javascript .click() event not firing on server - javascript

I have the following code which is working fine on the development machine. But, when I deploy it to IIS, the .click() does not fire.
I have drop down box, when a status is selected, I add the following code to open up a RadWindow
if (ddlStatusID.SelectedValue.ToString() == "2")
btnUpdateStatus.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow2('" +
ResolveUrl("~/Request/AddBillableTime.aspx? RequestId=" + RequestId.ToString()) +
btnUpdateStatus.Attributes.Add("onclick", "");
In the popup page, when the user clicks on a button I add do the following
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CloseWindow",
"ClosePopup();", true);
This is the ClosePopup javascript.
function ClosePopup() {
alert('This is before closing the window');
var oWindow = GetRadWindow();
oWindow.argument = null;
alert('This is after closing the window');
In the main window, I have following javascript, which is invoked in the last line of the above javascript.
function ButtonClick() {
alert('This is before button click!');
var btnUpdateStatus =
alert('This is getting the button!');
btnUpdateStatus.setAttribute("onclick", "");
alert('This is setting the button!');;
alert('This is after clicking the button!');
I have used the alerts to check how far the javascript function is executed.
The entire functionality is working fine when I run it using Visual Studio and also when I host it in my local IIS server. But, when I deploy it to the server, the click() event stops firing.
Please let me know if there is anything wrong in the code.

I didn't had time to look into this issue for some as I was assigned to a new task. But had to fix it once I was back in the same task. I got some help from a friend of mine to fix the issue. I had to change the current logic a bit and have explained the solution below.
I changed the ButtonClick function as below to create a manual post back to the page using the __doPostBack function.
function ButtonClick() {
__doPostBack('btnUpdatePage', '');
I handled the post back from the Page_Load method of the page.
if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"] == "btnUpdatePage")
If the post back event target matches the assigned event target from the __doPostBack method, then I called a method to update the status.
This way I could avoid the issue. But I do not know why the event was not fired using the old ButtonClick function.

If the code works fine on your PC, the only thing that looks fishy to me are these 2 lines:
1. document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnUpdateStatus');
2. btnUpdateStatus.setAttribute("onclick", "");
For the first line , you should be doing this, instead:
And for the second line, it seems that you are setting the onclick handler to "" which basically shouldn't do anything.
It may not be the problem at all. The best thing to do is debug it with Firebug, putting a breakpoint in the appropriate Javascript functions that are being called.


Run javascript on website after refreshing

What I would like to achieve is this:
refresh website
run my javascript script on it (just as if I put it in Chrome console).
Question is: how to achieve it?
I can also use PHP for this (set server on my computer that wil be redirecting to the desired website and execute my javascript program on it).
Some example of functionality I want to achieve:
Go to -> click StackExchange (you can see it in the top left corner, it can be accessed by a querySelector() in JS) -> refresh -> click StackExchange again -> repeat...
If you want to refresh the page behind a DOM element click, you can attach an event handler to the element and then in your event handler execute location.reload() to reload the page.
//When the document has loaded, call the function
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
if(window.location.hash == "#page"){
console.log("Page reloaded!");
console.log("Page has a new hit!");
You can use DOMContentLoaded event listener to solve your problem.
You can do something like this -
var value = localStorage.getItem("logdata");
if(value != null) {
And try to add logdata to localStorage from console.
Example - localStorage.setItem("logdata", "var logdata = function(e) { console.log('data logged.'); }");
Now when you load the page, logdata function will be called and you can have your code executed.

Prevent back button from going back to previous page for an ID

Using the following function to prevent users from going back to previous page if the page they are on currently has the id #home. But this function doesn't even fire off. No alerts. Nothing wrong with the link to script file as I have other scripts running fine on that file.
document.addEventListener("backbutton", function (e) {
alert("Back button pressed");
var activePage = $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("getActivePage");
var activePageId = activePage[0].id;
if (activePageId == 'home') {
}, false);
Unless you have created a custom event there is no onbackbutton event I know of. You are after onbeforeunload
Clients don't like it when you block navigation. You should consider other solutions to you problem rather than block navigation. Sure as .... the next thing the client will do is close the tab and a good chance you will never see a session with that client again.

