jQuery: Audio Player that supports almost all formats [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to embed jQuery audio player in my site.the src is coming from DB.the problem is that there is not one fixed format .it can be any like 3gp,mov.ogg.mp3 etc etc
I have searched it and found many jQuery plugins but they all are limited to 2 or 3 formats.
I wonder is there any jQuery plugin that support all formats?

As constantinius says, jquery doesn't play sounds - the browser does. It's still early to assume that the majority of users will have an HTML5 capabie browser. in the meantime, the most portable (across browsers) way of playing audio files is using the embed tag.
If you need to support multiple different file types then convert them serverside using (e.g.) ffmpeg.
Trying to implement support for different filetypes would be possible using a java appplet or flash (but I suspect the altter will require a lot more work than the former).

The quicktime player will play all of those formats, the only downside is that your users will have to install the quicktime plugin if they don't already have it.
Unfortunately Flash does not support all of these formats so you won't be able to use a flash player, which is already installed more often than not.


What offline software or utility can I use to detect minimum Javascript version to run a web application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have inherited a web application to maintain. The application entails hundreds of thousands of lines of Javascript across hundreds of libraries that get loaded/unloaded at run time. I need to add a feature to the site to let a user know if his/her browser doesn't support the minimum Javascript version required to run the site, which, in turn, requires me to analyze all the Javascript in the site in order to know the minimum required version. The libraries were written/added as-needed over the years, using whatever features Javascript supported at the time, so some libraries can work with older Javascript than others.
What offline software or utility can I use to analyze all the Javascript in the project and determine the minimum Javascript version that is found? By "offline" I mean not uploading the project to a web-based analyzer or otherwise transferring any part of the project to a third party for analyzation. An open source tool would be preferred, but I would pay for a commercial tool out-of-pocket if absolutely necessary and not more than $100.
I mean, if you don’t want to use great services provided by browserstack or browserling, then your only three options are:
Either use a virtual machine and install every web browser from the first version up
Or if you have chrome, you can open up the chrome dev tools and see if it says anything api is deprecated
Or you could use w3schools as a reference to which api’s are supported and modify the native api in such a way so that you can see which api’s are being called

How do I display a gallery using all images in a specific folder without using PHP or SQL? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to make it really simple.
I place in an image in the folder, then, it will automatically be added in the gallery as I hit refresh.
I'm not quite sure if this is possible in javascript/jquery.
edit: a plug-in would suffice neatly.
Right now there is a new feature in html5 upcoming but it's not quiet well supported yet by browsers:
See this article:
If you only want to show your page in InternetExplorer you can access the FileSystemObject
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
(A feature that was available in Firefox for this purpose was removed entirely since version 17 ..)
In general every way to access the file system via JavaScript out of the WebBrowser is illegal by definition (no matter if certain technologies give you the possibility somehow) because it's intended to run sandboxed. So don't expect to find a simple solution to that ...

A drag-and-drop file upload Javascript library [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a JavaScript drag-and-drop file upload library like minus.com here
A drag-and-drop should trigger uploading right away.
I understand there is a decent jQuery library http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/ but I would like one triggering uploading right away
Just in case anyone bumps into this, here is what you're looking for: http://www.dropzonejs.com/
Maybe this is what you are looking for: https://niklr.github.io/angular-material-datatransfer/
It uses Angular Material as UI component framework and offers features such as:
Upload and download of multiple simultaneous files
Upload in small chunks to support large files
Drag and drop
Customizable look
Fault-tolerance by automatically retrying
Export results to CSV or JSON
The application is explicitly designed for modern browsers supporting advanced HTML5 File API features.

Video Conferencing solution without using flash [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for suggestions for a Video Conferencing API which doesn't use Flash.
The project I am working on will be a website which will be viewed primarily through Safari on an iPad, although may potentially be designed for other tablets too. This means the solution will not be able to use Flash (Apple doesn't support it) and will be written in JavaScript, as it is a web site NOT an app.
There will need to be up to 12 people in one video conference, and must include features such as resizing windows, changing volume etc.
I'd be grateful if anyone has any suggestions or any links they can point me to?
Unfortunately, WebRTC just isn't there for you yet. I feel your pain.
You could make due with Adobe AIR, but doing interactive streaming video with it really requires RTMFP (TCP is a killer) and video mixing on the server. This may be an option for you, if you're willing to suffer actionscript. Technically this isn't "Flash", as AIR apps are fully encapsulated mobile applications.
The best alternative I can recommend for you is to use the SDK softclient from Mirial (recently acquired by Logitech's LifeSize division), and embed that in your iOS app. This does require a rather expensive Mirial Carrier Server (MCS) to register those endpoints to, however.
Multiple Video Relay Service providers for the deaf and hard of hearing presently use this platform engine for their mobile application offerings. This includes Purple (HOVRS), ZVRS (CSDVRS), Convo Relay, and a couple of others.
Unfortunately, having many people in the same "room" requires something like an MCU to mix the video. There are two opensource projects worth noting that can do this today: OpenVCS, and OpenMCU.
There are other emergent technologies floating about, but most people appear to be waiting for WebRTC to get to the point where it can be seamlessly used on mobile devices.
This is the current state of the bleeding edge of video telepresence if you're looking to embed it into your product offering.

I'm looking for a JavaScript library that uses Ajax and Flash for file uploading [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a sleek and styled button that when clicked allows the user to select a file. When the file has been selected, an event should fire, allowing me to reconstruct the form. Also the file should be uploaded without reloading the page. Preferably events should also be fired for upload progress and completion.
Obviously neither pure HTML or JavaScript can do all this by themselves. I need to let Flash do the uploading. I've been searching around for a nice clean JavaScript library that implements Flash for file uploads and makes the aforementioned events available to the programmer. All I've managed to find are "all-or-nothing" type libraries that does everything for me, giving me little or no freedom. Often the upload interface is also static and in flash.
Are there are professional, clean JavaScript libraries out there that does what I'm after? To reiterate, I'm looking for a JavaScript library that uses Flash only to upload one or more files asynchronously and offer events to keep track of the upload.
Thanks a bunch for all answers
Have you chanced upon Uploadify?
Uploadify - http://www.uploadify.com/
Demo - http://www.uploadify.com/demos/
Uploadify uses Jquery along with Actionscript for file uploading and has a number of options for controlling the upload events.
There is also jqUploader and swf upload, both of which I'm less of a fan of.
Personally I would use Uploadify or if Flash is not a requirement, something like BlueImp's uploader.
Hope this helps. Sorry I can't link you to the other plugins, low rep and all.

