Could someone point out the error in my jQuery? - javascript

I'm making a script to open all links on a page when I click a button in my toolbar. What exactly is wrong with the following code?
function performCommand(event) {
if (event.command == "open-tests") {
$('a').each(function(index, elem) {$(elem).attr('href'));
As far as getting to the function, it does this fine, as if I comment out the if statement and put in a simple alert, it will work as expected. However the above code does not work.

There is no standard command property of the event object provided by jQuery.
Why do you think there is one?

Did you disable your PopUp Manager or are you using any other kind of adblocker / secure plugin?
Despite that Safari refuses to when called in a callback
more to read:


Function not being bind at page load

I am trying to avoid my page being refreshed after submitting my form. In order to do this I've added into my javascript section
$('form[name=new-user-form]').on('submit',function(event) {
alert("Not refreshing");
The function works properly as in order to debug it I pasted it on the Terminal from the Chrome's developer tools and it started working.
But for some reason I do not know it does not work it does not get loads at the beginning.
The previous function $("body").on('click')... work all fine.
Make sure your code runs after you've defined the HTML elements you want to attach your events to.
You can either do this by placing your script below the HTML bit you need.
Or you can wrap your code in an onready/load callback:
$(document).ready(function () {
/* code goes here */
}); javascript .click() event not firing on server

I have the following code which is working fine on the development machine. But, when I deploy it to IIS, the .click() does not fire.
I have drop down box, when a status is selected, I add the following code to open up a RadWindow
if (ddlStatusID.SelectedValue.ToString() == "2")
btnUpdateStatus.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow2('" +
ResolveUrl("~/Request/AddBillableTime.aspx? RequestId=" + RequestId.ToString()) +
btnUpdateStatus.Attributes.Add("onclick", "");
In the popup page, when the user clicks on a button I add do the following
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CloseWindow",
"ClosePopup();", true);
This is the ClosePopup javascript.
function ClosePopup() {
alert('This is before closing the window');
var oWindow = GetRadWindow();
oWindow.argument = null;
alert('This is after closing the window');
In the main window, I have following javascript, which is invoked in the last line of the above javascript.
function ButtonClick() {
alert('This is before button click!');
var btnUpdateStatus =
alert('This is getting the button!');
btnUpdateStatus.setAttribute("onclick", "");
alert('This is setting the button!');;
alert('This is after clicking the button!');
I have used the alerts to check how far the javascript function is executed.
The entire functionality is working fine when I run it using Visual Studio and also when I host it in my local IIS server. But, when I deploy it to the server, the click() event stops firing.
Please let me know if there is anything wrong in the code.
I didn't had time to look into this issue for some as I was assigned to a new task. But had to fix it once I was back in the same task. I got some help from a friend of mine to fix the issue. I had to change the current logic a bit and have explained the solution below.
I changed the ButtonClick function as below to create a manual post back to the page using the __doPostBack function.
function ButtonClick() {
__doPostBack('btnUpdatePage', '');
I handled the post back from the Page_Load method of the page.
if (Request["__EVENTTARGET"] == "btnUpdatePage")
If the post back event target matches the assigned event target from the __doPostBack method, then I called a method to update the status.
This way I could avoid the issue. But I do not know why the event was not fired using the old ButtonClick function.
If the code works fine on your PC, the only thing that looks fishy to me are these 2 lines:
1. document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnUpdateStatus');
2. btnUpdateStatus.setAttribute("onclick", "");
For the first line , you should be doing this, instead:
And for the second line, it seems that you are setting the onclick handler to "" which basically shouldn't do anything.
It may not be the problem at all. The best thing to do is debug it with Firebug, putting a breakpoint in the appropriate Javascript functions that are being called.

Can't alert href val?