Disable IE back Button

I have a application where i have disabled the back button of IE8 by using the following code.
function noBack() {
I know this code takes the page back and again moves the page forward. i have called a function onload of the page which makes a textbox read only. i have used the following code to make it read only.
but if i select the textbox and try to edit by pressing "BackSpace" button, IE back button is getting invoked and the textbox which was readonly is not readonly anymore. Can anyone help me how to solve this issue?
The answer is simply "NO"
If you're trying to prevent the user from losing their work, try something like:
window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Are you sure want to leave this page?."; };
function changeHashOnLoad() {
window.location.href += "#";
setTimeout("changeHashAgain()", "50");
function changeHashAgain() {
window.location.href += "1";
var storedHash = window.location.hash;
window.setInterval(function () {
if (window.location.hash != storedHash) {
window.location.hash = storedHash;
}, 50);
You add the above javascript functions in the js file and onload call the function changeHashOnLoad().
its working fine in IE8. i just tested it.
I dont know what your page is trying to do... but this is what we do:
We have an assessment where we do not want the browser buttons enabled... because we run ajax/logic when the user hits next/back etc (to determine what to display next based on their inputs). Back and forward buttons can muddy that process up.
So..... we have users open our assessments in A NEW WINDOW so the back button is already disabled...(there is no prior history in a new window). Then, Our next/back buttons use window.location.replace(url); This will prevent a history item from being created. Therefore, the back/forward buttons are never enabled and they must use the next/prev buttons to navigate our tool.
I would not try to muck with the buttons outside of something like the example I provided.

Could someone point out the error in my jQuery?

I'm making a script to open all links on a page when I click a button in my toolbar. What exactly is wrong with the following code?
function performCommand(event) {
if (event.command == "open-tests") {
$('a').each(function(index, elem) {$(elem).attr('href'));
As far as getting to the function, it does this fine, as if I comment out the if statement and put in a simple alert, it will work as expected. However the above code does not work.
There is no standard command property of the event object provided by jQuery.
Why do you think there is one?
Did you disable your PopUp Manager or are you using any other kind of adblocker / secure plugin?
Despite that Safari refuses to when called in a callback
more to read:

'onbeforeunload' Fires Twice

I want to send an ajax request when a user leaves a page or closes the window.
Here is my code inside :
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendajax(){
url: "someurl",
data: mydata,
async : false
<script type="text/javascript">
When the event occurs the event fires twice.
Why does in happen?
I know I can prevent it by adding a variable var ajaxSent=true; but may be there is a cleaner way to do it?
I replaced the sendajax function content with some other code (without sending ajax) and found out that ajax is not the one causing the problem. It still enters the function twice.
Based on the code in your edit and comments, it looks like it could simply be caused by the broken link you are clicking to leave the page.
Given the following code:
function doSomething() { console.log('onbeforeunload fired'); }
window.onbeforeunload = doSomething;
link A
link B
If I click on link A, I get two console log entries, if I click on link B I only get one.
It looks like it could be a quirk of how the browsers handle their internal "This web page has not been found" pages, causing your page to be refreshed and closed again before showing the message, leaving you with two occurrences of the onbeforeunload event.
I had the same problem and it took a while to understand and resolve, sharing the case details:
There was a custom JS within our template that manipulated the menu.
It caused the unload to fire twice, only when clicking on the menu links, not on other links, and only in IE/EDGE.
We eventually stopped the propagation on these links and the problem was resolved.
$('.SELECTOR a[href^="http://"]').on('click', function(e){
It's a specific bug in your application, therefore you won't find too much information on google.
You could try the following code:
<script type="text/javascript"><br>
window.onbeforeunload=function sendajax(){<br>
url: "someurl",<br>
data: mydata,<br>
async : false<br>
or you can define sendajax() {} at some place and the use it like onbeforeunload = "sendajax()" not as onbeforeunload = "function () { sendajax() }"
beforeUnload is cancellable
I know this post is quite old but from the Chrome Pagelifecycle API documentation, browsers can occasionally partially unload pages to save resources. beforeUnload is not reliable to make sure that the page is closed. This especially happens on android devices when the screen is locked.
There is a jsfiddle that I found somebody wrote that you can test out Keep the screen locked for 5-10 minutes on Chrome android and you'll see that beforeUnload is fired without even closing the tab.
$(document).ready(function() {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', showLoader);
var showLoader = function() {
Agree with AlonMichaeli's concept.
In my application there was anchor tag wrapped with in a div together with couple of spans. When Anchor was clicked on a dirty page, there was couple of 'Leave site' notifications.
It worked fine if any other part of menuItem (div or spans) are clicked.
So in custom javascript method I've added stopped propagation and preventDefault only if anchor tag is clicked. Somehow in this case preventDefault is necessary.
function menuItemClicked(event: JQueryEventObject) {
var item = $(;
if (".anchor-item")) {
href = item.closest(".anchor-item").attr("href");
if (!event.ctrlKey && href) {
window.location.href = href;

