Animate and add class at the same time - javascript

I'm trying to add a class with top and left properties for animation, but the div just shifts to the added class attribute without animating.
#myClass.move {
The goal is to have the animation happen right when the class is added and animate based on the properties of the added class.
var shiftTop = parseInt($(".move").css("top"));
var shiftLeft = parseInt($(".move").css("left"));
$("#myClass").addClass("move").animate({top: "-="+shiftTop, left: "-="+shiftLeft}, 1000, function() {});
Is this possible?

Use jQueryUI.
Demo here
$("#myClass").click(function() {
$(this).addClass("move", 1000);

$('#myClass').animate({top: "-="+shiftTop, left: "-="+shiftLeft}, 1000, function() {

Yes it's possible:
Add class before animate:
$("#myClass").addClass("move").animate({top: "-="+shiftTop, left: "-="+shiftLeft}, 1000);
Add class after animate:
$("#myClass").animate({top: "-="+shiftTop, left: "-="+shiftLeft}, 1000, function() {

I'm assuming that you have an element with class .move in your document already, from which to read the shiftTop and shiftLeft values.
If all you need to do is change the top and left attributes you can remove the addClass step entirely, since the animate function adds them inline. If you do need the class applied after, do it in the animate callback.
Depending on your compatibility requirements you could also do this entirely with CSS, using transitions.


Animation affecting siblings position

I have animation on one element but its movement affects siblings as well. How can I have animation only on item without affecting siblings element?
Example of problem:
function animateSearch() {
$('.glyphicon-search').animate({'margin-top':'-10px'}, 1000);
$('.glyphicon-search').animate({'margin-top':'0px'}, 1000);
var interval = setInterval(animateSearch,1000);
$('.arrowDown').mouseover(function() {
DEMO: jsfiddle
Simply put Css postion:absolue rule like bellow :
.glyphicon-search {
Fiddle Here

change css of body on mouseover

I want to get an highlighting effect on some various div container while the rest of the site should be dampened down in opacity including the background-image.
Any idea?
Why does this code not work? tried .hover() instead of .mouseover() too but the function won't react on any input...
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"background-color": "red";
Another try would be to set a frame around the body tag in the html and then set props to that frame while the hovered frame is in normal state but I have no idea how to do this. Just beginning with js dev. :)
EDIT: did a fail...
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"opacity": "0.3";
should be that way...
any way to apply the opacity to the background image too?!
fiddle Demo
Use .css()
Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"background-color": "red"
//or $(this).css("background-color","red");
Set one or more properties for the set of matched elements.
.prop() will set the property for a particular element. In your case you have to use .css() to set the style. Please read .prop() and .css() to see the difference.
Try this,
Here's a FIDDLE
body {
background: gray;
min-height: 1000px; /* For demo purposes */
$(function() {
$('body').on('mouseover', function() {
$(this).css({ backgroundColor: 'red' });
$(function() {
$('body').on('mouseover', function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: 'red' }, 600);
*Note: For some reason it doesn't work with jQuery 1.x(edge).
I think this is what you might want: a "dim" DIV element that adds a semi transparent black box on the entire page, that puts itself "below" the DIV you want to highlight, and then some javascript to turn it off and on, and rearrange the z indexes. The HTML would look something like this:
this is some text
<div id="div1" class="dimmable">hello</div>
<div id="div2" class="dimmable">goodbye</div>
<div id="dim"></div>
And then the JS:
$('div.dimmable').hover(function() {
$(this).css('z-index', 101);
.css('z-index', 100)
}, function() {
var dimmable = $(this);
$('#dim').fadeOut({complete: function() {
dimmable.css('z-index', 99);
You can see it working here.
A slight catch: the DIVs need to have position:relative, otherwise you can't change their z-indexes and you can't put them on top of the "dim" DIV. Also, anything with a higher z-index will not stay behind the "dim", of course, but you can just use higher numbers as a workaround.

