Can any one suggest a Dojo and JSON book? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can any one here suggest a good Dojo and JSON book or a site for tutorials please for a graduate student.
Many Thanks!

I own David Flanagan's Most Excellent "Javascript: The Definitive Guide" and I agree - it's a must-have for any Javascript developer.
... however ...
The one framework Flanagan covers is jQuery (not Javascript).
I'd recommend the on-line IBM Redbooks for Dojo and JSON:
Etc. etc
And, even more than Flanagan ("The Rhino Book"), I'd very strongly recommend Douglas Crockford's "Javascript: The Good Parts" as a must-have for every Javascript developer:

Javascript: The Definitive Guide will teach you everything you need to know (and more) about JSON, and will prepare you for using frameworks like Dojo, Mootools, jQuery... etc.

I wouldn't really recommend reading a book since you can get very close to the same content online if you know how to look for it, but if you insist, the definitive guide books are always very helpful (you'll need to purchase two off them though to get info about dojo and json):


Front-End Website learning sources [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've seen a lot of awesome websites from Awwwarrds ranking and trying to learn how they made their websites, all their effects are just wonderful and beautiful. But I have no clue how to do something similar, I understand this involves a lot of javascript. Is there somewhere on the internet I can learn how to achieve this? I only understand javascript to the part of using packages like JQuery.
For example what i saw.
I just want to know where I can learn the basic of this effects, and able to make something great as they can.Any recommend source?
I maybe a bit biased being newbie as well, but i found most useful resources for me are: //Absolutely free, contains huge amount of topics
(HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, JQuery etc, you name it) //A book, well, actually THE book for me.
Covers almost everything needed to get started
You-Dont-Know-JS //Same as above, amazing read
I hope you will find something useful.

Need Guidance in learning advanced Javascript concepts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am having experience of more than 3+ yrs in (Web Forms & MVC) development, I have used Javascript mainly for validations or modifying HTML structure (most of basic stuff) .
I am looking for guidance on:
Resource/books to learn advance Javascript concepts
"Open source projects/ideas" to apply those concepts
I would first recommend Professional JavaScript For Web Developers by Nicholas C. Zakas. It will give a fairly easier transition to JavaScript than the second book recommendation below.
After that I would recommend JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov. This will give you a great foundation to understand how JavaScript framework/libraries like BackboneJS, KnockoutJS and AngularJS do a lot of the things that they do.
If you are so inclined, I highly recommend Pluralsight's course JavaScript For C# Developers by Shawn Wildermuth. It is a great way to see how constructs in C# translate directly or not so directly into JavaScript.
Douglas Crockfords "JavaScript: The Good Parts" is also a great book, I suggest you check out some of his lectures on youtube.
I do suggest you don't pick up a library at first as that will not teach you JavaScript. NodeJS may be of some help if you want to learn the language semantics outside of the web browser.
I really started my JavaScript journey with the free course here:

good online source or book to understand prototype properties of javascript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a class with javascript and I come across with prototype.
I tried to google it and still I don't seems to understand it well.
Anyone have read any nice online source or books that talk about it?
googled it, found some good articles:
JavaScript Garden (online)
JavaScript: The Good Parts (book)
JavaScript Patterns (book)
The Good parts by Douglas Crockford and JavaScript patterns by Stoyan Stevanov
There are many good javascript books. I would suggest,
Pro Javascript Techniques - John Resig
Javascript: The Good Parts - Douglas Crockford
And as for online sources, there is none better and comprehensive than Mozilla's Developer Network.
Here is the section on object.prototype by MDN

What to do to improve my skill and knowledge on javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I've finished studying the book name "Beginning JavaScript 3rd Edition", so I just wonder what should be my next step in order to strengthen myself on using and manipulating this language?
Besides, how can I improve myself in programming in JavaScript? Is it by thinking something cool myself, and start coding it? Or googling around the internet to find some task and question offered?
Is there any book that teaches the correct method of coding? Thank you
One recommended resource would be
It is a combination online tutorial + online book
After that, it depends on whether you want to focus on clientside or serverside JS.
Have a look through
for Serverside.
I would recommend that you avoid relying on a javascript library until you are able to make a good assessment of its quality. And pick YUI3 once you can ;)
Is it by thinking something cool
myself,and start coding it?
yes - think of something that would be funny/cool to code and try to do that (and, of course, ask mr. google if you get to a problem somewhere)
You could take a look at "Javascript: The Good Parts", Douglas Crockford, O'Rielly & Yahoo Press:
I suggest that you check out Douglas Crockford's JavaScript site for some quality articles on style and usage of the language itself. On top of that you should be constantly coding in it, look for interesting problems to solve and implement solutions using the techniques you have picked up.
As an aside I would also say that if you're looking to truly go further with the language and not just "get stuff done", stay away from jQuery etc for now until you have a good understanding of how it is likely to be working under the hood -- once you have this understanding though it'd be worth picking it up purely for efficiency.
Visual Studio allows you to develop mobile applications using JavaScript for all platforms. You can try your skills there
Watch the Crockford on JavaScript videos.

Where can I find advanced jQuery/JavaScript resources/tutorials? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm reading some tutorials now about jQuery.. function creating,plugin creation etc. but these tutorials are missing some basic explanations like they mention things like
function prototype, anonymous functions, umm putting (jQuery) after the }); .. and stuff like that .. is there a tutorial/website/book that explain these I'm not sure how to call them "terms" from beginner level to advance. I'm mean I have a knowledge of some jquery syntax but not enough to understand this, can anyone recommend useful resource?
Google doesn't help much, I googled "advance features of jquery" don't really get me the things I wanna know.
Also if someone can share his/her story steps on how to become comfortable with javascript, how to overcome this "terminology" or whatever is called
For JavaScript, there is: Javascript The Good Parts
For jQuery, I'd suggest: The jQuery CookBook
I'd also suggest some podcasts and screencasts:
jQuery for Designers
John Resig (creator of jQuery) has a small website/tutorial on this very subject of Advanced Javascript.
It's quite enlightening:
It's basically excerpts from his upcoming book, Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
It sounds as though you could have some gaps that could quickly be address by reading about the fundamentals, e.g Wikipedia Javascript.
Whilst what you are doing may seem advanced, you may get better results searching for Javascript Tutorial without the advanced keyword. Advanced Javascript is a lot more complicated than what you're doing. I'd even be so bold as to suggest that it is more basic Javascript knowledge that would help if improved.
Search for jquery on and google visual jquery. They have some beginner tutorials.

