I am trying to implement a feature where my index will auto refresh after one of the auto played videos play. I have tried various scripts yet none seem to work.
var videos = [
var index=Math.floor(Math.random() * videos.length);
index.onended = function() {
window.open("index.html", "_self");
var html='<div class="video-background"><div class="video-foreground"><iframe frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' +videos[index] + '?controls=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&" allow="autoplay""></iframe></div></div>';
What isn't working is the refresh script. I'm not sure if I'm linking it to the right variable or something.
var index=Math.floor(Math.random() * videos.length);
index.onended = function() {
window.open("index.html", "_self");
note the first line runs fine. It's the next 3 that I don't understand.
(this won't autoplay on chrome unless you hit ctrl+r. Since Chrome changed its autoplay policy.)
I am trying to use the MediaSource API to append separate WebM videos to a single source.
I found a Github project that was attempting the same thing, where a playlist of WebMs is loaded, and each one is appended as a SourceBuffer. But it was last committed a year ago, and thus out-of-sync with the current spec. So I forked it and updated to the latest API properties/methods, plus some restructuring. Much of the existing code was taken directly from the spec’s examples and Eric Bidelman’s test page.
However, I can not get it to work as expected. I am testing in two browsers, both on Mac OS X 10.9.2: Chrome 35 stable (latest at the time of this writing), and Firefox 30 beta with the flag media.mediasource.enabled set to true in about:config (this feature will not be introduced until FF 25, and current stable is 24).
Here are the problems I’m running into.
Both browsers
I want the video to be, in the end, one long video composed of the 11 WebMs (00.webm, 01.webm, …, 10.webm). Right now, each browser only plays 1 segment of the video.
Wildly inconsistent behavior. Seems impossible to reproduce any of these bugs reliably.
Sometimes the video is blank, or has a tall black bar in the middle of it, and is unplayable.
Sometimes the video will load and pause on the first frame of 01.webm.
Sometimes, the video will play a couple of frames of the 02.webm and pause, having only loaded the first three segments.
The Play button is initially grayed out.
Pressing the grayed out Play button produces wildly inconsistent behaviors. Sometimes, it loads a black, unplayable video. Other times, it will play the first segment, then, when you get to the end, it stops, and when you press Play/Pause again, it will load the next segment. Even then, it will sometimes skip over segments and gets stuck on 04.webm. Regardless, it never plays the final segment, even though the console will report going through all of the buffers.
It is honestly different every time. I can’t list them all here.
Known caveats: Chrome does not currently implement sourceBuffer.mode, though I do not know what effect this might have.
Only plays 00.webm. Total running time is 0:08, the length of that video.
Video seeking does not work. (This may be expected behavior, as there is nothing actually happening in the onSeeking event handler.)
Video can not be restarted once finished.
My initial theory was that this had to do with mediaSource.sourceBuffers[0].timestampOffset = duration and duration = mediaSource.duration. But I can’t seem to get anything back from mediaSource.duration except for NaN, even though I’m appending new segments.
Completely lost here. Guidance very much appreciated.
EDIT: I uncommented the duration parts of the code, and ran mse_webm_remuxer from Aaron Colwell's Media Source Extension Tools (thanks Adam Hart for the tips) on all of the videos. Voila, no more unpredictable glitches in Chrome! But alas, it still pauses once a media segment ends, and even when you press play, it sometimes gets stuck on one frame.
In Firefox Beta, it doesn’t play past the first segment, responding with:
TypeError: Value being assigned to SourceBuffer.timestampOffset is not a finite floating-point value.
Logging the value of duration returns NaN (but only in FF).
The main problem is with the video files. If you open chrome://media-internals/ you can see error Media segment did not begin with keyframe. Using properly formatted videos, like the one from Eric Bidelman's example (I hope he doesn't get mad that I keep linking directly to that video, but it's the only example video I've found that works), your code does work with the following change in appendNextMediaSegment():
duration = mediaSource.duration;
mediaSource.sourceBuffers[0].timestampOffset = duration;
You can try Aaron Colwell's Media Source Extension Tools to try to get your videos working, but I've had limited success.
It also seems a little weird that you're looking at the onProgress event before appending segments, but I guess that could work if you only want to append if the video is actually playing. It could make the seekbar act odd since the video length is unknown, but that can be a problem in any case.
I agree with the opinion Adam Hart said. With a webm file, I tried to implement an example like http://html5-demos.appspot.com/static/media-source.html and then made a conclusion that its problem caused the source file I used.