Slide boxes with margin-left check if overslided

I made a simple content/box slider which uses the following javascript:
$('#left').click(function () {
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500);
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500);
Here is the demo:
What I want to do and I can't figure out how to show and hide arrows(left and right box) as the all the boxes slided.
So I clicked 4 time to the LEFT and slided all the boxes! then hide "left" so that you can't give more -800px
What can I do?
What you can do is check after the animation completes to see if the margin-left property is smaller or larger than the bounds of the video <div>. If it is, depending on which navigation button was clicked, hide the appropriate navigation link.
Check out the code below:
$('#left').click(function () {
// reset the #right navigation button to show
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
// grab the margin-left property
var mLeft = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
// store the width of the #video div
// invert the number since the margin left is a negative value
var videoWidth = $('#videos').width() * -1;
// if the left margin that is set is less than the videoWidth var,
// hide the #left navigation. Otherwise, keep it shown
if(mLeft < videoWidth){
} else {
// do similar things if the right button is clicked
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
var mRight = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
if(mRight > 100){
} else {
Check out the jsfiddle:
There are many jQuery plugins for this. First determine how many results there are, then determine how many you want visible, then use another variable to keep track with how many are hidden to the left and how many are hidden to the right. So...
var total = TOTAL_RESULTS;
var leftScrolled = 0;
var rightScrolled = total - 3; // minus 3, since you want 3 displayed at a time.
instead of using marginLeft I would wrap all of these inside of a wrapper and set the positions to absolute. Then animate using "left" property or "right". There's a lot of code required to do this, well not MUCH, but since there are many plugins, I think you'd be better off searching for a plugin and look for examples on how to do this. marginLeft is just not the way to go, since it can cause many viewing problems depending on what version of browser you are using.

Background fade in on click

I am trying get this background to fade in on click. I found one tutorial that was helpful, and I ended up created the code so it has two images, and they fade in and out on click to bring up the picture.
Here's the work:
Only a couple of issues though:
How do I make this work without the images getting selected at random? I'd like it to just switch from the plain black image to the image with the drum set. (And cross-fade to if possible, but not necessary)
How do I center the image on the page, so the image of the drums are centered?
I'm guessing this is what you're after:
$(function() {
var images = ["black.jpg","bg.jpg"];
$('.entersite').click(function(e) {
var image = images[1];
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', ''+image);
$(this).fadeOut(1000, function() {
Also added :
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
to your #bg element to center the image.
Alright, assuming you use JQuery
You have #backgroundid and #imageid
Begin by setting
$('#imageid').css('opacity',0); // setting opacity (transparency) to 0, invisible
Now you have #buttonid.
Set up a jquery event so that when it's clicked, you fade out the background, and fade in the image using JQuery's animate.
$('#buttonid').click(function() {
$('#backgroundid').animate(function() {
opacity : 0 // fade it to 0 opacity, invisible
}, 1000); // animation will take 1000ms, 1second
$('#imageid').animate(function() {
opacity : 1 // fade it to full opacity, solid
}, 1000);
Now about that image centering.
You can either let css manage it with
body { /* Body or #imageid parent */
text-align : center;
#imageid {
margin: 0px auto;
Or you can stick to a JQuery solution, using absolute/fixed positioning.
First, use some css to fix the position of your image
#imageid {
position: absolute; // or fixed, if you want
Now use JQuery to reposition it
function positionImage() {
var imagewidth = $('#imageid').width();
var imageheight = $('#imageid').height();
$('#imageid').css('left', ($(window).width() - imagewidth) / 2);
$('#imageid').css('top', ($(window).height() - imageheight) / 2);
$(document).ready(positionImage); // bind the ready event to reposition
$(window).resize(positionImage); // on window resize, reposition image too
if you keep a div element with height and width as 100% and bgcolor as black. And then change the opacity of the div as desired to get the fade in/out effect, that should generate the same effect. I guess..
You are better off using any available jQuery plugin as they would have optimized and fixed bugs for multiple browsers.
Try lightBoxMe plugin
This is the simplest plugin available!

can jquery toggle the original css(style.css) value and the new value(set in the .animate{})?

erm...can jquery toggle the original css(style.css) value and the new value(set in the .animation{})?
$(function() {
$('a.maximize').click(function() {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
height: '99.5%',
width: '99.5%',
opacity: 1,
this is the jquery code i have now,but how to toggle the a href target to the new value(code above)
or set the .animate{} change after click,and change back the previous .animate{} after click again.
example: the same button,
but first time click, change it to width height 100%,
but the second time click on the same button, change them back to the width height 50%
the third time change to width height 100% and so on..
Yes, you can do that with .toggle()
like this:
$('selector').toggle(func1,func2/*,func3, so on..*/)
then define your functions
function func1(){
// do something...
function func2(){
// do something...
the functions inside the toggle are executed from first function to last then back to start.
or you can also
$('selector').toggle(function(){...},function(){...}/*,function(){...}, so on..*/)
scroll down to the bottom of the demo here to see what I mean.
I made also a quick demo here.

