how to resize the text area by another div - javascript

I have a text area and a div i want that when i click and move the div up or down the text area also re-size, i.e. the div below the textarea should act as the vertical resize handle for the textarea.

using Jquery UI you can make the bottom div draggable and use this to resize the textarea, I made a little jsfiddle for you which demonstrates this :)


Showing div (modal) close to a highlighted text

I would like to show a div (modal) close to a selected (highlighted) text in the page.
I get the selected text positions (start and end positions) but now, I dont know how the modal div can be positioned in the center of the highlighted text.
Try absolute positioning.
in the same fashion you can set attributes top and left to whatever number you need. This will place the modal where ever you need.

Size of div is not expanded automatically jquery

I have div with draggable, resizable and editable (contenteditable=true) functionality. This div
contain some text in it, which user can edit. My problem is that when user write the text in the div, the div size
is not expand automatically. I set its height:auto but this also not works. What should i do so that while
entering the text the size of div also increases?
If you're talking about jQueryUI's resizable plugin, then that's your problem. It sets an explicit height on the element, overriding your height: auto.

Hide scroll bar even when the cursor hovers the div

I have a div with a text scrolled up and down with 2 simple buttons & JS.
I wish to totally disable the scroll bars so they will never appear on the screen, even if the crosser is above them.
How do i approach this problem?
Thank Shani
Add overflow: hidden to the css rule for that div.

drag and drop a box from one div to another

I am having a small box (div) inside a another div A. I want to drag it from div A to div B. the problem is my div A is overflow:scroll and because of that the box goes behind div A and scrollbar appears. There is no overflow property on div B.
I have initialized box to be draggable and div B to be droppable using jquery ui libraries.
Screenshot :
I want to get rid of box hiding beneath divA and instead should be droppable on divB.
Thanks a lot !!

putting an overlay over a div

I got a div with some text and a link tag in it, when i click on the link i would like to have an overlay over the div so the opacity is set to .3 or something and have a little form put over it. Does anyone know how to approach this in jquery?
You can use my elementOverlay plugin:
var overlay = $('#yourDiv').elementOverlay();
// some code
Plugin code:
Just make a div of a fixed size, width and position (the same and place as the original) and set It's background color to slightly transparent.