If you have an arrow left, how about trying to use "samplemuxer" introduced at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/DASH_Adaptive_Streaming_for_HTML_5_Video.
In my opinion, samplemuxer is one of encoders like FFMPEG.
I found that the converted file works with mediaSource API. If you will also see it works, please let me know.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>MediaSource API Demo</title>
<h3>Appending .webm video chunks using the Media Source API</h3>
<video controls autoplay width="320" height="240"></video>
<pre id="log"></pre>
//ORIGINAL CODE http://html5-demos.appspot.com/static/media-source.html
var FILE = 'IU_output2.webm';
var NUM_CHUNKS = 5;
var video = document.querySelector('video');
var mediaSource = new MediaSource();
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
function callback(e) {
var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs="vorbis,vp8"');
logger.log('mediaSource readyState: ' + this.readyState);
GET(FILE, function(uInt8Array) {
var file = new Blob([uInt8Array], {type: 'video/webm'});
var chunkSize = Math.ceil(file.size / NUM_CHUNKS);
logger.log('num chunks:' + NUM_CHUNKS);
logger.log('chunkSize:' + chunkSize + ', totalSize:' + file.size);
// Slice the video into NUM_CHUNKS and append each to the media element.
var i = 0;
(function readChunk_(i) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Reads aren't guaranteed to finish in the same order they're started in,
// so we need to read + append the next chunk after the previous reader
// is done (onload is fired).
reader.onload = function(e) {
try {
sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(new Uint8Array(e.target.result));
logger.log('appending chunk:' + i);
if (i == NUM_CHUNKS - 1) {
} else {
if (video.paused) {
video.play(); // Start playing after 1st chunk is appended.
sourceBuffer.addEventListener('updateend', function(e){
if( i < NUM_CHUNKS - 1 )
} //end if
var startByte = chunkSize * i;
var chunk = file.slice(startByte, startByte + chunkSize);
})(i); // Start the recursive call by self calling.
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', callback, false);
// mediaSource.addEventListener('webkitsourceopen', callback, false);
// mediaSource.addEventListener('webkitsourceended', function(e) {
// logger.log('mediaSource readyState: ' + this.readyState);
// }, false);
function GET(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(e) {
if (xhr.status != 200) {
alert("Unexpected status code " + xhr.status + " for " + url);
return false;
callback(new Uint8Array(xhr.response));
function Logger(id) {
this.el = document.getElementById('log');
Logger.prototype.log = function(msg) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
Logger.prototype.clear = function() {
this.el.textContent = '';
var logger = new Logger('log');
another test code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>MediaSource API Demo</title>
<h3>Appending .webm video chunks using the Media Source API</h3>
<video controls autoplay width="320" height="240"></video>
<pre id="log"></pre>
//ORIGINAL CODE http://html5-demos.appspot.com/static/media-source.html
var FILE = 'IU_output2.webm';
// var FILE = 'test_movie_output.webm';
var NUM_CHUNKS = 10;
var video = document.querySelector('video');
var mediaSource = new MediaSource();
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
function callback(e) {
var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs="vorbis,vp8"');
logger.log('mediaSource readyState: ' + this.readyState);
GET(FILE, function(uInt8Array) {
logger.log('byteLength:' + uInt8Array.byteLength );
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', callback, false);
// mediaSource.addEventListener('webkitsourceopen', callback, false);
// mediaSource.addEventListener('webkitsourceended', function(e) {
// logger.log('mediaSource readyState: ' + this.readyState);
// }, false);
function GET(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(e) {
if (xhr.status != 200) {
alert("Unexpected status code " + xhr.status + " for " + url);
return false;
callback(new Uint8Array(xhr.response));
function Logger(id) {
this.el = document.getElementById('log');
Logger.prototype.log = function(msg) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
Logger.prototype.clear = function() {
this.el.textContent = '';
var logger = new Logger('log');
I have a playlist of videos, with a list of each video in a sidebar. When I click on the name of the video I want to load in the sidebar, the player switches the current video to the one I just clicked.
Some videos have sections, and those sections need to start playing at a certain time in the video. For example, I have a video with 2 sections, Section 1 starts at 0:00, but when I click on "Section 2" in the sidebar, the video should start playing at 1:30 seconds into the video.
