Reload a page once on start for IE9 users with JavaScript - javascript

I would like a page to force reload once for IE9 users to clear the cache. I've been experimenting with this function:
The question: is it possibly to target people using IE9 and only reload ONCE on load.
Thankful for any help I can get.

It would probably be best if you could devise some strategy which allows you NOT to depend on the browser version.
Having said that, here is a link that will allow you to detect IE9.

reference : stackoverflow similar question
from the link to answer taken
Two options:
1- You can use cookies. Set a cookie when logging in and check for
that during load. Then clear it after performing your initialization
so that next load the check will fail.
2- You can use the address, either as a parameter like ?justLoggedIn,
or a value in the hash after #justLoggedIn. Then check for that and
redirect to the same url minus the justLoggedIn part. The advantage of
the # version is that it doesn't actually reload the page, unlike when
using the ? version.
reference :stackoverflow similar question
I'd say use hash, like this:
window.onload = function() {
if(!window.location.hash) {
window.location = window.location + '#loaded';
i think you should take a look at this question
i dont know about pjax until now so i dont know alot about it
stackoverflow question
look at the answers


Alert box after redirect

so i know this may sound stupid, but I want to know if there is any way that i could redirect someone to a website, and then display an alert box on the web page, using either javascript or any other interface that can be weaved into HTML5. I asked some of my classmates, and they didn't know, so I just need a confirmation that this isn't possible.
I have ran a few trials i found, but on further review, they wouldn't work.
edit I have control over the site, but I wish for the box to only pop up if i redirect it.
I can give the code if it would help, but I'm doubtful it will help
sorry for wasting your time if i did. thanks.
Similar to Gerard's answer, but using query strings. A possibly more standard solution.
On the first page:
window.location = 'https://{your website here}/?showAlert=true';
Then on the 2nd page.
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const showAlert = urlParams.get('showAlert');
if(showAlert === "true") {
Note this will not work in internet explorer
You could communicate to the new site that it's a redirect by appending the route:
On the site you want to redirect from:
// if you can't use a normal link, change the url with JS
window.location = 'https://{your website here}/#redirect';
On the site you want to show the alert:
if (window.location.pathname.includes('#redirect') alert('What you want to say');
If you only have control over the first site, you could alert before redirecting, there wouldn't be much difference to the user since the alert blocks execution of other code.
You can call an alert box in a HTML document with JavaScript like this:
window.onload = function () {
alert("Hello World!");
You can also redirect somebody, if the page he's visiting is yours. Is that what you mean?
I think you can't see the URL where someone comes from with JavaScript. The only way to trigger scripts for some people is to add a hash.
window.onload = function () {
hashUrl = window.location.hash;
if (hashUrl == "#alert") {
alert("Hello World!");
Then call for example: domain.tld/path/index.html#alert
This is a vague questions with a lot of possible answers but seeing as how you're new, I'm going to speculate on what you might be asking and try to answer it.
It's not clear what you mean by "redirect".
Is this a server-side redirect like when you move/change a URL and you redirect the old URL to a new URL? Is this a Javascript meta refresh that you put in a 404 template? Is this a redirect that occurs after a user takes an action?
Regardless, you're going to have to "annotate" that user and then take action upon that annotation. The most obvious method would be based on the "referrer" HTTP header but it is also possible to do it based on the presence of a cookie.
Additionally, adding URL parameters to a redirect is trivially easy and often used for stuff like this.
The immediate things that come to my mind would be via Google Analytics (preferably implemented via Google Tag Manager because it'll make it easier).
Look into "outbound link tracking", "cross-domain tracking" and "UTM campaign tracking" (all related to Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager) and you'll probably find something that suits your needs.
URL shorteners are commonly used to mask parameters in links and there are open source libraries that allow you to host your own URL shortener (which you could integrate into your redirects) or do some other type of link tracking like is often used for affiliates.

How to use,"_blank") without changing calling application's url?

