Size of div is not expanded automatically jquery - javascript

I have div with draggable, resizable and editable (contenteditable=true) functionality. This div
contain some text in it, which user can edit. My problem is that when user write the text in the div, the div size
is not expand automatically. I set its height:auto but this also not works. What should i do so that while
entering the text the size of div also increases?

If you're talking about jQueryUI's resizable plugin, then that's your problem. It sets an explicit height on the element, overriding your height: auto.


How to add Scrollbars to Jquery Dialog

I have a JQuery dialog on an page which opens to depending upon the size of the window. Unfortunately, I have been able to achieve in the containing div that is shown by the dialog a horizontal scrollbar when the minWidth of the containing div is reached in order that a user can scroll to the rest of the content. My relevant code snippet is as follows:
/*css Code for containing Div element*/
So, how can I achieve a position where if the dialog goes beyond the min-width of the containing div that the dialog window can then scroll to the content of the div?
Can anyone help me, please?
Solved by creating another inner div with min-width and the outer div with width along with overflow-x. This will provide the scrollbar to the dialog.

How to show overflowing text with animation?(Javascript - HTML - CSS)

Is there any way of recognizing text overflow with JS and show the overflowing text in an animated way? For example, moving the text to the left, like the spotify widget:
You should be able to confirm a text requires scrolling if you use "scrollWidth > clientWidth " of the container - assuming it has overflow:hidden and you take margin, padding and borders into account. Look at element dimensions for a basic overview. To scroll the text you just have to give it a negative margin-left, or use a DIV with position:absolute inside a DIV with position:relative and give the inner one a negative left value (CSS).

Animate div but keep height dynamic

I have the following scenario on JSFiddle:
Basically its a div that has some info in it. The info is 3 separate divs that are inline block, they will be next to each other if there is enough room but will stack underneath each other when the Windows is made smaller
I want this div to be hidden until a button is clicked where the div slides down. I know not setting the height property will make the div have a fluid height (height gets bigger as things stack underneath each other). However, when I animate it with jQuery, I have to set a height.
Is there a way to do this without losing the fluidity of the div? An alternative is to not animate the div and just make it visible/hidden on button click, but I'd really like to use the animation
Update 4:
Leave the .container div height to auto and remove the overflow from it.
Now you can use the slideToggle function of the jQuery to show and hide the .container.
P.S you can set display:none to container in initialization.

how to resize the text area by another div

I have a text area and a div i want that when i click and move the div up or down the text area also re-size, i.e. the div below the textarea should act as the vertical resize handle for the textarea.
using Jquery UI you can make the bottom div draggable and use this to resize the textarea, I made a little jsfiddle for you which demonstrates this :)

How to detect if a text-field needs to wrap in JavaScript/dojo?

I have a textfield in a grid in which I wish to turn off text wrapping, but display a tooltip with the full text if wrapping is required. So, how could I detect if a field needs to wrap?
I tried to query the field's length, but it was either in em or in px based on if the user resized it. How could I get the wrapping status?
An option to detect if the text wraps - create (with jQuery, for instance) an invisible span with the same font settings and white-space: nowrap, set it's text to the field's content and check if the span's width is bigger than the field's width (in pixels, obtained via width())
Working fiddle:
Perhaps you can check the height (via scrollHeight) of the text container. It should increase when things start wrapping.
The only other alternative I can think of is setting overflow-x:hidden and then dettecting the overflow somehow.