The following code gives me an alert with nothing but a # symbol inside it. Why?
EDIT: I should note that the code is inside a jQuery .click event...if I place it outside of that, it works properly. Here is the fuller code:
var _href = $("#continue").attr("href");
EDIT2: This all works fine in jsfiddle. But in the xcode iphone simulator I just get #.
Judging by only the code you typed, probably the code runs too early. Try wrapping the JS in
$(function() {
// your code here
// your code here
Well, since it's an iPhone simulator, it changes things. Remember, nobody can help you unless you give all the details of the problem, no matter how much experience they have.
Did you try the touchstart / touchend / tap events instead of click? As far as I know, Apple has been having problems with the click events. Also, click events on mobile devices will have a slower response (a delay of approx 300ms if I remember well) so you're better just using touch specific events.
What are you building? Is it a mobile web app or? Will it run in a standard mobile browser or something like PhoneGap etc?
Ok. It works as long as the code is not called on Click. This eliminates the possibility of another piece of code replacing your "href" with another value because that code would have to be inside your $('#continue').click(function(){ }); block.
The click event is simulated on a touch phone, that's why the touch events are faster (they are native) and less likely to cause problems. You should also make sure that you return false there and not follow the link, that might be what's replacing your "href".
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
$('#continue').click(function(e) {
var _href = $(this).attr('href');
the return is legacy code, used by some
browsers to detect if current event handler
is braking default behaviour
the e.preventDefault() function is the jQuery
way to do it
Without this line the link is followed and a refresh occurs killing the current script.

Prevent an exception with jQuery UI Tabs

I am adding some custom tabs to a jquery ui tab control.
$("#tabs").tabs("add","#tabContent0","CLICK ME TO CHANGE PAGE",0);
Yes this is a bit of a hack, but it is exactly what i need and provide a nice way to give links back to previous parent pages.
jquery throws the following exception: "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier."
This is thrown on the line which appears to attempt to make the tab container visible in jquery ui (exact line wont help as is minified and custom build from official site).
Obviously im just redirecting but jquery has additional code to select the tab (which doesnt exist). In internet explorer, if the user has script errors enabled they will see the exception be thrown just before the window location changes, which I just cant have happen.
I cant put try catch around this code because it is the code inside jquery ui that throws the exception.
Is there anyway I can prevent this exception being thrown or achive the same thing but a different way without having to modified jquery ui ?
Edit: I am now wondering if there is a way to override the on click event hook placed on the element by jquery .. its definitely doing something there i cant see.
Edit: I have to log off now but I have made some progress, if someone can just help me get the right URL, using this code it prevents the exception, but redirects me to "http://myurl/undefined"
$('#tabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
if(ui.index<2) //ignore this will change to get current tab count -1 (so the end tab is left as it is
window.location=$('#'"href"); //attr href is undefined, how do i use properly to get the right url
return false;
It works OK for me in Chrome and IE8.
I also tried this code and it worked:
$("#tabs").tabs("add","#tabContent0","CLICK ME TO CHANGE PAGE",0);
$('a[href="#tabContent0"]').click(function() {
Instead of changing href attribute, I add a handler on the click event of the new tab. This will make the tab to be switched and then the location changed.
From the jQuery UI docs:
select: function(event, ui) {
var url = $.data(, 'load.tabs');
if( url ) {
location.href = url;
return false;
return true;
Though, jQuery's tabs, uh, method, ought to support passing in a selector for the tabs and panels so you could just make things links, instead of having to kick against the pricks.

JQuery-generated bookmarklet not running on some websites

I've searched around, but can't find an answer to this.
I've used the excellent bookmarklet tutorial at which shows how to use JQuery to throw up an iframe. It appends a block to the current page, checks for JQuery, and then fires off an iframe using jQuery commands. It works brilliantly, but I happened upon, where it's not working.
To demonstrate, go to the tutorial (, find the "WikiFrame" bookmarklet (about half way down the page), drag it to your browser toolbar, and try it out on another site by selecting some text and clicking the bookmarklet. It works great - it pops up a iframe of a page of Wikipedia.
However, on, it does nothing. The script block gets added to the page, but it doesn't fire off.
Anyone any thoughts on why?
There is a bug in the wikiframe bookmarklet from that tutorial.
It tests to see if the jQuery object exists, but then goes on to use $. On, $ is not equal to jQuery.
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
} else {
function runthis() {
if ($("#wikiframe").length == 0) {
The solution is to use jQuery instead of $, or to alias $ to jQuery using something like
(function($){ ... })(jQuery)