This is my js code.
var url = "", "_blank", "menubar=no,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=640,height=480", false);
It opens a new browser window with the "url" as expected.
But the issue is that, it also changes the current url in my main web application.
For example before my call if I was on this url:!/projects/56asda/view
After the call the url redirects to this:!/
How can this issue be prevented? I have not found any solution for this on the internet.
I am using angularjs 1.0 for my frontend.
Please refrain from answering that "_blank" should work etc.
Any help will be invaluable.
I have tried to duplicate your issue but I have found no issues while executing the code which would mean your issue might be related to your web server settings.
Anyways, have you tried calling it like this:
var url = "";, "_blank");
Without anything like "menubar=no" or other arguments?
If you haven't, I suggest you do and if that works, just add the arguments one by one to check which one contains the error.

Javascript Url manipulation and back navigation

I am updating the url with something like this:
window.history.pushState(null, "Page title", "/?param=" + myParamValue);
This works fine, but when the user hits the back button, the url gets updated but the page does not reload.
I have an ajax routine that updates the content but if possible I don't want to mess with re-implementing back/forward navigation, and I just want the page to reload in case of the user hitting back/forward browser buttons.
Q: Is there a way to force the page to reload the given url on browser back/forward actions from the user?
Bonus Q: also, what if the browser doesn't support window.history.pushState on older browsers? Shall I surround that code in a try/catch block?
if(typeof window.history.pushState === 'function')
//handle your url rewriting
//support for older browsers
As for your question about back-button support, the link provided in the comment provides very nice implementations for the feature
You should take a look at this jQuery plugin, it might be useful for you:
I found it reading this thread:
I hope it helps.
About the old browser question, I don't think you have to bother with that because you are using ajax, which requires a modern browser too. The main question is: who will visit your web site? If it's mainly people over 40yo, maybe you should bother...
Just my opinion ;)
Edit: Be careful with IE9, it's not handled in it. thx to nbrooks for the info

load page and execute javascript in a url

Hello wonderful stackoverflow users.
I have a question about url loading.
In many browsers and web viewers, there is the functionality to load a url to a website, but also a url to execute javascript.
Load a website:
Load a script: javascript:alert("Hello!");
My question is, is there a way to load an http request as well as a javascript.
The answer is most likely no, but I want to confirm because I can't find any resources that describe this.
I was thinking it would be something like:"Hello!");
but the problem is, of course, this is not correct.
The reason why I am doing this is to provide a url that once it is clicked, it will also execute a certain javascript function. This will be in Android.
I appreciate any response, and understand that the answer may be no.
It all depends on whether you have control of the page being linked to. If you cannot modify the source of the linked page, then the answer is quite simply, no.
But, if it is your page, you can pass arguments in the hash, and then read the hash when the page loads and execute script accordingly.
window.onload = function () {
if (location.hash.indexOf("doSomething") > -1) {
// do something
You can execute javascript when a page loads using Browser plugins, such as GreaseMonkey for Firefox, or TamperMonkey for Chrome.

javascript: will window.location make any warnings?

If I use window.location = ""; to redirect a user, will any browsers give the user a warning message (since the page is redirecting without the user's consent)?
Should I use window.location = "" or window.location.href = ""?
No you can redirect the window location on your own. The only similarly related thing you can't do automatically is click a link for the user with an event.
You might be thinking of this type of notice:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "Are you sure you want to navigate away?";
No. You will not get any warning (like you do if you close the window). And I have never seen any difference in location and location.href, but I use the last :)
AFAIK window.location and window.location.href should be pretty much eqivalent.
It's been a while since I've used it, but I don't remember ever seeing a prompt before leaving the page. Most of the time when I have been prompted it's been because I explicitly put a confirmation in, such as when clicking a link to delete something.
Setting window.location shouldn't cause any issues with redirection. However, if there is a hash, then some browsers may deal with it differently.
From the MDN spec:
Note: The example above works in situations where window.location.hash does not need to be retained. However, in Gecko-based browsers, setting window.location.pathname in this manner will erase any information in window.location.hash, whereas in WebKit (and possibly other browsers), setting the pathname will not alter the the hash. If you need to change pathname but keep the hash as is, use the replace() method instead, which should work consistently across browsers.
There shouldn't be any difference between location and location.href since whenever a property of the location object is modified, a document will be loaded using the URL as if window.location.assign() had been called with the modified URL.

