mind though that hidden fields will be posted to the server if you do a post of the page
TGH has the right answer. Leave it as a variable.
An alternative is to use history.pushState() to store it along with the URL to your page. This is helpful if you ever want the user to be able to click the back button and have the json restored to the value it had for that page.
If you want to store a data (JSON) associated with DOM element.
You could use jQuery data function.
e.g., store a JSON to a restaurant row (div)
$("").data("info",{purchases: "blablabla", mealFormulas: "xxxxx"});
e.g., fetch DOM associatd data
$("").data("info").purchases; //blablabla
I'm not sure if this is what you want.
Hope this is helpful for you.

pass multidimensional javascript array to another page

I have a multidimensional array that is something like this
(I hope that makes sense)
where [1] and [4] are themselves arrays which I could access INFO like myArray[4][5].
The length of the nested arrays ([1] and [4]) can varry.
I use this method to store, calculate, and distribute data across a pretty complicated form.
Not all the data thats storred in the array makes it to an input field so its not all sent to the next page when the form's post method is called.
I would like to access the array the same way on the next page as I do on the first.
Method 1:
I figure I could load all the data into hidden fields, post everything, then get those values on the second page and load themm all back into an array but that would require over a hundred hidden fields.
Method 2:
I suppose I could also use .join() to concatenate the whole array into one string, load that into one input, post it , and use .split(",") to break it back up. But If I do that im not sure how to handel the multidimensional asspect of it so that I still would be able to access INFO like myArray[4][5] on page 2.
I will be accessing the arrary with Javascript, the values that DO make it to inputs on page 1 will be accessed using php on page 2.
My question is is there a better way to acomplish what I need or how can I set up the Method 2 metioned above?
This solved my problem:
var str = JSON.stringify(fullInfoArray);
sessionStorage.fullInfoArray = str;
var newArr = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.fullInfoArray);
If possible, you can use sessionStorage to store the string representation of your objects using JSON.stringify():
// store value
sessionStorage.setItem('myvalue', JSON.stringify(myObject));
// retrieve value
var myObject = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('myvalue'));
Note that sessionStorage has an upper limit to how much can be stored; I believe it's about 2.5MB, so you shouldn't hit it easily.
Keep the data in your PHP Session and whenever you submit forms update the data in session.
Every page you generate can be generated using this data.
If uou are using a modern browser, make use of HTML5 localStorage.
You can do continue with what you are doing :)