Now I got this working with the following code, but the poster image is still playing over the video when I click on Section 2 which should start playing in the middle of the video. How can I get rid of the poster image when starting a video with currentTime offset?
(function($) {
var current, gototime;
var istime = false;
// video.js object
var $player = videojs('ppi-video');
$('a').on('click', function(e) {
var attr = $(this).attr('data-video');
var time = $(this).attr('data-time');
if(typeof time !== 'undefined' && time !== false) {
istime = true;
gototime = time;
}else {
istime = false;
gototime = undefined;
// If link has data-video attribute... continue
if(typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false) {
if( current == attr ) return;
var image_path = "images/screens/";
var content_path = "source/";
// Wait till player is ready
$player.ready(function() {
// Hide the player?
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").fadeOut(400, function() {
// Change poster
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', image_path + attr + ".jpg");
$player.poster(image_path + attr + ".jpg");
{ type: "video/mp4", src: content_path + attr + ".mp4" },
{ type: "video/webm", src: content_path + attr + ".webm" },
// Set the currently playing variable
current = attr;
function updateVideo() {
if( istime ) {
$player.ready(function() {
* Trying to get rid of poster here, but not working
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', '');
}else {
// update video when metadata has loaded
$player.on('loadedmetadata', updateVideo);
I found myself in the same situation where i needed to programmatically hide the poster image. (i wanted the posterimage to hide on drag of a custom scrubbar)
I found two ways that might help someone else who is in the same situation (i know this is an old post, but i came across it looking for an answer).
First and most simply you can hide the poster image using css:
.vjs-poster.vjs-poster.vjs-poster {
display: none;
// specificity bumped for default css, your mileage may vary.
However because i wanted this to be done on drag event i figured i might as well just use js:
It looks like on Chrome and Firefox, setting currentTime() needs to be delayed a bit. What I did was call play() and then pause() to remove the poster before the video starts. Then I set a timeout of 200 milliseconds which has a callback which then calls currentTime().
Kind of a makeshift workaround but it is working nicely.
Before I go into the problem I would like to say that this is the first time I'm trying to write javascript using OOP. So please bear with me and guide me if I doing anything wrong.
As title says I am using HTML5 video to play videos in my application and here is the code which I wrote.
I have created an object Screens where I have a video tag.
var Screens = {
return "<div id=\"celebration\"><video id=\"myvideo1\" width=\"300px\" ><source src=\"video/winning.mp4\" type=\"video/mp4\"></video></div> ";
getVideoElement:function() {
return $("#celebration");
This is an object where I actually control video.
var obj = Object.create(Screens);
obj.playVideo = (function() {
var videoFile = "";
var play = false;
function start() {
end(); console.log("end");
}, false);
function end() {
return {
startVideo:function(flag) {
play = flag;
if(play) {
else {
I have a button and on click it plays video,
$("#start").click(function() {
This works fine for around 5 to 10 times and later on it doesn't work. Doesn't work mean I get a white screen and video doesn't play. I inspected the page and video tag is there but doesn't play the video. I really don't have any idea about what is going wrong. I saw few posts and that didn't help. Looking ahead for a help....
I am using chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m. And I'm concerned only about this browser.
You can see this page.
I am facing a problem of which I do not understand the origin:
I have a video playing on a website using the <video> tag. Client asked to add only a "mute" button in the shape of an icon that changes when clicked.
So i've tried this:
this is the icon i place over the video
<img src="mute0.png" id="mutebutton" onclick="javascript:muteUnmute()" />
and this is the javascript:
var mutebutton = document.getElementById('mutebutton');
function muteUnmute() {
video.muted = !video.muted;
video.onvolumechange = function(e) {
mutebutton.src = video.muted ? "mute1.png" : "mute0.png";
This works fine on Firefox and Opera, but the img src does not change in Chrome or in Safari!
I also tried this:
video.onvolumechange = function(e) {
if (video.muted) {
mutebutton.src = "mute1.png"
} else {
mutebutton.src = "mute0.png"
but still no result.
Does anybody have a clue why Chrome and Safari do not allow me to change the img src in this way? Can you suggest a way to solve this matter?
Thank you!
Solved! this might be useful to someone:
the problem was on the video.onvolumechange event, it seems that Chrome and Safari do not understand that
so I've done this and it now works:
var mutebutton = document.getElementById('mutebutton');
function muteUnmute() {
video.muted = !video.muted;
mutebutton.src = video.muted ? "mute1.png" : "mute0.png";